Apple will close and delete user documents on July 31, 2012



  • Reply 21 of 40
    rasimorasimo Posts: 61member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    Ah. Then I inferred the wrong implication (or something).

    Haha, no problem
  • Reply 22 of 40
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, not really.

    No, that doesn't look to be the case.

    No, iCloud is working incredibly well.

    No, you're just a FUDmonger.

    Well, I'm no FUDmonger, and iWork wasn't smooth for me, iCloud is fair but NOT "working incredibly well" (several account voodoos) and I would have been happy to use my iDisk more often over the years except that uploads were literally four times the time of just putting on another free cloud service account, and I was told point blank by more than one client to stop putting our files there. I've happily replaced all such Apple services I tried with better working ones and am glad to have the bamboo shoots out of my fingernails.

    I'm an lifelong Apple apologist (and active .Mac/.Tools/mobileme user from its inception until I gave up) but no rose colored glasses here.
  • Reply 23 of 40
    blowabsblowabs Posts: 70member
    I can't find and edit my pages docs on my mba...only on my iPad & iPhone...what gives??? thx
  • Reply 24 of 40
    djames4242djames4242 Posts: 654member
    Originally Posted by blowabs View Post

    I can't find and edit my pages docs on my mba...only on my iPad & iPhone...what gives??? thx

    You mean the ones being stored in the cloud? Yeah, you won't be able to see those on your OSX machine until after Mountain Lion and updates to iWork are released.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I'm not a big fan of iWork. Once widely available, iClouds approach will be better effort me.
  • Reply 26 of 40
    kurtmackurtmac Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, not really.

    No, that doesn't look to be the case.

    No, iCloud is working incredibly well.

    No, you're just a FUDmonger.

    -Oh thank goodness, I thought we would miss out on the opportunity to hear from one of the mindless sheep who think Apple is beyond mistakes and criticism (An Apple Nazi if you prefer). I'm sure you can back up your claim that iCloud is working incredibly well, but in case you can't, please stick to the blogsphere with your lack of objectivity and propaganda will be better appreciated.

    As side note, Apple has created many outstanding products, but they are not perfect (as no one is). They have successes & failures, but will only improve with critical review and not blind praise!
  • Reply 27 of 40
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Maybe they could transfer people's documents to the appropriate (Pages, Keynote...) app's folder in iCloud, instead of just deleting them.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by kurtmac View Post

    -Oh thank goodness, I thought we would miss out on the opportunity to hear from one of the mindless sheep who think Apple is beyond mistakes and criticism (An Apple Nazi if you prefer).

    We don't use that language here. You'll do well not to repeat it.

    Also, you're looking for Apple ][.


    I'm sure you can back up your claim that iCloud is working incredibly well,

    I have never had a single problem, foible, or mishap with iCloud since Lion Developer Preview 1. Tens of millions of others have not had a single problem, foible, or mishap with iCloud since 10.7.0.


    ?your lack of objectivity and propaganda will be better appreciated.

    So you've proof that iCloud is an utter failure, then? Mind if I see it?
  • Reply 29 of 40
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Yep, probably the same minority of users who enjoyed having a Web page, iDisk storage and a Photo Gallery that their family, friends, customers, and associates could access using MM. Don't get too comfortable using iCloud as it will soon be replaced with something else even more restrictive and convoluted.

    You should know better than to rely on apple. Best not to get locked in.
  • Reply 30 of 40
    I used it for a while but I still mainly use Office docs to collaborate with other Windows/Office users so I'm sticking with Dropbox for now. It does seem Mountain Lion will offer Dropbox-like capabilities in terms of storing and sharing documents on iCloud. That would be a most welcome development.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    It is more likely they would create some kind of public document setting for your iclouded documents. Not unlike the new iPhoto for iOS app creating journals to share sets of photo, in place of the old galleries

    iPhoto will surely support Journals in Mountain Lion. I hope they add a slightly more professional version of this for Aperture. Being able to show clients' images and slide shows requires a somewhat shall we say, less folksy, approach. Unless we get Aperture X at the same time... (bad FCP X joke)
  • Reply 32 of 40
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    You should know better than to rely on apple. Best not to get locked in.

    Unlike all those companies making stuff to compete with Apple. They keep there products and services going for ever don't they ... oh wait a minute ...
  • Reply 33 of 40
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    WWDC in June = New OSX versions of iWork & iLife with iCloud functionality built in + New MacBooks with Mountain Lion. Can't Wait.
  • Reply 34 of 40
    blowabsblowabs Posts: 70member
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    You mean the ones being stored in the cloud? Yeah, you won't be able to see those on your OSX machine until after Mountain Lion and updates to iWork are released.

    Thank you. I will be patient, then....
  • Reply 35 of 40
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I have never had a single problem, foible, or mishap with iCloud since Lion Developer Preview 1. Tens of millions of others have not had a single problem, foible, or mishap with iCloud since 10.7.0.

    So you've proof that iCloud is an utter failure, then? Mind if I see it?

    LOL, what delusional claptrap. Just Google iCloud and "issues" and spend a few hours reading, and then do iCloud and "problems" for another round. A failure!? Of course not. But join us on Earth for a dose of reality. Limit hits to the past three months if you don't have much time.

    I understand it is your desire to ignore such "proof" of issues so you can make such sweeping false statements, but please, it's foolishness to state that because one can't demonstrate it's an "utter failure" that it is therefore the opposite, a flawless bed of roses. Reams of hits disprove that.
  • Reply 36 of 40
    You can currently "sync" your icloud documents to your iOS devices either using itunes, or manually using the icloud website. The website is actually easier than you think. Just log in to icloud, click iwork, then drag and drop your documents onto the web browser window. This is far easier than the method used within iwork itself to upload to the old iwork site.

    I am currently using this method to work on documents between my Macbook and iPhone. I am excited for Mountain Lion to make this seamless.
  • Reply 37 of 40
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    The thing about iCloud is that it builds on Versions. In Lion, Apple got developers to add the ability for their apps to perform Incremental Save. The argument was that it will be fast enough to do in the background as the user works, so they won't have to worry about manually saving any more.

    Of course now we see that they had bigger plans (presumably) all along. The same diff-save means that an app can trickle changes over a low-bandwidth cellular connection as the user works, instead of doing a big nasty beach ball save at the end.

    Also, inherent in trickling changes is trickling *changes*, so you end up with a timeline of changes on the server which should make syncing easier.

    They have really thought about this, it's not another temporary solution/half ignored thing like iDisk was. They are killing off MobileMe and because they have finally settled on a direction in this space after many years of trying.
  • Reply 38 of 40
    3gs3gs Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by kingsmuse View Post

    You should be able to do this with iCloud.

    I don`t use Numbers but I`m constantly creating documents with Pages on my iPhone and finishing them on my Mac all accessed through iCloud.

    Could you explain how you get the document from the Mac back up to iCloud? I get how to open a doc created with an iPhone (or iDevice.)

    I find dragging and dropping a document to the website too kludgy ... hope you have a better way.
  • Reply 39 of 40
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Kame View Post

    I'm not so optimistic about iCloud either. If iCloud does not incorporate at least minimum collaboration/sharing features, this is a great loss for me.

    FYI, allowed you to share iWork documents to the public where most, in my case everyone, does not have iWork or Mac.

    Also, it just recently added a feature to embed Keynote presentation to a webpage.

    Oh gosh I'm sure they will, there is no reason why they wouldn't. Though iWork is not considered an enterprise level app so maybe Apple just figures if you need those features your going to use Microsoft's 360 if your a company or Skydrive if your a basic user.
  • Reply 40 of 40
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    If you need colaberation now may I suggest a great online service from . They offer many online apps, their Writer being the most popular. I think you'll find everything your looking for and it's free.
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