iOS 5.1 beta 3 hints Apple is planning deep Facebook integration



  • Reply 41 of 78
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I agree with Sol...

    I believe we are starting to see a new way of exploiting web content -- without the need to actually visit a web site -- or even worse perform a web search to display a list of web sites with incumbent ads.

    Siri's does this with her ability to actually do things for you -- rather than display a list of choices from which to choose.

    Search and Display options is so 1990s Alta Vista!

    I agree the web is and will continue to decline because of Sirri like things and indeed apps in iOS of any kind except web apps (if they still exist). None of the aforementioned use the web and as you say bypass Google's money making tangle of ad crap. The internet is actually being liberated by the decline of the web IMHO.
  • Reply 42 of 78
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    I dislike Facebook. A lot of other people, however, can't seem to live without it. This is a smart move by Apple because it will make iOS more appealing over Android for those Facebook lovers. There is no way Facebook is going to allow Android to have deep Facebook integration, not while it is competing with Google Plus.

    There was a Microsoft challenge at CES, where Microsoft would pay a person a hundred dollars if the person could take a picture with any non-Windows phone and post it faster to Facebook than a Windows Phone. Microsoft won the challenge most of the time because of Windows deep Face Book integration.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    This has been around since at least 5.0.1 on iPhone

    go to a contact>edit>give them a twitter user name (if they dont already have one) and a second cell called "facebook" appears. fill out the "facebook" one and a third called "Flickr" appears, etc...

  • Reply 44 of 78
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,123member
    I wonder if integration of Facebook on the operating system level could somehow be used to bypass filters like the great firewall of China or other countries that restrict social networking sites.

    Perhaps Apple's servers can be used as an intermediary middle-man to post stuff and not have the user do it directly to FB, could be interesting.
  • Reply 45 of 78
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Social networking will become more ingrained over time, not less.

    I agree. However I'd argue that social networking has already lost its "cool" factor. These days it is more of a tool, like email is.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    Originally Posted by storneo View Post

    Horrible? Seriously? What doesn't it do that you need it to do?

    The Address Book app on iOS currently doesn't even let you search by anything other than name. it also won't let you put anything in groups or manage your contacts in any way.

    That's pretty bad no matter how you slice it.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    The Address Book app on iOS currently doesn't even let you search by anything other than name.

    It has been FIVE YEARS, Apple. FOR FRICK'S SAKE. Maybe, just maybe, I want to look someone up by their phone number. MAYBE.
  • Reply 48 of 78
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It has been FIVE YEARS, Apple. FOR FRICK'S SAKE. Maybe, just maybe, I want to look someone up by their phone number. MAYBE.

    Not to mention an easier way to merge/sync contact lists without producing multiple copies of the same person. The way it works now, it seems like those I dislike the most appears the most often.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't mind the interface, but I'd like to see them make it a bit more functional.

    So many of the iOS apps or widgets have only a subset of the functionality of the desktop version which is itself really just a placeholder. Address book is one of them.

    Very minimal functionality at best even on the desktop, and the mobile version doesn't even have half of that.

    Yes, the OSX address book really needs work. The desktop version is very UN-intuitive. I would also like to be able to group, or link contacts. Personally I can't stand the 'faux' look.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I've tried that several times after I initially joined and tried to leave but it seems near impossible to achieve. One accidental click and it comes back just as you left it ... no deletion possible. It's like a twilight zone episode! Also now I see distant mad and insane relatives I have leaving unbelievably dumb comments on Facebook pages of people I know well saying things like they just burned the toast and I know I'm responsible for the connection.. aaaggghhh.

    Could someone please write an app that goes back through all the connections and connections of connections you started and delete them all as if you never joined ... ? George Bailey in reverse?

    You think that's bad...

    I still get one of those "5 Million Free Hours of AOL" CDs every few weeks \

    I do have the complete collection though....
  • Reply 51 of 78
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by SRandazzo87 View Post

    This has been around since at least 5.0.1 on iPhone

    go to a contact>edit>give them a twitter user name (if they dont already have one) and a second cell called "facebook" appears. fill out the "facebook" one and a third called "Flickr" appears, etc...

    Why? Can you add Facebook without first adding a Twitter?
  • Reply 52 of 78
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You probably have summed it up. A relative of mine with an IQ hovering around 75 updates every 30 minutes. 'Going to make a sandwich.' 'Ate sandwich, it was good'. 'Going to wash car ... ' and I'm sure somewhere in that magnificent brain, believes someone gives a shit. It is fulfilling some deep down craving to connect that must exist at the primeval level of a lot of homo sapiens that are failing to gain the required level of endorphins secreted when engaged in other ways of connecting they are missing out on.

    Why do people always raise this point as an argument about social networking?

    This isn't a reflection on Facebook. It's a reflection on your Facebook friends! If you have a friends list full of stupid people who you don't like, then you can't complain when you don't like the posts that appear. Why not just limit your friends list to people you actually enjoy communicating with? I'm sure it would make Facebook much less of a trial for you!
  • Reply 53 of 78
    Not in the mood to poke through all the responses; has anyone pointed out yet that this has been part of Address Book cards in Lion since its launch and when you enter that field in Lion, it appears in existing 5.0 cards when the information is pushed to your iOS device?

    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post

    This isn't a reflection on Facebook. It's a reflection on your Facebook friends! If you have a friends list full of stupid people who you don't like, then you can't complain when you don't like the posts that appear. Why not just limit your friends list to people you actually enjoy communicating with? I'm sure it would make Facebook much less of a trial for you!

    Because then they can't complain about the legion of stupid, not-really-friends they keep on their social networks so that they don't feel like social pariahs?
  • Reply 54 of 78
    Rumours of a Facebook ipo in May have been ratcheting up over the last few days.

    Any chance there is a link/correlation between Apple's deep integration and Facebook's ipo?
  • Reply 55 of 78
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I do agree that Apple should allow you to remove these from the system if you aren't going to use them. They could even make it automated by not showing up if you haven't input any Twitter or FB account info in Settings.

    Hopefully (and VERY hopefully) Apple doesn't automate it the other way, by putting up alerts reminding you that your iPhone/iPad isn't linked with your Facebook account yet.
  • Reply 56 of 78
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Woodlink View Post

    I see we are still stuck with the horrible Address book interface.

    Glad to see Apple REALLY working hard to improve iOS 5.1 with meaningful crap like "deeper FaceBook integration".


    The way I understand it, and this has been the case for a long time, minimalism is a design criteria with most Apple interfaces HW and SW. I actually like the fact that the i/f is simple. I know that geeks like to make it as complicated as possible, because and I'm guessing it makes them appear more knowledgeable. Just like doctors and so on love to use long words and make their writing illegible. And of course if something is complicated it will do that. This doesn't means it is a good product however does it?

    The job of people who really understand design is to hold back the sea of people who think that by adding more bells and whistles they think that something can be improved.

    This is the one thing I have against most of MS's software. It is so loaded with menus items , drop downs buttons, multiple ribbons etc that it ends up self defeating and I end up giving up trying to find out how to do something because it is buried deep within several levels of hierarchy or dialog boxes or ribbons. Geeks love this level of obscurity. Most people don't. This is why I will never purchase an Android device or Windows PC because I do not want to waste my time trying to figure out how to do the simplest task or spend a weekend re-installing the OS or whatever it takes to provide something that comes standard with the latest relaese of iOS or MacOS. I have better things to do with my life, like actually socialize and meet people!

    I also go out of my way to educate Mum and Pops why they should get and Apple device over PC or Android and stupid untarined reps at electronics stores who are so ignorant about the differences between Macs and PC's.

    You see the real genius in design is making thinsg simple imho.

    Thats why I find the sales figures of Apple so heartening because finally the lies about Windows and their ilk are being seen for what they are. And Joe public is seeing that buying an Apple device is actually making them more productive and less costly in the long run.
  • Reply 57 of 78
    iansilviansilv Posts: 283member
    Wow- this will really help Facebook take off!

  • Reply 58 of 78
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Anyone want to bet with me when all the social networking nonsense will fade out?

    2015, maybe?

    The Internet is a fad. Same with TCP/IP.
  • Reply 59 of 78
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    The Internet is a fad. Same with TCP/IP.

    Yeah... anything beyond AppleTalk is overkill
  • Reply 60 of 78
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Originally Posted by Woodlink View Post

    I see we are still stuck with the horrible Address book interface.

    Glad to see Apple REALLY working hard to improve iOS 5.1 with meaningful crap like "deeper FaceBook integration".


    Seriously. And how embarrassing when Steve Wozniak comes out and says his iPhone is a thing of beauty but he wished it does all the things his Android phone does.
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