AppleOutsider Officially SUCKS!!!!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Told you so.

When the mods took away Fireside Chat they dumped the shiz-nit right back in here. The forum sucks now.

Good job guys!


  • Reply 1 of 16
    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> i have to wade through more crap now
  • Reply 2 of 16
    objra10objra10 Posts: 679member
    wow, I'm glad you feel so strongly. You can either 1. Get over it, and move on with your life, or 2. Read a different forum
  • Reply 3 of 16
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    3. interject a bit of intelligence in the stupid threads, and try to raise the bar.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    4. Do what I'm going to do and realize that I originally came to AppleInsider as a Mac person and, over the years, have spent far too much time in silly, back-and-forth exchanges in AppleOutsider and Fireside Chat. I think I'm going to simply get back to what brought me here in the first place: talking about Apple, Macs and stuff like that.

    I'm happier that way.

    Life's too short to argue with people who are - like me - not going to change their views/opinions anytime soon. There are other (better) sites to do that at anyway.

    I want to come here and just geek out a bit.

    Farewell, AppleOutsider. Shawn, 'rat and others: been a blast...see you around Future Hardware, General Discussion, Digital Hub and Genius Bar.

  • Reply 5 of 16
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member

    Seeing as how I've been an AI member since January of '99 I'd say I've seen the boards at their best and worst and will continue to only occasionally drop in here. OBJRA? I was already over it when I started this thread....happiness pervades get a sharp stick and ram it up your eye socket and twist it....there, that's a nice AppleOutsider Salute to you!


    [edit: made stick SHARPER]

    [ 02-02-2003: Message edited by: drewprops ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 16
    I would endorse the removal of political/religious discussions from AppleOutsider. I find that the AI community is MUCH more supportive in every other forum here at AI. And, yeah, most of my 3000 posts are politics and other non-computer issues. But I find that when I do post a thread in another forum like Digital Hub, I find quick answers from really supportive people. But I'm not quite sure it's really a problem yet- the poly/relig threads. Hmm.
  • Reply 7 of 16
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong>4. Do what I'm going to do and realize that I originally came to AppleInsider as a Mac person and, over the years, have spent far too much time in silly, back-and-forth exchanges in AppleOutsider and Fireside Chat. I think I'm going to simply get back to what brought me here in the first place: talking about Apple, Macs and stuff like that.

    I'm happier that way.

    Life's too short to argue with people who are - like me - not going to change their views/opinions anytime soon. There are other (better) sites to do that at anyway.

    I want to come here and just geek out a bit.

    Farewell, AppleOutsider. Shawn, 'rat and others: been a blast...see you around Future Hardware, General Discussion, Digital Hub and Genius Bar.


    Man have I heard this one before.

  • Reply 8 of 16
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Wait, can you point some of these threads out to me? I don't see very many political/religious discussions here on AI. On the front page now:

    Depleted Uranium

    The Bush Admin is still lying to start a war

    US Attitude futher isolating it from global interest and economy

    State of the Union tonight ..... Place your bets

    Bible Talk?

    Bush Admn Logic

    What was Best/Worst part of Bush's speech

    Does Bush Think at All?

    AA for rich white guys with beady eyes

    'Classic' AO topics:

    Autograph Bidding Frenzy

    Space Shuttle disaster

    Hottest Photo Ever

    Whatcha Listening to?

    Joe Millionaire- Bondage Film Star

    Movie recommendation

    What's cool and what's not?

    I'm going to sin so bad

    and about 30 other topics.

    FSC has not taken over AO. In fact, we've seen a massive decrease in religious and political flamewars. Sure there's still a few here and there but it's not like when FSC was it's own forum.

    All in all, the mood of AppleInsider has changed dramatically for the better since the start of the year. FSC/Egg Nog disappeared, we had a great Macworld, and new machines and software are being released every few days by Apple (or so it seems). Not only that, but I'm getting a new PowerBook so my moods much better.

    So you can say AO sucks since the few new religious/political topics have migrated their way over here, but AI as a whole has become much better over the past few weeks as a result.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    [quote]Originally posted by OBJRA10:

    <strong>wow, I'm glad you feel so strongly. You can either 1. Get over it, and move on with your life, or 2. Read a different forum</strong><hr></blockquote>

    if that was directed at me, i don't think that was called for. i got over it ,i have moved on. i obviously still read the forum <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[oyvey]" /> bastard
  • Reply 10 of 16
    well i do think the religious threads have subsided. fellowship doesn't start them as much. no offence fellowship, just an observation
  • Reply 11 of 16

    wow, you're so full of yourself that when someone posts on here you actually think that they must be talking to you?! Did you start this thread? No, did I address my post to you? Perhaps if you noticed, we posted at almost the exact same time. Perhaps it's conceited of you to make assumptions that I was posting to you and then proceed to call me a bastard.

    That's awfully low.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    [quote]Originally posted by OBJRA10:


    wow, you're so full of yourself that when someone posts on here you actually think that they must be talking to you?! Did you start this thread? No, did I address my post to you? Perhaps if you noticed, we posted at almost the exact same time. Perhaps it's conceited of you to make assumptions that I was posting to you and then proceed to call me a bastard.

    That's awfully low.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    well it came right after my post. i didn't look at the time. i guess i'm the bastard <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> my apologies.

    i'm not full of myself either. please in the future "reply" to the post you are refering to, that would make life simpler

    [ 02-02-2003: Message edited by: burningwheel ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 16
    I only come to these forums to keep an eye on Leonis

    - T.I.
  • Reply 14 of 16
    [quote]Originally posted by OBJRA10:

    <strong>wow, I'm glad you feel so strongly. You can either 1. Get over it, and move on with your life, or 2. Read a different forum</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How resistant to change we are! You wouldn't be a conservative lawyer would you? &lt;-- wink denotes "kidding"
  • Reply 15 of 16
    objra10objra10 Posts: 679member
  • Reply 16 of 16
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