'Exciting' Sept. could see Apple intro new iPhone, iPad 'mini'



  • Reply 41 of 88
    26chrisr26chrisr Posts: 12member

    As a parent of someone approaching 5 a iPad/iTouch at approx. 8in would be welcome the same is probably true for many schools.


    Anyway, the present iPad seems too big for kids and not fantastic for games play - a smaller iPad would thus have an audience, now, whether we call it a iTouch or iPad is debatable - but a market exists with those with little fingers who desire a all in one solution for their educational/viewing/ game playing - so why not, and if Apple is to drive up its capitalisation, the younger it grabs them the better 0 a US$500 price point for spec's similar to today's iPad 3 would be necessary, this based on the fact its already old technology and that the next iPad is now being worked on that even I as a sceptic would invest in.


    As for the Apple TV, or large iMac, forget Siri, the future is hand gestures and it now exists in the form of 'Leap Motion', so forget your fondle toys, I'd be blown away by Apple purchasing Leap Motion and incorporating the Tech into a high end computer/ come monitor, come games machine - now this really is the future!!!!!!!

  • Reply 42 of 88
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Just to play devil's advocate here ... this is just the male side of the equation.  

    7" tablets are pretty much the perfect size for the average purse, so given the 50/50 split in gender, arguments about "pocket size" are kind of canceled out.  One could even argue that since (in most countries) today it's okay for men to carry purse's now, that the pocket argument doesn't really work at all anymore. 

    I don't believe the 7" tablet is very likely either however, for other reasons than this.  

    If it happens at all I think it will be a niche device like the Galaxy Note or a bigger iPod touch gaming device or something similar. 

    My post never disagreed with your 7" for purse idea, perhaps I should clarified my last paragraph I was referring to 7". I've read many a thread on AI with comments of how 7" was PERFECT for pants pocket, so I was kind of responding to the months long regular posts about that.

    Agree with you on the purse thing. I work 50/50 in china and most all guys carry something the size of an iPad shaped "murse".
  • Reply 43 of 88
    carmissimocarmissimo Posts: 837member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That could be true, but everyone I talked to who bought a Fire bought it because it was "just like an iPad but half the price". I don't know anyone who bought it because it was a "better Kindle". The reported high return rates and the fact that sales fell through the floor after the first month or two bears that out.

    I don't see a 5" as suitable as a tablet. A tablet is entirely different than an iPod Touch. Different markets, different customer base, etc. I could see increasing the size of the iPod Touch slightly, but even if they went to 5", there's still a HUGE gap between 5" and 10". And considering that most of the successful competitors are at 7", that seems to be the sweet spot.


    Every activity that you perform on an iPad would be adversely affected by using a smaller screen. Watching movies. Much worse. Reading. Defintely worse. Gaming. For sure not as enjoyable and developers would be more restricted with what they can do on a smaller screen. Browsing. Are you kidding me. Name any app and without question, having more screen to work with is a good thing. Pick up an iPad and in terms of screen real estate I can't imagine anyone finding that the screen is just too much for what they want to do. As such, there has to be a rather compelling advantage to justify making everything you do a lot less enjoyable. 


    In the case of a device like the Touch, the advantage is substantial enough to justify the penalties paid. There are just so many scenarios in which a device sized like a Touch can be used for which the iPad simply can't. In the case of the rumoured 7-inch iPad (really more like 8 inches at 7.85) it would seem the biggest advantage would be that some women could fit them into some sizes of purse. 


    If this is about the weight of the current iPad, that is an issue but I believe there will be solutions over time that do not involve reducing screen real estate which, really, does transform the overall experience in a bad way. 


    Besides, considering the iPad is a runaway success and dramatically outselling any other tablet, I would suggest the sweet spot is right where the iPad is positioned, not down in the 7-inch range. 


    Really, I don't think the 7-inch form factor is suitable for a tablet. It's too large to be truly portable and too small to be as enjoyable to use as an iPad. The worst of both worlds, so to speak. Compromises all around, which is not Apple's style. The Touch makes sense because of its outstanding portability and the iPad because of its decent screen real estate. The so called tweener devices are not outstanding at anything. To be fair, being lighter, they do have an advantage in terms of holding them for long stretches but this is a temporary advantage and while I wish my iPad 2 were lighter, I've managed to enjoy it even when using it for extended periods. Lighter is something Apple is good at and the increase in weight brought on with the third iPad version is a direction I'm sure we'll see reversed soon. When that happens, the iPad 10-incher will simply come across as the ideal product. So apart from a few women being unable to slip the iPad into their purses, who loses from Apple staying the course and simply engineering out the iPad's lone downside, namely weight. 

  • Reply 44 of 88
    carmissimocarmissimo Posts: 837member


    Originally Posted by 26Chrisr View Post

    As a parent of someone approaching 5 a iPad/iTouch at approx. 8in would be welcome the same is probably true for many schools.


    Anyway, the present iPad seems too big for kids and not fantastic for games play - a smaller iPad would thus have an audience, now, whether we call it a iTouch or iPad is debatable - but a market exists with those with little fingers who desire a all in one solution for their educational/viewing/ game playing - so why not, and if Apple is to drive up its capitalisation, the younger it grabs them the better 0 a US$500 price point for spec's similar to today's iPad 3 would be necessary, this based on the fact its already old technology and that the next iPad is now being worked on that even I as a sceptic would invest in.


    As for the Apple TV, or large iMac, forget Siri, the future is hand gestures and it now exists in the form of 'Leap Motion', so forget your fondle toys, I'd be blown away by Apple purchasing Leap Motion and incorporating the Tech into a high end computer/ come monitor, come games machine - now this really is the future!!!!!!!


    Just had my nephew visiting and he's all of six yet he absolutely loved using my iPad 2. No complaints about the screen being too big for him to handle and given the choice between the iPad and a Touch, he much prefers the iPad. The iPad is a much better gaming device than smaller products and because of the bigger screen easier for children to master. As well, getting two people gaming at the same time on one device is an option with the iPad and impossible, really, with something like a Touch. My nephew and slightly older niece were on the iPad co-operatively playing together. Believe me, that's not a common occurrence. 


    If you think the current iPad is too big for kids, hand one over to one and watch what happens. If my nephew and niece are typical, I think you'll find that you are mistaken. 

  • Reply 45 of 88
    garypgaryp Posts: 150member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Last week, a number of parts allegedly from Apple's next iPhone began to surface online, and one of them showed what appeared to be a largely aluminum back with small pieces of glass at the top and bottom of the device. 


    Why in heck would Apple use an aluminum back with little bits of glass at top & bottom? This design seems very unlikely to me. I think the photo is B.S. No way iPhone 5 will be this ugly.

  • Reply 46 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    There are just so many scenarios in which a device sized like a Touch can be used for which the iPad simply can't.


    I think the iPod touch being sized up with the 6th iPhone will put an end to this idiocy about a smaller iPad.



    Originally Posted by garyp View Post

    No way iPhone 5 will be this ugly.


    Fortunately it isn't. The 5th iPhone looks pretty darn good to me:



  • Reply 47 of 88

    My iPod Touch is my iPad Nano. image

  • Reply 48 of 88

    My iPod Touch is my iPad Nano.

  • Reply 49 of 88
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by garyp View Post


    Why in heck would Apple use an aluminum back with little bits of glass at top & bottom? This design seems very unlikely to me. I think the photo is B.S. No way iPhone 5 will be this ugly.


    It is indeed ugly, but there are good reasons for it from a functional perspective.  If you consider that they are changing the design for manufacturing reasons instead of for reasons that concern the actual users of the device it makes sense. 


    The centre section is a "unibody" (except it isn't technically) part, machined out of a block of aluminium or steel.  This makes it very easy to attach all the parts in one action with solid screws to this much more solid piece.  It makes the phone more rigid, it presumably would lead to fewer steps in manufacturing etc.  The end pieces are attached afterwards and are the main antennas, thus the glass bits on the back to give greater separation from the metal body.  The longer screen similarly helps out their partners in terms of app creation while not also not really helping out the end user at all.  


    IMO this year's iPhone is all about making it easier for their manufacturing partners and reducing breakage and costs while doing the usual slightly faster, slightly smaller/thinner thing.  

  • Reply 50 of 88
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    antkm1 wrote: »
    Have you experienced a device with a 4:3, 5" screen? The Nook simple touch is the best comparison. See my edited post for more detail. After using my GF's, I could easily see this as "the new iPod Touch", just loosE the massive bezel that the nook has. It' would be small enough to pocket and big enough for everything else adequately and even better than he current touch.
    I don't see 3 form factors between 4" and 10" as a good solution, one will ultimately cannibalize the other like the iPod nano is doing o the shuffle and the classic.

    Even if the Nook Simple Touch is a good device, how does that negate anything I said?

    A 5" device is very different than a tablet.
  • Reply 51 of 88
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Would suppliers working with Apple dish the dirt on upcoming products to a wall street analyst?


    Not if they care about keeping their contracts and if Apple has a choice in who to get the supplies from. 


    That said, they probably don't anyway. If you look at what they are talking about it's more of the same rumors as everywhere else. And the sources are classic "folks close to the matter" as used in sketchy tech and celeb rumors. 


    It's very possible that none of this is true. Well maybe the Sept part but the rest not even close. After what happened last year with the teardrop that didn't even turn out to be the iPod touch I wouldn't be shocked if this duotone is also completely fake, commissioned as a limited run prototype to a company they said they were considering adding to the production chain so this was their test run as well. And it's totally fake. After last year many folks are starting to doubt the rumor mill, blow it twice and it could blow up in the collective face of blogs etc. Once folks stop believing that the stories might be true the blogs stop pushing to republish them, eventually they stop asking for and especially paying for tips. And Tim gets his 'double down'


    I myself am not going to be shocked if the iPhone 6th Gen looks like the 4th and the 5th Gen with the same width and height and same materials. Perhaps it will be slightly thinner thanks to switching to thinner displays and glass but that's about it. And I'm talking mm thinner not something immediately noticeable. Perhaps the metal band will be thinner also and yes maybe the glass edges will be curved just a wee bit to smooth them. The insides will be where the action is. 


    There will be no iPad mini. Now or ever. That's what I expect as the truth. What we get instead is a revamp of the iPod Touch to a new 5 inch model. It will have the same shape as the iPad but with all the non 3g internals of the iPhone. It will be the device that will be pushed as the one you use to run the house with your Apple TV (new Remote app released also), your Nest etc. It's the one you give the kiddies to play games on rather than your iPhone or big brothers school iPad. Because it's the iPod Touch it runs, like the former models, the iPhone apps not the iPad ones so developers don't have to revamp anything so long as their iPhone app is Retina compatible. And so on. 

  • Reply 52 of 88
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    It's almost as if these analysts are throwing out the iPad mini rumor to justify their earlier predictions that the Kindle Fire would be an "iPad killer" and Apple would be forced to respond. 


    Bingo. And they're still claiming that Apple needs a response. Which is idiotic. Apple sold more 10 inch 'new' iPads its opening weekend than Amazon sold Kindles during the month of December. Not just the Fire, but all models. And if you look at the boards, a good half of the Fire buyers returned them because it was either too slow, too limited in apps or they were pissed about the whole 'you must be logged in but we don't ask for your password to buy anything and there are no parental controls' nonsense. Between all that, where's the threat  


    There's another rumor going around that Amazon is looking to make a 10 inch Fire. Why? Because they think the size is the issue that is killing their sales. They are wrong but hey they can try. THey might have a shot now that they fixed that account nonsense


    Oh and when the iPad mini gets closer to expected release, you can count on a bunch of rumors about issues that will delay it. All just CYA tricks by the same analysts. Same with the TV set. 

  • Reply 53 of 88


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post


    Bingo. And they're still claiming that Apple needs a response. Which is idiotic. Apple sold more 10 inch 'new' iPads its opening weekend than Amazon sold Kindles during the month of December. Not just the Fire, but all models. And if you look at the boards, a good half of the Fire buyers returned them because it was either too slow, too limited in apps or they were pissed about the whole 'you must be logged in but we don't ask for your password to buy anything and there are no parental controls' nonsense. Between all that, where's the threat  


    There's another rumor going around that Amazon is looking to make a 10 inch Fire. Why? Because they think the size is the issue that is killing their sales. They are wrong but hey they can try. THey might have a shot now that they fixed that account nonsense


    Oh and when the iPad mini gets closer to expected release, you can count on a bunch of rumors about issues that will delay it. All just CYA tricks by the same analysts. Same with the TV set. 



    Well, like it or not, lot's of people prefer a smaller size iPad, it's just much easier to hold and read stuffs with 1 hand using a 7-8 inch screen than a 10 inch screen, because it's smaller and lighter.


    Not producing an iPad mini is leaving money on the table. Steve might not care, but Tim will do it.

  • Reply 54 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    Well, like it or not, lot's of people prefer a smaller size iPad


    Which explains why the iPad is selling so poorly. 70% of shipped tablets and 95% of tablets being used.



    , it's just much easier to hold and read stuffs with 1 hand using a 7-8 inch screen than a 10 inch screen, because it's smaller and lighter.


    Because if there's one thing people want, it's smaller screens. That iPhone nano sure was the right decision. 3.5" is WAY too big.



    Steve might not care, but Tim will do it.


    I think people should stop thinking they can tell us what Apple's executives would do.

  • Reply 55 of 88
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The rear of that phone is ug-lee!


    See my first comment in this thread (which is probably about 3 up from this) for my thoughts on that issue. 



    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'm not sure that's the case. For many people, it was simply the price. 


    I think it was a combo of price, ecosystem and needs. Folks that really don't have the overwhelming urge for a full tablet cause they don't see the logic behind one when they can just get a 'real computer' but are in the amazon ecosystem cause the wife has a Kindle saw the cheap price and figured why not



    Originally Posted by juandl View Post

    Giving them an excuse to go back on S. Jobs words, about not doing a small Tablet.


    Because that's Apple's new tactic. Do everything Steve naysayed now that he's dead and can't stop them. Hate to tell you but no. Aside from the fact that the issues were all debated out before he died, you still have Sir Jony. He if no one else understood exactly why Steve said no to a smaller iPad (not tablet form device but iPad with its apps etc). In fact he's probably the one that made the prototypes, ran the tests and gave Steve the data about how bad that size for an iPad would be.


    Now making a 5-7 inch tablet form is not out of the question. they never said no to that notion. Just the iPad and the iPad apps. So they could size up the iPod Touch to that range, give it new life and they aren't negating what Steve said because he was replying to the direct question of a smaller iPad, not a larger iPod Touch. 



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I welcome Apple's annihilation of the existing television metaphor and bankrupting of cable and satellite providers, but that doesn't require a TV to do it right. I can't think of a scenario involving a TV that wouldn't be wrong.


    I have to side with TS on this one. Steve talked of changing Television, not THE television. That's content and that doesn't require a tv to do it. Apple's about leaving things to the folks that do it best. So yeah they will likely leave the tv sets to the boys that have it figured out.


    Originally Posted by bmason1270 View Post

    I agree with you that the Apple TV that you want, I want and everyone hopes for will NOT be made. But I think a TV in some form will be made.


    If by some form you mean a larger Apple Cinema Display (say 40 inches) with a thinner body, vesa adapter for wall mounting in the box (or even already on the back with some new stand attachment hardware), Retina display and HDMI inputs. But without all the hassle of licensing the patents for tv tuners etc. Sure I expect that will be made



    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post


    Just had my nephew visiting and he's all of six yet he absolutely loved using my iPad 2. No complaints about the screen being too big for him to handle and given the choice between the iPad and a Touch, he much prefers the iPad.  


    There have been numerous studies showing that the younger the child the bigger things need to be for visual focus. Their eyes aren't mature enough for small text etc. Not until about 10 years old for the early bloomers. Thats why all those read to learn books have huge type and lots of white space. Why the kids use that paper with the huge spaces for learning to write etc. 


    So it stands to reason that an ipad, which has much bigger and cleaner graphics typically, is more comfortable for them to see. And the bigger device feels less toy like to them, more grownup. Adding another reason why they would rather use it. 

  • Reply 56 of 88
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    Well, like it or not, lot's of people prefer a smaller size iPad, it's just much easier to hold and read stuffs with 1 hand using a 7-8 inch screen than a 10 inch screen, because it's smaller and lighter.



    Darling I'm all of 120 lbs if I'm soaking wet with a 25 lb bag of tools on my shoulder. I have tiny hands, especially for someone that is 5'6". Useful when you're working as a Grip since I can get my hands into basically any rig to hang and adjust lights etc. 


    I have zero issue holding my iPad with one hand. Didn't with my iPad 2, or my original iPad. Course the reason for that could be that my arms and hands have gotten more exercise than just using them to blog my personal opinions as if they are statements of universal fact. 


    Oh and TS is right. Folks need to can the whole "Steve wouldn't" "Steve is rolling in his grave" "Now that Steve is dead" nonsense. Tech doesn't run that fast so many of those things Steve started and you don't know Steve or Tim to know how they think or feel about things. So stop trying to act like you do. 

  • Reply 57 of 88
    macinthe408macinthe408 Posts: 1,050member

    I call BS on this photo: It doesn't say 'iPhone 5'. 

  • Reply 58 of 88
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    Apple rarely, if ever, announces two major product upgrades in any one month.  And they certainly never announce a brand new product (e.g. the "iPad mini") in the same month as another major product upgrade.


    Each all-new product gets several months in the spotlight on Apple's home page.  Each updated product gets several weeks in the spotlight on Apple's home page.  You might say that the "iPad mini" isn't a totally new product in that it's kind of like a shrunken iPad 1.  But it would still require at least a month to itself on the Apple home page (and in Apple press releases.)  Especially if it has new screen technology...

  • Reply 59 of 88
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Apple rarely, if ever, announces two major product upgrades in any one month.


    I'd list all the times this has happened, but I'm pressed for time right now.



    And they certainly never announce a brand new product (e.g. the "iPad mini") in the same month as another major product upgrade.


    2008. Penryn Mac Pro. One week later: MacBook Air. That's just one instance. There have been plenty more.

  • Reply 60 of 88
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member

    I hope Apple drops naming game and call next iPhone "new iPhone" like they did with iPad

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