Briefly: Sony iOS music service, Tim Cook, Adobe CS6



  • Reply 21 of 33
    I used Adobe Photoshop 7 for a long time and then upgraded to CS. After that, I skipped a lot of the releases and went on to CS5. But for my needs, I hardly found any additional benefits in CS5. I mean I'm sure pros would have found a lot of great tools, but for Photoshop proper, I really was at a loss. For example, the available filters I think were almost the same - something I thought would be a lot more in CS5.

    Anyway, I think I can identify with people who feel CS is bloatware. I have almost completely shifted to Pixelmator now. Of course, my requirements are really low, so maybe I never was Adobe's target audience.

    Coming to Tim, well, that pic shows an upturned smile at last! It must have taken a lot of effort!
  • Reply 22 of 33
    These multiple story articles really annoy. Comments on Tim then adobe then something else and back again. How hard is it to post three separate articles? Doesn't AI want to know the metrics on what people read? Am I reading this because I'm interested in Tim Cook or Adobe? Or Sony?
  • Reply 23 of 33
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by joindup View Post

    These multiple story articles really annoy. Comments on Tim then adobe then something else and back again. How hard is it to post three separate articles? Doesn't AI want to know the metrics on what people read? Am I reading this because I'm interested in Tim Cook or Adobe? Or Sony?

    If they'd do that they would hire an editor as well.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Looking forward to Adobe's new lower pricing strategy.

    What else could this mean? That faithful customers have to pay Adobe's crazy full price to upgrade? I don't think so. No upgrade offers needed if the price is good.
  • Reply 25 of 33
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Sure, that is why he has donated 99% of his enormous fortune to release millions from poverty. More than 30 million people die each year of hunger. For them money is not just a motivator, it is a desperate need!

    None of us made these people poor so why should we bail them out no matter how much money we earn? 30 million may die but if we paid to keep them alive they would be hungry next year and the year after that and are a drain on resources. The rate of population growth is increasing, the more it increases the more people will die of poverty, war, religion, crime and disease. Survival of the fittest I'm afraid.

    Anyway, back to the thread.

    Sony service - I just had to read "subscriber-based" to realise it won't be as popular as "pay as you go" services such as iTunes and Amazon.
  • Reply 26 of 33
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    How many music services has iTunes killed in it's time? And they want to compete on the very devices where iTunes is strongest and most integrated. Well, ok, let's sit back and see what happens.
  • Reply 27 of 33
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Well, Adobe revised their policy on upgrade options. CS3&4 users were left out on special upgrade prices, but they just changed that view:

    From Adobe website:

    ... we will offer special introductory upgrade pricing on Creative Suite 6 to customers who own CS3 or CS4. This offer will be available from the time CS6 is released until December 31

    Knowing Adobe, CS6 will probably be released on December 30.
  • Reply 28 of 33
    Fear not, CS 6 is a major upgrade.

    The new version of Photoshop, for instance, will take the pictures for you, process them, post them online, sell them, collect the fees, and then invest the money in treasury bonds.

    (It still crashes, however.)
  • Reply 29 of 33
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    For those of you mocking the 'LOL at $1.6 million modest' quote, there's nothing laughable about it. This is an area where $20 million homes are common. For someone as wealthy as Cook (the wealthiest individual of one of the most successful companies on the planet) that IS modest, and is definitely below his means. No need to mock that concept. Everything is relative. Cook could probably afford 100 of these homes and more. He sounds like a grounded individual, and the point is that $ doesn't get to his head.

    Also, Cook sounds like Jobs in this respect, which is a good thing. I believe him when he says $ isn't a motivator. He's consistently been described as the hardest working person at Apple, starting his day at 5am or so. He has enough $$ to retire and live the rest of his life in utter luxury. Money is not what motivates him to get up in the morning and go to work. It doesn't motivate his work ethic. He's obviously extremely passionate and serious about Apple. For me, this is reassuring, and is a relative rarity with CEOs.

    Totally agree.
  • Reply 30 of 33
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    How many music services has iTunes killed in it's time? And they want to compete on the very devices where iTunes is strongest and most integrated. Well, ok, let's sit back and see what happens.

    True and opening it up to iOS is surely an attempt to get the numbers up as I'm sure it's the last thing they really wanted to do. I suspect the barn door has already shut on this pony.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post

    None of us made these people poor so why should we bail them out no matter how much money we earn? 30 million may die but if we paid to keep them alive they would be hungry next year and the year after that and are a drain on resources. The rate of population growth is increasing, the more it increases the more people will die of poverty, war, religion, crime and disease. Survival of the fittest I'm afraid.

    It's called compassion, my friend. Look it up. Too bad you weren't born into poverty or you might have a better understanding. There is a saying 'Don't judge another person unless you've walked a mile in their shoes.' You probably just step over the guy lying on the sidewalk dying from diabetic shock.
  • Reply 32 of 33
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by studiomusic View Post

    Of course Adobe is going to update to CS6 now... I just bought the update to 5.5

    That would be one benefit of the Creative Cloud subscription. You get updates all the time as they arrive, without paying extra. I wish they'd priced it significantly lower though. Starting at $50 per month presumably means to subscribe to one app so Photoshop will cost you $600/year to use and you still don't own it.

    It should be priced based on what an average purchaser of the standard suite would do e.g pay full price for one year and then upgrade pricing so the subscription = (for Photoshop) $699 + $199 +$199 and so on. Over a professional career of 40 years, someone might upgrade every other year so 20 upgrades. A lifetime cost for Photoshop is therefore 20 x 199 + 699 = $4679/40 = $117/year = ~$10/month.

    That's cost-effective enough for home users to pay for Photoshop and the advantage for Adobe, after migrating users onto this payment method, is no support issues for older software, they keep the revenue coming every year and nobody gets annoyed about weak updates - this is how television works and as certain types of software reach their development plateau, I think that purchase method makes more sense but it has to be sensibly priced or no one is going to bother with it.

    They are probably thinking it's better to start out highly priced to test the water but IMO, they should have started out low and put in a clause that stated pricing could change after the first year. After a year, weigh up revenue from both types of distribution and adjust prices accordingly. As Apple's App Store has shown, you really shouldn't underestimate what volume does to price.
  • Reply 33 of 33
    z3r0z3r0 Posts: 238member
    3D is adding bloat to Photoshop. If Adobe wants 3D they should just purchase Maxon Cinema 4D, it already integrates with After Effects pretty well.
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