Google promises to release 'tablet of the highest quality' in 6 months



  • Reply 41 of 150
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Overall, if you look beyond music, iTunes is NOT the dominant content delibery ecosystem. Nor is it the dominant content delivery ecosystem.

    It absolutely is for mobile devices, especially for music and apps. Obviously there is more competition on movies and television shows.
  • Reply 42 of 150
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by mickeymantle View Post

    does this mean another funeral to attend? Will the Google funeral be better than the Microsoft one?

    To paraphrase, the reports of their death are greatly exaggerated.
  • Reply 43 of 150
    Fire type devices are logically $99 items when compared to $200 Netbooks.

    Quality non Intel $300 netbooks make the $200 Fire quite bad value.
  • Reply 44 of 150
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Apparently Google is the new Microsoft. Obviously, once again they're copying Apple, but now they're taking pages right out of the M$ playbook - "ah, but we'll have one of those in 6 months too!" (Always 6mo - 1yr away.)


    Somehow I don't think people will put off buying an iPad while waiting for this "high quality tablet." And yes, this is exactly how Microsoft used to kill off the competition. Some new, innovative startup would come out with a really great software product. Microsoft would then announce its me-too product. Buyers would would sit back and wait for said me-too product. The innovative startup would suffer strangulation and Bill and Company would swoop in and buy it. Voila! The me-too product would suddenly disappear and then Bill would trot out the replacement or simply "file 13" it in Microsoft's archives.

    I'm sure whatever Google cones out with will indeed compete strongly with the iPad 2. Trouble is, as others have pointed out, the iPad 3 will be on the market by then. Repeat process as needed.
  • Reply 45 of 150
    In other words the current lineup of android tablets are crap as cited by the number that continually make the rounds through QVC
  • Reply 46 of 150
    Apple went for the jugular with initial iPad pricing and the benefit to that was seen in 2010 and 2011. Now Apple needs to keep up the pressure.
  • Reply 47 of 150
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    And every developer is going to be dying to develop for Android soon.

    Google suffers from verbal diarrhea.

    Just you wait, in 6 months, blah blah blah.

    With Android, it's always about 6 months from now, never today.

    Originally Posted by lmac View Post

    Eric Schmidt sure likes to predict great things that will happen 6 months or more from now. That must be how long it takes most of us to forget what he said. The other way to read his latest proclamation is that every Android tablet currently on the market is a piece of crap

    That's pretty much standard when you don't have anything to show for your efforts. It's called FUD.

    I really love how quickly they've gone from "no one should be talking to their phones" to "we already have that" to "we'll have it in 6 months".

    Originally Posted by Srice View Post

    So if I were an Android partner, selling an Android tablet today, I'd be pretty pissed off that Eric just undermined the sales of my current product.

    "Hi Eric, I'd like to have a one-on-one meeting with you, so I can kick you in the nuts."

    Larry Page, I used to be a huge Google fan, and still am (but much less so -- because, well, ya kinda remind me of Microsoft now). I like what you've done for Google recently -- please fire your ex-CEO. He's a nightmare. I'll like you a lot better once that foob is outta there.

    Agreed. With Google's purchase of Motorola and now their announcement of the Nexus tablet (assuming that it ever sees the light of day, of course), Google has made it clear that they are competing with their licensees. You can bet that there are a lot of people looking at WebOS and Windows Mobile right now.

    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Apparently Google is the new Microsoft. Obviously, once again they're copying Apple, but now they're taking pages right out of the M$ playbook - "ah, but we'll have one of those in 6 months too!" (Always 6mo - 1yr away.)

    They're the new Microsoft in some ways, but not even close in other ways. For example, notice that Microsoft never released their own brand of PC. They realized that their success depended on NOT competing with their customers. Google never understood this.
  • Reply 48 of 150
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by mickeymantle View Post

    does this mean another funeral to attend? Will the Google funeral be better than the Microsoft one?

    Oh no - I have been using a ZOMBIE iPHONE - if the iPhone died and was buried, how did it come back, HOW?

    I don't think another funeral will help matters - how do you stop a Zombie iPhone, HOW?
  • Reply 49 of 150
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    In seeming unrelated but possibly could be related news:

    British Telecom sues Google on multiple patent breaches

    BT, the U.K. telecoms company, has launched legal action in the U.S. against Google (GOOG-Q622.86-3.10-0.50%) for patent infringement in a number of areas crucial to the U.S. technology group?s search, maps and music services, as well as its Android phone platform.

    BT claims infringement of patents in technologies behind location-based services, navigation and guidance information, as well as access to mobile services and content.

    It's just getting started.....
  • Reply 50 of 150
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    I've been here since 2008. I'm no troll. Just telling it like it is. We can keep pretending, but from what I am seeing from 2007 to 2011, Android has pretty much steamrollered on Apple. We all know how Google did it by being underhanded and "evil", but it works. Schmidt should be ashamed of himself for backstabbing Mr. Jobs and Apple and staying on the board to glean as much info out of Apple for his Android platform.

    Yet Apple makes over half the world's handset — not just smartphone — profit. What exactly has Google steamrolled over Apple? Google is in the hole many billions developing Android. Few of their vendors (Apple actual competition) even turn a profit. Android doesn't even have the developer support despite having superior number in OS market share.

    What you're failing to realize is that Apple's goal has no barring on OS market share otherwise they would give their OS away to any and all. For this reason you cannot say Google is steamrolling Apple in a game they aren't playing the way you can't say Apple is steamrolling Google in ARM SoC design or that Acer steamrolled Apple in the netbook sales.

    Here is another way you can look at it. Ask yourself if Apple would be happy in losing iOS market share if it meant increased iPhone (handset market share), revenue, and profit. Se goes for the desktop OS which is why they have a monopoly on $1000 plus machines, take over 1/3 of 'PC' profits, and even in their darkest hour never leased their platform to Dell despite the fistful of dollars they were willing to throw at Apple I get out from MS's grip.
  • Reply 51 of 150
    It makes no damn since for Google to do this because they will be

    competing with other OEMS using the same OS. They will get thier a$$ handed to them by those cheap brand like coby.
  • Reply 52 of 150
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    If Android has "won" then why is Apple still making all the profit? Why is Apple still all anyone in the tech world talks about? Why is everything compared to Apple and its products? Why is the iPhone to top selling smartphone in the world? Why is the iPad the one to beat? Why is everything touted as an Apple "killer?" Why do devopers still prefer iOS in the face of this juggernaut called Android? Why were Android users asking Schmidt when developers would be Android first? Why, why, why?

    Slappy, old buddy, old pal, you've been predicting the demise of Apple since you joined this forum. It hasn't quite worked out that way yet has it? Why?

  • Reply 53 of 150
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    You can't "me too" in this market. You have to leap-frog the competition and innovate beyond what the competitor imagined. The other part is, you have to deliver on quality, usability, and functionality. Google has not been able to do that. The Xoom was supposed to do that and was DOA.

    They are 6 months out and holding pending the release of the iPad3 so they can find out how much catching up they need to do. They need to leap far ahead or just admit they will run #2. If I were to ever buy one, it would need to cost half what and iPad costs. If paying that much, I would want the real thing.

  • Reply 54 of 150
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    Apple went for the jugular with initial iPad pricing and the benefit to that was seen in 2010 and 2011. Now Apple needs to keep up the pressure.

    I agree. Lowering the price a bit in the next iteration will kill off these charlatans once and for all.
  • Reply 55 of 150
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    It's just getting started.....

    Probably so. Where's there's money there's lawsuits. How else to explain Apple reportedly the most sued tech company of all?
  • Reply 56 of 150
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Highest quality? I'll take the Transformer Prime any time, thank you very much. Google need not bother for now.

    Instead, Google should focus on bringing the tablet price down if they want a chance in the market. The entry level iPad is cheaper than any high-range Android tablet. Why would an unbiased user bother with Android?

    Because Google is going to sell it at $99 and make up the difference on advertising and they will open Google stores across from the Apple and MSFT stores. Right?

    By the way Google, How are those Chromebooks selling? Never seen one in the wild.
  • Reply 57 of 150
    This whole thing just made me laugh. Great way to start off my week.
  • Reply 58 of 150
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member
    Originally Posted by pridon View Post

    Because Google is going to sell it at $99 and make up the difference on advertising and they will open Google stores across from the Apple and MSFT stores. Right?

    By the way Google, How are those Chromebooks selling? Never seen one in the wild.

    Likely miserable. One recent report pegged sales so far at 30K or so as a guess. It's a good idea probably, but released before it's time on hardware that's too expensive for what Google envisions with it.
  • Reply 59 of 150
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    We can laugh all we want, but Android already owns the market. He wants to own the tablet market and will eventually get there next year. It's gotten to the point where the differences between Android and iOS is nearly gone. Google did a great job flanking Apple and Jobs with Android...they won before the end of 2011. Its just up and away in 2012.

    That's like saying Toyota beat BMW as the market owner because they simply sold more cars... Th corolla is the best selling car of all time, but I'd rather own a German luxury car. The VAST majority of android phones out there are buy one get one free and straight up FREE phones that barely resemble a "smart" phone
  • Reply 60 of 150
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    What does Google know about quality? Many of their products stay in beta for years. And other companies do the hardware... you can not make promises about that over which you have no control.
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