Samsung takes aim at iPhone 5 in new print ad



  • Reply 121 of 277
    It's sad that Samsung has to resort in such crap misleading ads. The real sorry part of it is that those who don't know better might actually believe it! They may claim a higher resolution, for example, but on a bigger screen, that resolution gets diluted by lesser dpi. All those other things at the end of their list are meaningless gibberish. Apple could do the same thing by listing random stuff too that doesnt mean a whole iota, but Apple is above that nonsense.
  • Reply 122 of 277

    Everything after NFC just sounds like they started making up shit.


    What the hell is Palm Touch Mute Pause?

    It sounds like something you'd see in those badly translated instruction manuals you get with cheap Chinese electronics from eBay.

  • Reply 123 of 277
    During a conversation with a hifi enthusiast about his new amp or whatever I commented that mine had a lot more buttons, a graphic equaliser and all sort of bells and whistles while his just had a volume knob.

    He replied "Dont need them, listen to the quality "
  • Reply 124 of 277


    Originally Posted by SteffenJobs View Post


    Actually, this was hardly a "independent" jury -- as far as I know they were all Americans, defending an American company.

    If you wanted a fair trail, it should be done in a neutral country, such as New Zealand or Switzerland. 

    Yet in South Korea, Samsung's home Territory, they were in favour of Apple and Samsung is now being investigated by the Fair Trade Commission.


    Just thought I'd throw that in there. :)

  • Reply 125 of 277
  • Reply 126 of 277
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    The GS3 standby time is quite impressive.  That's the only feature I'm at all envious of.

  • Reply 127 of 277
    As someone in the biz who knows iOS and Android backwards, loves most of what Apple do and who has played with an S3 and 4S (and knows the 5 spec), this ad is actually accurate. There is a lot to like about the S3 (hence it's popularity) and the ad makes no false claims at all. Further, Samsung are upgrading them all to Jelly Bean soon and that will further improve the value proposition.

    Apple fans need to be more honest and make a fair judgement call. There are others capable of coming up with good ideas. Samsung started developing PDAs almost 20 years ago, Google their ALPS project. I visited their industrial and UX design studio in Palo Alto over 15 years ago almost, and even then, they were doing some cool stuff.

    I have an iPhone 1/2G (best iPhone industrial design to date) and a Sony Xperia Pro (for the keyboard), and my next phone will be a Galaxy Note 2, because as a creative, I want something for creating content, not consuming it - something I agree, the iPhone 5 will excel at. I use my superb MBA 13" i7 for everything else. And yes, it really is the best notebook in the world and no one, not even Samsung, has it beat yet.
  • Reply 128 of 277
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    LOL, only 1 model out of the 4 Samsung Galaxy SIII phones has a quad core CPU. The Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile version all have dual core CPUs

    On top of that not a single one of those 4 outperforms the 4S on graphics.
  • Reply 129 of 277


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    The GS3 standby time is quite impressive.  That's the only feature I'm at all envious of.


    It's also utter nonsense. 790 hours? That's 33 days - more than a month on standby! Nobody got that long in the days of dumbphones which only had calls and texts to watch for, let alone on a modern smartphone. I seriously think that it's impossible on the S3 even if you don't use the phone at all.


    Apple's figure is about 9.5 days. I once got 6 days out of my iPhone when I only used it for about 2 hours during that period. If you didn't use the phone at all and put it in a strong signal area, I think 9 days is do-able. But 33? No way.

  • Reply 130 of 277


    Originally Posted by mac-user View Post

    I'm missing the malwares on the list. It can be an important feature.

    Also missing from the list is the fact that the Android phone automatically uploads every piece of info on said phone to Google....   

  • Reply 131 of 277

    This ad needs to be updated, so if anybody with Photoshop skills would like to help, it would be appreciated.


    "It doesn't take a genius." But below that should be - "It does, to build a phone that receives updated OS when it arrives."


    Now down to the bottom. Instead of The next big blah-blah-blah should be 

    A Year Old OS Is Here At Last! 

    This Is The Best We Could Do.

    Galaxy SIII


    It would be a honest ad.

  • Reply 132 of 277








    I have read a lot of comments about which is better; an iPhone or any of the other smartphones out there.  It seems to me that they are all very capable.  The difference for me is taste. To illustrate, I like the diamond necklace shown in the left picture while others may like the plastic necklace shown in the right picture. Neither choice is right or wrong.  I own an iPhone.

  • Reply 133 of 277



    Originally Posted by margus1000 View Post

    This ad needs to be updated, so if anybody with Photoshop skills would like to help, it would be appreciated.




    Originally Posted by leighr View Post

    Here's the 'real' version of the advert.



  • Reply 134 of 277
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    margus1000 wrote: »
    This ad needs to be updated, so if anybody with Photoshop skills would like to help, it would be appreciated.

    "It doesn't take a genius." But below that should be - "It does, to build a phone that receives updated OS when it arrives."

    How about "It doesn't take a genius to make a Galaxy Phone. Just a copycat.
    Do you seriously believe that mighty Samsung's success in mobiles phones is due to the fact that people buy them by accident, because they think they are iPhones?
    I am not saying such people do not exist, but certainly not in numbers large enough to explain mighty Samsung's success.

    First, Samsung's own evidence in the trial indicated that a significant number of people DID buy Samsung products thinking they were Apple products. But I don't think that's the entire issue. There are certainly people who buy them because they're "just like" an iPhone - and cheaper.

    In the end, look at the results. Samsung went from nowhere in smartphones to the industry leader in just a few short years - and their phones were as close to exact copies of Apple as they thought they could get away with. Meanwhile, all the competitors who did not copy Apple so slavishly (HTC, Motorola, LG, Nokia, etc) declined.
    I thought marketing rule 101 was,"if you're not Coke, don't acknowledge the existence of Coke to your potential customers." Why provide free advertising for the market leader?

    Depends on the circumstances. When an industry leader is such an overwhelming powerhouse and you think you have some real advantages, comparing yourself to the industry leader often makes sense.

    However, in this case, Samsung claims to be the industry leader, so it's not quite so simple.

    Actually, this was hardly a "independent" jury -- as far as I know they were all Americans, defending an American company.
    If you wanted a fair trail, it should be done in a neutral country, such as New Zealand or Switzerland. 

    Your lack of evidence backing your claim of bias is noted.
  • Reply 135 of 277
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Is the claimed Standby time on the Galaxy due to larger battery or because users avoid doing anything at all with the device unless they need to place or receive a phone call?
  • Reply 136 of 277
    moonskate wrote: »
    "in what appears to be a highly subjective comparison" 

    Wait a minute.  Isn't the 5S made by the same company that just claimed that Samsung stole their "innovative" new round corners? Seems to me that Apple messed with the wrong company.  I mean, to sue someone over that?  Oh wait, I get it.  If they sue then much of it's credulous fanbase will believe round corners are what make apple so "innovative".  It's sad that they are so proud over something so lame.  Maybe apple should go into the automotive industry and then patent the steering wheel along with round wheels because the others didn't think of doing that.  Toyota, Ford, Gm and others will then need to manufacture this new thing called "the triangle wheel", and mount squares for tires for fear of a lawsuit.  Or they could use octagons.  And this is same one who's slow, over priced computers easily got infected by mac defender, mac flashback and many more, AFTER pretending they were impervious.  Their one supposed advantage and even that failed them.  Yep, I think I'm seeing a pattern here...

    God I hate how people act like car designs are free to take.

    Design takes time, trial and error to get it just right. The following link will show blatant car design ripoffs. If you think design means nothing then you have no problem with the following cars that are being made and sold in China.

  • Reply 137 of 277
    bmason1270 wrote: »
    God I hate how people act like car designs are free to take.
    Design takes time, trial and error to get it just right. The following link will show blatant car design ripoffs. If you think design means nothing then you have no problem with the following cars that are being made and sold in China.

    And yes BMW is suing and therefore crippling "innovation"

  • Reply 138 of 277
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    lilgto64 wrote: »
    Is the claimed Standby time on the Galaxy due to larger battery or because users avoid doing anything at all with the device unless they need to place or receive a phone call?

    Or because Samsung uses some bizarre definition of 'standby time'. 33 days? I don't believe it for a minute. They're probably counting how long the phone holds a charge if it's turned completely off.
  • Reply 139 of 277
    Samsung: It Doesn't Take a Genius
    The ITC and courts around the world: No Sammy, It Takes a Thief
  • Reply 140 of 277

    Talk about your poor losers

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