HP developing smartphone for 'post-PC era'



  • Reply 21 of 65


    I know I've heard that somewhere else before.

  • Reply 22 of 65

    Skating to where the puck was...

  • Reply 23 of 65

    IMO, WebOS was good. I almost got one of those tablets when it was like $100. It is the only mobile OS not copying iOS

  • Reply 24 of 65
    red oak wrote: »
    This is the company that gave SJ his first job. It is so sad

    Even worse, it's the company that inspired Jobs.
  • Reply 25 of 65
    HP. Just. Has. No. Clue.
  • Reply 26 of 65
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Will it be called the MyPhone?  

  • Reply 27 of 65
    If HP lost $8B in the last quarter, how long can they sustain the development of these devices that have a vague market at best?
    How will they be that different from what iOS and Android supply now?
    What countries, cities, towns, villages, hamlets or outposts will these be sold in?
    If they are inexpensive enough for the poor countries, will there be enough margin to keep the HP division that builds them from being a cost center?
    This project seems to fail the smell test.
  • Reply 28 of 65
    HP is out of ideas. Officially.
  • Reply 29 of 65
    I know I've heard that somewhere else before.

    If you say it three times into your bathroom mirror the ghost of Steve Jobs appears.
  • Reply 30 of 65

    Meg just wants to make a phone one of her illegal alien domestics can afford...

  • Reply 31 of 65
    swssws Posts: 44member
    "we have to take advantage of that form factor"


    We are going to throw together a phone half assed and sell it at a low-cost point. Then scratch our heads 2 months later when no one's buying them. Then like Dell, we will silently bow out of the phone market. Followed by a great idea by Meg to continue to put out cheap plastic PC's for big box stores to put on sale every other month.

    HP has been ran into the ground. They floated on their good name for as long as they can while selling bottom dollar electronics for the past 5 to almost 10 years. Now that the average consumer has wizened up, things are getting real for HP. Now they want to put out a smart phone.

    Ha! Their tablet business is pathetic. So Megan thinks she's going to take that smartphone market by storm. It's almost sad. . . .

  • Reply 32 of 65
    swssws Posts: 44member
    tylerk36 wrote: »
    Develop, market then sell them off and close down the department. HP is good at two things. Making printers and PC's. Maybe they should stick to that and leave the real talent of making portable tablets and phones to the people who are capable of doing such things.

    Have you seen their PCs and printers lately? Nothing but bottom dollar components and cheap plastic.

    If I were in the market for a PC, the brands I would look into would be Lenovo, Asus, Sony.

    As for printers, Epson and Canon.
  • Reply 33 of 65
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    HP hasn't got a clue how to do a smartphone. Bringing another OS at this late stage of the game is just plain stupid. Even Microsoft is having difficulties bringing Windows to the smartphone and they have a few vendors supporting it and they STILL can't sell many of them.

    I think the Android market is too messed up with how they bring a new version release to market. First Google has to release it, then the mfg has to release it, and then they have to get the approval of the carriers. By the time they do this, there is already another release from Google. And there is NO guarantee that you'll always get a new OS. Just look at the Gingerbread users. Do they get ICS and Jelly Bean? NO.

    Oh well, I think Android is meant for kids that just want something to play with since they are spending more time playing with the GUI to find a theme that works. To me, their GUI is an actual game that they end playing with. The object of the Android game is to make it look different than everyone else's with animations and to see how much overhead they need to run it.
  • Reply 34 of 65
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member

    But, but, Steve Balmer told us just a few months ago that it'll never be the "post-PC" era!  Who are we to believe??  

  • Reply 35 of 65


    Originally Posted by LordJohnWhorfin View Post

    The only sad thing is that she's still being paid a fortune for her inane leadership. At this point they could save lots of money by just using a potted plant as a CEO. They would probably get better results, too.


    Wait... Meg Whitman isn't a potted plant?


    Are you sure?

  • Reply 36 of 65
    It includes a hand crank and a rotary dial.
  • Reply 37 of 65
    HP. Please have a product designed, built and finished ready to ship before you tell us. This is one thing I always admired about the way Apple does things.

    For now HP Phone = Vapourware
  • Reply 38 of 65
    Remember HP's "Number One Plus"? Neither doesn't anyone else. Of all the things companies should be following Apple for and could be because it's not protectable they sure miss the boat. At least using Post-PC is a step in the right direction for HP.

    [QUOTE]HP’s TouchPad tablet is due out this summer and, speaking to the press recently, HP’s Eric Cador said, “In the tablet world, we’re going to become better than number one. We call it number one plus.”[/QUOTE]
  • Reply 39 of 65
    Wrong thread placement. Move along.
  • Reply 40 of 65


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    Let me see if I got this right... Meg has identified a market where the people are so poor that food is too expensive, and she wants to build a smart phone for that market? Meg, Meg, Meg, think grass huts. Where will they plug in the charger? Where's the closest cell tower that hasn't been raided for the copper wire? Is HP ready to trade goats for Smart phones? Show me your marketing plan, heck, show me your business plan.


    One thing I can assure HP is that they will have NO competition in their target market.

    Boy, are you wrong about this. Sub-Saharan Africa is an emerging market for smartphones (already a highly penetrated feature phone market). Not for iPhones or even Galaxy S3. But  cheaper Android and Symbian phones and Blackberries are already selling in the low millions there.

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