12% of iPad owners in the enterprise no longer use their laptop



  • Reply 41 of 79
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    Then if you root it and flash a rom and brick it you will spend hours scouring the forums for a fix.....not very productive...

    Yeah, it sounds insane.

    It's like buying a brand new car that doesn't run right, but don't worry, because if you just take the time to replace some parts in the engine with different parts, it'll run just fine, maybe!

    Who wants to buy a product that doesn't work well and that you have to spend your own time fixing before you even use it? It makes no sense.
  • Reply 42 of 79
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    By the end of 2012, iPad marketshare will be less than 2% and everyone will be using real tablets like the ones put out by Samsung.

    I would be very surprised if that isn't the case.

    There's not a single reason to think that I need a sarcasm tag or to mention slapppy by this point.

    Ha! You really got me there, for a moment. Very clever use of "stealth fonts".
  • Reply 43 of 79
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Some people still don't get it. They think that a tablet should have a full desktop OS and I even see some fools asking about hooking up a mouse to a tablet sometimes.

    I would very much like a Bluetooth mouse for the iPad, for a specific application: Logmein Ignition. I use LI to remote control the desktops of dozens of computers. The remote computers all are mouse-based and using a finger to control an OS designed for mice is very awkward and slow. A mouse for the iPad in this case would be terrific.
  • Reply 44 of 79
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    At my work we have several VPs that come to meetings with their HP laptop....iPad...iPhone AND their BB. We just can't get them to cut the ties to their old devices......so instead of being light and productive they carry both sets of work devices but display their Apple gadgetry first!

    There used to be a time when having a portable computer was a sign of how important the owner was (I suspect some people still stick to this view). I agree with you that bringing (and furthermore, using) any of the devices you mention during a meeting (no matter the Brand of that device ...) is not only discourteous for the other participants, but also detrimental to the meeting efficiency, because although the people are physically present, they do not really participate, and may well be instead stay in their office ...
  • Reply 45 of 79
    I got a MacBook Pro for work. Lugged it home every night for a year. Then I got an iPad (version 1) for testing and development. Now I take the iPad home every night during the week, and leave the laptop docked at work.
  • Reply 46 of 79
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, right! And since the Surface came out first, Apple stole the idea from them.

    Yep just like Microsoft stole Word and Windows architecture interface in the 90's.
  • Reply 47 of 79
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    If Apple does iPad right and positions it to the world as the only computing device you'll need then we could see same mass effect of adoption like cellphones had over landlines. People would skip desktop and notebooks all together for iPad kind of computer.
  • Reply 48 of 79
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, right! And since the Surface came out first, Apple stole the idea from them.

    Like Prometheus, Steve Jobs stole the fire of innovation from the Gods, and because of this received the punishment of having his liver alternatively destroyed and regenerated. Unfortunately, the regeneration process only worked one time in his case. Still, since his DNA has been analyzed and preserved, this might be a temporary situation. But as usual, Steve cloning process would imply more legal problems than technical ones. This is why Apple's legal department suggest to postpone the process for the time being, until these are resolved.
  • Reply 49 of 79
    Originally Posted by umrk_lab View Post

    Still, since his ADN has been analyzed and preserved, this might be a temporary situation.

    His Apple Developer Network was analyzed? As opposed to his deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?

    PS. That was a somewhat disturbing post...
  • Reply 50 of 79
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    Most of us that have followed the forums know that your comments were dripping with sarcasm...but I guess some might not have caught it..

    At my work we have several VPs that come to meetings with their HP laptop....iPad...iPhone AND their BB. We just can't get them to cut the ties to their old devices......so instead of being light and productive they carry both sets of work devices but display their Apple gadgetry first!

    That's funny...

    Do they push around their "mobile" devices on a little cart -- or do they drag them about with one of those little luggage carriers
  • Reply 51 of 79
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    I would very much like a Bluetooth mouse for the iPad, for a specific application: Logmein Ignition. I use LI to remote control the desktops of dozens of computers. The remote computers all are mouse-based and using a finger to control an OS designed for mice is very awkward and slow. A mouse for the iPad in this case would be terrific.

    For that application, I agree, and I can of course see a mouse being useful to control a mouse desktop.

    I don't use Logmein, but I do use Splashtop on the iPad sometimes to play poker with, since there is not a single real poker app which exists for iOS. Using that app works fine for doing something simple like playing poker, but I wouldn't want to try and navigate around the Mac OSX desktop from the iPad. Doing something that is usually simple like choosing an app from a hidden OSX dock wasn't too easy I found out.
  • Reply 52 of 79
    mkralmkral Posts: 58member
    I did a little experiment last year where I used an iPad only for a week (no computer). By the end of the week, I was really good at it & now I actually prefer the ipad to the computer for many tasks. I think that the two big shortfalls onthe ipad (I use an external keybaord) are excel and the inability to view more than 1 item at a time. Pages & Keynote are good enough (in my opinion) to fill in for word/powerpoint. Numbers is just not as full-featured as excel and is a big limitation. Not being able to view multiple windows at once is the other big downfall. I see the logic with the 10" screen, but I would hope that at some point, you could plug in an external monitor & run 2 apps (one on each screen). Aside from that, the ipad really does all that I need it to do already. Pretty impressive for a device that's only a few years old.
  • Reply 53 of 79
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    By the end of 2012, iPad marketshare will be less than 2% and everyone will be using real tablets like the ones put out by Samsung.

    I would be very surprised if that isn't the case.

    There's not a single reason to think that I need a sarcasm tag or to mention slapppy by this point.

    If you think Samsung is going to eliminate Apple iPads in 10 months I want what you are smoking.
  • Reply 54 of 79
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    This has been the most entertaining thread for a long time, you guys have had me falling off my chair laughing. I just feel bad for those that didn't understand or get the fact you were all kidding around.

    Seriously though, I've been playing with OnLive ... it is scarily good, my wife thought I'd gone over to the dark side when she spied my iPad running what looks like Windows 7. What's your take on it people? Enterprise must love it surely? My only concern is it might be a trojan horse for an MS tablet ...

    I too, am impressed with OnLive... and agree that "it is scarily good".

    My problem, though, is that I don't use any of those apps (or any MS Office apps). And the menus and controls are too small for finger touch accuracy -- a stylus would be OK.

    I have dreamed of a BackToMyMac app for the iPad to provide similar function for OS X.

    Then there is this:

    FCPX on the iPad

  • Reply 55 of 79
    I have to agree largely with this article.

    My use of my MacBook Pro has generally reduced to it being a mobile command center being a tool for machine rollouts, Parallels Desktop server, and Bento server.

    From this platform I can do most of my work off my iPad with Bento, Pages, Numbers, Mail, Safari, Parallels etc while retaining the power of the desktop when I need it.

    It's the Windows apps I need to use that keep me using the MacBook Pro but I'm looking into the use of Citrix XenServer. If I can show everyone it up and running then maybe we could use that instead of how we have it at the moment which requires dedicated Windows clients (I use Parallels) and the like.

    For most business people the iPad is a perfect laptop replacement for them. It's almost a perfect laptop replacement for me.
  • Reply 56 of 79
    I have waited for 4 days so far and no online email to activate it.

    Anyway, my company is going to do the same thing with our Citrix virtual desktop solution. I don't know how many companies would approve having data stored at a third party gaming company.

    I use my phone or iPad every night for work and rarely take my laptop home.
  • Reply 57 of 79
    Originally Posted by macclone View Post

    If you think Samsung is going to eliminate Apple iPads in 10 months I want what you are smoking.

    Not smoking anything, but man can I ever see the pretty colors?
  • Reply 58 of 79
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Sure, I can agree with that. I don't mind typing out short messages on an iPad and that works pretty much hassle free and quick, but if I was going to type something very long or write a book, I would prefer to be doing it on a physical keyboard.

    They don't seem to have that concern on Star Trek TNG.
  • Reply 59 of 79
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    SolipsismX is a paid shill from Samsung...

    So SolipsismX and DED are the same person?
  • Reply 60 of 79
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by darrynlowe View Post

    IFor most business people the iPad is a perfect laptop replacement for them. It's almost a perfect laptop replacement for me.

    I still only use my iPad for consumption such as reading email and browsing the web. Even with email I dislike using the iPad to compose mail so I generally postpone replying until I'm at a real computer. For me the finger, as the input method, is just too slow and clumsy for serious computing. And you run an increased risk of being fired, divorced or ridiculed if you depend on the spelling correction feature.
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