Apple's 'iPad 3' rumored to have Siri, dual-core A5X chip, 1080p camera



  • Reply 41 of 111
    Hmmm. One should note that the glass screen on the iPad 2 sticks out above the bezel by... ready for this? About 1mm.

    So, if one were to simply mount the screen flush to the case, you could end up with an iPad 3 that would be exactly the same thickness as the existing iPad 2.

    Just a thought.
  • Reply 42 of 111
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Simply curious. . .

    Are iPads commonly used as cameras? Seems like it would be awkward to use a tablet that way.

    The media does.

    The local/national news show on the regional cable carrier, they were using pictures taken on the iPad, with the video output sent to the broadcast input so that whatever they were looking at on the iPad was visible to everyone watching.

    The iPhone/iPad as far as I know lack a useful flash for indoor pictures (A LED flash is only good for about 5 feet, and is nowhere near as bright as a conventional flash.) Likewise there is no zoom lens, mountable lenses or tripod mounts, which means that it's certainly not a replacement for prosumer cameras and camcorders. It never will. However out of the box the iPhone 4S replaces:

    - A 350$ point and shoot 8MP camera (minus zoom lens and high powered flash)or Camcorder (minus zoom)

    - A separate 150$ 3G HSDPA WiFi/MiFi type device (worth 20$, but it's the price markup between the iPad and iPad with 3G)

    - A separate 100$ Cell phone

    - A 150$ GPS

    - A 200$ iPod touch

    And if you want to break down what the iPod touch breaks down to...

    -- 10$ for 8GB of storage (yes you can by 8GB SD cards for 10$, not saying that's comparable)

    -- A solid state audio recorder

    -- A mp3/mp4/aac music player

    -- A video player

    -- A web browser

    -- A Personal Data Organizer (contacts, calendar, notepad, etc)

    Plus the ability to run applications on it.

    And I listed the above because at some point I packed all that stuff around more or less, plus a laptop. The iPhone can not replace a camcorder, and neither will the iPad mainly because of the storage capacity. Just dumping the separate cameras alone saves 1800$ in potential losses or breakage. It can however replace most sub-300$ point and shoot cameras because the average person doesn't do anything interesting with their pictures. You still can not buy a decent camera that has both WiFi and GPS on it, while the iPhone has this, and I expect it of the iPad.

    So I reasonably expect to hear Sony, Canon, Nikon, etc to complain about selling less point-and-shoot cameras and blame it on Apple. It will also be their own fault for not offering ways of using their cameras with the iPhone and iPad.
  • Reply 43 of 111
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Simply curious. . .

    Are iPads commonly used as cameras? Seems like it would be awkward to use a tablet that way.

    The stories I hear from my wife about guests and their iPads at SeaWorld... I wouldn't have believed they are used that much either until I saw someone taking a picture of the whales with one the other day.

    Anyway, I've been leaning towards buying an iPad more and more lately. I think I need to put one of my laptops up on eBay so I can afford one at launch!

    And then my wife will steal it to use SketchBook Pro constantly
  • Reply 44 of 111
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    There is a reason for each and everyone of those movements on a large format camera. IPad can't realistically replace a large format camera.

    What would be be great is for a quality digital camera that could use the iPad 3's HiDPI display as the view finder instead of the one built in.
  • Reply 45 of 111
    Anandtech got to test a reference design of the new Qualcomm chip based on A15 architecture. The performance doubles that of current A9 designs in some tests, so it would not be surprising if Apple skips the quad core A9 and goes straight to the dual core A15 (or even quad core). It probably won't be in this iPad, but the next one will be a screamer.
  • Reply 46 of 111
    I think I'll pass on this one.

    The more I hear, the more I'm yawning.
  • Reply 47 of 111
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    How many rumored improvement will have to be missing for folks to decide that the new iPad is not worth buying?

    IPad 3 needs the following to be acceptable or compelling from the upgrade point of view:
    1. A significantly faster processor!

    2. Retina display!

    3. Significantly more RAM! This is mandatory for a machine supporting a high resolution display.

    4. And of course a faster GPU!

    Note that items 1 & 4 would likely happen simply due to a process shrink though in both cases I'd like to see the cores improved. Like wise 2 & 3 go together, but iPad needs more of a RAM increase than is simply required by retina. Tight memory impacts the current iPads more than anything else.

    More flash storage would be nice if it ended up in the mix. The need here though is highly variable. The items above though are almost universally needed.


    If it were to have only a faster processor, and nothing else, IMO, it would sell like hotcakes.

    It already is selling like hot cakes. The difference is how strongly will it draw upgraders? Frankly a faster processor alone won't do much to improve the unit over current machines.


    It doesn't really benefit Apple, therefore, to slather it with expensive goodies, when a relatively inexpensive product will sell in record numbers.

    iPad 2S. Somewhat better, same price.

    Somewhat better on Apples part would be a cop out. The iPad 3 with retina, an enhanced processor including more RAM would not be a cop out though.
  • Reply 48 of 111
    Originally Posted by BoxMacCary View Post

    I think I'll pass on this one.

    The more I hear, the more I'm yawning.

    The most impressive tablet ever to enter the market and it bores you?
  • Reply 49 of 111
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    The most impressive tablet ever to enter the market and it bores you?

    He's entitled to his opinion but it's a wonder how a consumer device that has already broken so many molds and records and is set to break even more with 2048x1536 resolution on a display under 10" that needs to get more than 10 hours of usage is boring from a technological standpoint.
  • Reply 50 of 111
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    H264, 1080p, 29.97 FPS, 1920x1080, 12 minutes = 8.67 GB

  • Reply 51 of 111
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Slurpy is not Slapppy. I feel bad for Slurpy.

    And the irony is that I think I was the one that got him banned. Considering the massive different in the style of posting, I can understand the mistaking the name, but not the post itself.
  • Reply 52 of 111
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    The most impressive tablet ever to enter the market and it bores you?

    Really? What's it got that impressed you?

    Kidding TS. It's got an Apple name on it which automatically makes it the most impressive tablet ever to hit the market....

    and it won't be boring.
  • Reply 53 of 111
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    H264, 1080p, 29.97 FPS, 1920x1080, 12 minutes = 8.67 GB

    Ha! Yeah, right.

    Not that I don't want H.265 to get freaking finalized already, it's just laughable that anyone would think 12 minutes of 1080p is over eight and a half gigs.
  • Reply 54 of 111
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I see that camera as a waste of money! Honestly there are only a few people using it and in most cases the usage is odd. Worst is the idea that it costs Apple nothing to install the camera. I'd rather see the cost of the camera applied to something worthwhile.

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    As video cameras, not really. mainly it is used with FaceTime.

    This is one of those times when Apple knows that folks will gripe about the specs and since they are putting it in the iPhone why the heck aren't they doing the same with the iPad. So it is something of a stunt to keep the spec crazed naysayers happy

    Yeah but is it really worthwhile to keep the monkeys supplied with bananas? Feed them once and they will keep coming back for another and another. Better to go cold turkey and make these users fend for themselves.
  • Reply 55 of 111
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    A little disappointed in the dual core processer, when Android tabs are starting to ship with Tegra 3 quad core processors.

    Doing more with less is a hallmark of good engineering. Especially in software. Apple has worked very hard to optimize iOS, and will continue to work very hard at it. The end result is high performance and responsiveness in iOS and the devices it runs on, even with limited RAM and CPU power.

    Google wouldn't know good engineering if it crawled out of their pants. They're been bred to push out incomplete and unstable public betas, then release successive bug-fixes just to bring it up to 1.0 quality. It comes from their server-side web-based origins. It's baked into their culture, part of their DNA. And it means that they will never be able to fully optimize Android.

    On one hand, they can't optimize Android for any one hardware implementation because they wouldn't want to favor any one manufacturer's device. (Of course, it's not too late for Google to favor Motorola Mobility's devices.) On the other hand, Samsung is the clear leader among Android hardware partners, so it's likely that they will "do an Amazon" and fork Android. Then they'll be able to optimize their closed, proprietary fork of Android for their own hardware.

    Ironic, isn't it? That a hardware company like Samsung is destined to do a better job of optimizing Android than a software company like Google. If Samsung works very hard, they too could achieve high performance with dual-core processors. Yet another way in which Samsung could follow Apple's lead.
  • Reply 56 of 111
    Two things:

    1. I use the ipad camera to snap photos while i take notes during a presentation. I like to get at least one picture of the speaker.

    2. Using the ipad screen as a viewfinder is really impressive. Imagine the new high-resolution screen and a much better camera. I'll find uses for it.
  • Reply 57 of 111
    Originally Posted by jglonek View Post

    The stories I hear from my wife about guests and their iPads at SeaWorld... I wouldn't have believed they are used that much either until I saw someone taking a picture of the whales with one the other day. ...

    I have found that taking pictures with the iPad is actually easier and better than the iPhone.

    The reason is the on-screen software button, which one's hands often go through convulsions to access on the iPhone, whereas on the iPad it's easy to reach and right under your finger (when holding the iPad in landscape mode). It's arguably nicer to have the gigantic viewfinder also. In fact digital cameras used to be sold partially on the size of the screen on the back so it makes little sense that we now decry the iPad for the same reason we praised the previous cameras.

    I don't have any evidence, but I kind of think that the only reason people *wouldn't* like the iPad as a camera is the fear of ridicule while using it.
  • Reply 58 of 111
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    can't wait.
  • Reply 59 of 111
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    H264, 1080p, 29.97 FPS, 1920x1080, 12 minutes = 8.67 GB


    I think that is using the wrong profile. Accoring to AnandTech's testing of the 4S it's 180MB/s so just over 2GB for 12 minutes.
  • Reply 60 of 111
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I think that is using the wrong profile. Accoring to AnandTech's testing of the 4S it's 180MB/s so just over 2GB for 12 minutes.

    LOL at your sig...well, I'm honoured to have made it into any sig, no matter the reason.
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