Matte Back Panel on a 6th-gen iPhone Prototype… Turned ON.
What do we think? Sort of hard to fake, eh? But on modern iDevices, you don't see that "connect to iTunes" logo unless the device is in DFU mode. But why would a guy with an actual prototype put it in DFU? Can Apple wipe prototypes down to DFU mode?
I like the new back, the fact that he turned it on is insane. I just think that prototypes come in DFU. Not sure, maybe Steve Troughton Smith might know, he got an iPod touch 4G prototype.
I don't like it in the pics. But then, I didn't like the look of the iPhone4 in pics either, but I loved it when I had it in my hand. So ...
I'm very curious as to what will happen, honestly.
The hardware would be difficult to mockup but the screen is faked. You can see the icons wobbling about. Plus there is no change in brightness of the main part of the screen. That would only happen if it was OLED. It looks like a transparent set of icons tracked to the phone shake but they haven't been skewed properly.
If you need to see Flash movies bigger, just hit command+ and the movies zoom right up and you can see defects. Harder at 360p obviously but that's why fakers upload 360p.
Originally Posted by Marvin
Plus there is no change in brightness of the main part of the screen.
Gah! I agreed about it being fake earlier, but I can't believe I didn't notice that!
That would only happen if it was OLED.
Oh, boy. Here come the Samsung screen rumors…
Originally Posted by Marvin
The hardware would be difficult to mockup but the screen is faked. You can see the icons wobbling about. Plus there is no change in brightness of the main part of the screen. That would only happen if it was OLED. It looks like a transparent set of icons tracked to the phone shake but they haven't been skewed properly.
If you need to see Flash movies bigger, just hit command+ and the movies zoom right up and you can see defects. Harder at 360p obviously but that's why fakers upload 360p.
Yes. Definitely fakes. It throws the veracity of the whole video into question. Not particularly well done either.