Alleged 'iPad 3' photos showcase larger camera, tapered case



  • Reply 81 of 134
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    The more storage Apple gives us in our devices, the less incentive we have to pay for iCloud.

    I would not expect Apple portable devices to have lots of internal storage any more.

    That is a very good point....but then the opposite could be true as well. If we have more space then we could buy more music and movies. Then we would need more space in the cloud....
  • Reply 82 of 134
    Things just aren't as much fun these days. It used to be like a Christmas tree that had a few presents under it for a few weeks that you figured were socks, shirts and who-knows what, then on Christmas morning you would discover a huge pile of mysterious packages that were dropped off by Santa Claus.

    Now we want everything under the tree by August so that we can figure out what we are getting months in advance. There is always someone who is eager to sneak in the room at night, gingerly separate the tape from the wrapping paper, take a peek, then reseal the present.

    Remember the "one more thing" aspect of the keynotes? And how about the keynotes when suspected improvements represented only 10% of the formal product unveilings. That was a whole lot more fun than what we have today. I can't help thinking that in our rush to chuck Santa Claus in the dumpster along with the tooth fairy, Superman and Doris Day, we are becoming spoiled and greedy.
  • Reply 83 of 134
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I haven't seen the iPad camera app, but while it would look ungainly to others, I can see having the large, high density preview as a bonus. Especially if the user has poor vision.


    Give me some sort of ability to use a tripod (some sort of stand, perhaps) and the huge screen becomes one heck of an advantage for certain situations. Wandering around outside? Not so much. Shooting inside with a sense of precision? Absolutely. It won't be something most will ever want or need, but those who do will love it.
  • Reply 84 of 134
    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post


    I've seen proof that dropping the price of a high priced product significantly will triple sales. Overall that means more profit with more people using the product....

    Please share Apples price profit curves. And their manufacturing ability to do so. While it may be possible for Apple to lower the price AND increase profit; there are a whole lot of factors to make it work. Just dropping a price is only one of a dozen.
  • Reply 85 of 134
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by Evilution View Post

    No way will they go from a 1MP to an 8MP camera in 1 step, that's not Apple's style. They always give them self room to grow. If the new iPad has anything more than a 5MP camera I will consume my own bumcheeks

    I also doubt quad core too.

    I'm more certain about a 8MP or better (conventional digital cameras come with 12MP, and there is no way they'd put something inferior than the iPhone 4S version in it.)

    The only downside to the iPhone/iPad camera is that it lacks a zoom lens. But this may be a non-issue because the camera in the iPhone/iPad is not meant to replace a dedicated camera for actual photography use. The iPhone and iPad lacks a tripod mount as well. The iPad and iPhone are meant to replace having several devices that you don't use all that often with the convience of a device that can do many of the things a desktop PC can do.

    But you won't see an iPad replacing Mac/PC desktops (at least not for another 10 years) and even then, not until some substantial leap in solid state storage comes along. Existing NAND flash is too slow to capture large photos and and HD video. I actually kind of hope that the iPad has a SDXC card slot so that it could actually be more useful for photo/video, but It's not the deal breaker.

    Camera manufacturers need to catch up and offer better features than the iPad and iPhone. Can you hear me Canon? Where's your GPS+WiFi cameras? Better yet, where's the non-gimmicky stereographic cameras?
  • Reply 86 of 134
    Originally Posted by Carthusia View Post

    iPad 3 needs a killer forward-facing camera much more than it needs a better rear-facing one. A Retina display and a better forward-facing camera lens/sensor would be a real game changer. Right now, the Facetime camera is the real weak link.

    Game changer?. As for me, these phone type cameras eg iphone 4s, while good for impromptu situations(the best camera is the one you have)... It still doesn't come close to some better point and shoots. Recently did a trip to Hawaii, had my 4s and Panasonic FZ35. I took pics of the same scene with both. While the 4s was ok.... The Panasonic pics were a magnitude better and obviously a better picture. That woke me from my delusion that these miniature phone cameras can replace something with a large area sensor and lense, at least for important shoots(vacations etc).

    That said, the iPad cameras are pretty bad.
  • Reply 87 of 134
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by theguycalledtom View Post

    Great, so now we are going to have a pile of dumb reviews hailing iPad photography as "the next big thing" and "why didn't Apple do this before".

    I've never used the camera on my iPad 2.

    If this and retina are the only big upgrades, I'll be able to skip this one and use my $$ for iPhone 5 this year instead.
  • Reply 88 of 134
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    But you won't see an iPad replacing Mac/PC desktops (at least not for another 10 years)

    For 90% of users, iPads (or their imitators) will replace old fashioned computers in 5 years.

    People tend to forget how fast things change, and how much most people actually dislike the traditional 'computer experience'.

    My .02.
  • Reply 89 of 134
    it took boeing about 3 to 5 years to get their 787 dreamliner ready and able for business.

    apple seems to be quietly working to incorporate carbon fiber into its products.

    if they succeed, and their checking account gives it a thumbs up, it will take the competition years to duplicate. it will totally change the playing field. virtually every product that apple makes can and will use carbon fiber.
  • Reply 90 of 134
    Originally Posted by ezduzit View Post

    virtually every product that apple makes can and will use carbon fiber.

    Why? Less recyclable, less durable, prone to cracking, looks worse…

    Apple has LiquidMetal. They don't need polywhateverides.
  • Reply 91 of 134
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    For 90% of users, iPads (or their imitators) will replace old fashioned computers in 5 years.

    People tend to forget how fast things change, and how much most people actually dislike the traditional 'computer experience'.

    My .02.

    Remember when people said that notebooks were a waste of money and would never replace desktops because they were too limited and more costly compared to desktops? That clearly wasn't the case. Now we have a machine is more limited in many ways than a traditional PC but also more capable in many ways as the OS and UI are tailored for the HW, and it cost's less than the average PC unlike notebooks costing more than the desktops even today. In retrospect it's hard to see why the iPad is so popular and upsetting to the entire industry despite 3 decades of failed tablets before it.

    Originally Posted by ezduzit View Post

    it took boeing about 3 to 5 years to get their 787 dreamliner ready and able for business.

    apple seems to be quietly working to incorporate carbon fiber into its products.

    if they succeed, and their checking account gives it a thumbs up, it will take the competition years to duplicate. it will totally change the playing field. virtually every product that apple makes can and will use carbon fiber.

    CF has its uses but aluminium has its uses, too. Ignoring cost, recyclability, consistency of results and thermal aspects, for the number of units needed, the ease of machine a precise size on a microscopic level, complex internal structures, and the rigidity of the material at certain thinnesses I think Aluminum will stick around.
  • Reply 92 of 134
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by gvout View Post

    Has anyone heard about the possibility of storage space going up? Like a 128GB model. Seems possible with solid state memory continually getting cheaper.

    They'll probably save that for next time. We're already getting an exponentially better screen and processor. If they do too much now it creates a problem the next time you want everyone to upgrade. The better camera makes sense now because of the screen.
  • Reply 93 of 134
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    you won't see an iPad replacing Mac/PC desktops (at least not for another 10 years) and even then, not until some substantial leap in solid state storage comes along.

    iPads are already replacing Mac & PC desktops for many users. The simple truth is, not everyone is doing pro applications at home. I doubt an iPad will ever replace MY home Mac, but I'm doing high end stuff... pro audio, developing for the web, etc. But even I find myself using my Mac less than I did a year ago thanks to my iPad.

    The next leap doesn't need to be onboard storage. Linking an iPad up to an external drive via wifi will be a really big step. That, plus cloud, and you're set.

    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    Camera manufacturers need to catch up and offer better features than the iPad and iPhone. Can you hear me Canon? Where's your GPS+WiFi cameras? Better yet, where's the non-gimmicky stereographic cameras?

    Absolutely. iPhones are already killing point & shoot sales. I own an amazing DSLR ( a Sony a77 - it's an SLT, actually), but I also love shooting with my iPhone.
  • Reply 94 of 134
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That's the radio transparent plastic strip for the models with cellular connectivity. The WiFi antenna is behind the Apple symbol on the back panel.

    D'oh! Thanks. Obviously, my iPad is wifi only.
  • Reply 95 of 134
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I'm not getting your reasoning. The display will be about 3.2Mpx. Even if we adjust for aspect ratio differences between the display and camera going past 5Mpx for stills seems plenty. For video 1080p will be standard for some time. For the front facing camera 720p is the max Apple has across the Mac line a you need real time video to be smooth. I can see going better but not as good as possible but I'm not a camera guy so why am I missing?

    Loose talk on my my part. I have no idea how sensor density is reflected by screen density in any numerical way. Since this will be the first mass market QVGA screen at 9.7, I look forward to doing some experiments. But there are many subtleties and imponderables, like backlighting, image processing, lenses, etc. I'm trusting that they're going to arrive at a good camera to screen match. Or a great one.
  • Reply 96 of 134
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by 2oh1 View Post

    iPads are already replacing Mac & PC desktops for many users.

    Can you quantify the "many"? Otherwise, it's not a very meaningful statement.


    The simple truth is, not everyone is doing pro applications at home. I doubt an iPad will ever replace MY home Mac, but I'm doing high end stuff... pro audio, developing for the web, etc. But even I find myself using my Mac less than I did a year ago thanks to my iPad.

    But I don't see where it's about pro at all. Even a simple task as typing is a lot slower unless you're a hunt-and-peck typist. Adding a separate keyboard negates the form factor efficiencies of the device. What I like about a laptop is that it has a built-in screen stand.
  • Reply 97 of 134
    Like celebrity journalism, the Apple rumor mill is essentially a religious preoccupation. The rumors themselves, much like Gods and famous people, are as purposefully, stupefyingly dull as the phenomenon itself is fascinating. All cults have at their core an energetically defended "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" infinite loop, where anything that might modify the conditions on which the cycle depends is deliberately excluded from the process, denying any possibility of fulfillment in order that it may continue forever.

    The obsession with the presumed camera cutout in the hypothetical case of the alleged iPad 3 resembles nothing so much as debate over the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin or an in-depth analysis of what Gwyneth Paltrow didn't eat today. The focus of the attention is as trivial as the need to pay attention is paramount.

    Stripped of the boring and irrelevant details, all such behaviors are revealed as soldiers conscripted into a rag tag army against ontological despair. Whatever their nominal function, the true purpose of such infinite loops is merely to continue infinitely, and consequently any focus on their alleged content that might threaten that continuance must be repelled at any cost, lest the entire system collapse. But for its viciously self-defensive qualities, the human desire to worship would be the subject of a great deal more attention. Sadly, part of the syndrome is that the worshipful seldom hesitate to lie, cheat, or kill in defense of their proclivity, intuitively sensing that like some secretive sexual fetish, exposure to light would banish the narcissistic shame and therefore decrease the pleasure. Consequently, we continue to focus on what we worship and think very little about worship itself.

    Of course dead heroes are always best: that which can't change can never disappoint. Fortunately, being a secular Saint, Steve Jobs hypothetical farts will always smell sweeter than any actual rose gardens. The iPad 3? Hallelujah! Never mind the suicidal underage human robots behind the curtain.

    Likely all these seemingly trivial obsessions are essentially sexual in nature. Like sexuality, they enjoin a repetition compulsion that persists without consideration for the comfort of the individual or the health of societies. And (like sexuality) we secretly fear that being relived of our compulsion would only expose a purposeless existence, the only goal of which is more of the same. The primary purpose of the exercise is to protect the faithful from the essential pointlessness of the exercise.

    Like Wiley Coyote, we dare not look down. To see the empty air beneath our furiously running in feet is to fall.
  • Reply 98 of 134
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Looks like the iPad 3's screen is made by Samsung

    Taken from another mac site

    They even have the Samsung logos on the tape. How convenient.

    Source: 9to5mac
  • Reply 99 of 134
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    Looks like the iPad 3's screen is made by Samsung

    Samsung makes components. What's your point?
  • Reply 100 of 134
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    Like celebrity journalism, the Apple rumor mill is essentially a religious preoccupation. The rumors themselves, much like Gods and famous people, are as purposefully, stupefyingly dull as the phenomenon itself is fascinating. All cults have at their core an energetically defended "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" infinite loop, where anything that might modify the conditions on which the cycle depends is deliberately excluded from the process, denying any possibility of fulfillment in order that it may continue forever.

    The obsession with the presumed camera cutout in the hypothetical case of the alleged iPad 3 resembles nothing so much as debate over the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin or an in-depth analysis of what Gwyneth Paltrow didn't eat today. The focus of the attention is as trivial as the need to pay attention is paramount.

    Stripped of the boring and irrelevant details, all such behaviors are revealed as soldiers conscripted into a rag tag army against ontological despair. Whatever their nominal function, the true purpose of such infinite loops is merely to continue infinitely, and consequently any focus on their alleged content that might threaten that continuance must be repelled at any cost, lest the entire system collapse. But for its viciously self-defensive qualities, the human desire to worship would be the subject of a great deal more attention. Sadly, part of the syndrome is that the worshipful seldom hesitate to lie, cheat, or kill in defense of their proclivity, intuitively sensing that like some secretive sexual fetish, exposure to light would banish the narcissistic shame and therefore decrease the pleasure. Consequently, we continue to focus on what we worship and think very little about worship itself.

    Of course dead heroes are always best: that which can't change can never disappoint. Fortunately, being a secular Saint, Steve Jobs hypothetical farts will always smell sweeter than any actual rose gardens. The iPad 3? Hallelujah! Never mind the suicidal underage human robots behind the curtain.

    Likely all these seemingly trivial obsessions are essentially sexual in nature. Like sexuality, they enjoin a repetition compulsion that persists without consideration for the comfort of the individual or the health of societies. And (like sexuality) we secretly fear that being relived of our compulsion would only expose a purposeless existence, the only goal of which is more of the same. The primary purpose of the exercise is to protect the faithful from the essential pointlessness of the exercise.

    Like Wiley Coyote, we dare not look down. To see the empty air beneath our furiously running in feet is to fall.

    I see what you mean.
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