Apple settles class-action suit over iPhone 4 antenna, offers US customers $15 or Bumper



  • Reply 81 of 97
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    Can people in here just admit that the iPhone 4 has problems and be done with it?

    There are numerous scientific evidence to suggest it does have problems.

    Why cant you people just man up and admit it? Stop acting like little girls. Jeez.

    Swallow your blown up egos once in a while.

    Can you admit that all phones can be held a certain way that would attenuate the signal?
  • Reply 82 of 97
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No. Because it didn't happen. There was no overarching antenna issue.

    You CANNOT say that the existence of a new antenna design for the purpose of incorporating two more carriers is 'fixing it'.

    This statement has absolutely no proof behind it.

    iPhone 3GS had no problems. Only the 4 did.

    You honestly think a criminal would want to self-incriminate him/herself by providing "proof" that they were guilty? I dont think so.

    The best we can do is deduce from scientific third party analysis. The first party would never admit freely unless under a legal subpoena.

    All facts point in the direction that there is a high probability that 1) there is an issue and 2) that it is hardware design related.
  • Reply 83 of 97
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    iPhone 3GS had no problems. Only the 4 did.

    You honestly think a criminal would want to self-incriminate him/herself by providing "proof" that they were guilty? I dont think so.

    The best we can do is deduce from scientific third party analysis. The first party would never admit freely without a legal subpoena.

    Yet the difference between holding naturally and cupping tightly is much more extreme than the iPhone 4.

    And of course AnandTech saying that the reception was much improved over the 3GS.
    The Antenna is Improved

    From my day of testing, I've determined that the iPhone 4 performs much better than the 3GS in situations where signal is very low, at -113 dBm (1 bar). Previously, dropping this low all but guaranteed that calls would drop, fail to be placed, and data would no longer be transacted at all. I can honestly say that I've never held onto so many calls and data simultaneously on 1 bar at -113 dBm as I have with the iPhone 4, so it's readily apparent that the new baseband hardware is much more sensitive compared to what was in the 3GS. The difference is that reception is massively better on the iPhone 4 in actual use.

    With my bumper case on, I made it further into dead zones than ever before, and into marginal areas that would always drop calls without any problems at all. It's amazing really to experience the difference in sensitivity the iPhone 4 brings compared to the 3GS, and issues from holding the phone aside, reception is absolutely definitely improved. I felt like I was going places no iPhone had ever gone before. There's no doubt in my mind this iPhone gets the best cellular reception yet, even though measured signal is lower than the 3GS.
  • Reply 84 of 97
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    If you're going to quote Anandtech as an authority you may as well be thorough:

    "When we reviewed the CDMA iPhone 4, I made mention of the fact that this was the first iPhone 4 I felt comfortable using without a case. This same confidence continues with the 4S, which is in practice completely usable without a case, unlike the GSM/UMTS iPhone 4. Since launch time, Anand and myself have been using our 4Ses without cases, and the difference is dramatic."

    "We’ve mentioned already that the 4S is more of an evolution of the CDMA iPhone 4 than the GSM/UMTS iPhone 4, and where that’s most obvious is again is its cellular architecture. When we reviewed the GSM/UMTS iPhone 4, we investigated and explained why its design made it especially prone to unintended attenuation when held a certain way. Apple remedied the situation somewhat by giving away free cases, but only in the case of the CDMA iPhone 4 was the fundamental design issue remedied by adding receive diversity with a second cellular antenna at the top."

    "To re-state the evolution that Apple has taken with this design, the GSM/UMTS 4 had one transmit and receive chain, the CDMA 4 added a second receive chain for diversity, and the 4S now has two receive chains and the ability to switch between two transmit chains. The result is that the phone no longer is prone to fading on either the forward or reverse link due to being held near the feed points for one chain."
  • Reply 85 of 97
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm sure there will be plenty of blood suckers who try to get $15 out of Apple even if they had no problem with their phone at all.

    According to the latest from Apple, anyone in that class of 21 million+ that the settlement applies to that also rec'd a free bumper case from Apple previously won't be able to double-dip on this one.
  • Reply 86 of 97

    So glad you guys dredged up a year-old thread to hash out something nobody else cares about anymore.
  • Reply 87 of 97
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post


    So glad you guys dredged up a year-old thread to hash out something nobody else cares about anymore.

    Two days old, actually. I'm "so glad" that Apple didn't just laugh at them and give them nothing.
  • Reply 88 of 97
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post


    So glad you guys dredged up a year-old thread to hash out something nobody else cares about anymore.

    It is a little irritating but, let's face it, the trolls are desparate to run with this one because there's been an awful lot of good news about Apple lately.

    Shall we discuss the $100 billion in the bank? Becoming the most valuable company in the world? Their influence on the entire phone, tablet and laptop industries? Their computers outgrowing the PC industry for the past twenty-three quarters? Their retail success? Their insanely great customer service? Their future prospects?

    Hell, no! Here's a story about their previous model phone that had a minute percentage of problems just like every bloody phone. Let's try and convince all the Apple fans what a big failure they are.

    When was the last time you saw anybody post 'You know what, guys. You've got me convinced. Apple are crap, and I'm going to sell all my existing stuff and never buy another Apple product again.'


    It what the trolls on this forum are.
  • Reply 89 of 97
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    It is a little irritating but, let's face it, the trolls are desparate to run with this one because there's been an awful lot of good news about Apple lately.

    Shall we discuss the $100 billion in the bank? Becoming the most valuable company in the world? Their influence on the entire phone, tablet and laptop industries? Their computers outgrowing the PC industry for the past twenty-three quarters? Their retail success? Their insanely great customer service? Their future prospects?

    Hell, no! Here's a story about their previous model phone that had a minute percentage of problems just like every bloody phone. Let's try and convince all the Apple fans what a big failure they are.

    When was the last time you saw anybody post 'You know what, guys. You've got me convinced. Apple are crap, and I'm going to sell all my existing stuff and never buy another Apple product again.'


    It what the trolls on this forum are.

    So anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Apple in anyway is automatically a troll?

    Funny, the only "troll" i see in this thread is Tallest Skil, who continues to make the claim that there is no antenna issue while refusing to address any of the evidence stating otherwise.
  • Reply 90 of 97
    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    Funny, the only "troll" i see in this thread is Tallest Skil, who continues to make the claim that there is no antenna issue while refusing to address any of the evidence stating otherwise.

    Get some actual evidence and then I'll address it.
  • Reply 91 of 97
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    So anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Apple in anyway is automatically a troll?

    I've taken that ridiculous statement and corrected it for you in order to reflect reality:

    'Anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Apple in anyway all of the time is automatically a troll?'

    You betcha.


    Funny, the only "troll" i see in this thread is Tallest Skil, who continues to make the claim that there is no antenna issue while refusing to address any of the evidence stating otherwise.

    If that was the case, then I'm sure the moderators of this site would have addressed the issue.
  • Reply 92 of 97
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Get some actual evidence and then I'll address it.

    And you don't consider the fact that the iphone 4 experiences the largest signal drop of pretty much any other smartphone out there as evidence because...?


    I've taken that ridiculous statement and corrected it for you in order to reflect reality:

    'Anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Apple in anyway all of the time is automatically a troll?'

    You betcha.

    Regardless of whether the reasons for that criticism or displeasure is valid or not?

    So is anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Google in anyway all of the time automatically a troll?

    Is anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Microsoft in anyway all of the time automatically a troll?

    Is anyone who praises Apple all of the time automatically a troll?

    No, its only people of a particular viewpoint. Yet, the person you were addressing that statement to has been relatively civil and respectful, and presented his argument in a well structured and manner post with what he considers supporting evidence in this thread.
  • Reply 93 of 97
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    I've corrected your posts for you.


    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    So is anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Google in anyway all of the time automatically a troll?

    When posting on a Google forum - you betcha!


    Is anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Microsoft in anyway all of the time automatically a troll?

    When posting on a Microsoft forum - you betcha!


    Is anyone who praises Apple all of the time automatically a troll?

    When posting anywhere other than an Apple forum - very possibly, but only if that falls within the definition of being a troll.


    Its only people of a particular viewpoint. Yet, the person you were addressing that statement to has been relatively civil and respectful, and presented his argument in a well structured and manner post with what he considers supporting evidence in this thread.

    It has nothing to do with anybody's viewpoint.

    You may wish to research the meaning of the word 'troll' and check the posting histories of the parties I was referring to. If you feel anybody's been accused unjustly, please feel free to get back to me.

    However, please note that I may not be interested when you do.
  • Reply 94 of 97
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    I've corrected your posts for you.


    When posting on a Google forum - you betcha!

    When posting on a Microsoft forum - you betcha!

    When posting anywhere other than an Apple forum - very possibly, but only if that falls within the definition of being a troll.

    So anyone who has an opposing viewpoint to the forum, regardless of whether they can provide valid explanations and evidence to support said viewpoint should be labelled a troll? What is the point of discussion when you are completely intolerant of opposing viewpoints? Should people post nothing but "Yes!; I agree!; Apple is clearly in the right!"?


    It has nothing to do with anybody's viewpoint.

    Yet, your very definition of a troll is dependent on that person's viewpoint. As you've stated yourself:


    When posting on a Google forum - you betcha!

    When posting on a Microsoft forum - you betcha!

    When posting anywhere other than an Apple forum - very possibly, but only if that falls within the definition of being a troll.

    So a person can post some criticism of Google on an Apple forum and not be considered a troll; yet if he posts that same exact criticism on a Google forum, he is classified as a troll. Apparently what's important to you is whether or not that person's viewpoint align with the forum.


    You may wish to research the meaning of the word 'troll' and check the posting histories of the parties I was referring to. If you feel anybody's been accused unjustly, please feel free to get back to me.

    However, please note that I may not be interested when you do.

    From Wikipedia:


    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

    So what about the posts here have been "inflammatory, extraneous, or off topic"?
  • Reply 95 of 97
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Shouldn't have given them a dime.

    Thank you sir, may I have another!

    Thank you sir, may I have another!

    Thank you sir, may I have another!

    Yes I am being an ass. But that was a funny quote from a funny movie you have to admit, and at least a bit relevant. (If the antennagate issue was real. I don't know as I don't have an iPhone and I'm not an RF engineer)
  • Reply 96 of 97
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    So anyone who has an opposing viewpoint to the forum, regardless of whether they can provide valid explanations and evidence to support said viewpoint should be labelled a troll? What is the point of discussion when you are completely intolerant of opposing viewpoints? Should people post nothing but "Yes!; I agree!; Apple is clearly in the right!"?

    Yet, your very definition of a troll is dependent on that person's viewpoint. As you've stated yourself:

    So a person can post some criticism of Google on an Apple forum and not be considered a troll; yet if he posts that same exact criticism on a Google forum, he is classified as a troll. Apparently what's important to you is whether or not that person's viewpoint align with the forum.

    From Wikipedia:

    So what about the posts here have been "inflammatory, extraneous, or off topic"?

    That is so not what I said.

    I refuse to converse with you further until you get an interpreter.
  • Reply 97 of 97
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    That is so not what I said.

    I refuse to converse with you further until you get an interpreter.

    What is your definition of a troll then? Because everything you have posted thus far indicates that you equate being "anti-apple" with being a troll:


    But, considering your history of generally anti-Apple posts, and your willingness to put your 'opinion' out there so frequently, I see no harm in making the point multiple times.

    What's the matter?

    Trolling getting a bit frustrating for you?


    It is a little irritating but, let's face it, the trolls are desparate to run with this one because there's been an awful lot of good news about Apple lately.


    'Anyone who criticizes or is displeased with Apple in anyway all of the time is automatically a troll?'

    You betcha.

    So, if that is not a fair assessment of how you define a troll here, then tell me what is.
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