Any Traders in AI ?



  • Reply 21 of 27
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Also, fellowship, my request for you to tone down the sig still stands.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    [quote]Originally posted by der Kopf:

    <strong>Look, Fellow, if you buy stock in a company, you are pushing forward that company, even if you paid another person, who doesn't have nothing to with that company.

    It is, to extend the blood on hands metaphor, not only as if there is blood on your hands (as if you just buy shady furniture, or eat at a shady chain of restaurants), but you are actually holding a weapon. You are so much into getting more personal gain that you participate in a company (i.e. hold some of its stock) doing evil.

    Also, there is a another angle to trading and gaining money without work. In Biblical terms, there is a certain people (let's not name them, this not about them now) who are known as loan sharks, traders, and therefore as heathens, up to burn in hell.

    What is this obsession with getting more money? I mean, fellow, you are, at times, a bit evangelicising (?) but you go ahead and perform many actions that go against the very nature of christianity.

    What you are doing here, it is a capital sin, fellowship, called GREED.

    Or wouldn't you agree? I'd like to know how you look on this.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You have so many chips on your shoulder that it is not even funny.

    It is not sinful to trade stocks. Get real will ya?

    "Loan Sharks" The last time I looked I am not underwriting loans to anyone let alone charging a rate of debt service.

    I think what you are really saying for whatever perverse reason is that "profit" from any transaction is in your mind "wrong"

    In some cases that would be true. In my opinion not in essence however. I am not doing anything illegal. I buy something when it is cheap and I sell it when it gains some value.

    This is similar to what a retailer does or any other business.

    Profit is not evil. Only in cases of monopoly.

    You could use a class in economics with material written in the last 50 years.

    Are you from a socialist ant-corporate kind of euro minded brainwash? I mean really? Where do you get your acidic mentality? This thread does not pertain to you for what ever reason. Try moving on to another thread.

    My sig is my business and I have a little hunch that you have more of a problem with my beliefs than anything else you waste page space over.

    Get over yourself and go read about Communism and how there is "No God".

    I would agree with you about it being bad if I were obsessed with trading. As I know I am not obsessed with trading I am perfectly at peace with it.

    Let me know about the virtues of Communism will ya..



    BTW this is the last post I am going to reply to you on this issue.

    You have your view on trading and I have my view. This post was not for you but as you like to stir the pot you came in and added your acid.

    Go take your acid to another American or Texas issue you want to Demonize.

    [ 11-26-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>
  • Reply 23 of 27
    If you want to buy "clean" stocks, from companies that do not engage in things like sweatshop running, rampant polluting, etc there are several firms which specialize in helping people do just that. Pick up a copy of The Nation and look for the ads in there.

    [quote]I don't play in the stock market because the return isn't good enough for me.

    I much prefer Real Estate, much higher returns for the money invested.<hr></blockquote>

    So, Mr. Carelton Sheets, tell us, how does one get into this?
  • Reply 24 of 27
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    [quote]Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook:


    Profit is not evil. Only in cases of monopoly.

    You could use a class in economics with material written in the last 50 years.

    Are you from a socialist ant-corporate kind of euro minded brainwash? I mean really? Where do you get your acidic mentality? This thread does not pertain to you for what ever reason. Try moving on to another thread.


    Get over yourself and go read about Communism and how there is "No God".


    Let me know about the virtues of Communism will ya..



    BTW this is the last post I am going to reply to you on this issue.

    You have your view on trading and I have my view. This post was not for you but as you like to stir the pot you came in and added your acid.

    Go take your acid to another American or Texas issue you want to Demonize.

    [ 11-26-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Common, Fellowship, what is this now? I asked you a simple question. There is no need for you to throw stupid claims of myself being communist at me.

    I would not have a problem with that if they were true, but they aren't (the main reason being that I do not trust human nature enough). Moreover, I think they are mainly meant to discredit my post in a lowly manner. Much as Hollywood held its communist witch-hunt in the 1950s, todays America is still deathly afraid of the red danger. Nevermind that, Fellow, I am too down-to-earth to be a communist, so lets let these claim rest.

    This is not about stirring the pot, Fellowship. Many people in my family are active traders, and I do not care less about them for it. Moreover, this is a discussion board, and this is a subject I feel a discussion is in order. This is not about you fellowship, it is about the topic at hand.

    I feel, however, that one cannot overlook the demonstrations by anti-globalists, which take place two-three times a year, and which have been world-news more than once. These point to the fact that trading may not be all that positive as it is portrayed to be.

    It is good to think about one's actions, especially if they, at first glance, seem to conflict with another part of one's morals. I don't understand why you seem keen on violently subduing every notion of trading being unchristian.

    I resent the implication you make about it being legal and hence morally acceptable. Death penalty is legal in Texas, but you do not think that morally acceptable (if I am correct).

    [quote] My sig is my business and I have a little hunch that you have more of a problem with my beliefs than anything else you waste page space over. <hr></blockquote>

    I do not have any problem with your beliefs. After the chat we had, I cannot even believe you could say this. Nobody will stop you. I didn't read your signature, I merely asked you to tone it down, for it was more than longish, and should be, at least in my opinion, a bit poignant, short.

    The reason: it messes with the forum display. It fills the better part of my screen with an endless repetition of something I already saw the first time.

    This is mainly to do with the fact that it is a bit longish.

    Why is it that you constantly have to claim I act from negative motives, when all I want is foster some discussion (and hey, it's not my fault if our points of view are so far apart that they cease to be funny).
  • Reply 25 of 27
    Double look below. Sorry

    [ 11-27-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 27
    [quote]<strong>all I want is foster some discussion <hr></blockquote></strong>

    I have no problem with discussion. I would say that if you want to label as bad something give specific reasons as to why trading is "bad" not just that a band of people that bash in windows thinks it is bad. I do not want links to their websites as I know what these people stand for. What I want if we are discussing as you say you want is for "you" to give specific reasons on why "you" think it is a bad effect when an individual stock trader trades.

    I am completely open to your thoughts on this. Where I start to come down on you with the statements on my last post is when I feel you have been brainwashed by a mob of thugs who themselves are not educated on the issues but rather like to be on TV around the world. As a matter of fact I would be willing to bet that they know more about weed than politics. Many times all things corporate are blamed for ills in the third world. Sometimes this has merit and sometimes it has none. The way to influence business is by not supporting that business if you find what they do as being morally wrong. Getting a crowd of thugs to bash in windows is not effective communication of anything that would lead towards any hint of progress.

    That is not an insult that is a reality I see.

    If I am wrong please correct me.

    I do hope to hear your thoughts as to why it is "bad" as you said to trade.

    I do not see any harm in it.

    You mentioned the Death Penalty as being Legal but Wrong. This I agree with you 100%. I am not saying that all things legal are good.

    Your thoughts?


    [ 11-27-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>
  • Reply 27 of 27
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Well, Fellow, thanks for reconsidering.

    My real concern is not at all ignited by the anti-globalist movement (I use them merely to show that I am not the only one concerned - also, I think you should cut these people some slack, they do have the world and what's good for it as their purpose), but rather, all boils down to one thing:

    - the conflict with the christian/universal disapproval of greed. I may not be a fierce believer, nor any kind of believer at all, but I do (try to) live my life according to morals which I think worthy. I have never been able to relieve myself of the impression that trading is going for more than what is rightfully yours.

    You have to agree, fellowship, that lust for money has been the cause of many wrongs in human history.

    (this said, I still have to admit I have a savings account, totalling over 3% interest yearly, without me doing anything).

    (and I stop here, for I feel this might well be the absolute basics of the issue).
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