New York Times removes fabricated Mike Daisey allegations in Apple Chinese factory story



  • Reply 41 of 80
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    NYT isn't alone at fault here, and give them some credit for correcting their error. How many people got fooled by James Frey and his book A Million Little Pieces?

    Read the NYT 'retraction'. It's the most wishy-washy retraction I've ever seen. They argue, for example, that even though Daisey didn't see some of the things, they happened, anyway, so it's OK to report them.

    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    "I'm an entertainer" is the new liars' rationale. Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Phil, Glen Beck use this lie all the time.

    So that's the trick. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are entertainers....

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  • Reply 42 of 80
    Originally Posted by JBytes View Post

    Interesting! I didn't know Apple owned a factory in China.

    Yeah, it's where they make the Xboxes, Kindle Fires, Galaxy Tabs, and all the rest. Didn't you know?
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  • Reply 43 of 80
    Thus endth both the entertainment and journalist careers of Mike Daisey.

    Never really passed the smell test, but managed to do a lot of damage ...

    He got his start doing a 'tell all' show based on a stint at Amazon, disappeared and then resurfaced with the perfect publicity grabbing show that cashed in on the name of Steve Jobs, much like the 'click bait' articles used to turn up on the web ad nauseum before Jobs died. Very calculated ...

    After This American Life airs their show revealing his lies who in their right mind would pay good money to see his stage show?

    Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for the NYT to run a real article about the fact checking and subsequent retraction by TAL. Kind of a shame that they didn't send some of their China people to do that first. Interesting to see how they handle this ...
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  • Reply 44 of 80
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for the NYT to run a real article about the fact checking and subsequent retraction by TAL. Kind of a shame that they didn't send some of their China people to do that first. Interesting to see how they handle this ...

    NYT did run an article about the TAL retractions:

    Sadly, the article simply says that TAL messed up and never makes the logical leap to apologizing for the NYT simply repeating the lies without checking.
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  • Reply 45 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by battiato1981 View Post

    Thus endth both the entertainment and journalist careers of Mike Daisey.

    Never really passed the smell test, but managed to do a lot of damage ...

    He got his start doing a 'tell all' show based on a stint at Amazon, disappeared and then resurfaced with the perfect publicity grabbing show that cashed in on the name of Steve Jobs, much like the 'click bait' articles used to turn up on the web ad nauseum before Jobs died. Very calculated ...

    After This American Life airs their show revealing his lies who in their right mind would pay good money to see his stage show?

    Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for the NYT to run a real article about the fact checking and subsequent retraction by TAL. Kind of a shame that they didn't send some of their China people to do that first. Interesting to see how they handle this ...

    While Daisey is completely responsible for his actions those that jumped on his anti-Apple campaign because it was exciting, seemed impossible for a such a successful company not to be engaging in in child slave labour, sadistic desire to see something successful fail, or whatever the reason are also accountable for giving momentum for what was, at the very least, a sensationalist story with little to no evidence to back up his wild claims.
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  • Reply 46 of 80
    shardshard Posts: 96member
    I wonder if investors can sue. He has caused damage to Apple's reputation and most definitely the stock price by telling his lies.
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  • Reply 47 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by shard View Post

    I wonder if investors can sue. He has caused damage to Apple's reputation and most definitely the stock price by telling his lies.

    Anyone can sue for anything but to have a case I think they could win could it proved that Apple's stock value has been hurt by his claims? Personally I wouldn't even consider it (wouldn't consider it either way, actually) until Apple themselves took legal action against the biggest douche in the universe*.

    * Title previously held by John Edward.
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  • Reply 48 of 80
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Mike Daisey is an opportunist, sensationalist, hack and a profiteer. It is amazing to me that there is never a mention that the costs for tickets to his one man "show" are $75 and $85 - What's his profit margin? This lying fake is making a considerable amount of money on the backs of these workers. He is the one exploiting them.
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  • Reply 49 of 80
    Dalsey et al produce the lies and then people make other statements referencing those fabrications as if the very fact that they exist make them reliable sources of information. It's ridiculous, and begs for rebirth of traditional journalism.

    Case in point: Some consultant pulls numbers out of thin air (we'll get thousands of paying customers!) to justify a cash-strapped city spending taxpayer money to subsidize a sports arena. Years later that arena still stands mostly unused and empty. Same consultant says an oil pipeline will create tens of thousands of jobs? and politicians start using those numbers in speeches as if they were facts.

    Pathetic, and so many buy into it.
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  • Reply 50 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    South Park have 5 days to create an iPad + Mike Daisey focused episode.
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  • Reply 51 of 80
    vinitaboyvinitaboy Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    This is the kind of fabricated crap that the right-wing does all the time. It is a shame that people who purport to stand up for ethics can act so unethically!

    Right-wing, huh? Since almost ALL print journalists in this country are knee-jerk, dyed-in-the-wool "progressives," this kind of ALGORE-ISM in the flesh (and boy is there a lot of it!) serves only to prove how the END justifies the MEANS among liberals.

    Do you know who Jason Blair is? How about Janet Cooke? Michael A. Bellesiles? Stephen Glass? Jay Forman? Patricia Smith? Need I cite more? These "journalists," one and all, never EVER let a fact get in the way of a story, an opinion, a goal, a dream, a hope, or a change. And when they get caught in their lies, it's a "right-wing conspiracy," huh?
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  • Reply 52 of 80
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    This is the kind of fabricated crap that the right-wing does all the time. It is a shame that people who purport to stand up for ethics can act so unethically!

    This is a blow not only to those who want to better the lives of the workers, but to all progressive movements. A very sad day!

    This is the kind of fabricated crap that all extreme-wingnuts do all the time. I personally find the left somewhat more guilty than the right actually, but your "perceptage" may vary based on your on PPOV (political point of view). In any case, a pox on all over-fervid, hate-spewing, propaganda- and smear-dependent ideologies!

    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    No Newspaper is infallible, but I'll take the Times credibility every day of the week of the WSJ.

    I won't.

    And on a "need to know" item, I'll try to double check either.

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    I saw that fat f*** spewing his incredulous lies on HBOs Bill Maher. It's amazing how these networks fall for sensationalistic journalism. They'll air just about anyone. Good thing I go by the motto "believe nothing you hear and half of what you see"

    "Theatre" and dramatic license, my ass.

    Apple trolls don't just clog up Apple Forums, they've learned they can piggyback off the name to make big bucks and get famous. And that includes not only "Mr." Daisey, but also the NY Times itself.

    So they're backpedaling now and "correcting the record" (and being praised for pleading guilty when caught 'red-handed!' [so to speak and btw ). So where was the hallowed "second sourcing" from the "paper of record"?

    That is, if Joe Nobody comes home to Omaha and talks to the local rag about terrible conditions at the HP part of some Chinese company's ops, does that go viral, national, and is it monetizeable for either Joe or the Husker paper of record? ...Naww, it's a filler blip.

    But when it's Apple, Foxconn, a somewhat known name and the NEW YORK TIMES, it's national news, it's millions of hits, and the fuel for a thousand other blogs, and on the booking front, everything's coming up daisies for Daisey.

    I.e., attacking Apple is a great career move these days! As it is a useful pursiut, another step down the food chain, for AI and every other Apple site to report on Daisey and turn the dogs of their forums loose!

    In fact, even my post (and yours if you answer me) is a kind of tertiary slip-streaming on the whole controversy. Just call me "Mini-Macalope".....

    Originally Posted by 2oh1 View Post

    A quote from Ira Glass' blog: "On this week's episode of This American Life, we will devote the entire hour to detailing the errors in 'Mr. Daisey Goes to the Apple Factory.'"

    That's what I call being a class act. Too many of those who reported the story initially will do little more than offer an "Oops, our bad" retraction blurb.

    Props to Ira. I stand with those who think National Public Radio should (and could) carry its own weight since its audience is not in the slightest a representative slice of the whole "public" (and is devoted), but I have reason to know Mr. Glass is a class act.
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  • Reply 53 of 80
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A year ago, one Apple shareholder attending the company's meeting asked Tim Cook and other executives if they had seen Daisey's monologuist play, "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs," which references the role of Steve Jobs and Apple's activities in China.

    Cook dismissed the play, saying "if it's not on ESPN or CNBC, I don't see it," but said he could comment on China, noting that in everything from worker safety to making processes environmentally friendly "we have the highest standards" and adding that Apple is the most transparent in its auditing and reporting than any other company, reporting actual problems and taking real action.

    The woman again pressed Cook to see Daisey's play, to which Cook answered, "I don't need to see a play. I know Steve Jobs," adding that Apple's executives have also been there, interviewing workers and not just management, and opening lines of communications that allow workers to report problems independently.

    I think it that The woman should be identified, as it appears to be her intent to embarrass Tim Cook?.and if it wasn't, no harm, no foul. Maybe.
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  • Reply 54 of 80
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    South Park have 5 days to create an iPad + Mike Daisey focused episode.

    Trey and Matt will get in done. Not quite sure about the 5 days though. But then again, they did have a weeks lead time on the new iPad before they actually shipped.

    If you hear about it, be sure to post a link? I may be an old fart who goes off from time to time, but I seriously love their sense of humor.
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  • Reply 55 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Trey and Matt will get in done. Not quite sure about the 5 days though. But then again, they did have a weeks lead time on the new iPad before they actually shipped.

    If you hear about it, be sure to post a link? I may be an old fart who goes off from time to time, but I seriously love their sense of humor.

    QUESTION: How long does it normally take to make a South Park episode?

    ANSWER: Well... normally an episode can get done in four days... normal TV studios however ususally take longer.
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  • Reply 56 of 80
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    QUESTION: How long does it normally take to make a South Park episode?

    ANSWER: Well... normally an episode can get done in four days... normal TV studios however ususally take longer.

    DOH! I forgot about their website with the FAQ section. Thanks for the reminder.

    You posted a reply so fast that I almost turned around to see if you were standing in the same room!
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  • Reply 57 of 80
    What a cluster f*ck you have caused Daisey. I sure hope you are sued or fined an amount at least equal to all the profits you made with your made up stories you portrayed as truths.

    Maybe some time in the pokey would be good for you too!

    I hope you become recognized as the Fat Bastard among your peers.
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  • Reply 58 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    You posted a reply so fast that I almost turned around to see if you were standing in the same room!

    "Computers do not work that way!"
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  • Reply 59 of 80
    Originally Posted by joeblowjapan View Post

    I think there are still some of us who prefer civil discourse. You can be passionate without being vulgar.

    And I think Dalsey might get hired by Rupert Murdoch, probably at Fox.

    He will be a star on msnbc for sure. I am sure it's your favorite channel.

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  • Reply 60 of 80
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by AmazingApple View Post

    What a cluster f*ck you have caused Daisey. I sure hope you are sued or fined an amount at least equal to all the profits you made with your made up stories you portrayed as truths.

    Maybe some time in the pokey would be good for you too!

    I hope you become recognized as the Fat Bastard among your peers.

    I don't when Bill Maher records HBO's Real Time (is it live?) but I'm hoping he addresses this since Daisey was on his show a month ago in a one-on-one session discussion the horrid working conditions and child labour at Foxconn under Apple's aluminium thumb.
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