Apple to unveil entirely new MacBook series at WWDC, insiders say



  • Reply 21 of 62


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I would be shocked. Apple would be the only major manufacturer not to offer a 17" laptop. And for lots of people, the 17" is the best balance between features/performance and portability.


    Well if this accurate from the other article:



    The 17-inch MacBook Pro would be a logical choice for Apple to retire, as the premium professional notebook only accounted for 1.7 percent of the company's notebook sales in the first quarter of 2012


    Then it does make business sense. However I'm with you in that I'd prefer it stuck around.

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  • Reply 22 of 62
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,790member
    I think it's more likely for apple to drop the "air" name and just call them MacBooks. Then notebooks with HiDPI screens, more ports, and optical drives can be called "pro" and those without... not. It will justify the premium if only pros had HiDPI screens.
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  • Reply 23 of 62
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,362member

    MacBook Leaf

    Power saving and thin.

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  • Reply 24 of 62
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    MacBook Leaf

    Power saving and thin.


    And the logo on the back omits the Apple part entirely, leaving just the leaf.



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  • Reply 25 of 62
    gumashowgumashow Posts: 70member
    welshdog wrote: »
    Hey AI, you couldn't throw the word "Optical" in there some where?

    No kidding. I was lost too. Sloppy sloppy journalism.
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  • Reply 26 of 62
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    xmiku wrote: »
    This really sounds plausible to me - except one thing - they cannot name their top model Macbook and use the MBP for the last year's model. Customers would be confused, don't you think? How would they resolve this?

    I think you're making it a bigger issue than it is. Call it the 'new MacBook' and everyone will realize that it's the newest model. Not everyone gets hung up on names.
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  • Reply 27 of 62
    un_plugun_plug Posts: 25member

    If there is a significant increase in pixel density with the 15", I can definitely see the 17" being retired.

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  • Reply 28 of 62
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,826member

    The 17" MBP is an attractive proposition for people that want a small desktop like computer that will primarily be used at home, easily hidden when not in use, large enough screen not to squint, and also gives you the option to take it with you on those infrequent trips out of town. Not everyone takes their laptops to coffee shops or sales meetings every day. The biggest reason the 17" sells poorly compared to the 15" model is simply price. The extra 2" is not worth an extra $300 over the 15" for essentially the same computer.  If they are going to charge $300 more, they ought to least add some value in the form of a faster CPU, or GPU, hard drive, ram, or something.


    Speaking of which, I wonder if Apple will finally start including more Ram in their computers than before. Most Mac models start at only 4GB and if you want to upgrade on BTO it is anywhere from 2 to 3 times as expensive as buying ram yourself. Dell, HP, and many others routinely offer around 8GB or 12GB or more as standard ram now. If you want more ram in a Mac you usually have to remove the Ram to replace it with the larger ram. Since smaller ram is hard to sell, usually it just ends up in a drawer. At these margins Apple could easily offer a minimum of 8GB. Or at least for the love of God lower the upgrade costs on things like ram, CPU, GPU, hard drive to something a little more in tune with market prices. 

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  • Reply 29 of 62
    applegreenapplegreen Posts: 421member

    I think the new MacBooks will still be called the Pro but will be priced higher than the ODD version (if they decide to keep the ODD version of 15).  If you look at the leaked specs of the new 15 from 9-to-5 mac that Tally posted here on AI a couple of days ago, it has

    1) no ODD,

    2) (therefore) smaller (by 0.83 inches in length and 0.52 inches in depth) and thinner (by 0.21 inches)

    3) higher res display (2560 x 1600) 

    4) 16GB RAM, which leads me to conclude that there will be 4 memory slots so that max RAM will be 32GB,

    5) 2GB of graphics memory.  The max on the current 15 is 1GB.


    The Australian pricing that has been leaked suggests a price increase of about AUS $400 to $700 from the current 15.  That would make sense only if they were going to keep the ODD version in the product line.  Otherwise, there would be too much of a price gap between the 13 and the 15.


    Anyway, this is all speculation at this point.  I would prefer if Apple did away with the ODD version entirely, 15 now and 13 later, and offered better specs at the same or lower price points.

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  • Reply 30 of 62
    juanm105juanm105 Posts: 49member

    Why would the 17-inch MacBook Pro be eliminated?


    It is the best choice for creative folks.


    It is the workhorse of the creative group that is one of the major target groups for Apple. Also for education in the creative area, architecture, art, music, etc. everybody loves the display and the size (thickness and weight) of the 17-inch MacBook Pro. It both a desktop and laptop to creative folks.


    AutoCAD after many years of being absent from the Mac has been recently reissued for the Mac. Folks using AutoCAD love using on the 17-inch MacBook Pro.


    Why would the 17-inch MacBook Pro be eliminated?

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  • Reply 31 of 62
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    This is total crap.


    What will they be called? MacBook Airo? MacBook Prair? 

    They will be called the Macbook Aero, and Microsoft will sue for trademark infringement :D.

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  • Reply 32 of 62
    carthusiacarthusia Posts: 585member

    That analysis of Apple's notebook product roadmap seems extremely convoluted. Keeping Pro and Air brands make more (or at least as much sense) as eliminating the Air and keeping MacBook and Pro brands. And it makes far more sense than having Air, MacBook, and Pro. I don't see the Pro becoming simply the Macbook. Pros want a Pro brand and the MacBook has been end-of-lifed even for the education market, right? Reintroducing the MacBook brand would seem like a) a step backward and b) a violation of Steve's brilliant vision for separate consumer and professional notebook lines. 


    Why not:


    11", 13" MBAs stay, possibly rebranded as MB, but that would be a lot of rebranding in a little time for Apple's entry level notebook. Ergo, MBA stays as the brand.


    15", 17" MBPs (17" is introduced 2013 or gets dropped, depending on how well 15" Pros fit Pro consumer's needs)


    Differentiating factors are that, unlike Airs, Pros get more screen real estate with Retina displays, discreet graphics, SSD/HDD with optional SSD-only models. Dropped optical drives make room for SDD/HDD option with sufficient room for larger battery. Done.

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  • Reply 33 of 62
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by hmm View Post

    They will be called the Macbook Aero, and Microsoft will sue for trademark infringement :D.


    They'll have to get in line behind Nestle.

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  • Reply 34 of 62
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Winter View Post

    Is this the same guy who said the 17" MBP was going away? I'm skeptical.


    It is. We've now had 3 articles in a row about this guy basically saying the same thing. 


    I know "news" is slow but this guy isn't worth 3 articles. 

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  • Reply 35 of 62
    lxguylxguy Posts: 2member

    Lets talk about the Macbook Pro 17" and have some fun with numbers.


    The same guy who predicts its demise here-



    also says he believes sales of the 17" Macbook Pro for first quarter 2012 were "only" 50,000 units.  Ignoring that sales of that unit might be artificially low because of price, lets assume everyone that actually wanted one bought one, and no one settled for the 15" because $300 price premium.


    Lets also presume that everyone buys the unmodified unit at the base $2499 price with no upgrades.


    $2499 * 50,000 units = $124,950,000 in revenue for first quarter.  Annualized to $499,000,000 - that is half a billion (with a B) in revenue. Or about the take for a successful summer blockbuster movie.


    With Apple's typical 40% GP figure that is $199,920,000 (but lets just round up and call it $200,000,000 in profits.  All for the burden of providing a larger screen and different case and giving at least 200,000 customers a year what they actually want. Nevermind any kind of "halo" product market theory and/or the idiocy of letting PC manufacturers offer something you just can't get from Apple.


    I know Apple is the highest market cap company on Earth and all that, but if they'll really walk away from $200,000,000 in profit just to do it...I recommend any shareholders sell their stock NOW.


    I will further speculate that if offered with a lower than $2499 entry price, they would sell more copies, and make more money.

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  • Reply 36 of 62
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Carthusia View Post

    Reintroducing the MacBook brand would seem like a) a step backward and b) a violation of Steve's brilliant vision for separate consumer and professional notebook lines. 


    That died long ago.



    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I know "news" is slow but this guy isn't worth 1 article_



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  • Reply 37 of 62
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    This is total crap.


    What will they be called? MacBook Airo? MacBook Prair? 




    Wait and see. I've got it sorted out. Like I said in the other big article about this guy's claims I think that he's got it wrong about them adding a 3rd series of computers. They aren't. They are expanding the "Air" series to a 15 inch model but dropping the Air from the name. What we used to call the Macbook Air is just the Macbook and it will be fronted as THE lineup. There will be a single Pro model in the 13 and 15, perhaps two that will be what we know as the Pro with the ODD, firewire etc. These might only be available custom order as might the 17 inch model. They could also be the only ones with a Retina Display (part of what makes them Pro)

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  • Reply 38 of 62
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    Take away the names for a moment… and look at the 'line up':


    11", 13", 13", 13", 15", 15" (and no 17")…?


    Normally, I'd say there's just no way.


    However, I think it's possible the new model might break with the current 'unibody aluminum chassis' look and feel, and introduce a "whole new class" of Mac Book...


    Which itself could be the beginning of a convergence into a single line of Mac Books, ranging in 4 sizes, 11, 13, 15 & 17 inches, with the only real "model" differences being extra BTO options in the larger versions (like traditional or SSD drives, Optical drive or not, etc…). Apple is moving in the direction of "post PC". Subsequent model upgrades and redesigns are going to reflect that, right?


    Sir Ive has been quoted recently as saying that the products in the current pipeline (that he can't talk about), but expected this year, are the most important he's ever worked on… I don't think that was just marketing/PR fluff…


    So, I think we may be seeing transitional product lines coming into view… and that's one way I could see 11/13/13/13/15/15 making sense… 


    In any case, exciting times!

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  • Reply 39 of 62
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Yes, but that's not what the rumor says. It says that the 'MacBook' will be positioned between the MBP and MBA. I don't see any reason for continuing the MBP while releasing a MacBook at the same price point.
    The only plausible scenario is that they will replace the MBP with a MacBook at the same price point. Thinner and no ODD. MBP will be end-of-lined. However, as they've done with the iPhone and iPad, they will continue to sell last year's model for a year or two to give people a chance to buy a cheaper model if they don't need the latest and greatest.

    They would be between the two types of notebooks in many regards so I see no problem there. The only problem I see is the idea of the latet advanements being downgraded to a lowly MacBook name. Is think the thick models with ODDs should get that branding.
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  • Reply 40 of 62
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by un_plug View Post

    If there is a significant increase in pixel density with the 15", I can definitely see the 17" being retired.


    An increase in pixel density won't create the same set up that folks buy the 17 for. We get it because the screen size allows us to see more items, have bigger windows etc. 


    The way this whole pixel density/Retina gig works the system uses larger graphics and scaling so the same amount of data is on the screen as before but sharper. Opposite of our reasons for buying a 17 inch model. 


    not to mention that the 17 is the only model left that we can plug an ESATA card into and that's still a major deal for the pros that buy said computer since Thunderbolt isn't quite there yet. 

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