iOS, Android increase smartphone market share while all others lose ground



  • Reply 21 of 27
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    If it is seen as a "two horse race", then Apple can be seen to be losing.

    But it's not a two horse race. It's one horse versus the aggregate of all other horses in the race that have the same sponsor, except in this case we're adding up all the distances of all those other horses and then comparing to the single horse that has its own sponsor. Not exactly a fair way to measure a race.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post

    so nice to watch Microsoft continue to lose market share. How much shareholder value are they throwing away on their failed phone platform? How long can it last?

    Originally Posted by ddawson100 View Post

    Please don't count them out yet.

    Years late to the party and Windows 8 is just going to swoop in and take it all away from Apple and Google? Like the Zune conquered the mp3 player market? Like Windows Mobile 7 is chipping away at iOS and Android?

    But I shouldn't crow. After all, for years I wandered in the wilderness with my Mac bretheren agast at the fact that the majority of the world couldn't see the superiority of my chosen platform. What goes around comes around.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    If it is seen as a "two horse race", then Apple can be seen to be losing.

    Losing in what way, pray tell?

    Sales? nope

    Profit? nope

    Value? nope

    Developers? nope

    Public Image? nope

    Android "first" app development? nope

    iOS vs Android in total device market share (phones and tablets and other)? nope again.

    Oh, oh, that's right. Smartphone market share. That's all that really counts, I guess, when you're losing in every other metric. Well yes, then Apple can be seen as "losing." You got us there by golly.
  • Reply 24 of 27
    macpdmacpd Posts: 5member
    "Research firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech said Apple's share of the U.S. market doubled from a year ago to 44.9 percent in the October to December period, just beating Google's Android smartphones, which slipped to 44.8 percent from 50 percent."

    From the Reuters report:

    Additionally we know from Apple's quarterly reports that iPhone units and dollars have more than doubled from a year ago. Matching Kanter, while ComScore is claiming that iPhone sales are up ~3%. (Apple gaining 1.4% market share in a US smartphone market up 13% on quarter.)

    Math no worky for ComScore.

    Who owns ComScore and who paid for this report.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    technarchytechnarchy Posts: 296member
    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post

    so nice to watch Microsoft continue to lose market share. How much shareholder value are they throwing away on their failed phone platform? How long can it last?

    Don't start counting those chickens yet.

    Windows 8 will be inescapable in a few months, the Metro UI will become ubiquitous overnight. People will naturally gravitate to something familiar, just as Mac users gravitate to the iPad and iPhone.

    And now that Microsoft now has their own de facto hardware unit in Nokia, they can steer clear of the nightmare that android experiences with HTC, Samsung and everyone else.
  • Reply 26 of 27
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    IMO, the important numbers are the following:

    Apple had sold 250 million iOS devices late last year

    Android had been shipped on 200 million devices around the same time

    Blackberry had 70 million subscribers around the same time

    Windows Phone shipped on 10 million devices around the same time

    That gives ownership shares (including tablets) of:

    Apple: 47%

    Google: 38%

    RIM: 13%

    Microsoft: 2%

    Excluding tablets and iPods will shift the numbers to place Apple and Google almost even but both still far in the lead of the dying brands.

    The stats in the article show the growth rates of each and because Android is growing faster, it will overtake Apple in overall volume, likely sometime this year but we have to keep in mind how impressive it is that Apple still has so much share.

    It would be like Apple having an equal desktop share with Microsoft. This would mean Apple shipping more computers than HP and Dell. With the iPad counted, this is the case of course.

    So far Apple alone has sold the same number of units as every other Android device manufacturer at a higher price point and there are quite a few of those manufacturers.
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