ToS and Posted Rules: What to do?



  • Reply 21 of 38

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Fine thanks for posting that. Why should this not be the terms of service then?


    TOS and rules are separate entities. Where our TOS page falls down is in its… lack of linking to any list of actual rules. The "agree not to post yada yada" part seems to be required by every TOS on every website, and that doesn't much constitute rules so much as guidelines (ironically, as our rules sticky is called "guidelines").


    And while it's only stickied in the General Discussion subforum, I've always felt that link of rules applied to all subforums. PoliticalOutsider has identically-worded rules 1 and 2, but rule 3 is changed due to its unique position. 4-7, I would imagine, apply just the same. Though—perhaps because it isn't specifically written out—4 often seems to be ignored over there… 


    If we were to go by the TOS as our "rules", I'd have to stop banning spambots. image


    Which reminds me; gotta do my daily signup check.

  • Reply 22 of 38
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    That's… a given. That's implied by the words themselves… 

    You're selling [product], see, and this kid comes up and takes one—walks off with it. Are you saying that because there's no sign on your door that says "no stealing, otherwise we'll take it back from you" he can keep it? REALLY?! :lol:

    I mean this, when I refer to "rules". 

    Unfortunately it can be argued that guidelines are not rules/laws. The OAD3 lists it as "a general rule, principle, or piece of advice." JeffDM's made a guideline that stated rules — which I agree with — but they aren't official adopted by Ai because they are not detailed in the ToS in some way. It's the lack of clarity of guidelines being seen as rules and ToS having no such rules that does obfuscate the issue quite a bit for those that don't practice a modicum of forum etiquette or have much experience with internet forums.
  • Reply 23 of 38
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    Gratuitous self promotion, you should be banned. :lol:

    In that video I posted about 1m:25s in he starts in about having a list. I thought it fit nicely into your previous comments.
  • Reply 24 of 38
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    If we were to go by the TOS as our "rules", I'd have to stop banning spambots. image


    Which reminds me; gotta do my daily signup check.

    Despite my frequent criticism, this is one area where we all are very thankful for your dedication and diligence. 

  • Reply 25 of 38
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Gratuitous self promotion, you should be banned. image

    In that video I posted about 1m:25s in he starts in about having a list. I thought it fit nicely into your previous comments.

    Just kidding. I do consider you one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters. I also have to say that video is rather entertaining.

  • Reply 26 of 38
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    Just kidding. I do consider you one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters. I also have to say that video is entertaining.

    1) I know you were kidding, even without the emoticon.

    2) And I, you. You will disagree with me if you think I'm wrong and will hold your ground with thoughtful and engaging comments that are straightforward and allow me to do the same without either one of use feeling insulted by the other.
  • Reply 27 of 38

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Aside from my frequent criticism, this is one area where we all are very thankful for your dedication and diligence. 


    Well, thank you. I love this place, I love these people. Probably why I fight so hard. Too hard, at times.


    If anything, you should be giving the Huddler team tips on how to put in proper features. There are things I could tell you about the back end that would make your hair stand on end… 


    For example, did you know that we can't ban IP blocks anymore? vBulletin can, but Huddler can't right now. Have to do it individually, so all these SELLING REAL FAKE PASSPORT spambots that we've been seeing lately (or, if I'm doing my job right, either not seeing or not seeing for very long)? Even though they're coming from the same place (same country, actually, but we can't ban signups by country, either), we'd have to ban each IP individually. And by 'we', I mean 'admin and higher', otherwise I would have personally gone through and input every single IP for Cameroon by now.


    Oh! And there's no meaningful searching on the backend. Sure, we can see all site activity by category, and sure, we can restrict that by username and by activity performed on the content (held by our spam-catcher, deleted, deleted as spam, edited-and who did the editing, and manually validated), but we can't search for any specific content. If I wanted to find all the posts that had the spam link to that matte Mac petition, I couldn't. Or if I wanted to find all the users whose user page biography field read "Man" (since, to date, that is our largest group of spam signups, and every single one does that for the biography), I couldn't. All that has to be manual. Worst, if I wanted to find all the users whose name contained (not STARTED with, contained), say, "from_UZ", I couldn't.


    Actually, the user-side search can find that stuff! But then there are no mod tools on that page, so you'd have to go to each user page individually, then each user's ban page individually… etc.

  • Reply 28 of 38
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    For example, did you know that we can't ban IP blocks anymore? vBulletin can, but Huddler can't right now. Have to do it individually, so all these SELLING REAL FAKE PASSPORT spambots that we've been seeing lately (or, if I'm doing my job right, either not seeing or not seeing for very long)? Even though they're coming from the same place (same country, actually, but we can't ban signups by country, either), we'd have to ban each IP individually. And by 'we', I mean 'admin and higher', otherwise I would have personally gone through and input every single IP for Cameroon by now.

    Is this all saved in a text file on the server? If so, I would think that it would be pretty easy to create a utility that could input a range of values based from x to y by simply counting up from x++ until y is reached.
  • Reply 29 of 38

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Is this all saved in a text file on the server? If so, I would think that it would be pretty easy to create a utility that could input a range of values based from x to y by simply counting up from x++ until y is reached.


    I dunno. I'd have to be an admin to even see the page used to add to the list.

  • Reply 30 of 38
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I mean this, when I refer to "rules". 

    Okay. Thanks for that.

    But the page I linked to states, "We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below"

    There are no detailed rules below (on that page). 


    and on the guidelines age you linked to it states, "2. Attacks against anyone NOT a member of AI, including AI itself, are allowed. However, posting or discussion of forum moderation, except in threads set up for that purpose, will be unceremoniously removed."


    So all these posts should begone. image

  • Reply 31 of 38

    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    But the page I linked to states, "We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below"

    There are no detailed rules below (on that page). 


    Exactly. Actually, hang on, I think I'll just link to the guidelines page from within the ToS themselves. At least that'll be a temporary fix.

  • Reply 32 of 38

    And I made this its own thread, since not doing that would be against the guidelines. image

    Also, the ToS explicitly grants me the ability to do it. image

  • Reply 33 of 38
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Exactly. Actually, hang on, I think I'll just link to the guidelines page from within the ToS themselves. At least that'll be a temporary fix.

    That works!

    And I made this its own thread, since not doing that would be against the guidelines. image

    Also, the ToS explicitly grants me the ability to do it. image

    What's that saying about absolute power...?


  • Reply 34 of 38
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    For example, did you know that we can't ban IP blocks anymore? vBulletin can, but Huddler can't right now. Have to do it individually, so all these SELLING REAL FAKE PASSPORT spambots that we've been seeing lately (or, if I'm doing my job right, either not seeing or not seeing for very long)? Even though they're coming from the same place (same country, actually, but we can't ban signups by country, either), we'd have to ban each IP individually. And by 'we', I mean 'admin and higher', otherwise I would have personally gone through and input every single IP for Cameroon by now.


    I have not used Huddler but perhaps you could try using a wildcard for example:




    Might work????


    Apologizes to those legitimate posters from Cameroon


    That said with IPv6 about to be very common from China the whole concept of decimal dot addressing in blocks will have to revisited for banning purposes very soon

  • Reply 35 of 38

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That said with IPv6 about to be very common from China the whole concept of decimal dot addressing in blocks will have to revisited for banning purposes very soon


    While I'm quite happy with the beginning of the adoption of IPv6, I shudder to think of what this will mean for spam before the forum softwares update. And in the case of some, ever.


    Maybe this will force Apple to put back the IPv6 support they took out of the redesigned AirPort Utility…

  • Reply 36 of 38
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Maybe this will force Apple to put back the IPv6 support they took out of the redesigned AirPort Utility…

    FYI: You can still download and use the previous -> AirPort Utiltity 5.6.1

  • Reply 37 of 38

    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    FYI: You can still download and use the previous -> AirPort Utiltity 5.6.1




    Yeah, but I shouldn't have to. I realize it's like Final Cut Pro X, where they drop features to focus on the core whatsahoosits, but didn't they drop a lot of important stuff in AirPort Utility? Including UFO support*, meaning that until I get my house's wires moved around, I can't use the new AirPort Utility, much less a new AirPort router.


    *yeah, not that important, I guess

  • Reply 38 of 38
    alexnalexn Posts: 119member
    chris_ca wrote: »
    Maybe this will force Apple to put back the IPv6 support they took out of the redesigned AirPort Utility…
    FYI: You can still download and use the previous -> AirPort Utiltity 5.6.1

    Cool 8-). Thanks for posting the link :).
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