Urban Outfitters drops cash registers for Apple's iPad in 400 stores



  • Reply 21 of 47

    That place is still a hipster paradise and nothing more, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • Reply 22 of 47
    "monkey boy will need a walker to do his dance."

    made me laugh.
  • Reply 23 of 47


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Who uses cash anymore?


    People who don't have a credit card or debit card to their name do not deserve to purchase any goods in 2012.


    Cash money is filthy, and I try to stay away from it. 


    I was going to respond with a simple big F.U., but I get a kick out of some of your posts.


    Let me instead make some small adjustments:

    Who is stupid enough to use plastic?  It causes the merchants to pay extra fees that are passed along to the customer for little-to-no benefit, just padding the pockets of the banks.  On top of that, all your transactions are logged, analyzed and archived forever in our new big brother society.  Under the guise of convenience, we have given up the greatest freedom of all, our privacy.  It's pitiful.


    People who don't have enough money to their name to carry around enough cash for regular purchases don't deserve to purchase any goods in 2012 (or any year).


    Credit cards are filthy, and I DO stay away from them.


    Oh, and btw, I do have credit (used in very rare cases), and probably a high credit score than (almost) everyone on this board.  But when you come to realize that all plastic transactions are feeding large database profiles of your habits, whereabouts and general personality traits, then you realize how filthy credit cards are. The tiny convenience they provide over cash, 99% of the time, is a drop in the bucket compared to what we are throwing away.

  • Reply 24 of 47


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Yeah, there's this Chinese restaurant nearby me, and if you pay with cash, you get a 5 or 10% rebate on the bill.


    Yup, my point exactly, this is an establishment that lets its customers decide if they want to actually pay their own weight for the "convenience" of plastic!  


    Of course if they're actually doing a 10% discount, that's more than they're paying in bank card services, so they're pocketing some of it on the side. ;-)

  • Reply 25 of 47


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Shoulder tattoos aren't attractive.

    Tattoos aren't attractive.

  • Reply 26 of 47
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    [...] The days of desktop PC's are over. Certain pros, businesses and content creators will still be using desktop PC's, but the average person, which means the majority of all people, will not be buying any more desktop PC's.


    It really does seem weird to see people buying computers to do nothing more than email and Facebook.


    Maybe, just maybe, if we can get the masses using tablets for day-to-day "ordinary people" stuff, computer makers can go back to building machines that pros, businesses and content creators actually want.  Y'know, like portable computers with 17" screens and gobs of user-replaceable storage instead of designs that put "cute" and "convenient" ahead of utility and power...

  • Reply 27 of 47
    netrox wrote: »
    but where's the cash box?

    First response: What's cash?

    Second response: Cash drawer, if needed, is installed under the counter and controlled by BT from a button on the iPad screen...

    We were doing this with Apple ][s in the late 1970s (serial then, no BT).
  • Reply 28 of 47
    @apple ][
    what's wrong with you? somebody doesn't have that. you can't just blame people who you don't know. it's insult. even I have many credit cards, I don't really use that much. I use cash a lot because I get discount price if I pay cash. you have no idea the difference between cash and credit payment. there is extra interesting you need to pay if you use credit card. so cash is all the way. as many as you use credit card, you are possibly vlunerable to expose your entire information all over the place. I don't want that. who is smart, moron?
  • Reply 29 of 47


    Originally Posted by Blah64 View Post


    I was going to respond with a simple big F.U., but I get a kick out of some of your posts.


    Let me instead make some small adjustments:


    Oh, and btw, I do have credit (used in very rare cases), and probably a high credit score than (almost) everyone on this board.  But when you come to realize that all plastic transactions are feeding large database profiles of your habits, whereabouts and general personality traits, then you realize how filthy credit cards are. The tiny convenience they provide over cash, 99% of the time, is a drop in the bucket compared to what we are throwing away.


    When I meant that cash is filthy, I meant it literally. 


    I'd rather not handle cash money that has been passed around between countless fingers and god knows how many dirty people, money which contains germs, bacteria, diseases and other nice surprises. There have been numerous tests done where random dollars were collected and some of them even had the influenza virus on them. I don't have the time to be sick in bed with the flu.


    I also don't mind that there is a record of my purchases being kept, as I find it convenient to be able to check up on all of my purchases online. If I were a mass murdering serial rapist on the run from the law with something to hide, then I could see why somebody might want to stick to cash only. You can either choose to join the present day or continue to live in the past, because cash is disappearing in this increasingly e-commerce world.

  • Reply 30 of 47


    Originally Posted by archurban View Post

     you can't just blame people who you don't know. 

    Sure I can, I do it all of the time.


    I am merely expressing my opinion, and if you disagree with it, then I'm ok with that.image

  • Reply 31 of 47


    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    That place is still a hipster paradise and nothing more, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Now that they have more Apple products, yes, it's a hipster's paradise.  http://www.craveonline.com/comedy/articles/169527-hipsters-a-apple-a-dark-symbiosis

  • Reply 32 of 47
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/152972/urban-outfitters-drops-cash-registers-for-apples-ipad-in-400-stores#post_2201160"]Who uses cash anymore?

    People who don't have a credit card or debit card to their name do not deserve to purchase any goods in 2012.

    But, if somebody does pay with cash, then I'm sure that they have some sort of metal cash box or something underneath the counter for those sorts of customers.

    Cash money is filthy, and I try to stay away from it. 

    I used to feel the same. This week someone stole my debit card number. I had the joy of watching my account magically shrink in $500 increments. About 4 months ago it happened to my wife. For me, the risk out weighs the conviance, so cash from now on.
  • Reply 33 of 47


    Originally Posted by bigdaddyp View Post

    I used to feel the same. This week someone stole my debit card number. I had the joy of watching my account magically shrink in $500 increments. About 4 months ago it happened to my wife. For me, the risk out weighs the conviance, so cash from now on.

    Why were you watching your balance shrink instead of calling your bank and cancelling the card the second you realized it was gone?  In most cases banks won't hold you responsible for any theft on your credit or debit card.  Did you contact them about their policy related to card theft?


    Any American who travels abroad should have an Visa/Mastercard ATM & Debit card.  If you take dollars and hope to change them you're going to pay massive fees at a bank or get ripped off wholesale at a foreign currency exchange.

  • Reply 34 of 47


    Originally Posted by TheOtherGeoff View Post


    Cash may be a lot of things, it's also the least expensive way for a retailer to close a transaction. 


    While I'm sure it costs less, I do wonder how much it costs for lockable cash drawers, a cash-drop safe with multi-user access keypad, and an armored truck service to pick up the dough once a week.

  • Reply 35 of 47
    blah64 wrote: »
    I was going to respond with a simple big F.U., but I get a kick out of some of your posts.

    Let me instead make some small adjustments:

    Oh, and btw, I do have credit (used in very rare cases), and probably a high credit score than (almost) everyone on this board.  But when you come to realize that all plastic transactions are feeding large database profiles of your habits, whereabouts and general personality traits, then you realize how filthy credit cards are. The tiny convenience they provide over cash, 99% of the time, is a drop in the bucket compared to what we are throwing away.
    You have to use credit in order to build credit, so I fail to understand how you went about securing a credit score that is higher than anyone on this board by building credit in only 'very rare cases'.

    Getting Saturday off to a good start with the bold and ignorant assertions...
  • Reply 36 of 47


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    When I meant that cash is filthy, I meant it literally. 


    I'd rather not handle cash money that has been passed around between countless fingers and god knows how many dirty people, money which contains germs, bacteria, diseases and other nice surprises. There have been numerous tests done where random dollars were collected and some of them even had the influenza virus on them. I don't have the time to be sick in bed with the flu.\


    Dude,if you're that worried, it's called Purell. You should be washing your hands regularly anyway.

  • Reply 37 of 47
    While I'm sure it costs less, I do wonder how much it costs for lockable cash drawers, a cash-drop safe with multi-user access keypad, and an armored truck service to pick up the dough once a week.
    ...as well as the cost of compensating and managing all of the people who touch it between receipt and the bank deposit.
  • Reply 38 of 47
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Tattoos aren't attractive.

    Shoulder tattoos aren't attractive.

    Tattoo's aren't attractive to YOU! Thankfully, people don't fall into one kind of group. I think if tastefully done, tattoos are beautiful expressions of art and beliefs.

    In her case, it looks great on her and her public display of self-expression (IMHO) makes her totally hot. :)

    I so waiting for someone to spin my words into pro-Android propaganda. :)
  • Reply 39 of 47
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member

    Oh great. When there are no customers available, everyone congregate to the "cash register" to surf the internet.


    Yay for productivity.

  • Reply 40 of 47

    Why were you watching your balance shrink instead of calling your bank and cancelling the card the second you realized it was gone?  In most cases banks won't hold you responsible for any theft on your credit or debit card.  Did you contact them about their policy related to card theft?

    Any American who travels abroad should have an Visa/Mastercard ATM & Debit card.  If you take dollars and hope to change them you're going to pay massive fees at a bank or get ripped off wholesale at a foreign currency exchange.

    The banks computer system recognized something was wrong and froze my account.
    Of course I called the customer service number, but they had just closed.
    So I had the fun of watching my account take three big hits as web banking updated.

    Yes the bank credited my account. What pissed me off was no call, message or warning.
    Luckily I found out while at the grocery store. Later this week, I am taking a 900 mile trip to see family. Can you imagine being stuck, unable to fill up, because the bank froze your card with out warning, even though you have plenty of money in your account?

    I will be carrying my credit card now (still don't want to use it), probably not use my debit card at all, and primarily useing cash. And go back to carrying an energency hidden $100 bill.
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