Judge excuses himself from new Siri-related patent suit, cites conflict of interest



  • Reply 21 of 32
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post


    Ha, though I'd argue you were being too lenient. 


    I honestly don't think I could employ someone who was a Fandroid. What's the law regarding that? Can I discriminate on grounds of mobile choice?! 

    I don't see why not.


    I wouldn't hire anybody who showed up to an interview who was a Fandroid, as that would tell me that their overall mentality is not compatible with what I'm looking for.


    If somebody shows up to an interview wearing a clown suit, do you think that they would be hired at most businesses and firms? Unless it was for a job at the circus, then the answer is of course not. Is that discrimination?

  • Reply 22 of 32
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post



    Funny, considering how from the tone of most of posts, you should be signing yourself up for at least two of those classes (hint: I put them in bold for you).

    I admit that I can be a slight douche sometimes, though it's usually only towards others who are douches to begin with. I have no problems with out-douching a douche, or out-bullying a bully.


    I am usually polite towards people who are polite to me.image

  • Reply 23 of 32

    An honest judge?  Oh my!  I didn't realize there were any left.  Even the SCOTUS judges rule on cases where they have a conflict of interest.

  • Reply 24 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I admit that I can be a slight douche sometimes, though it's usually only towards others who are douches to begin with. I have no problems with out-douching a douche, or out-bullying a bully.


    I am usually polite towards people who are polite to me.image

    I don't recall you ever being impolite to me (of all people)image

  • Reply 25 of 32
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    Fair play, an honest judge, who'd have thunk it!
  • Reply 26 of 32
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I don't recall you ever being impolite to me (of all people)image

    I don't recall either, so I guess that proves that I'm a pretty nice guy afterall.image

  • Reply 27 of 32
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    gatorguy wrote: »

    No doubt there's many companies that might be infringing on Apple IP, either intentionally or unknowingly. Some of those Apple may be completely aware of, yet not bother with a lawsuit as they're not a competitive danger. Others they may not even know about.

    Apple goes after anyone that is using their IP the moment they find out about it. As it should be. If there is no cash to be had at least they shut down the activity. Case in point, Psystar.
  • Reply 28 of 32


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I don't see why not.


    I wouldn't hire anybody who showed up to an interview who was a Fandroid, as that would tell me that their overall mentality is not compatible with what I'm looking for.


    If somebody shows up to an interview wearing a clown suit, do you think that they would be hired at most businesses and firms? Unless it was for a job at the circus, then the answer is of course not. Is that discrimination?

    Just wow. You forgot to add some lines about being homo, black and Jew.


    Android is a great system, which allows programming in a great language (Java). While I can do Java as well as OC, and do, while I have a Mac, an iPad and work on GS3/Nexus 7, I find perfectly OK that people prefer, say, Win8. That's called "open minded".


    I would not choose to work for someone who can't understand that if you prefer same-sex partners or another type of smartphone, it is your PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

    I would despise you if I wasn't utterly convinced by now that you're just a troll, and a very good one.


    Good day, though ^^

  • Reply 29 of 32
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    Just wow. You forgot to add some lines about being homo, black and Jew.


    Android is a great system, which allows programming in a great language (Java). While I can do Java as well as OC, and do, while I have a Mac, an iPad and work on GS3/Nexus 7, I find perfectly OK that people prefer, say, Win8. That's called "open minded".


    I would not choose to work for someone who can't understand that if you prefer same-sex partners or another type of smartphone, it is your PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

    I would despise you if I wasn't utterly convinced by now that you're just a troll, and a very good one.


    Good day, though ^^


    We all discriminate, everybody does, IMO. What we discriminate against might vary, but we all do. I really wouldn't believe anybody who denies that they do.


    If somebody chooses to not shower for two weeks and shows up for an interview, should they be hired? I mean, somebody choosing not to shower is a personal preference is it not? What about a guy who shows up wearing a dress to an interview? What about somebody with a hundred piercings and tattoos all over their face? The fact of the matter is that people's personal choices do affect how other people will perceive them.


    As for somebody being "homo, black and Jew", I wouldn't have any problem hiring a gay person, if they were qualified, I also wouldn't have a problem with hiring a Black person if they were qualified and I wouldn't have a problem hiring a Jewish person if they were qualified. I probably wouldn't hire somebody that was all three of the above though, because that just strikes me as a rather odd combination, and that person would probably be a very confused individual and bound to have some issues, IMO, and better to be safe than sorry.image


    And also, I'm not a programmer, so I'm not going to attempt to get technical or pretend that I have any great knowledge about it, but from everything that I've read, Android is not that great of an OS and Java is part of the reason why there are many poor performing apps. I use a lot of music apps, and Android would never work for me, because of the outrageous latency. I view Android as an amateur OS, and an OS for people on an extreme budget and an OS for people who don't have very high expectations.

  • Reply 30 of 32
    Props to him.
  • Reply 31 of 32
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

    Just wow. You forgot to add some lines about being homo, black and Jew.

    Android is a great system, which allows programming in a great language (Java). While I can do Java as well as OC, and do, while I have a Mac, an iPad and work on GS3/Nexus 7, I find perfectly OK that people prefer, say, Win8. That's called "open minded".

    I would not choose to work for someone who can't understand that if you prefer same-sex partners or another type of smartphone, it is your PERSONAL PREFERENCE.
    I would despise you if I wasn't utterly convinced by now that you're just a troll, and a very good one.

    Good day, though ^^

    Apple ][ can attest to my dislike on many positions he's taken but in this case he has a point. Being an Android user doesn't speak to your ability to do a job well but it could speak to how you might make choices in a job directly under him.

    One of the things I like about Apple's products over an OS like Android and HW from their vendors is the attention to detail with many of the aspects. Now, that doesn't mean the person using and Android-based device doesn't or can't appreciate a certain level of quality and refinement (or that an iPhone user does) but there are common factors between advocates of each camp.

    If I were Apple ][ I would inquire as to why they liked/choose their Android device. Maybe it was something as simple as Sprint was the best carrier of choice and they haven't upgraded, or maybe they are an Java developer (as you mention) before Android came out. There is no absolute pigeonholing that should be done but it could make one question a line of thinking that could be an indicator of something more important.
  • Reply 32 of 32
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member


    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Apple goes after anyone that is using their IP the moment they find out about it. As it should be. If there is no cash to be had at least they shut down the activity. Case in point, Psystar.

    Then it's good to know only three Android licensees are accused of infringing Apple IP, That leaves Google, Asus, Sony, LG, Huawai and dozens of smaller Android smartphone and tablet builders in the clear.  They obviously don't infringe on anything belonging to Apple or they would have been sued already.


    Pretty darn obvious that's not true Charlituna, making your claim obviously false.

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