Apple intern's thesis leaks secret project to port Mac OS X to ARM processors



  • Reply 41 of 48

    That explains a lot of troubling things...

    No wonder the Final Cut suite of programs have been dumbed down and degraded.

    apple wants it to run on an iPad and a Mac that has been reduced to iPad capabilities.

    Worst news I have heard in a while.

    ARM is not a CISC chip. while it will perform certain tasks better than a RISC, it is going to get seriously left in the dust with other items.

    Not a good move at all. Apple has bigger plans for the PA Semi group that it purchased. Plans that include leaving real CPU companies out of the Apple ecosystem.

    so far, Apple has been doing a great job with their products, but they have altely taken a business centric approach.

    Apple used to be about getting everything right for the consumer. Now they are more concerned with making business friends and earning them all more of our money.

    Take the iPad. Great, great product. but the business model sucks. I used to watch Hulu on my MBP for free. Now, simply because my other Mac is more portable, I have to pay for it? Old example, but just one small look at a backwards step made while a forward step was made.

    Not liking these trends at all.

    I hope the whole ARM thing fails. UNLESS the other CPU manufacturers are on the verge of a paradigm shift in which they all are going in the same direction. Just don't want to have invested so much money and learning into a platform that may shoot itself in the foot.

    and for the record, I don't believe this was referring to the MAC OS X "light" or iOS.

    there were rumors about Apple making Macs run on ARM.
  • Reply 42 of 48
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post


    ARM is not a CISC chip. while it will perform certain tasks better than a RISC, it is going to get seriously left in the dust with other items.

    I'm confused by these sentences. ARM is a RISC chip, so what do you mean by "it will perform certain tasks better than a RISC"? Did you mean to say CISC the second time?

    I don't think there is a clear move by Apple to dump x86 and move to ARM, they are probably just keeping their options open. Paying for 12 weeks of intern labor when you have $100B in cash is not a major commitment of resources, or an indication that they are abandoning the traditional laptop/desktop market or have a plan to move everything to ARM.
  • Reply 43 of 48
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post


    That explains a lot of troubling things...

    No wonder the Final Cut suite of programs have been dumbed down and degraded.

    apple wants it to run on an iPad and a Mac that has been reduced to iPad capabilities.

    Yeah... Apple has really "dumbed down" Final Cut Pro X...

    -- rewritten the entire thing to a modern code base in Cocoa...

    -- 64 bit support

    -- full CPU/GPU support

    -- support for additional modern codecs including 4K

    -- extensive/automatic metadata

    -- edit while ingesting input

    -- background rendering and transcoding

    -- makes editing fast and fun


    All that and 2 major feature upgrades in 6 months -- where FCP/FCS would get, maybe, a feature upgrade every 2 years.

    Oh, BTW, FCP X has a free 30-day trial so that anyone with an open mind can evaluate it and see for themselves.

  • Reply 44 of 48
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Oh, BTW, FCP X has a free 30-day trial so that anyone with an open mind can evaluate it and see for themselves.

    Anyone who still spouts this nonsense will never 'see for themselves'.

    Ignorance is bliss. Let them pretend to enjoy Adobe products or use Avid as it falls into disuse.
  • Reply 45 of 48
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Decoy... In the best tradition of American "skunkworks". Mac OS X has obviously been compiled for ARM, x86 and PPC for several years now.

    This was probably a decoy/test project to give the intern experience, test his chops and see how he approached the problem.

    Obviously there has been high-end teams working on porting OS X to ARM for at least five years, given as mentioned iOS is OS X in many other forms.

    It's a brilliant head-fake from Apple. Embargo the thesis, then release it, leading pundits, the press and competitors to go into their respective frenzies.

    Obviously (to me) somewhere in Cupertino there is a nice little ARM Mac running OS X Lion. This is not the kind of thing only an intern works on.

    Not a decoy, not a head fake, but very useful on a day to day basis.

    Coding against multiple architectures can expose architecture specific bugs during cross testing in ways single architecture tests have a very difficult time exposing. This was one of the engineering reasons Star Trek existed for all those years. Not that a product would ever necessarily come from it, but that doing it made the code better for an economically acceptable QA cost.

    And should a reason be put forth for OS X to go native on ARM as a production choice, a lot less prep would need to be done before a developer preview could ship.

    So mostly nothing to see here. Anyone who gave it half a thought and considered iOS knew Apple would be doing this because ever since they brought NeXT in-house, they always have.
  • Reply 46 of 48
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  • Reply 47 of 48
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    Not a decoy, not a head fake, but very useful on a day to day basis...

    But I meant the intern's project *was* a kind of decoy, because Apple would as we agree, have already have significant teams working on it.
  • Reply 48 of 48
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    But I meant the intern's project *was* a kind of decoy, because Apple would as we agree, have already have significant teams working on it.

    Still not a decoy. They let him write it up because there is nothing to see there. Anyone who has paid attention to the tech industry and or OS X over the past 10 years knows that. Not because they wanted to do any misdirection.

    Pre OS X-to-x86 commercial transformation it would have been a big deal, but now knowing that's how the Apple engineers think, plus Darwin in iOS as open knowledge, makes is a surprise only if you really try to avoid thinking about it beforehand.
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