First Google Android phone spotting reveals bulky iPhone rival



  • Reply 161 of 163
    jeffdm wrote: »
    This dead thread was zombied for what reason again?

    Yes... I had a theory 4 years ago and it was shat on by people on these forums. The internet is wonderful, it documents what I once said so years later I can say "I told you so".

    4 years later I have changed a bit, because of Apple's businesse practices I will never buy an Apple produce ever again.
  • Reply 162 of 163
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    You also said: "Apple will never have a free phone it would tarnish there image."


    I didn't see where you were "shat" on, I glanced at several replies to your first post, and they were all respectfully disagreeing, they weren't cursing you out or calling you names.
  • Reply 163 of 163


    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    You also said: "Apple will never have a free phone it would tarnish there image."


    I didn't see where you were "shat" on, I glanced at several replies to your first post, and they were all respectfully disagreeing, they weren't cursing you out or calling you names.

    Your right, shat was the wrong word.


    But people did poo poo my ideas and theory as if i was from another planet. It is satisfying to stand against overwhelming disagreement and turn out to be correct.

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