Apple releases Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.1 with iMessage, Migration Assistant fixes



  • Reply 41 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by haddy View Post

    Well not for was 4+GB.  I guess Apple insisted on the combo update for me. Took about 50mins and two restarts. However, all is well and much snappier:-)


    There's no such thing as a combo update for the first update to an OS. Odd that it would be so large. Are you sure you HAD Mountain Lion before it? image

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  • Reply 42 of 64
    haddyhaddy Posts: 3member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    There's no such thing as a combo update for the first update to an OS. Odd that it would be so large. Are you sure you HAD Mountain Lion before it? image

    Of course.....actually the App Store update dialog box told me that I already had OSX8 installed.....did I want to continue? Continue I did and here we are..... version 10.8.1

    Late 2009 27'  i7 iMac 16GB RAM.

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  • Reply 43 of 64
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member

    All the desktop icons disappear after right clicking on a .jpg and selecting "Open With"... A carryover from 10.8... Mountain Lion still isn't ready for Primetime! Shame on Apple. 

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  • Reply 44 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Mountain Lion still isn't ready for Primetime! Shame on Apple. 


    That's completely false.

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  • Reply 45 of 64
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That's completely false.

    What are you basing this on?  That you don't like that others having issues?  

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  • Reply 46 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by jlandd View Post

    What are you basing this on?  That you don't like that others having issues?  


    … That the statement is completely nonsensical and based in no fact or reason, contradicting the vast majority opinion.


    I have found bugs in Mountain Lion. That in no way means it "isn't ready" or "shameful", for heaven's sake.

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  • Reply 47 of 64
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    … That the statement is completely nonsensical and based in no fact or reason, contradicting the vast majority opinion.


    I have found bugs in Mountain Lion. That in no way means it "isn't ready" or "shameful", for heaven's sake.

    It's a shame that features that worked properly in 10.7 don't work at all in 10.8. No excuse for that!

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  • Reply 48 of 64
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    It's a shame that features that worked properly in 10.7 don't work at all in 10.8. No excuse for that!


    The same can be said about non-UB applications. Except there IS an excuse for that.

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  • Reply 49 of 64
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    For those wondering, yes the GM does update from the App Store.   :)

    of course it does.


    ML Release and ML GM were identical.. exactly the same... its the same build, they didn't even rebuild it.


    I got an email from Apple even stating this fact and told me I had ML for free now for helping test.

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  • Reply 50 of 64


    Originally Posted by GadgetCanada View Post

    Doing a battery test on my retina Macbook Pro now. Will post results.


    So I got 5 hours battery life of regular office use on my retina Macbook Pro with the new Mountain Lion 10.8.1 patch. I'm running office apps, email and a remote desktop connection, nothing hard core. I guess to get the 8 hours, it's just web surfing which is mostly just reading.

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  • Reply 51 of 64
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    … That the statement is completely nonsensical and based in no fact or reason, contradicting the vast majority opinion.


    I have found bugs in Mountain Lion. That in no way means it "isn't ready" or "shameful", for heaven's sake.

    Please share your rose tinted glasses.  You are using your own experience and speaking as if it means more than that.


    Here's the word from Metric Halo, who make the best OSX based high end audio pro hardware and software in the world, IMO, make the most bulletproof OSX drivers and definitely are among the most on-top-of issues of any vendor:


    "It appears that based on these and other recent user reports, Mountain Lion is not able to provide reliability for recording.  Hopefully a Mountain Lion update will address the issue.  In the meantime, if you are experiencing this problem, you may want to roll back to Lion."


    If you search you'll find that this is not a MH issue.  I'm fortunate in that although I own two MH units I rarely use aggregate devices or work in the manner that is now broken for these people, but the upper tier sound design/recordists/live audio people live by it, and from what I'm being told are mostly trying to stay in Snow Leopard, since the more problematic issues with Lion are not being addressed.  Some are back in Lion and are fine.   But "What's the quickest way to roll back from Mountain Lion?" is the loudest cry in the pro audio community, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.



    edit:  Here's a quote from one of numerous users in a single day's list post responding about the update:  


    "Subject: Re: [MobileIO] mountain lion crackle:   "Sadly, the 10.8.1 update (pre-release) does not fix this problem."   "

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  • Reply 52 of 64
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,841member


    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I have a feeling this update doesn't fix the updates people were expecting. I'd be curious to see if they fixed the WiFi issue many were having. This could be the reason why they're pushing out 10.8.2 so quickly. 



    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post


    You mean the one where the computer has no network connection after waking from sleep, and then crashes when you try selecting a network? That's the fix I'm waiting for. I've never had to restart so many times as in the last two weeks.



    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What were they 'expecting'? What 'wifi issues'?



    Originally Posted by morgajx View Post

    I have had Mountain Lion crash my iMac consistently since installation. I even corrupted the disk when I had to power off and had to do a reinstall. Thought everything had been stable for a few days and then the SBBOD. I hope this patch release fixes things. I hate to say it because its a running joke on App Insider but Safari seems to be running a lot quicker :)


    My I7 iMac just simply stops responding daily on average.  A hard re-boot is the only option.  WiFi has never been so flaky, my iPad sails along on the network while the iMac struggles to keep a connection. I have the AirPort utility open in the background to check on the latest issue.  None of this existed prior to ML.  I do like the new OS in general terms though.

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  • Reply 53 of 64

    I installed 10.8.1 about an hour ago.   It's too early to say about the battery life, but before and after the update my rMBP runs hotter than the sun when I'm running Diablo III.  According to the iStat Pro Dashboard widget, my GPU was running close to 79 degrees celcius (165 fahrenheit) when I was running Diablo and the fans were spinning like crazy.  Now it's down to 110 fahrenheit.   This is downright scary hot.


    Hopefully this gets fixed in 10.8.2 because it's a little disturbing.

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  • Reply 54 of 64
    vaelian wrote: »
    Never had the battery issue myself, so I've always assumed it had something to do with third-party software. That said I did have issues with Reminders crashing consistently on street addresses with non-ASCII characters (silently fixed) and rendering on safari (unknown -- this takes a while to happen after Safari is restarted and I haven't figured out what causes it yet).

    In the experiences we've had with ML it looks like high CPU might be the cause of battery life issues. We've seen it in 2 applications specifically, Safari & iTunes. My guess is a webkit bug so it likely won't be part of 8.1 but rather a separate update to those apps.
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  • Reply 55 of 64
    So I got 5 hours battery life of regular office use on my retina Macbook Pro with the new Mountain Lion 10.8.1 patch. I'm running office apps, email and a remote desktop connection, nothing hard core. I guess to get the 8 hours, it's just web surfing which is mostly just reading.

    Uninstall flash & see how it does, sounds crazy but testing has shown just having flash plugin installed can suck 2 hrs overall out of your battery. A lot of people run Chrome instead for this reason.

    Also, remember office for Mac is Microsoft, it is a clunky bit of software and not the best light weight usage test. Outlook especially is garbage. Why do you think so many have nick named MS products bloat ware.
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  • Reply 56 of 64
    jlandd wrote: »

    "What's the quickest way to roll back from Mountain Lion?" is the loudest cry in the pro audio community....

    Restore from your last pre-ML backup. Simple.

    Here's another question: Why would a pro who relies on his computer install a completely new OS without testing it on a non-critical machine first? Very foolish.

    As for the reader complaining about his setup and Entourage, I say either stay with 2008 software or not. If you want to be on the cutting edge of OS updates be prepared to ditch your old junk. Wipe your machine clean if you must. And realize that if you keep the bits and pieces of bygone years you're asking for trouble. Then you restore from your pre-ML backup. Simple.

    My 2007 MacBook Pro is flying on 10.8, along with several newer machines.
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  • Reply 57 of 64
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member


    Originally Posted by joeblowjapan View Post

    Restore from your last pre-ML backup. Simple.

    Here's another question: Why would a pro who relies on his computer install a completely new OS without testing it on a non-critical machine first? Very foolish.


    No one is saying these audio people are being foolish.  They are as interested in having the advantages of the new OS as anyone.  It's just that when a calendar doesn't sync you can shrug it off.  When your plugins freeze you might say I don't have time for this.


    Many of them are reporting various non-critical issues, including ones such as plugin UI's becoming unresponsive and some are reporting assorted kludges that seem to work for some but not all.  Logic users seem to have been hit harder than most, which is certainly ironic.   ML is fine for some and undoable for some.   The biggest disappointment is that for some of the audio people who have been waiting for Lion to be more stable, the updates have not addressed most of the issues.  


    Obviously people know how to go back to SL, and that's what many are doing.  Just Google each of the hardware and software vendors forums to read the specifics.

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  • Reply 58 of 64
    vaelianvaelian Posts: 446member
    Doing a battery test on my retina Macbook Pro now. Will post results.

    So I got 5 hours battery life of regular office use on my retina Macbook Pro with the new Mountain Lion 10.8.1 patch. I'm running office apps, email and a remote desktop connection, nothing hard core. I guess to get the 8 hours, it's just web surfing which is mostly just reading.

    7:34 hours at 99% battery at 12/16 brightness level. I'm running Safari, Mail, Calendar, Reminders, Contacts, Messages, Notes, iTunes, Mac App Store, Pages, Amadeus (third-party audio app), Xcode, Terminal, and Preview (with the C++11 standard PDF in it) on a late-2011 high-end 15" MacBook Pro. Never had the battery issues myself, suspect they may have something to do with third-party apps.
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  • Reply 59 of 64
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,593member
    Well my hot corners issue was fixed, thank you apple!
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  • Reply 60 of 64


    Originally Posted by jlandd View PostPlease share your rose tinted glasses.  You are using your own experience and speaking as if it means more than that.


    But "What's the quickest way to roll back from Mountain Lion?" is the loudest cry in the pro audio community, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

    I'm sure you're right. I have to ask, though, if the "pro audio community" is the rule or the exception? I mean, there are all kinds of people using Macs these days, and pro audio/video folks are just a subset of the entire Mac-using community. While the problem may be devastating from your perspective, it's entirely possible (indeed, likely) that most users aren't experiencing what you are.


    I'm just saying, while I understand your pain, "You are using your own experience and speaking as if it means more than that."

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