Class action lawsuit claims Siri doesn't work as advertised



  • Reply 121 of 157
    I like Siri and use it daily. Not perfect but what is...
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  • Reply 122 of 157
    jkctaxjkctax Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It's not the software, it's you. "You're speaking it wrong". Whatever you want to say.

    Nope. have had numerous friends and colleagues say the same thing. not ready for prime time...... sorry, insult the messenger but it still is what it is. query why did dag kittlaus quit?
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  • Reply 123 of 157
    If only Fazio had RTFM (p.43):

    "Siri may sometimes have trouble understanding you...If Siri doesn’t hear you exactly right, you can make corrections."
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  • Reply 124 of 157
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Although Apple advertised SIRI as a selling point, Apple did not emphasize in the add that SIRI is Beta. So really people are gonna complain. Especially those looking for ways to discredit Apple, say a samsung official who wants to try and make Apple look bad in some way so that Samsung sales will increase. Maybe we might see more adds from android promoting their voice activation. LOL.
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  • Reply 125 of 157
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    I got so pissed at Siri the other day because she said it couldn't find a contact with the last name (she pronounced it) and proceeded to suggest a contact and pronounced it the same damned way. Five times she did this... It got to the point where I thought she was F'n with me so I asked...

    Siri - "I'm sorry [ChristophB]. I can't answer that."

    But, it's beta and is dead on much more than not.

    Edit: perhaps he should do a compare and contrast with Wife 1.0b.
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  • Reply 126 of 157
    Originally Posted by jkctax View Post

    I love apple, I'd never sue apple, but the siri software sux balz. Steve jobs would be disappointed, and I wonder why the ceo od siri quit promptly after the 4s release? just sayin.

    Originally Posted by jkctax View Post

    Nope. have had numerous friends and colleagues say the same thing. not ready for prime time...... sorry, insult the messenger but it still is what it is. query why did dag kittlaus quit?

    If you speak like you write, it's obvious Siri - or anything else - has no clue what you're talking about.
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  • Reply 127 of 157
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I don't have an iPhone 4S, so I haven't tried SIRI, but I do know one thing. I've seen some videos of people using SIRI, and some people have speech defects. SIRI is obviously not always going to understand some foreigner speaking with a laughable crappy accent, and other people who have never learned to speak properly. That is those people's problem. Go make an appointment with a speech therapist or something.

    I'll be testing out the dictation feature on the iPAD this friday, and I expect it to work pretty good, since I don't speak like a retard.

    So your idea is: who is not "born&raised in USA" is a crappy laughable retard?

    There you go ... Straight into ignore list....

    You remind me of my "born & raised in US" neighbour who was a bit slow mentally, but what God took from his brain, compensated 10x in patriotism. He used to say: "You may think I am a moron, but I am not just an ordinary moron, I am American moron."
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  • Reply 128 of 157
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by tinman0 View Post

    If Frank Fazio buys LYNX deodorant, Unilever are going be screwed!

    Is he the guy who sued because he bought some aftershave that showed sexy women falling all over the actor - and when he tried it, it didn't work?
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  • Reply 129 of 157
    Kind of reminds me about a story I heard back in the early 80's, a guy bought a PC took it home and prompty typed into a DOS prompt "Where is my wife?" thinking that the PC would be able to answer the question. He took the PC back to the store and complained that the only answer the PC ever gave was "Unknown Command".
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  • Reply 130 of 157
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    Though I think this guy is moron, does it say anywhere in the commercial Beta? I can not see it at work? Regardless, these lawsuits are getting insane.

    Two things-

    1- if the lawsuit is found to be frivolous by the judge- it will be tossed out and the attorney fined heavily.

    2- wait until the ruling by the jury (that's us and your other Americans)- as a right given to us by the 7th ammendment before making/passing judgement.

    Bad lawsuits either get fined or are only attorneys who are representing themselves that do it for notoriety. This is neither. And he's right- it doesn't work nearly as advertised. Let's not pretend it does. Beta or not, it doesn't work as advertised.

    I'll sit and watch this from the sidelines before I judge (particularly when there hasnt been a day in court). Armchair quarterbacks- calm down.
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  • Reply 131 of 157
    blowabsblowabs Posts: 70member
    Hes a windows phone user who was dig to try his wife's iPhone on launch date of 4S - and Siri didn't work once,,,,,or,,,,he doesn't play guitar in a [rock] band....
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  • Reply 132 of 157
    smalmsmalm Posts: 677member
    Whenever I watch an US tv show like Boston Legal and think "these stories are sooo made up" an US citizen shows me: no, reality beats the tv shows hands down.
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  • Reply 133 of 157
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Two things-

    1- if the lawsuit is found to be frivolous by the judge- it will be tossed out and the attorney fined heavily.

    2- wait until the ruling by the jury (that's us and your other Americans)- as a right given to us by the 12th ammendment before making/passing judgement.

    Bad lawsuits either get fined or are only attorneys who are representing themselves that do it for notoriety. This is neither. And he's right- it doesn't work nearly as advertised. Let's not pretend it does. Beta or not, it doesn't work as advertised.

    I'll sit and watch this from the sidelines before I judge (particularly when there hasnt been a day in court). Armchair quarterbacks- calm down.

    Really? Care to point to a similar case where the attorneys have been fined heavily by the court for filing a frivolous suit?

    And on what basis do you claim that it's frivolous? Especially since you claim that it doesn't work as advertised.

    I think you're imagining things.
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  • Reply 134 of 157
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    I asked because I can see no other reason why someone would make such a ridiculous comment.

    Obviously you haven't hung around here enough yet.
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  • Reply 135 of 157
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Two things-

    1- if the lawsuit is found to be frivolous by the judge- it will be tossed out and the attorney fined heavily.

    2- wait until the ruling by the jury (that's us and your other Americans)- as a right given to us by the 12th ammendment before making/passing judgement.

    Bad lawsuits either get fined or are only attorneys who are representing themselves that do it for notoriety. This is neither. And he's right- it doesn't work nearly as advertised. Let's not pretend it does. Beta or not, it doesn't work as advertised.

    I'll sit and watch this from the sidelines before I judge (particularly when there hasnt been a day in court). Armchair quarterbacks- calm down.

    The 12th amendment concerns the electoral college procedure for electing presidents and vice presidents. I think it is the 7th amendment that guarantees a trial by jury in civil cases.
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  • Reply 136 of 157
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Maybe the attorney wanted Siri to call him a "Rock God" and Siri responded by telling him he is just land fill.
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  • Reply 137 of 157
    It is obvious to everybody that this guy is on the make. If he was truly dissatisfied with his 4S he could just take it back and get a refund - what 'damages' is he claiming over and above the cost of the phone? Damages for his hurt feelings, his loss of business, his ruined road trip? Also

    I keep thinking of the Hugh Grant 'Mickey Blue Eyes' character trying to mimic the 'Noo Yoyk' accent and just wonder if the guy has some impenetrable dialect. That would be hilarious if it ever came to court!
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  • Reply 138 of 157
    Originally Posted by john_l_uk View Post

    I keep thinking of the Hugh Grant 'Mickey Blue Eyes' character trying to mimic the 'Noo Yoyk' accent and just wonder if the guy has some impenetrable dialect. That would be hilarious if it ever came to court!

    Real New Yorkers from "The City" pronounce the two words as a single syllable: as" Narak."

    "Where are you from?"

    "Narak Narak."
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  • Reply 139 of 157
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That's not quite true. There is an implied warranty of merchantability that comes into effect. If the product doesn't do what it's supposed to do, then the purchaser has grounds for a suit.

    I think that the Terms and Conditions covered the merchantability issue by stating that it doesn't exist.


    Wrong. Wives understand their husbands just fine. They just refuse to accept that husbands have any rights to an opinion in any matter that concerns them.

    The fine print in the marriage license states that the woman always gets the last word. Anything the man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
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  • Reply 140 of 157
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Two things-

    1- if the lawsuit is found to be frivolous by the judge- it will be tossed out and the attorney fined heavily.

    2- wait until the ruling by the jury (that's us and your other Americans)- as a right given to us by the 12th ammendment before making/passing judgement.

    Bad lawsuits either get fined or are only attorneys who are representing themselves that do it for notoriety. This is neither. And he's right- it doesn't work nearly as advertised. Let's not pretend it does. Beta or not, it doesn't work as advertised.

    I'll sit and watch this from the sidelines before I judge (particularly when there hasnt been a day in court). Armchair quarterbacks- calm down.

    Jury? If it even gets that far. Apple made more than an effort to let everyone know that Siri was beta. Secondly, he can just return the fuckin phone within the return period like most unsatisfied customers do.
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