iTunes updated with duplicate song display tool and bug fixes

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Less than two weeks after launch, iTunes 11 has been updated to version 11.0.1 which brings back the duplicate song display tool as well as fixes for a few minor issues regarding iCloud and AirPlay.

Available now as an update, iTunes 11.0.1 marks the return of a tool that displays duplicate tracks within a user's library, and patches a bug that prevented new purchases from appearing in the library if iTunes Match was active. The overhauled iTunes 11 was first released on Nov. 29 with a fresh look, revamped user interface and tighter iCloud integration.

From the release notes:
  • Addresses an issue where new purchases in iCloud may not appear in your library if iTunes Match is turned on.
  • Makes iTunes more responsive when searching a large library.
  • Fixes a problem where the AirPlay button may not appear as expected.
  • Adds the ability to display duplicate items within your library.
  • Important stability and performance improvements.
The update comes in at 84.72 MB for the OS X version and 84.83 MB for Windows 64, both of which can be downloaded via Software Update or Apple's Support Downloads webpage.


  • Reply 1 of 19
    One important bug still in 11.0.1
    Hyperlinks embedded in podcasts do not work.
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  • Reply 2 of 19

    Could not understand why the 'Duplicate' list menu choice disappeared ??


    They forgot to include it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Reply 3 of 19
    They fixed the bug where you couldn't change the Media Kind form Movies and TV Shows to iTunes U and Podcast.
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  • Reply 4 of 19
    Is it just me, or do lots of things in iTunes 11 take way more clicks than in iTunes 10?

    In iTunes 10, i could drag a playlist from the main library screen directly to my iPhone without leaving the library screen - 1 click.

    Now i have to click "iPhone", then playlists, then drag it to my iPhone and then click done to get back to library view - 4 clicks.

    Also, viewing downloads now opens a pop-up window, which seems pretty cluttered to me.

    All in all, I like the new visual design a lot, but I think the functionality has become much less intuitive, and doesn't seem to make any tasks easier or faster. I would have much preferred an update that "trimmed the fat" a bit and simplified tasks while also speeding things up or upgrading the current library file system which inherently slows startup/shutdown and browsing large libraries.
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  • Reply 5 of 19
    superbass wrote: »
    Is it just me, or do lots of things in iTunes 11 take way more clicks than in iTunes 10?
    In iTunes 10, i could drag a playlist from the main library screen directly to my iPhone without leaving the library screen - 1 click.
    Now i have to click "iPhone", then playlists, then drag it to my iPhone and then click done to get back to library view - 4 clicks.
    Also, viewing downloads now opens a pop-up window, which seems pretty cluttered to me.
    All in all, I like the new visual design a lot, but I think the functionality has become much less intuitive, and doesn't seem to make any tasks easier or faster. I would have much preferred an update that "trimmed the fat" a bit and simplified tasks while also speeding things up or upgrading the current library file system which inherently slows startup/shutdown and browsing large libraries.

    What do you mean by "playlist from the main library screen"? I can only recall seeing Playlists in the Side Bar, which is still available to all users and still allows drag-n-drop.
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  • Reply 6 of 19
    I had to use time machine to bring my system back 3 days to get my iTunes 10 back. Can't stand the way iTunes 11 works. Missed cover flow and a ton of other abilities. It was like leaving Windows XP for Metro. It's too much and lost the simplicity of the true iTunes app. I refuse to upgrade to iTunes 11 although it will be reported as the best version ever and the most downloads. Too bad they won't track how many of those downloads were canceled out by people like me putting iTunes 10 back into play.
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  • Reply 7 of 19
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    djkikrome wrote: »
    Can't stand the way iTunes 11 works. Missed cover flow and a ton of other abilities.

    I guess if you just like to scroll through all your content via big icons then iTunes 11 isn't for you but I can't imagine how this was ever a popular feature. I never even use it on my iPhone and wish that I disable it from appearing when the iPhone is tilted on its side. What are these other abilities you miss?
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  • Reply 8 of 19

    Hating Itunes 11.  I like the little visual touches on viewing albums and songs in an album, but the problem is that they dismantled the most utilitarian function of Itunes - the list view.  It is still there (as "songs") but it is a completely flat list with no visual separation of songs by album.  Worse yet, there is no representation of album art in the list view.  I know - that's what the "albums" and "artists" options are for.   The problem is that you can't sort effectively in those modes, with exception of alphabetically.  My preference is to usually have my lists sorted by "date added" so that I can browse through the most recently acquired music.  You can only do this in "songs" and as I mentioned, that is a horrible interface now. 

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  • Reply 9 of 19

    iTunes Match still needs a lot of work. 'Who Are You' by The Who, is still only partially recognized, for example.

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  • Reply 10 of 19
    I agree with Superbass. The loss of intuitive functionality, especially drag and drog feature, is a serious step backwards. Clearly solipsismx has not been a long term user of iTunes. Though if solipsismx can describe how to drag and drop a playlist to a device in one click in iTunes 11 I'm listening.
    I've been looking forward to Jonny Ive's leadership of the human interface for Apple software. If this is an early example then users will need to quickly respond to ensure that Apple does a better job testing beta versions. Too many attention-to-detail problems since Steve Jobs passed. Was he really the only one that could spot these problems?
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  • Reply 11 of 19
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    treloar wrote: »
    IThe loss of intuitive functionality, especially drag and drog feature, is a serious step backwards. Clearly solipsismx has not been a long term user of iTunes. Though if solipsismx can describe how to drag and drop a playlist to a device in one click in iTunes 11 I'm listening.

    Are you seriously asking how to drag-n-drop and yet claim that I haven't been a longtime user of iTunes. You sound like you haven't ever used an OS with a GUI before. If you don't how to drag-n-drop I surely can't explain it to you in text in a way you could understand. Perhaps you should seek out a YouTube video.
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  • Reply 12 of 19
    So, solipsismx, are you going to explain how to one-click, drag and drop a playlist to a device? Obviously not. Because it ain't possible any more with iTunes '11.
    We all love Apple stuff man. But when its wrong, we're entitled to say. Either post a helpful tip or else keep your blind ignorant comments to yourself.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 19
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    treloar wrote: »
    So, solipsismx, are you going to explain how to one-click, drag and drop a playlist to a device? Obviously not. Because it ain't possible any more with iTunes '11.
    We all love Apple stuff man. But when its wrong, we're entitled to say. Either post a helpful tip or else keep your blind ignorant comments to yourself.

    Why exactly do I want to assist you when you're 1) being an ass, and 2) haven't explained what "playlist from the main library screen" means? If you couldn't figure out how to drag a playlist from the side bar to a device in iTunes 10 then I can't walk through the exact same way to the exact same thing in iTunes 11.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 19
    Still no iTunes DJ... (and "Up Next" is not the same!)

    See discussion at Apple Forum:

    Send message to Apple asking them to bring back iTunes DJ and/or Cover Flow:
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 19
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    firedune wrote: »
    Still no iTunes DJ... (and "Up Next" is not the same!)
    See discussion at Apple Forum:
    Send message to Apple asking them to bring back iTunes DJ and/or Cover Flow:

    Now these genuine requests. I don't use either feature (and quite hate Cover Flow on iOS) but I'll request them on behalf of those that do use them.
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  • Reply 16 of 19

    I would like iTunes to let me edit ALL possible metadata items from within iTunes itself (without having to use another application to do it).


    There's absolutely no reason or excuse for not letting me set either the HD quality or the file's viewer rating, for example.

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  • Reply 17 of 19
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,680member

    In related news Apple is being sued for charging users for duplicate downloads.  IMO it won't go anywhere. Looks like Apple has those bases covered.

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  • Reply 18 of 19

    I feel the same way. 1500 movies and 9,000 songs, and now no using visual art while sorting by date added.

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  • Reply 19 of 19


    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Is it just me, or do lots of things in iTunes 11 take way more clicks than in iTunes 10?

    In iTunes 10, i could drag a playlist from the main library screen directly to my iPhone without leaving the library screen - 1 click.

    Now i have to click "iPhone", then playlists, then drag it to my iPhone and then click done to get back to library view - 4 clicks.

    Also, viewing downloads now opens a pop-up window, which seems pretty cluttered to me.

    All in all, I like the new visual design a lot, but I think the functionality has become much less intuitive, and doesn't seem to make any tasks easier or faster. I would have much preferred an update that "trimmed the fat" a bit and simplified tasks while also speeding things up or upgrading the current library file system which inherently slows startup/shutdown and browsing large libraries.

    You said it. What happened to function AND fashion? To many clicks and no streamlining of how to get from A to B. Bummer...

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