G5 - help!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Ok, so I'm in trouble (I think).

My current G5 2.7 locks up, has lines in the screen, and often takes 3,4,5 or more times pushing the power button, to get the screen to come up, and the computer to be workable.

Now the CPU seems to be going through the motions of stating up and all, I just don't have a monitor to see this for sure (unless I restart until the screen comes up). So is it my CPU, my Video Card, My Monitor or what?

I'm looking to get a nice refurbished unit, but want to make sure I even need to do that.

G5 2.7 (dual 2.66 Xeon) with 5 GB of RAM


30" Apple Monitor

ATi - X1900 XT card

The units I'm looking at have different cards (ATI 9650 256MB, in one of them, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Video in one and a NIVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Video card in the other - which is the best option here?

I'm not concerned with the HD's in each, as I'll just be taking mine and transferring them into the replacement unit.

So, what I'm I up against? What do you folks think is or are my issues with my current unit?



  • Reply 1 of 4
    COuld be the video card... Could be the logic board.

    In any case, if you can take it to an Apple store, they should be able to diagnose it (though not necessarily "while you wait".)

    But since your just looking at another G5 instead of a newer machine, it MIGHT be cheaper to repair what you have instead of buying a "new" G5.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Try removing the video card and listening to the computer to determine if it seems to be booting. If you can screen-share in to it from another one in the house, that it very helpful.

    You'll either have to do this yourself or find an independent repair center, the genius bar will not work on your G5 as Apple considers it obsolete and can not/will not supply parts for it.

    The video card fans are notorious for failing and causing the GPU to overheat and fail. With the bad card installed the bus locks up and computer acts erratically. Take out the card and the machine should run fine.

    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Ok, so I'm in trouble (I think).

    My current G5 2.7 locks up, has lines in the screen, and often takes 3,4,5 or more times pushing the power button, to get the screen to come up, and the computer to be workable.

    So, what I'm I up against? What do you folks think is or are my issues with my current unit?


  • Reply 3 of 4
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Ok, so I'm in trouble (I think).

    My current G5 2.7 locks up, has lines in the screen, and often takes 3,4,5 or more times pushing the power button, to get the screen to come up, and the computer to be workable.

    Now the CPU seems to be going through the motions of stating up and all, I just don't have a monitor to see this for sure (unless I restart until the screen comes up). So is it my CPU, my Video Card, My Monitor or what?

    I'm looking to get a nice refurbished unit, but want to make sure I even need to do that.

    G5 2.7 (dual 2.66 Xeon) with 5 GB of RAM


    30" Apple Monitor

    ATi - X1900 XT card

    The units I'm looking at have different cards (ATI 9650 256MB, in one of them, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro Video in one and a NIVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Video card in the other - which is the best option here?

    I'm not concerned with the HD's in each, as I'll just be taking mine and transferring them into the replacement unit.

    So, what I'm I up against? What do you folks think is or are my issues with my current unit?


    One thing you might check is whether both cores are working/connected. I had a G5 with similar symptoms, and it turned out that it was losing contact with one of the cores. Remarkably, it worked just fine if I removed the offending core, but with both in, and one intermittent, it was almost unusable.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Im hoping to get some advice about compressing video files. I have been playing with the Time Lapse feature and made a few time lapse movies that Id like to email home. The problem is that the files I have are around 100mb .AVI files.

    Can someone recommend a program that will compress this down to around 10mb? Its OK if the quality degrades some, I would expect that with such heavy compression.

    Thanks in advance.

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