Clooney is way too old. They need somebody who can look young enough to play a twenty something Jobs convincingly. Making an actor look older is not difficult, making them look 30 years younger is.
Somebody said Tom Cruise and while at first I was skeptical, this image changed my mind:
Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life.
Runner up: Ashton Kutcher
Though he bares a resemblance and could play a young Steve Jobs and then carry the rest of the film, I'm not sure his acting chops are up to par. Every part I've seen him play, is almost identical to Kelso from That 70's Show. Could he portray Jobs' strong personality?
Clooney is way too old. They need somebody who can look young enough to play a twenty something Jobs convincingly. Making an actor look older is not difficult, making them look 30 years younger is.
Somebody said Tom Cruise and while at first I was skeptical, this image changed my mind:
Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life.
Is that a new photo or old one of Cruise? Bloody hell, what age is he now, I thought he was 50? He must be injecting stem cells directly into his face! Drinking the blood of virgins or something
Wylie for the under 40 Jobs (hippie Jobs), Christian Bale for over 40 Jobs (business icon Jobs). Plus, Bale can handle all the swearing scenes. Sorry, Clooney. I think your phone is ringing...Soderberg wants to make another Oceans movie.
I second the choice for Christian Bale to portray healthy vs thin Steve. Remember how he lost a ton of weight when he appeared in The Machinist?
Cloonie is a better actor then Wylie by far, but there are several other interesting options. How about Tom Cruise? or Ashton Kutcher? or Elliot Carver, or .... It really depends on the era the movie would focus on.
It is interesting that your link shows Jobs next to Gandhi. I have thought that Ben Kingsley (who played Gandhi) resembles the older Jobs, and Kingsley is a great actor.
I think the only thing that would truly work is a completely unknown actor. Otherwise, we won't see "Steve". We'll see Clooney or Bale or Wyle or whoever.
I think there have only been a handful of roles in all of movie history where you only see the character and not the actor. Brando in "The Godfather" was one and Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie" was another, but that was easier since he played the character in drag. Jim Carey as comedian Andy Kaufman in "Man On the Moon" was also a case where the actor completely disappeared into the role. Gary Oldman also seems like totally different people in each role that he plays.
Another approach would be to use five different actors to reflect different aspects of Steve's character much like they did in that Bob Dylan movie of a few years ago, "I'm Not There". That movie featured Marcus Carl Franklin, Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger and Ben Whishaw as different aspects of Dylan's character.
I really like George Clooney, but I simply cannot picture him playing Jobs. I'd rather see him as a candidate to direct the film.
Throughout human history, the vanity of actors has remained a dependable constant.
Assuming the film will cover something other than the days of Job's illness and death, Clooney could only end up resembling Lucille Ball's grotesque parody of "Mame" at age 63: a delusional narcissist shot through a jar of digital Vaseline.
The Hollywood star system continues to amaze and baffle as all the studies of it continue to show that paying millions for "names" decreases the quality of films while failing to increase their profits.
Clooney is an OK actor. If my only choices are Clooney and Wiley, however, I would vote for Wiley. You can tell he was a big Jobs fan. He also is a decent actor. Here he is impersonating Jobs live.
I really like the Christian Bale suggestion. Bale is very intense. Further, he really submerses himself in a role, and is a better actor then the other two combined.
Wylie for the under 40 Jobs (hippie Jobs), Christian Bale for over 40 Jobs (business icon Jobs). Plus, Bale can handle all the swearing scenes. Sorry, Clooney. I think your phone is ringing...Soderberg wants to make another Oceans movie.
Except ...
... the "over 40" Jobs is not the swearing asshole Jobs, he's the nice guy who laughs a lot. Jobs was only really an angry asshole in his twenties.
Also, Christian Bale is not a great actor.
Looking intense and swearing a lot does not an actor make, and that "I'm Batman" voice he does is hilariously funny (cause it's so incredibly bad) more than it is scary or intense.
... Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life. ...
Tom Cruise is widely recognised as one of the worst actors in Hollywood and has many more flops in his career than he has had successes. Several of his movies failed specifically by reason of his bad acting (at least according to the reviews).
I personally can't stand Christian Bale, and Cruise's flakiness is box office death. Wyle is my choice not only for his dead-ringer looks, but because he's a seasoned actor who knew Jobs and has played him before.
Cloonie is just wrong for the part but is probably good for the box office.
If they run out of ideas just get Paul Giamatti and be done with it
I like both Clooney and Wyle as decent actors, but I don't think either of them look, or sound, enough like Jobs to be convincing.
Christian Bale would be my choice. No one else would give more to the performance than Bale. His acting ability, especially his extreme dedication to his method, would not only enable him to portray Steve in his many iterations, but also compliment Steve's insistence on accepting nothing less than the very best.
get Edward Norton!
'Primal Fear' LOVED that movie. Great Actor who runs rings around Clooney and Wyle IMO...
Christian Bale would be awesome.
He might be a good choice, did you see the Machinist? WOW! He could certainly carry it off.
Somebody said Tom Cruise and while at first I was skeptical, this image changed my mind:
Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life.
Runner up: Ashton Kutcher
Though he bares a resemblance and could play a young Steve Jobs and then carry the rest of the film, I'm not sure his acting chops are up to par. Every part I've seen him play, is almost identical to Kelso from That 70's Show. Could he portray Jobs' strong personality?
Clooney is way too old. They need somebody who can look young enough to play a twenty something Jobs convincingly. Making an actor look older is not difficult, making them look 30 years younger is.
Somebody said Tom Cruise and while at first I was skeptical, this image changed my mind:
Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life.
Is that a new photo or old one of Cruise? Bloody hell, what age is he now, I thought he was 50? He must be injecting stem cells directly into his face! Drinking the blood of virgins or something
Wylie for the under 40 Jobs (hippie Jobs), Christian Bale for over 40 Jobs (business icon Jobs). Plus, Bale can handle all the swearing scenes. Sorry, Clooney. I think your phone is ringing...Soderberg wants to make another Oceans movie.
I second the choice for Christian Bale to portray healthy vs thin Steve. Remember how he lost a ton of weight when he appeared in The Machinist?
Cloonie is a better actor then Wylie by far, but there are several other interesting options. How about Tom Cruise? or Ashton Kutcher? or Elliot Carver, or .... It really depends on the era the movie would focus on.
Have a look... Steve Jobs Look alikes
It is interesting that your link shows Jobs next to Gandhi. I have thought that Ben Kingsley (who played Gandhi) resembles the older Jobs, and Kingsley is a great actor.
I second the choice for Christian Bale to portray healthy vs thin Steve. Remember how he lost a ton of weight when he appeared in The Machinist?
Of anyone mentioned here so far, Bale would be the best choice IMO. Amazing actor.
I think there have only been a handful of roles in all of movie history where you only see the character and not the actor. Brando in "The Godfather" was one and Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie" was another, but that was easier since he played the character in drag. Jim Carey as comedian Andy Kaufman in "Man On the Moon" was also a case where the actor completely disappeared into the role. Gary Oldman also seems like totally different people in each role that he plays.
Another approach would be to use five different actors to reflect different aspects of Steve's character much like they did in that Bob Dylan movie of a few years ago, "I'm Not There". That movie featured Marcus Carl Franklin, Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger and Ben Whishaw as different aspects of Dylan's character.
I really like George Clooney, but I simply cannot picture him playing Jobs. I'd rather see him as a candidate to direct the film.
Assuming the film will cover something other than the days of Job's illness and death, Clooney could only end up resembling Lucille Ball's grotesque parody of "Mame" at age 63: a delusional narcissist shot through a jar of digital Vaseline.
The Hollywood star system continues to amaze and baffle as all the studies of it continue to show that paying millions for "names" decreases the quality of films while failing to increase their profits.
Clooney is an asshole.
I really appreciate your informed and thoughtful response. You've really added much to the discussion.
Somebody said Tom Cruise and while at first I was skeptical, this image changed my mind:
Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life.
I second that, Cruise is insane enough to carry on any scene.
I really like the Christian Bale suggestion. Bale is very intense. Further, he really submerses himself in a role, and is a better actor then the other two combined.
Wylie for the under 40 Jobs (hippie Jobs), Christian Bale for over 40 Jobs (business icon Jobs). Plus, Bale can handle all the swearing scenes. Sorry, Clooney. I think your phone is ringing...Soderberg wants to make another Oceans movie.
Except ...
... the "over 40" Jobs is not the swearing asshole Jobs, he's the nice guy who laughs a lot. Jobs was only really an angry asshole in his twenties.
Also, Christian Bale is not a great actor.
Looking intense and swearing a lot does not an actor make, and that "I'm Batman" voice he does is hilariously funny (cause it's so incredibly bad) more than it is scary or intense.
Old Steve Jobs: Daniel Day-Lewis
Both-for-the-price-of-one: Christian Bale
... Tom Cruise is an excellent actor and could pull off every relevant stage of Steve Jobs' life. ...
Tom Cruise is widely recognised as one of the worst actors in Hollywood and has many more flops in his career than he has had successes. Several of his movies failed specifically by reason of his bad acting (at least according to the reviews).
Just sayin.
Cloonie is just wrong for the part but is probably good for the box office.
If they run out of ideas just get Paul Giamatti and be done with it
Christian Bale would be my choice. No one else would give more to the performance than Bale. His acting ability, especially his extreme dedication to his method, would not only enable him to portray Steve in his many iterations, but also compliment Steve's insistence on accepting nothing less than the very best.