Bloomberg: Smaller iPad to launch by year's end



  • Reply 21 of 40
    macvictamacvicta Posts: 346member


     I am not looking for an argument


    LMAO!  Sure you're not, troll.  I'd gladly engage you but there's no point in pitting the Nexus 7 against a device that hasn't even been unveiled yet. 

  • Reply 22 of 40
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by terich22 View Post

    The 16 gig is only $249, it would be hard to argue that this is not the best value on the market right now, would you agree?


    Sure, for a 7" tablet, the Nexus 7 is probably far better than other 7" tablets on the market at the moment, especially the Amazon Fire.


    But you're right that this is an Apple site though, made up of Apple users and people who own a ton of Macs and Apple devices, so I would of course have to say that waiting some months for an Apple mini-iPad, which runs iOS and will have the vast catalog of iPad apps available to it would be the smartest choice, in my opinion. 


    If somebody likes Android, then by all means, they should go and buy that Google tablet.

  • Reply 23 of 40
    terich22terich22 Posts: 7member

    @ Apple [ ] Thanks for not belligerent like some of the others.  Not even sure what trolling is.  Sorry Macvicta, I don't speak nerd talk.  Laters 

  • Reply 24 of 40
    I think the iPad is too small as it is. What the market desperately needs is an 8.5x11" tablet capable of showing full sized office documents, but the trick is, it can't be any heavier than the current 9.7" iPad. The future lies in BIGGER and lighter, not smaller. Every 7" tablet I see is just a big fail, and makes me happy I got the real thing.

    Our best hope for a third iOS device is a revamped iPod touch with 4g connectivity: the perfect companion to an iPhone 5 with a family data plan. The reason we haven't seen a touch update in two years is most likely carrier pushback. A 4g device without a voice plan would cannibalize carrier-lucrative iPhone sales, because many younger customers see the voice calling as an optional feature; messaging and data are the big draw for a kid.

    So you heard it here first: 4g touch with the new iPhone, and a bigger iPad pro are far more likely than Apple dipping back into smaller screen territory. Remember, the first android tablets only came out at 7" because 10" screens were cost-prohibitive; only apple had the suppliers lined up to make a tablet as big as the iPad. I don't see Apple's direction changing any time soon.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by terich22 View Post

    @ Apple [ ] Thanks for not belligerent like some of the others. 


    Sure, no problem. I have a reputation for being one of the nicer posters on this site. Actually, I'm just kidding, the Fandroids here would like to see me dead, and I can get quite nasty on rare occassions, but your posts were polite enough, so I responded in kind. :)

  • Reply 26 of 40


    Originally Posted by Anomynous View Post

    I think the iPad is too small as it is. What the market desperately needs is an 8.5x11" tablet capable of showing full sized office documents, but the trick is, it can't be any heavier than the current 9.7" iPad. The future lies in BIGGER and lighter, not smaller. Every 7" tablet I see is just a big fail, and makes me happy I got the real thing.


    What good is it to show the whole 8.5 x 11" document when an inch at the bottom and an inch at the top are usually blank? The same thing can be asked about the 1.5" on each side. 

  • Reply 27 of 40
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member


    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    ..... I'd highly consider grabbing a 7inch.

    Seriously? You didn't proofread that?





    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    ..... I'd highly consider grabbing a 7inch.


  • Reply 28 of 40
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    terich22 wrote: »
    Maybe you should take the time to read reviews before commenting.  Even the apple loving "Wired" deemed it an incredible device.  You know it is possible for other companies to create fantastic devices.  Keep on thinking Apple is the only way, it is your loss.  

    Really? How about some links.

    At best, it's a cheap tablet that is functional. Claiming that it's as good as the iPad (even allowing for the difference in size) is completely unsupportable. In fact, most reviews amount to "it's not as good as an iPad, but it's OK".

    Certainly none of them claim that it's as good as an iPad - which is what you claimed.
  • Reply 29 of 40


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    What good is it to show the whole 8.5 x 11" document when [the margins] are usually blank?


    8.5x11" was more a rough shorthand for "As big as a magazine".  For starters, there's something to be said for whitespace increasing readability, on a standard document or in a web page.  And in the case of most magazines, the whole page is printed for a photo spread.  Magazines are designed with a larger canvas than the current iPad can display.  Given a choice, a segment of the population will pay more for a bigger screen and find ways to fill it, or else Apple would only sell 13" MacBooks.


    Obviously the current iPad screen is big enough for some people, but the first time I saw one in person three years ago, my first thought was, "'s smaller than I'd have preferred...and heavier than I find comfortable."  Weight is a huge factor when it comes to screen size, and Apple will have to make the current size about half the weight, say 250g, before putting out a larger screen version that's proportionally heavy.

  • Reply 30 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    terich22 wrote: »
    You should look into the nexus 7.  I pre-ordered mine today.  It has a quad core processor and is running Jelly Bean.  I can't imagine that anything apple releases will be much better if better at all.  Plus apple's tab will probably cost a bit more than the 199 starting price of the nexus 7.  It has phenomenal reviews.  Good luck.

    It still runs Android so why bother? It is a terrible platform for developers and users alike. IOS is an all around better option. As for that quad core processor I do need to go deeper into the reviews. I was hoping iPad 3 would have shipped with a quad core but I'm not about to give up my iPad 3 as it is the best drive I've ever spent money on.

    Besides where iPad 3 needs help is in things like Javascript where they need to boost single thread performance which means either a faster clock of more efficient processor. I'm usually highly resistant to buying new devices every year, but if iPad 4 came with an A15 derived chip running at 2GHz I'd probably bolt.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    terich22 wrote: »
    Maybe you should take the time to read reviews before commenting.  Even the apple loving "Wired" deemed it an incredible device.  You know it is possible for other companies to create fantastic devices.  Keep on thinking Apple is the only way, it is your loss.  

    It doesn't matter if it is fantastic or not, it comes with Android which is a direct ripoff of Apples effort with respect to a mobile operating system. Beyond that Android exist to be part of Googles marketing efforts, I just don't understand why people would want to buy hardware from an advertising agency. In that respect it is less of a sin to buy from MicroSoft.
  • Reply 32 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    terich22 wrote: »
    Most people who get this will get it to surf the internet etc.  It is a hard argument to make that 16 gigs in not enough when that makes up the vast majority of Android and Apple sales.  Atleast on the majority of Androids, you can expand the memory, so talking about memory on a Apple site is not the best idea.  I am not looking for an argument, if you don't want the nexus, don't get it, but to assume that it is not a great device is contrary to everything I have read about it by people who have actually used it.  

    If you are looking for an arguement then leave because you are throwing out nonsense that is sure to drive an arguement.
  • Reply 33 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    terich22 wrote: »
    True, this is the first time posting to this site.  I get the feeling that it is sacrilege to mention any device other than Apple, but I guess I should expect that sense it is an "apple insider" website.  
    Most of use are pretty open minded but you need to realize there are no good feelings directed at Google and Android which is a direct ripoff of Apples efforts. Basically you came on line here and suggest what many would consider to be an unethical choice. Then you get worst by running off with contorted arguements about why this 7 inch tablet is worth buying.
    I was just trying to let the dude know that he can get a great 7 inch tab without waiting on 4 more months or so.  The 16 gig is only $249, it would be hard to argue that this is not the best value on the market right now, would you agree?
    No I wouldn't agree. Let's say for a minute that Android doesn't have it's current ethical problems. In this case you know have to look at the infrastructure that exists to support that device or in reality the complete lack of infrastructure. An Apple device is supported with thousands of high quality apps that simply don't exist for Android. Further many of the apps running on Android are malware or otherwise a security issue. Then there is the issue of integration. Like it or not there are many reasons why iOS devices are the only decent choice right now.
  • Reply 34 of 40
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    The world of iOS devices could easily expand, part of that expansion would be multiple iPads hopefully with a larger one though I'd go larger that 8.5x11.
    anomynous wrote: »
    I think the iPad is too small as it is. What the market desperately needs is an 8.5x11" tablet capable of showing full sized office documents, but the trick is, it can't be any heavier than the current 9.7" iPad. The future lies in BIGGER and lighter, not smaller.
    The future will be made up of a number of iOS devices.
    Every 7" tablet I see is just a big fail, and makes me happy I got the real thing.
    Our best hope for a third iOS device is a revamped iPod touch with 4g connectivity: the perfect companion to an iPhone 5 with a family data plan.
    I don't see the point, you might as well get an iPhone.
    The reason we haven't seen a touch update in two years is most likely carrier pushback. A 4g device without a voice plan would cannibalize carrier-lucrative iPhone sales, because many younger customers see the voice calling as an optional feature; messaging and data are the big draw for a kid.
    Actually I wonder about what is up there, especially with most iPad sales going to the Touch. I see no rational reaso to make the Touch 4G though. I suspect that Apple was caught between a rock and a technology hard place. That is they had nothing to upgrade it with.
    So you heard it here first: 4g touch with the new iPhone, and a bigger iPad pro are far more likely than Apple dipping back into smaller screen territory. Remember, the first android tablets only came out at 7" because 10" screens were cost-prohibitive; only apple had the suppliers lined up to make a tablet as big as the iPad. I don't see Apple's direction changing any time soon.

    Don't believe everything you read about screens.

    I suspect Apples biggest problem with the small screen devices is lowering the power demand while increasing performance. Things like the Touch and the rumored 7" iPad need lower power processors than what is in iPad 3. Maybe that will be taken care of with a 28nm chip.

    It is interesting that little has been discussed or investigated with respect to iPad2A's 32nm processor. I'm not sure it is good enough for a Touch or Mini iPad. Of course most of the power issues with iPad 3 are due to backlighting and not the processor.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member

    The addition of a lighter and smaller iPad is great, as is a lighter and smaller MacBook Air than the current 11-inch model.

  • Reply 36 of 40
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,388member


    Originally Posted by terich22 View Post

    True, this is the first time posting to this site.  I get the feeling that it is sacrilege to mention any device other than Apple, but I guess I should expect that sense it is an "apple insider" website.  I was just trying to let the dude know that he can get a great 7 inch tab without waiting on 4 more months or so.  The 16 gig is only $249, it would be hard to argue that this is not the best value on the market right now, would you agree?


    I hate lying, transparent trolls like you. He responded to your points rationally, without insulting you, after with you respond with junk such as 'I get the feeling that its sacrilege..' statement, and how you should have expected that. You're not looking for a rational discussion. You're looking for everyone here to accept, agree, and swallow what you say wholesale, otherwise everyone here is a bunch of brain-washed, crazed, sheep and cult-members. Don't pretend you're objective when you clearly aren't. Your shell came off rather quickly. Some people don't WANT an Android tablet, they want an iPad, and they would prefer a smaller one, and arent going to replace that in a split second with a random android tablet.  If you don't realize the massive differences between an iPad and every other tablet out there, which has nothing to do with cores or price, then its hopeless. There's something called an app ecosystem, and right now everything is absolute junk compared to the iPad in this regard. 

  • Reply 37 of 40


    Originally Posted by markbyrn View Post

    I'll definitely buy an iPod Touch Maxi

    Haha,i'm sure i will too.

  • Reply 38 of 40

    Haha,i'm sure i will buy one. [img][/img]

  • Reply 39 of 40
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/151076/bloomberg-smaller-ipad-to-launch-by-years-end#post_2139704"]I'm not looking for any 7" device personally for myself, but I think that Apple should do it. The time is right. One year ago, I wouldn't have said the same thing. People who want the full iPad experience, retina display, longer battery life, more power etc, will get the regular 9.7" iPad and those people who would like a slightly smaller iPad, so that maybe they can throw it in their purses, and carry it with them at all times, can get the smaller version.

    But that's not the main reason why I think that Apple should release one. The main reason why I think that Apple should do it, is simply to completely destroy and murder all other 7" tablets out there, and end the silly debate once and for all. It would be a complete bloody and quite lovely massacre. Everything else would be history. They wouldn't even know what hit them.

    I like your creepy style :D
  • Reply 40 of 40
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    If they ever release that thing on that size I'm confident that it will have at least one feature (besides the screen size) that could make it different from the iPad and the Touch. You have to think about the Apple lineup to know that it must make sense to exist and it must be desirable to buy it even for iPad owners.

    The Apple lineup has been built in a way that people want to buy every product for any need. The only exception could be the Touch if you have an iPhone, and the Mac Pro if you really need one.

    So, if it ever happens it must have a exciting feature not available in iPad and Touch. For the Touch such a feature could be GPS and 4G LTE, for the iPad it could be NFC or another crazy thing we don't imagine. If these kind of things aren't in that new product it will not see the light of day.
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