16GB iPhone 5 bill of materials estimated at $168



  • Reply 41 of 63

    This is pretty meaningless info, considering it is estimates and does not include labor. If this was true, Apple would have a nearly 75% Gross Profit on each 16GB iPhone 5. 


    I don't think Apple has that high of gross margins.


    Throwing in R&D, marketing, investments in infrastructure, etc. only applies to the net profit. 

  • Reply 42 of 63
    Umm that's bull crap. How much money went into R
  • Reply 43 of 63


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I know what you mean, but like someone said above, Apple is also making money by being efficient—in the supply chain, in the number of models they (don't) sell, in managing their own retail business, in running their own content ecosystem, and in the post-PC realm, by massively colonizing the entirely new economy of portable computing.

    Because what they are doing is so new and, not coincidentally, so customer-driven, they are still perceived as the underdog, fighting mediocrity, by millions of fans. We are hoping this new business model will conquer the world, at least in terms of mindshare, and erase some of the worst aspects of the consumer exploitation in America's captalist past. But you have to add one crucial proviso to have all this work out ethically:

    We are expecting that they're going to use their cash pile for some really big moves in the future that will change the world even more than they have already. Something on the scale of revolutionizing education, for example, or global communications.


    We can already see Apple using its wealth to clean up the world. From Asia, and Australia to All of Europe, Apple is battling corporate greed and corruption.

    Fighting with legions of lawyers for Truth, Justice, and the Apple Way!! 

  • Reply 44 of 63
    I wish I could get a touchscreen for my iPhone for $7.50 if it broke. Instead I pay $100+
  • Reply 45 of 63
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    This is funny how people can guess the prices without actually having first hand knowledge.

    I'm not going to guess how much it costs them to make these things because that's none of my business, plus they are the one's that design it, support it, investment in building mfg plants to make them and had to pay for tooling charges, etc.

  • Reply 46 of 63
    "The research firm presumes the new A6 processor has a gigabyte of RAM, and that the internal battery is 1,400 mAh."

    The current iPhone has a 3400mAh battery. The (very accurate) leaks showed a 3500mAh battery. If they can't even get this basic fact right I don't put much stock in the rest of it.
  • Reply 47 of 63
    nooge wrote: »
    "The research firm presumes the new A6 processor has a gigabyte of RAM, and that the internal battery is 1,400 mAh."
    The current iPhone has a 3400mAh battery. The (very accurate) leaks showed a 3500mAh battery. If they can't even get this basic fact right I don't put much stock in the rest of it.

    Your facts are axiomatically incorrect. The 4S is 1420mAh.
  • Reply 48 of 63


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    And some people argue that Americans are not really as dumb as the tests of educational achievement shows, nor is there any good reason to ship jobs overseas because the workforce is too dumb to do the jobs required.


    Just read the crap comments on this site and other sites and you begin to realize that the vast majority of Americans truly are inferior to rest of the world. 


    Maybe you might feel that way about yourself, but I can assure you, there are plenty of idiots around the world.

  • Reply 49 of 63


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Your facts are axiomatically incorrect. The 4S is 1420mAh.


    Hmm. I guess my memory is bad. I confused the voltage bump with a ampere capacity bump.




    The iPhone 5 is 3.8V/5.45Whr while the iPhone 4S is 3.7V/5.3Whr


    Different voltage does imply different cell technology which should probably have a different cost.

  • Reply 50 of 63
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member

    This guessing the material cost is meaningless. It doesn't include manufacturing, development, licensing, and marketing cost. Further, Apple generally shares its gross profit margins, which is about 28 to 38 percent. 

  • Reply 51 of 63
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    [SIZE=14px]We can already see Apple using its wealth to clean up the world. From Asia, and Australia to All of Europe, Apple is battling corporate greed and corruption.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=14px]Fighting with legions of lawyers for Truth, Justice, and the Apple Way!! [/SIZE]

    Messy, messy mind. Why did you capitalize All?
  • Reply 52 of 63
    $168 is marginal cost. Doesn't include investment and other development costs.

    No one ever seems to include that shipment from China, right to your house, that always seems to show up before the scheduled date...
  • Reply 53 of 63
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Your facts are axiomatically incorrect. The 4S is 1420mAh.

    I generally don't post on grammar, but that first sentence doesn't make any sense in relation to context...

    You generally can not have an axiom be a fact. A fact can not be an axiom, and by its very nature an axiom can not be incorrect.

    Your usage is very similar to the two words truth and truthfully. Both have the same root meaning.

    Even using the more modern, political definition it still doesn't make sense. In that case it would read "your facts are self evident incorrect."

    ...I don't know why I'm posting on grammar. Carry on!
  • Reply 54 of 63
    Regardless of actual cost $80-$167.50 , if Apple could/would drop the price....would they dominate the emerging markets with a ~$250 4s just, because they can/could, to gain on Android?
  • Reply 55 of 63
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    numoo wrote: »
    Regardless of actual cost $80-$167.50 , if Apple could/would drop the price....would they dominate the emerging markets with a ~$250 4s just, because they can/could, to gain on Android?

    Maybe, maybe not. There are plenty of people who refuse to buy Apple products regardless of price. There are also those who are fixated on screen size and would buy a Galaxy SIII even if it were much more expensive than an iPhone. While it is clear that Apple would gain some sales, they would probably not make up for the loss in margins on existing products. So while they might gain market share, profits would decline - and Apple is not interested in share if it makes their profits drop.

    In the end, I suspect that Apple knows more about maximizing their profits and properly pricing their phones than you do.
  • Reply 56 of 63

    Instead of whining about how much money the evil capitalist pig Apple makes, you should of bought the stock.     I did !!!!!!

  • Reply 57 of 63


    Originally Posted by Arlor View Post

    There was a study in the Economist some months back that suggested that essentially all smartphones cost between $160 and $180 to make when new. The glass and aluminum don't seem to actually drive up the component cost much (though I suspect they sharply increased the production cost in other ways: factory equipment, etc.). 



    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    tI doesn't include assembly cost either so the marginal cost is higher than $168. 

    The one problem I do have with Apple's pricing though, is the extra $100 for another 16 GB of memory.


    This brings up an interesting, tangential point...


    Amazon claims they aren't selling Kindle Fires at a loss. Previous articles on AI have mentioned the cost of the Fire's BOM, indicating that they were making a slim profit. But, once we add in the development, manufacturing and support costs, I suspect Jeff Bezos is lying when he says they aren't engaging in razor blade economics. This isn't surprising -- Amazon has never been the most straightforward and honest company when it comes to sales and profits -- but it makes the business model for the Fire seem even less tenable when you consider all the costs associated with it beyond the simple BOM.

  • Reply 58 of 63

    that's where you're wrong... assembly costs absolutely nothing, as it's done by CHINESE SLAVES

  • Reply 59 of 63

    Originally Posted by sxpert View Post

    that's where you're wrong... assembly costs absolutely nothing, as it's done by CHINESE SLAVES


    Should stick to jokes that are at least funny.

  • Reply 60 of 63
    "The numbers, published on Friday by UBM TechInsights, peg the cost of the new A6 chip at $28"

    We don't yet know if it is custom v7 or v15, dual core or quad core, but it cost $28. Meaningless.

    "The new, larger 4-inch display was valued at $18 plus another $7.50 for the touchscreen and cover glass"

    there isn't a separate display and touchscreen!

    "The new, thinner camera is also valued at $10"

    The saphire camera window will cost more than that. We don't know what the improved stabilisation consists of yet.

    "... SDRAM is $4...."

    regardless of how much there is

    Bluntly this sort of reported guesswork is absurd.
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