Apple encouraging iCloud upgrades with free Snow Leopard for MobileMe users



  • Reply 21 of 33
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    My MobileMe account is already screwed up. When I try to get my mail on the web version it shows my inbox for one second then refreshes to a page that asks me to migrate to iCloud. I click the "Later" button and it repeats - flashes my inbox then back to the move to iCloud screen. Over and over. It never lets you get to your mail. I can still get the mail using my phone though.

    I'm starting to lean towards the idea of bailing on my .Me account since I don't really use it for anything other than throwaway mail.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    MobileMe was certainly not ready for primetime when it initially debuted but the $99 per year price tag was it's biggest impediment to gaining wide adoption. Although it's free assuming you have relatively little to put in it, iCloud is far more tarnished than MobileMe; it's a byzantine backup/sync service along with a very poor replacement of gallery otherwise known as photostream, no iDisk, and no iWeb.
  • Reply 23 of 33
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I'm starting to lean towards the idea of bailing on my .Me account since I don't really use it for anything other than throwaway mail.

    Umm.... you know it's going to be deleted by Apple in a couple of months anyway right?
  • Reply 24 of 33
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by BestKeptSecret View Post

    It is funny, but I remember when SL was released, quite a lot of people had issues with it (some genuine and some sensationalised). I got the impression that the general consensus was that it was not as good as Leopard and Apple took a step backwards.

    Now it appears that Lion is even worse than SL and by some indications, ML seems to be worse than Lion?

    "quite a lot of people"... "general consensus"... "some indications"... you make a strong case.
  • Reply 25 of 33
    nanoakronnanoakron Posts: 126member
    I've been a paying user of .mac since 2006 when I bought my first MBP.

    I've installed 10.5 and 10.6 since, but can't install 10.7 because it's only a Core Duo and not a Core 2 Duo.

    There's no reason iCloud can't run on my laptop except for Apple's stubborn insistence that everyone update to Lion.

    In fact, it's really starting to hack me off that they want me to trash this old mac with absolutely no problems, killing its resale value (because any purchaser is going to want to use iCloud), and forcing me to upgrade to an OS that none of my friends are enjoying.

    Shit move Apple. Shit move.

    Give us iCloud on 10.6 and let us legacy users keep using our perfectly functioning hardware.

  • Reply 26 of 33
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    You're complaining that a 6 year old computer can't run the latest and greatest software? Just checking.

    Originally Posted by NanoAkron View Post

    I've been a paying user of .mac since 2006 when I bought my first MBP.

    I've installed 10.5 and 10.6 since, but can't install 10.7 because it's only a Core Duo and not a Core 2 Duo.

    There's no reason iCloud can't run on my laptop except for Apple's stubborn insistence that everyone update to Lion.

    In fact, it's really starting to hack me off that they want me to trash this old mac with absolutely no problems, killing its resale value (because any purchaser is going to want to use iCloud), and forcing me to upgrade to an OS that none of my friends are enjoying.

    Shit move Apple. Shit move.

    Give us iCloud on 10.6 and let us legacy users keep using our perfectly functioning hardware.


  • Reply 27 of 33



    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    "quite a lot of people"... "general consensus"... "some indications"... you make a strong case.


    I do, don't I? I knew it. I just needed some validation and vindication. Thanks for that.

  • Reply 28 of 33
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    There are many other alternatives to iCloud anyway, if you don't want to use it then don't. I activated mine a while back, played with it for a few days and haven't used it since, I find [URL=]Asus Webstorage[/URL] to be more suitable for what I need a cloud service to be. No one is forcing anyone to upgrade but I think it's real nice for Apple to give users a free upgrade even though I think Apples OS should be free anyway but that's a different discussion.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member



    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    MobileMe was certainly not ready for primetime when it initially debuted but the $99 per year price tag was it's biggest impediment to gaining wide adoption. Although it's free assuming you have relatively little to put in it, iCloud is far more tarnished than MobileMe; it's a byzantine backup/sync service along with a very poor replacement of gallery otherwise known as photostream, no iDisk, and no iWeb.


    iCloud is light years beyond MobileMe.  I've done multiple restores from iCloud and it's worked just fine and Photostream isn't a gallery replacement.  That's going to likely be iPhoto's Journal feature.   You couldn't be more wrong here. 



  • Reply 30 of 33



    Originally Posted by Slang4Art View Post

    Use an alternative service if you can't afford new hardware.


    Umm, so I should just throw perfectly working computers in the trash as soon as I buy a new mac?  What a waste!  I'm not asking the world, just the same support that Vista hardware that is even older than my core duo macs has.

  • Reply 31 of 33


    Originally Posted by theguycalledtom View Post



    Umm, so I should just throw perfectly working computers in the trash as soon as I buy a new mac?  What a waste!  I'm not asking the world, just the same support that Vista hardware that is even older than my core duo macs has.


    I can really see lots of PC users staying with their beloved Vista since they can still enjoy iCloud support. It's clear that Apple really "loves" Vista and its large and faithful user base.

  • Reply 32 of 33


    You're complaining that a 6 year old computer can't run the latest and greatest software? Just checking. 



    Originally Posted by NanoAkron

    I've been a paying user of .mac since 2006 when I bought my first MBP.


    No, and thank you for that careful, critical attempt at a summary...


    If you listen just a little more closely, you might be able to tell that he's complaining about being deprived of services thru no technical requirement of hardware or software.


    The bundle, in effect, has been shuffled: still the same services offered, but with a gatekeeper interposed.  Kinda like the way that Microsoft first created FUD (nothing's wrong, but if you find NotOurDOS installed, stop everything, tell the user to format the drive, ignore further input).


    I have the same issue myself: I'd be more than happy to upgrade to Lion, but I'd need to replace my machine; I'd be more than happy to replace my machine, but at the rate my savings are accumulating, I won't be able to do that until 2016 at the earliest (and maybe not until 2019). Therefore, I am about to LOSE SERVICES I'VE RELIED UPON FOR YEARS, NOW. Services I've done okay with - and paid to use - since since it came available. My 1st-gen MBP is slowing all the time, but it runs just fine, and I'm fortunate, not complaining. AND I don't want to be barred from my services so arbitrarily.


    See the difference?


    And if there really are insurmountable reasons why services must now be cut off for 1st-gen intel users, I sure would like to know what they were...doesn't seem like a lot to ask for, compared to another black eye for another tone-deaf response.

  • Reply 33 of 33

    I use a mac mini first generation and a macbook air also first generation and an iphone 3gs. I had been holding off upgrading to lion because I had read about mountain lion. Ooops It seems my mac mini wont even run lion.


    I googled " my old macs wont run icloud " and this thread was top on google so here I am .


    I am not particularly tech minded  just use my macs for everyday stuff and had been looking forward to them being "synchronised" by which I mean my bookmarks in safari and reading lists etc , my contacts and diary. The little stuff.


    I always had and have a paid for email that syncs across all my computers and phones so never used mobileme email. I believe the technological name is an IMAP account. 


    It looks that my dream of syncing all my macs is over ( unless I plug my phone in to each machine and try to sync them all that way just the thought of whichm, though its probably simple, panics me a bit ) 


    I like my macs and dont want to ( cant afford )  new ones. Actually even if I could afford new ones it would feel wrong to landfill perfectly good and beautiful bits of kit that work as well now as they did years ago.They could be running happily for years.


    Does anyone think that apps or something might appear for the older  mac user to enjoy some of the new os's Lions  functionality in respect of syncing diaries and contacts and safari?


    Thanks and regards all



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