More than $60,000 in "computers and personal items" stolen from Steve Jobs' home



  • Reply 61 of 68
    Hey Siri, where are the Stolen items?
  • Reply 62 of 68


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The Palo Alto home of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was among the homes that fell prey to Bay Area-wide surge in residential burglaries last month. A suspect was later arrested in the case.

    Jobs' home on Waverley Street in Palo Alto was burglarized July 17, Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Tom Flattery told the San Jose Mercury News.

    Among the items taken were more than $60,000 worth of "computers and personal items," according to Flattery, who declined to say whether the items belonged to Jobs or one of his family members.



    I have a hot news flash for AppleInsider and DA Tom Flattery: None of the items belong to Steve Jobs, they all belong to his heirs. Even Steve Jobs couldn't take it with him.

  • Reply 63 of 68


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Probably. Well the comput stuff at least. Anything of value to the company would have been kept in campus. And any personal data of Steve's was probably backed up to several hard drives and kept in a safe, at the campus and/or in a safety deposit box some where if kept at all.

    Don't you think Steve would have used the iCloud???

  • Reply 64 of 68


    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Cue the Apple Linch Mob...


    You mean Lynch mob, named after filmmaker David Lynch who portrayed a scene at an Apple Store as a dream involving a dancing midget.

  • Reply 65 of 68
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    retrogusto wrote: »

    I dunno, Steve was rumored to be a bit of an egotist. He probably left most of his belongings to himself in his will.
    There was no will.

    There is a revocable living trust. The financial affairs of the Jobs family are now largely invisible to the outside world.

    I'm sorry that I have to make this sickeningly derisive statement, but probate court is for the Great Unwashed. It's for people who don't have their sh*t together. Weirdly, probate court is expensive enough where getting this settled beforehand is more reasonable.
  • Reply 66 of 68
    Not looking good for Mr. Robber...

  • Reply 67 of 68
    dsddsd Posts: 186member

    The San Jose Mercury has reported that the thief had taken a wallet containing Jobs' drivers license and one year's salary.

  • Reply 68 of 68

    "Excessive theft" Is that rally a thing?! OMG.

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