I will not dispute that Apple change the smartphone industry back in 2007. What they did was amazing. They created a wonderful product. So did Henry Ford back when he created the Model T.
My argument is what have they done lately? Seriously what great innovations have come out? Name me one thing in iOS 5 that was great (besides destroying my battery life in my iPod). I WANT them to innovate again. I WANT them to come up with something great. I am not looking to feed the trolls here but seriously, try to understand what I am saying. I am NOT ripping into Apple nor looking to start a pissing match. I am asking a legitimate question.
For those that asked what did the Nexus do? Well lets look at the Nexus line. (Starting with the Nexus S 4g, the previous model). They introduced NFC into the market. They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
The point is, what works best for everyone is TRUE competition. All this posturing and pissing matches is good for no one. If you are in the Apple camp, or Android camp, each one benefits from the other. I would say the same in a Android forum that is ripping into Apple. Respecting the competitor rather than trying to go "thermonuclear" on them is win win in the long run. If Apple was the only phone on the market, do you really think you would have something like Siri? Do you really think their would be a front facing camera? Or a drive to make things faster and smoother? What is the incentive into dumping millions into R&D when there is no one to beat? If that was the case, we would still be driving around Model T's to the store.
I just don't understand why people in both camps cannot see that. We are humans with the inherent design of freedom of choice. I do not look down for others to chose one product over another. What I will fight for is the ability to have a choice, and not be forced into one.
You may be confusing the word 'innovation' with 'being first' (which also seems to get confused a lot with 'being the best').
Siri would be the latest 'innovation' that you are referring to with iOS5 but, obviously, only if you purchased an iPhone 4S.
Owning just an iPod, I can understand your point of view, but I have an iPhone 4S, an iPad, a MacBook Air, and, quite frankly, for the last nine months it's seemed like one big, long Christmas.
Apple wasn't the first with the introduction of any of these devices, but they did do them 'the best' at a point afterwards. The same will most probably occur with NFC, LTE, Cloud features, etc...
Do I think that Apple would still be innovating if they were the only smartphone in the market? You better believe it. Because that's what Apple does, and if you want proof, look at their history. And if you'd like further proof, watch what happens in the tablet market. Great products and 'making a dent in the universe' come first. The same cannot be said for most revenue-driven companies.
Notification system and a front facing camera are great, but let's remember it wasn't Google that changed the desktop, laptop, mp3 player, music, phone, tablet, and retail industries. And this list doesn't include the smaller things like format adoptions, etc...
The whole thermonuclear thing has got nothing to do with competition or lack thereof. Android is a stolen OS, and I fully understand their attitude toward it. I wish them the best of luck in their endeavors there.
I've been a PC user for over fifteen years. I worked in the industry for over ten of those. Take my advice when I say that nobody will ever comprehend why Apple products generate the passion that they do until you've either used or owned one long enough to truly understand it. They are far more than the sum of their parts.
P. S. Congratulations on finally getting Chrome on Android! Here's to many more future innovations!
What if Samsung stops making the A4, A5 and A6? Wont this pretty much halt all Apple sales? this is getting out of hands.
Not sure if serious.
Let me elaborate. Sure Samsung fabs the SoCs for Apple but pretty much anyone can do so, this is number one. Number two is, there is a lot of SoCs in the market. Apple can very well switch to a 3rd party vendor, even temporarily, if Samsung stops fabricating the SoCs. Last but not least Samsung will never do so.
They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
Em.... All Those tings have been on other platforms for some time now....
-Retina display iPhone was the first touchphone. But other manufacturers have had big dpi displays within 10 years... How does it matter what resolution you have if you scale 720p video on a retina display. No one can see a difference so what's the difference??? You need another argument!
-don't start about those notification systems. Windows mobile had these 10 years ago!
-android shure didn't introduce any front facing cameras!!! Where did you get that from??? Are you new to smartphones???
There is nothing original about android except the google spyware part to know what to market to you and by what price!
I knew about the lower power requirements. I was more curious if accessories that take advantage of Bluetooth 4.0 are getting attention.
On the GLONASS question, I do see that Russia reportedly plans a 25% import duty on smartphones that don't support GLONASS, tho they stop short of the requirement to actually use it I guess. Thanks for both links.
Oh hey look it's a "reasonable" troll who only wants what's best for everyone. Yeah, that iPhone that came out of nowhere and completely changed the phone industry? Just better marketing, but hey! That's cool! My hat's off to them!
And iOS, which is now ushering an enormous sea-change for computing in general via the iPad, one that is toppling incumbents and shaking the industry to the core? Sort of out of steam, unfortunately, and just copying shit, at this point. But I wish it wasn't! On account of I like technology!
I mean obviously Google would have done all this stuff anyway, at some point, Apple just sort of blundered into the next big thing a little early, is all (and don't forget the marketing!), so honestly, how can they think to hang onto it for themselves? Bad form, Apple, hope you come to your senses!
It sure is unfortunate that all this cool shit keeps landing in the labs of those greedy slackers over at Apple. It would be much better if it started with say, Google! The people that brought you ways to extract ad money out of every internet transaction! Because they're much cooler.
Missed you, adda. How are you? My response to this troll is somewhat different, but I should state I agree with your completely.
First, while I agree with Apples that Google/Samsung have "slavishly copied" the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad, this really isn't about that. This is about specific patent litigation. We'll see what the courts say, but many of these patents seem cut and dried.
Secondly, Samsung (and Google's) problem here is that it's clear to any layperson that their devices really are copies of Apple's products. No, they are not knock offs (like this). But, the similarities are stunning, right down to similar icons and icon placement, features, etc.
Last, let's address the claim of "Apple did not invent the touchscreen smartphone." Well, here's the the thing: Yeah, they kinda did. There were touchscreen phones before the iPhone, but none that even approached it as a total product. In fact, they were not even in the same category.
Abut the closest you'll get is the Samsung IP-830w. Even that is running Windows and isn't close to the iPhone. The point is that the iPhone was different. It was better. It was far more usable. And like may of Apple's products, it redefined the market segment. The iPad has done the same. It was obviously not the first tablet...but it was the first tablet really worth buying. It's now it's own market...there is the iPad and then everything else.
I'm sure Apple is having many sleepless night because of the awesomeness of that phone. What are the sales figures again? Strange, haven't seen any. With a completely redesigned iPhone 5 launching this year, on the back of 37+million supply-constrained quarterly sales without even a redesigned phone, I'm sure they're shuddering.
It's rare because Nexus wasn't meant for retail to begin with. It is a referenced handset, a test mule if you will, meant for App developers to learn and develop their apps for ICS on a vanilla Adnroid, be it features, stability or functions. So if your apps run on Nexus, it should run anywhere. Goggle doesn't have the option to give retail handsets to developers like Apple, but Nexus will be a yardstick all Android 4.0 apps will be tested on.
The first batch Samsung made are probably go direct to Google's developers and third-party clients who has signed up and has storefronts in Marketplace. Not much different from a contract developers signed before developing for iTunes Stores. Either way, Nexus is not for us retail buyers.
All the units you see on sale are leftovers from any developers who aren't interested to jump on ICS development right away. And when Samsung built all the units contracted with Google, that would be it.
If you want a proper working Android 4.0 handset, wait until May for Galaxy 3. That is what Samsung would like to sell more. Why put your back into promoting Google's line when you have your own to prop?
I will not dispute that Apple change the smartphone industry back in 2007. What they did was amazing. They created a wonderful product. So did Henry Ford back when he created the Model T.
My argument is what have they done lately? Seriously what great innovations have come out? Name me one thing in iOS 5 that was great (besides destroying my battery life in my iPod). I WANT them to innovate again. I WANT them to come up with something great. I am not looking to feed the trolls here but seriously, try to understand what I am saying. I am NOT ripping into Apple nor looking to start a pissing match. I am asking a legitimate question.
For those that asked what did the Nexus do? Well lets look at the Nexus line. (Starting with the Nexus S 4g, the previous model). They introduced NFC into the market. They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
The point is, what works best for everyone is TRUE competition. All this posturing and pissing matches is good for no one. If you are in the Apple camp, or Android camp, each one benefits from the other. I would say the same in a Android forum that is ripping into Apple. Respecting the competitor rather than trying to go "thermonuclear" on them is win win in the long run. If Apple was the only phone on the market, do you really think you would have something like Siri? Do you really think their would be a front facing camera? Or a drive to make things faster and smoother? What is the incentive into dumping millions into R&D when there is no one to beat? If that was the case, we would still be driving around Model T's to the store.
I just don't understand why people in both camps cannot see that. We are humans with the inherent design of freedom of choice. I do not look down for others to chose one product over another. What I will fight for is the ability to have a choice, and not be forced into one.
An old reply is, as I've already pointed out, to suggest Apple success is due to marketing...
Now you introduce another old reply (in your last paragraph)- Apple's lawsuits are all about getting rid of competition. I believe they are just trying to protect their "tech". If the courts don't agree then then they will throw them out, but if they didn't fight them they would be automatically ceding any rights to their own R&D - the point is, all companies do it. Apple is no more anti choice than anyone else, they just don't want others using what they "believe" is theirs.
And saying a "first year law student can get them thrown out"?? So what you're saying is the others need only turn up with first year law students to fight them? coz that'd be certainly a lot cheaper.... - a totally unrealistic comment (to put it mildly).
What do you mean by "lately" as far as innovations??
The iPad and it's successors have done to tablets what the iPhone did to the cellphone industry and who knows if they will with tv's too - but I won't bet against them....
Your comments on NFC, front facing camera etc. again show you don't get Apple's approach. Apple could have put all sorts of tricks in the iphone from the start and it would've worked crappily and not very well (like other phones) - I used to own some htc thingo before my iphone 3GS and it had a front facing camera, it had many things beside and ran windows mobile 5/6 - (so Android hardly introduced front facing cameras...) but the point is i never got any work done with it coz i spent my time "setting it up" visiting that XDA site, working on it, doing all sorts of things - but i got no actual work done with it at all - plus they never made the graphics chip available for 3rd party software to work with so my movies always stuttered (another story!)- and that's typical enuff i guess of mobile computing before the iPhone.
The whole point of the above is that Apple implements things when they believe it will work seamlessly eg. NFC - they don't put it in yet coz there are still no real standards (I believe) and other issues.
Apple have always done their own thing with little regard for anyone else so no, i don't believe your comment on competition applies too much to Apple - it might apply to the rest in competition with Apple becoz, until Apple came along (in phones), it was an absolute hotspotch with regard to "innovation".
Nobody here (well maybe a few ha) look down on other's choices. We all used whatever was available until the iPhone came along - we now use it becoz it's actually good and works. I honestly don't think you get it at all.
Lastly (while i get the reference) I don't believe that anyone is going "thermonuclear" here as you put it... People come along to troll and get the replies they deserve. And I don't think many of us could care less who's saying what about Apple on an Android site - so what?
Apple's really been getting busy on the legal front these past few days.
I fully support their offensive and it's time to step up the blitzkrieg and take no prisoners.
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
Apple recently passed Sony as Samsung's biggest customer so I doubt Samsung will do any funny business with the supplies. And the fact is Apple has been depending on Samsung cpu's ever since the birth of the iphone, and Apple is not eager to make a change either.
And you make it sound like Apple can cure cancer with it's 100 billion lol.
Just look at 50% - 80% of the "new" items in iOS 4 and iOS 5 and you'll see Google's innovations.
"Great artists steal"
Nothing innovative in those. Apple was adding features they deliberately left out in earleir version to keep it fast and smooth. Google didn't innovate them - they existed in other OSs such as WebOS and WinMob.
Multi-touch is the clearest example to me of Android and Samsung stealing from Apple. I do not believe Apple has brought any lawsuit on this yet, outside of the swipe to open including in this compliant.
My understanding is Apple has a library of patents on it, some dating back 20 years. If so, this could be the next hammer that comes down. This would be the nuclear bomb, as Android would not be able to work around it.
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
They aren't going to get their ban on the 3G patents - more likely they will be investigated for abuse of Frand as Samsung are. APple are already suing for breach of contract on that one in the US.
The iCloud one is a bit more problematic. It is very debatable that a pager patent should be applicable anyway but Apple may have help from an unexpected source on that one as MS were granted a patent for virtually the same thin and it does apply to phones and PDAs. If Apple cross-licence that, as they do most MS patents, Moto start looking silly again
Apple needs to sue Google directly and not to mention Andy Rubin personnaly for stealing their technology.
Motorola is crooked at its core for trying this crap. Fortunately it's a worthless dying company.
I hope Apple drills them new A-Holes before they die.
Apple is a newbie in the cell phone industry and doesn't have a leg to stand on against a company that invented what they use today. Nice try but Motorola is just welcoming them to their own party. Sucks when someone has been doing this for decades longer than you and actually has something of substance doesn't it?
Motorola invented a technology millions use today.
Apple took current technology, modded it, put a nice face on it, added an ecosystem around it and marketed it. They invented nothing that wasn't already possible. However, they took what was already there and made it functional. There's no other way to spin it. EVERYTHING the original iPhone did, was already something that could be done on another *existing* device. Palm and Microsoft paved their way.
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
apple continues down the path of stupidity with respect to the brand name and that is the most important thing they have. they had this mentality in the 80's (can't be beat, full of themselves, money) and they did the mac and then just kind of sat there and went down the tubes and going down the tubes didn't have anything to do with Windows per se. it had to do with price and convenience and attitude. Apple wants to control price and let you have NO OPTIONS. you can have any smartphone with a touchscreen you want as long as its an Apple. They tried this with the mac. they thought no one had the right to do a graphical interface but them. stupid.
once apple completes its image make-over and starts being referred to as the 'evil empire' by the mass media then we will see a change. too many people are ignorant of what apple is doing and the 'big lie' behind the company.
Nothing innovative in those. Apple was adding features they deliberately left out in earleir version to keep it fast and smooth. Google didn't innovate them - they existed in other OSs such as WebOS and WinMob.
Oh, ha ha ha ha..."deliberately left out in earlier version"....ha ha ha. No, the fact that the notification bar on iOS 5 operates EXACTLY like the Android notification bar isn't because they copied it, it was because it was locked up in the lab awaiting technology to catch up to fuel an animation of a drop down window. Oh, ha ha ha, that is rich! Where do you people come up with this garbage? Are you part of the Apple marketing team?!?!?!
They aren't going to get their ban on the 3G patents - more likely they will be investigated for abuse of Frand as Samsung are. APple are already suing for breach of contract on that one in the US.
The iCloud one is a bit more problematic. It is very debatable that a pager patent should be applicable anyway but Apple may have help from an unexpected source on that one as MS were granted a patent for virtually the same thin and it does apply to phones and PDAs. If Apple cross-licence that, as they do most MS patents, Moto start looking silly again
Tech is tech no matter how its used. Doesn't matter if it is in a phone, PC, pager or whatnot. If there's a patent on a specific i/o operation, there's not much disputing.
Multi-touch is the clearest example to me of Android and Samsung stealing from Apple. I do not believe Apple has brought any lawsuit on this yet, outside of the swipe to open including in this compliant.
My understanding is Apple has a library of patents on it, some dating back 20 years. If so, this could be the next hammer that comes down. This would be the nuclear bomb, as Android would not be able to work around it.
Any insight from the board is appreciated
they won't cuz they don't want them invalidated by prior art.
It should just pay Apple $50 billion dollars in damages for using Eric Schmidt to steal Apple's secrets. Larry Page should then go to Tim Cook, kneel before him, say "Sorry" and beg for forgiveness.
Google should then remove all the infringing features from Android like "data-detectors," "Swipe to unlock," and so on. Samsung and MotoMobi can then market their Android phones as "Smartphones with the best third-rate OS."
Wow some of these replies are old.
Very intellectual and thought out I might add.
I will not dispute that Apple change the smartphone industry back in 2007. What they did was amazing. They created a wonderful product. So did Henry Ford back when he created the Model T.
My argument is what have they done lately? Seriously what great innovations have come out? Name me one thing in iOS 5 that was great (besides destroying my battery life in my iPod). I WANT them to innovate again. I WANT them to come up with something great. I am not looking to feed the trolls here but seriously, try to understand what I am saying. I am NOT ripping into Apple nor looking to start a pissing match. I am asking a legitimate question.
For those that asked what did the Nexus do? Well lets look at the Nexus line. (Starting with the Nexus S 4g, the previous model). They introduced NFC into the market. They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
The point is, what works best for everyone is TRUE competition. All this posturing and pissing matches is good for no one. If you are in the Apple camp, or Android camp, each one benefits from the other. I would say the same in a Android forum that is ripping into Apple. Respecting the competitor rather than trying to go "thermonuclear" on them is win win in the long run. If Apple was the only phone on the market, do you really think you would have something like Siri? Do you really think their would be a front facing camera? Or a drive to make things faster and smoother? What is the incentive into dumping millions into R&D when there is no one to beat? If that was the case, we would still be driving around Model T's to the store.
I just don't understand why people in both camps cannot see that. We are humans with the inherent design of freedom of choice. I do not look down for others to chose one product over another. What I will fight for is the ability to have a choice, and not be forced into one.
You may be confusing the word 'innovation' with 'being first' (which also seems to get confused a lot with 'being the best').
Siri would be the latest 'innovation' that you are referring to with iOS5 but, obviously, only if you purchased an iPhone 4S.
Owning just an iPod, I can understand your point of view, but I have an iPhone 4S, an iPad, a MacBook Air, and, quite frankly, for the last nine months it's seemed like one big, long Christmas.
Apple wasn't the first with the introduction of any of these devices, but they did do them 'the best' at a point afterwards. The same will most probably occur with NFC, LTE, Cloud features, etc...
Do I think that Apple would still be innovating if they were the only smartphone in the market? You better believe it. Because that's what Apple does, and if you want proof, look at their history. And if you'd like further proof, watch what happens in the tablet market. Great products and 'making a dent in the universe' come first. The same cannot be said for most revenue-driven companies.
Notification system and a front facing camera are great, but let's remember it wasn't Google that changed the desktop, laptop, mp3 player, music, phone, tablet, and retail industries. And this list doesn't include the smaller things like format adoptions, etc...
The whole thermonuclear thing has got nothing to do with competition or lack thereof. Android is a stolen OS, and I fully understand their attitude toward it. I wish them the best of luck in their endeavors there.
I've been a PC user for over fifteen years. I worked in the industry for over ten of those. Take my advice when I say that nobody will ever comprehend why Apple products generate the passion that they do until you've either used or owned one long enough to truly understand it. They are far more than the sum of their parts.
P. S. Congratulations on finally getting Chrome on Android! Here's to many more future innovations!
What if Samsung stops making the A4, A5 and A6? Wont this pretty much halt all Apple sales? this is getting out of hands.
Not sure if serious.
Let me elaborate. Sure Samsung fabs the SoCs for Apple but pretty much anyone can do so, this is number one. Number two is, there is a lot of SoCs in the market. Apple can very well switch to a 3rd party vendor, even temporarily, if Samsung stops fabricating the SoCs. Last but not least Samsung will never do so.
They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
Em.... All Those tings have been on other platforms for some time now....
-Retina display iPhone was the first touchphone. But other manufacturers have had big dpi displays within 10 years... How does it matter what resolution you have if you scale 720p video on a retina display. No one can see a difference so what's the difference??? You need another argument!
-don't start about those notification systems. Windows mobile had these 10 years ago!
-android shure didn't introduce any front facing cameras!!! Where did you get that from??? Are you new to smartphones???
There is nothing original about android except the google spyware part to know what to market to you and by what price!
Lower power consumption as Motorola would probably agree, they've used it in the Droid Razr.
I knew about the lower power requirements. I was more curious if accessories that take advantage of Bluetooth 4.0 are getting attention.
On the GLONASS question, I do see that Russia reportedly plans a 25% import duty on smartphones that don't support GLONASS, tho they stop short of the requirement to actually use it I guess. Thanks for both links.
Oh hey look it's a "reasonable" troll who only wants what's best for everyone. Yeah, that iPhone that came out of nowhere and completely changed the phone industry? Just better marketing, but hey! That's cool! My hat's off to them!
And iOS, which is now ushering an enormous sea-change for computing in general via the iPad, one that is toppling incumbents and shaking the industry to the core? Sort of out of steam, unfortunately, and just copying shit, at this point. But I wish it wasn't! On account of I like technology!
I mean obviously Google would have done all this stuff anyway, at some point, Apple just sort of blundered into the next big thing a little early, is all (and don't forget the marketing!), so honestly, how can they think to hang onto it for themselves? Bad form, Apple, hope you come to your senses!
It sure is unfortunate that all this cool shit keeps landing in the labs of those greedy slackers over at Apple. It would be much better if it started with say, Google! The people that brought you ways to extract ad money out of every internet transaction! Because they're much cooler.
First, while I agree with Apples that Google/Samsung have "slavishly copied" the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad, this really isn't about that. This is about specific patent litigation. We'll see what the courts say, but many of these patents seem cut and dried.
Secondly, Samsung (and Google's) problem here is that it's clear to any layperson that their devices really are copies of Apple's products. No, they are not knock offs (like this). But, the similarities are stunning, right down to similar icons and icon placement, features, etc.
Last, let's address the claim of "Apple did not invent the touchscreen smartphone." Well, here's the the thing: Yeah, they kinda did. There were touchscreen phones before the iPhone, but none that even approached it as a total product. In fact, they were not even in the same category.
Here's what a "smartphone" looked like in 2001.
And in 2002 it looked like this.
More: 2004 Blackberry.
Blackberry 2006
And a collection of phones in December 2006.
Abut the closest you'll get is the Samsung IP-830w. Even that is running Windows and isn't close to the iPhone. The point is that the iPhone was different. It was better. It was far more usable. And like may of Apple's products, it redefined the market segment. The iPad has done the same. It was obviously not the first tablet...but it was the first tablet really worth buying. It's now it's own market...there is the iPad and then everything else.
I'm sure Apple is having many sleepless night because of the awesomeness of that phone. What are the sales figures again? Strange, haven't seen any. With a completely redesigned iPhone 5 launching this year, on the back of 37+million supply-constrained quarterly sales without even a redesigned phone, I'm sure they're shuddering.
It's rare because Nexus wasn't meant for retail to begin with. It is a referenced handset, a test mule if you will, meant for App developers to learn and develop their apps for ICS on a vanilla Adnroid, be it features, stability or functions. So if your apps run on Nexus, it should run anywhere. Goggle doesn't have the option to give retail handsets to developers like Apple, but Nexus will be a yardstick all Android 4.0 apps will be tested on.
The first batch Samsung made are probably go direct to Google's developers and third-party clients who has signed up and has storefronts in Marketplace. Not much different from a contract developers signed before developing for iTunes Stores. Either way, Nexus is not for us retail buyers.
All the units you see on sale are leftovers from any developers who aren't interested to jump on ICS development right away. And when Samsung built all the units contracted with Google, that would be it.
If you want a proper working Android 4.0 handset, wait until May for Galaxy 3. That is what Samsung would like to sell more. Why put your back into promoting Google's line when you have your own to prop?
Wow some of these replies are old.
Very intellectual and thought out I might add.
I will not dispute that Apple change the smartphone industry back in 2007. What they did was amazing. They created a wonderful product. So did Henry Ford back when he created the Model T.
My argument is what have they done lately? Seriously what great innovations have come out? Name me one thing in iOS 5 that was great (besides destroying my battery life in my iPod). I WANT them to innovate again. I WANT them to come up with something great. I am not looking to feed the trolls here but seriously, try to understand what I am saying. I am NOT ripping into Apple nor looking to start a pissing match. I am asking a legitimate question.
For those that asked what did the Nexus do? Well lets look at the Nexus line. (Starting with the Nexus S 4g, the previous model). They introduced NFC into the market. They introduced a true HD display. Android, introduced the notification system that has become the industry standard (now being used in iOS5). Android introduced front facing cameras (they did it before Apple did by 3 months). The list goes on and on.
Now in related to what this article is about the patents in question, they will be thrown out. All those patents where used in the industry before Apple filed for them. A first year law student can get that thrown out. All this is, is posturing for the public because Apple has been losing their cases left and right. The ones they are winning are very small and easy work a rounds.
The point is, what works best for everyone is TRUE competition. All this posturing and pissing matches is good for no one. If you are in the Apple camp, or Android camp, each one benefits from the other. I would say the same in a Android forum that is ripping into Apple. Respecting the competitor rather than trying to go "thermonuclear" on them is win win in the long run. If Apple was the only phone on the market, do you really think you would have something like Siri? Do you really think their would be a front facing camera? Or a drive to make things faster and smoother? What is the incentive into dumping millions into R&D when there is no one to beat? If that was the case, we would still be driving around Model T's to the store.
I just don't understand why people in both camps cannot see that. We are humans with the inherent design of freedom of choice. I do not look down for others to chose one product over another. What I will fight for is the ability to have a choice, and not be forced into one.
An old reply is, as I've already pointed out, to suggest Apple success is due to marketing...
Now you introduce another old reply (in your last paragraph)- Apple's lawsuits are all about getting rid of competition. I believe they are just trying to protect their "tech". If the courts don't agree then then they will throw them out, but if they didn't fight them they would be automatically ceding any rights to their own R&D - the point is, all companies do it. Apple is no more anti choice than anyone else, they just don't want others using what they "believe" is theirs.
And saying a "first year law student can get them thrown out"?? So what you're saying is the others need only turn up with first year law students to fight them? coz that'd be certainly a lot cheaper.... - a totally unrealistic comment (to put it mildly).
What do you mean by "lately" as far as innovations??
The iPad and it's successors have done to tablets what the iPhone did to the cellphone industry and who knows if they will with tv's too - but I won't bet against them....
Your comments on NFC, front facing camera etc. again show you don't get Apple's approach. Apple could have put all sorts of tricks in the iphone from the start and it would've worked crappily and not very well (like other phones) - I used to own some htc thingo before my iphone 3GS and it had a front facing camera, it had many things beside and ran windows mobile 5/6 - (so Android hardly introduced front facing cameras...) but the point is i never got any work done with it coz i spent my time "setting it up" visiting that XDA site, working on it, doing all sorts of things - but i got no actual work done with it at all - plus they never made the graphics chip available for 3rd party software to work with so my movies always stuttered (another story!)- and that's typical enuff i guess of mobile computing before the iPhone.
The whole point of the above is that Apple implements things when they believe it will work seamlessly eg. NFC - they don't put it in yet coz there are still no real standards (I believe) and other issues.
Apple have always done their own thing with little regard for anyone else so no, i don't believe your comment on competition applies too much to Apple - it might apply to the rest in competition with Apple becoz, until Apple came along (in phones), it was an absolute hotspotch with regard to "innovation".
Nobody here (well maybe a few ha) look down on other's choices. We all used whatever was available until the iPhone came along - we now use it becoz it's actually good and works. I honestly don't think you get it at all.
Lastly (while i get the reference) I don't believe that anyone is going "thermonuclear" here as you put it... People come along to troll and get the replies they deserve. And I don't think many of us could care less who's saying what about Apple on an Android site - so what?
Apple's really been getting busy on the legal front these past few days.
I fully support their offensive and it's time to step up the blitzkrieg and take no prisoners.
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
Genuine question here:
What innovations do you think Google has brought to the table recently?
Just look at 50% - 80% of the "new" items in iOS 4 and iOS 5 and you'll see Google's innovations.
"Great artists steal"
Apple recently passed Sony as Samsung's biggest customer so I doubt Samsung will do any funny business with the supplies. And the fact is Apple has been depending on Samsung cpu's ever since the birth of the iphone, and Apple is not eager to make a change either.
And you make it sound like Apple can cure cancer with it's 100 billion lol.
cure cancer. funny. hold on...wait.....wtf?
Samsung has the Bada OS and is working on another they are calling Tizen. So they have a few moves worked out I think.
That's called giving up on chess and going to play something else instead
Just look at 50% - 80% of the "new" items in iOS 4 and iOS 5 and you'll see Google's innovations.
"Great artists steal"
Nothing innovative in those. Apple was adding features they deliberately left out in earleir version to keep it fast and smooth. Google didn't innovate them - they existed in other OSs such as WebOS and WinMob.
My understanding is Apple has a library of patents on it, some dating back 20 years. If so, this could be the next hammer that comes down. This would be the nuclear bomb, as Android would not be able to work around it.
Any insight from the board is appreciated
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
They aren't going to get their ban on the 3G patents - more likely they will be investigated for abuse of Frand as Samsung are. APple are already suing for breach of contract on that one in the US.
The iCloud one is a bit more problematic. It is very debatable that a pager patent should be applicable anyway but Apple may have help from an unexpected source on that one as MS were granted a patent for virtually the same thin and it does apply to phones and PDAs. If Apple cross-licence that, as they do most MS patents, Moto start looking silly again
Apple needs to sue Google directly and not to mention Andy Rubin personnaly for stealing their technology.
Motorola is crooked at its core for trying this crap. Fortunately it's a worthless dying company.
I hope Apple drills them new A-Holes before they die.
Apple is a newbie in the cell phone industry and doesn't have a leg to stand on against a company that invented what they use today. Nice try but Motorola is just welcoming them to their own party. Sucks when someone has been doing this for decades longer than you and actually has something of substance doesn't it?
Motorola invented a technology millions use today.
Apple took current technology, modded it, put a nice face on it, added an ecosystem around it and marketed it. They invented nothing that wasn't already possible. However, they took what was already there and made it functional. There's no other way to spin it. EVERYTHING the original iPhone did, was already something that could be done on another *existing* device. Palm and Microsoft paved their way.
Until Google's acquisition of Motorola completes and Google shuts down everything from iCloud to banning all iDevices that use 3G due to patent infringements. Apple is not going to be the one that ends the patent wars.
apple continues down the path of stupidity with respect to the brand name and that is the most important thing they have. they had this mentality in the 80's (can't be beat, full of themselves, money) and they did the mac and then just kind of sat there and went down the tubes and going down the tubes didn't have anything to do with Windows per se. it had to do with price and convenience and attitude. Apple wants to control price and let you have NO OPTIONS. you can have any smartphone with a touchscreen you want as long as its an Apple. They tried this with the mac. they thought no one had the right to do a graphical interface but them. stupid.
once apple completes its image make-over and starts being referred to as the 'evil empire' by the mass media then we will see a change. too many people are ignorant of what apple is doing and the 'big lie' behind the company.
Nothing innovative in those. Apple was adding features they deliberately left out in earleir version to keep it fast and smooth. Google didn't innovate them - they existed in other OSs such as WebOS and WinMob.
Oh, ha ha ha ha..."deliberately left out in earlier version"....ha ha ha. No, the fact that the notification bar on iOS 5 operates EXACTLY like the Android notification bar isn't because they copied it, it was because it was locked up in the lab awaiting technology to catch up to fuel an animation of a drop down window. Oh, ha ha ha, that is rich! Where do you people come up with this garbage? Are you part of the Apple marketing team?!?!?!
They aren't going to get their ban on the 3G patents - more likely they will be investigated for abuse of Frand as Samsung are. APple are already suing for breach of contract on that one in the US.
The iCloud one is a bit more problematic. It is very debatable that a pager patent should be applicable anyway but Apple may have help from an unexpected source on that one as MS were granted a patent for virtually the same thin and it does apply to phones and PDAs. If Apple cross-licence that, as they do most MS patents, Moto start looking silly again
Tech is tech no matter how its used. Doesn't matter if it is in a phone, PC, pager or whatnot. If there's a patent on a specific i/o operation, there's not much disputing.
Multi-touch is the clearest example to me of Android and Samsung stealing from Apple. I do not believe Apple has brought any lawsuit on this yet, outside of the swipe to open including in this compliant.
My understanding is Apple has a library of patents on it, some dating back 20 years. If so, this could be the next hammer that comes down. This would be the nuclear bomb, as Android would not be able to work around it.
Any insight from the board is appreciated
they won't cuz they don't want them invalidated by prior art.
It should just pay Apple $50 billion dollars in damages for using Eric Schmidt to steal Apple's secrets. Larry Page should then go to Tim Cook, kneel before him, say "Sorry" and beg for forgiveness.
Google should then remove all the infringing features from Android like "data-detectors," "Swipe to unlock," and so on. Samsung and MotoMobi can then market their Android phones as "Smartphones with the best third-rate OS."
Truth in advertising !!!