Thermal test of iPad's A5X chip shows operating temperature of 97 degrees F



  • Reply 41 of 106
    nemacxnemacx Posts: 18member
    New iPad right here, surfed, sent mails, watched youtube, watched video, played Real Racing II and IB II.

    Is it warm? Yeah, my hands are warm too.

    Does it keep my hands warm in the cold? Would be a nice and free feature

    Does it reenergize the battery like in a hybrid car? Nah, not yet

    Does it hamper the usage of the iPad? No.

    When there is no shit that bothers you just grab a fly and shove it ... same with personalities, you either have one, are one or every shit happening is personal to you.
  • Reply 42 of 106
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Sounds like an aftermarket opportunity for cooling cases.

    My MacBook was at 153 F a moment ago on the CPU and often gets quite warm to the touch - in the 90 F range on the upper surface of the case next to the keyboard - so not sure what the fuss it about.

    If there was some issue suggesting possible damage or a risk of bursting into flames that would be bad news.
  • Reply 43 of 106
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Let's see. The Dutch site shows a maximum of 92.5 degrees on the external case running GL Benchmark. Repair Labs shows a maximum if 97 degrees ON THE CHIP and 92 degrees external running Netflix. Tested showed a maximum of 82 degrees running 82 degrees running Infinity Blade.

    Consumer Reports shows 116 degrees running Infinity Blade.

    Hmmm. Who to believe? I guess it won't be the first time CR has faked results to get attention:

    That's absurd.

    First, you don't have any idea how long it would have taken to shrink the CPU. It's really funny how people can make claims like that without having any clue.

    Second, it's an obvious result. The unit uses almost twice as much power as the previous one. Power doesn't just disappear, it must go somewhere. A tiny portion of it is dissipated as light (although total light output didn't change much from iPad 2 to iPad 3, so that's not going to account for the difference). The rest must be heat - regardless of how heavy or thick the device is. It is not surprising that it's slightly warmer.

    I have a clue for you - a 300 HP car engine puts out more heat than a 100 HP car engine, too. I guess CR should be investigating the car manufacturers. If a radiator hose breaks, just think of how much faster that high performance car will overheat.

    There are no reports of the device overheating to the point of shutting off. Apple says it meets their specifications. And even the most anti-Apple reports claim that it's not too hot to hold.

    People are just stirring up a controversy where none exists.

    What part of the word "If" did you not understand?

    Do you think they will shrink it for the iPhone 5 launch in September? Yes, that's right - there is a very good chance they will. And its a few months away
  • Reply 44 of 106
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Sigh. I'm trying to remember if there's been an Apple product rollout in the last 10 years or so that didn't feature an abrupt flurry of hysteria around some perceived failing. Hysteria, I might add, that typically blows away again as if it never happened, followed by every increasing sales and soaring consumer satisfaction numbers.

    You are absolutely right. People are gunning for Apple and will whip up anything they can to try and derail them. Throw as much mud as you can and see if any of it sticks. It didn't work with the iPhone 4 (antenna-gate), it didn't work with the iPhone 4S (Siri-gate). Let's see if they can make any of this stick.
  • Reply 45 of 106
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    What part of the word "If" did you not understand?

    Do you think they will shrink it for the iPhone 5 launch in September? Yes, that's right - there is a very good chance they will. And its a few months away

    Sorry, I'm not going to play 'if' games. Apple knows a lot more about what's available than you do.

    As for the next die shrink:

    - You don't know when it will occur.

    - Even if it does occur for the next iPhone, that doesn't prove that it would work for the iPad. For example, I suspect that the next iPhone won't need the 4 graphics cores of the A5X

    But even if it does occur and even if the iPhone uses the same A5X processor, that doesn't provide justification for waiting for the next die shrink. Why in the world should Apple wait 6 months for the next generation when the current one isn't causing any problems (other than people having to hear incessant whining from Apple-haters)? There is no evidence that there's a problem, so why should Apple give up billions of dollars in revenues just so some smug, self-satisfied people have to find something else to complain about (and I'm sure you and CR would find something else to complain about even if Apple were using 38 nm chips)?
  • Reply 46 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    They were using the egg frying App from Adobe. You start the app and turn over the iPad. Very useful when camping.
  • Reply 47 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    You are absolutely right. People are gunning for Apple and will whip up anything they can to try and derail them. Throw as much mud as you can and see if any of it sticks. It didn't work with the iPhone 4 (antenna-gate), it didn't work with the iPhone 4S (Siri-gate). Let's see if they can make any of this stick.

    Apple have this covered, the aluminum and glass are both 'non stick'
  • Reply 48 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by AppleADayKeepsDrAway View Post

    A warm iPad might be a great feature. My hands often freeze when using ipad outside in the winter time. Now, I have a hand warmer. Hopefully it will still feel warm when temperature outside is 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

    99.9% of the time, I use the iPad in landscape, my hands never touch the "hot" area. With a case over the iPad, who's going to notice? And who in their right mind will be leaving their iPad without a protective case?

    That reminds me, Apple's magnetic cover is just pure garbage. It doesn't protect the iPad at all.

    Have to admit on the magnetic cover point, I moved on to a nifty adjustable case that makes into a stand with infinite angles and totally protects the iPad. It was $9 in Marshalls, my favorite iOS gadget store. I get to wander the two or three gadget shelves for hours while the wife is shopping there

    I wonder if there is another use for the mag covers? Note to self ... See if it sticks to fridge ...
  • Reply 49 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by Granmastak View Post

    In other news, Al Gore says the new iPad is contributing to Global warming but he still wants one so he can surf the net he invented.

    When will people give up on that totally false and lame attempt at humor?
  • Reply 50 of 106
    And now the compromises begin with Apple without Steve

    However, it does show to always buy Apple products on the "bug fix" version and not the major update -- 3GS, ipad 2, and 4s are all fantastic products with no deficiencies in design
  • Reply 51 of 106
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    And now the compromises begin with Apple without Steve

    However, it does show to always buy Apple products on the "bug fix" version and not the major update -- 3GS, ipad 2, and 4s are all fantastic products with no deficiencies in design

    Oh, yeah. Steve would have been able to break the laws of physics. He could easily have had twice the power consumption without generating additional heat. /s
  • Reply 52 of 106
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Let's see. The Dutch site shows a maximum of 92.5 degrees on the external case running GL Benchmark. Repair Labs shows a maximum if 97 degrees ON THE CHIP and 92 degrees external running Netflix. Tested showed a maximum of 82 degrees running 82 degrees running Infinity Blade.

    Consumer Reports shows 116 degrees running Infinity Blade.

    Hmmm. Who to believe? I guess it won't be the first time CR has faked results to get attention:

    Here's another one (CNET) which shows that the difference is very slight - and nowhere near the 116 degrees CR claims:;txt

    Sounds like CR is the only one seeing a 'problem'.

    I'm going to trademark "CRgate".
  • Reply 53 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Oh, yeah. Steve would have been able to break the laws of physics. He could easily have had twice the power consumption without generating additional heat. /s

    You are of course aware that many yahoos ride around in trucks with electrolysis devices run off their truck's batteries creating hydrogen they then feed into their fuel intake don't you? They all claim to get huge fuel savings.

    The laws of thermodynamics are there to be broken if you don't know enough physics.
  • Reply 54 of 106
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You are of course aware that many yahoos ride around in trucks with electrolysis devices run off their truck's batteries creating hydrogen they then feed into their fuel intake don't you? They all claim to get huge fuel savings.

    The laws of thermodynamics are there to be broken if you don't know enough physics.

    I'm quite aware of the lunatics out there. I participate in an energy forum and we get a new perpetual motion machine at least once a week.
  • Reply 55 of 106
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'm quite aware of the lunatics out there. I participate in an energy forum and we get a new perpetual motion machine at least once a week.

    That must be absolutely hilarious. You should post them somewhere to read.

    edit ...

    As long as you had a disclaimer stating that it was in conflict with the laws of thermodynamics you could sell a ton of stuff legally I'd imagine.
  • Reply 56 of 106
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    That must be absolutely hilarious. You should post them somewhere to read.

    edit ...

    As long as you had a disclaimer stating that it was in conflict with the laws of thermodynamics you could sell a ton of stuff legally I'd imagine.

    They generally don't do that. They simply claim that the scientists who tell them that they're violating the laws of thermodynamics are wrong.

    On rare occasions, they say that the laws of thermodynamics don't apply to them because their technology isn't bound by those laws.

    When you ask for independent, third party verification, the response is something along the lines of "the people at NIST or DOE or xxxxx have already evaluated it, but they don't know what they're doing and got the results wrong. I am the inventor and I know it works so that should be good enough for you".

    It was sort of funny at first, but it loses its humor after a while - mostly because so many gullible people get sucked in no matter how much you explain that it's a scam.
  • Reply 57 of 106
    This is the silliest topic ever on the iPad!

    Or this is the stupidest topic ever!


    Sure, the iPad has twice the number of LED bulbs. This it is going to be warmer than the iPad 2.

    Big deal.

    Live with it.

    Enjoy it!

    It great during the winter!

    Wow wee!


    Its faster!


    I bought mine.

    I love it.

    I love that its warmer!

    The warmth assures me it is faster!
  • Reply 58 of 106
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Hmmm. Who to believe? I guess it won't be the first time CR has faked results to get attention

    Didn't Consumer Reports win that suit? Have they ever been successfully sued for defamation?
  • Reply 59 of 106
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not necessarily. Well yes, but in a few years a proc with this same power as this will run significantly cooler, so it's not simply cut and dried like that.

    The iPad 2 puts out 25 Wh or heat over the 10 hours while the new one puts out 42.5 Wh. Of course it is going to be hotter. What did peopel expect?

    Going to 28 nm allows "the same" processor to use less energy. My guess though, is that when they do go to 28 nm they will also go quad core and the power consumption will stay the same. It will always be a trade off, how much processing power can you get and still keep the device cool enough to handle.

    Now if they had built the 15" iPad like I want, the surface area would be over twice as large and the temperatures would be much lower.
  • Reply 60 of 106
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Not necessarily. Well yes, but in a few years a proc with this same power as this will run significantly cooler, so it's not simply cut and dried like that.

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'm quite aware of the lunatics out there. I participate in an energy forum and we get a new perpetual motion machine at least once a week.

    Tell me is that forum more entertaining than AI?
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