ftp, telnet, personal web share don't work

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have had just hell with internet and my cable modem.

I started with using a router and that didnt work too well. Couldnt get any services to work (personal web sharing, telnet, ftp, hotline, etc etc)

So I called the cable company tech service and had them clear my MAC address and just surf with a direct cable connection.

Things were ok for browsing and I could finally click browse well and all that. Then all of a sudden all browsers (this also with the router) couldnt download files when you click on them (for example at versiontracker, or anywhere for that matter). I ALWAYS have to right click and do a "Save Link As" to download anything. Intitially when I just changed to direct access frokm router all worked ok... now again no.

No one can contact me. As with the router if I give someone my ip address, I dont exist. "cannot connect"

I have installed and signed up for dyndns and that seemed to work for a few minutes (at least connecting to my dyndns address from my own computer). Also, connecting to my ip address from my own computer works... but I guess it should.

Dyndns reolved, initially, the address in a weird way. My IP was resolved as <a href="http://cable-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.upc.chello.be/~username/"; target="_blank">http://cable-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.upc.chello.be/~username/</a>; Yes... very weird. (xxx is my IP address, and it was divided with - and not a .)

Now... since I have a dynamic IP, when I restarted my computer recently my IP changed. If I tried to connect to my dyndns address (zorgaliscious.dyndns.org) it still tried to connect to the OLD ip address. I went to the local client and it CORRECTLY shows my new IP and went online, logged in and the site also indicated my correct IP. But again if I tried to connect to myself, it still tries to resolve my old IP. Blah.

SO: Now I have put my IP numbers in the place of the old address and I can connect to myself... but even when I give that address to my friends online, they CANNOT access my server.

I have called the cable company and they say that the modem is fine and they have not put any restrictions to personal web serving, ftp, telnet, etc etc.

Please, if anyone can think of ANYTHING else I can do say so... I have tried.

If anyone reads this, try and connect to any of these:

<a href="http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/~mo/"; target="_blank">http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/~mo/</a>;


<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

Everyone I have tried to ask if they could access these sites (its a dummy account, not my main one) has failed.

Why cant the outside world connect???


  • Reply 1 of 11
    jutusjutus Posts: 272member
    You need to enable port forwarding on your router.

    Incoming packets to certain ports need to be forwarded to a machine on your LAN that has a static ip.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    [quote]Originally posted by jutus:

    <strong>You need to enable port forwarding on your router.

    Incoming packets to certain ports need to be forwarded to a machine on your LAN that has a static ip.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah I figured that... but another problem is this: With the Router I exposed my computer, direct connection to the web on all ports.

    On an old PC, this worked perfectly. On my Mac, nada.

    Right now, all these problems are with a DIRECT Cable modem access (no router).

    When I had it connected to my router simply setting connect with DHCP didnt work either. I had to configure proxy settings, dns addresses, etc etc. It was hell.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Well, I just set up a KDX Server and that seems like the only thing people can use for the moment to get files from me.

    I have not been able to find any viable HotLine Servers for X and the one that I did install, HXD, doesnt let me log into it, so I cant admin it. Doh.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    also, dont know what it means, but looking at my log files, I haven been getting this message for weeks, even more when I had my router:

    DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - timeout for

    Network Utility doesnt seem to shed much info on it. I cant determine if its my cable/isp company that is requesting the info or what...

    BTW, which log files would show who has logged onto my ftp, telnet, personal web sharing, etc?
  • Reply 5 of 11
    I think your DNS problems are probably due to caching. Some name servers will cache DNS lookups. If you want to avoid this, use Dyndns's name servers, rather than your ISP's name servers.

    For your other problems... Have you tested telnet, ftp, and personal web sharing from another computer on your LAN? Make sure that works first.

    BTW, I pinged your IP address and got a reply. The ping was slow and somewhat flaky. Telnet, ftp, and http still did not work.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    a friend on a PC has also tried pinging me and said that the first time he tried, it didnt work... then sometimes it did. both with simple ip address and also the whole cable-xxx-xxx.....

    I uninstalled the DynDNS app and reinstalled the newest version. Seems to work properly again (from my own computer). My friend still doesn't get anything though using the address zorgaliscious.dyndns.org. HOWEVER he can ping it and it resolves properly.

    He also tried ftp and telnet using cable-xxx-xxx etc, my normal ip, and also trying with the dyndns address.

    None worked.

    Conclusion till now: I exist, I can be seen (at least ping wise), but nothing actually works. I even spelled out the entire address <a href="http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/~mo/index.html"; target="_blank">http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/~mo/index.html</a>; I even tried the Apache manual <a href="http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/manual/"; target="_blank">http://cable-213-132-136-14.upc.chello.be/manual/</a>; but externally no one can see anything.

    Remember folks... I have a direct connection... no router nor hub. I will set myself up again later and use my router as a hub and see if the 486PC can access my web shared folder.

    I actually wonder if all this works in OS 9 or if this is an OS X problem.

    What could it be? The cable modem? The mac? OS X? the cable service settings?

    I am getting so sick of this
  • Reply 7 of 11
    Try a different ethernet cable. I've wasted hours troubleshooting networking problems which were eventually tracked down to a bad cable. It would also explain the flaky ping results.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    well, I went to a friends place and concluded that it MUST be the ISP that is blocking all ports under a certain number.

    From my account here now at home, I ran KDX, Hotline, and Carracho servers and my friends could contact me.

    I heard someone mention all ports below 5000 being blocked off.

    Is there a way to assign ports to things like my Personal Web Sharing, FTP, Telnet, etc? Or do I have to contact my ISP and tell 'em to fvck off and give me access?

    One thing that does still not work though (in either place) is the fact that when I click a link to download something, it doesnt work. No matter what type of file. I have to always right click and "download link to disk"

    It also happens with Mozilla...

    Is it normal for Explorer under Proxies in preferences to be "Use Web Proxy for all"? I have no proxies anymore and when I uncheck it, it leaves but if I go back to it, its clicked on again! Dammit. Then again, maybe its supposed to be that way.

    Any suggestions? Thanks
  • Reply 9 of 11
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    You might check this software <a href="http://www.crushftp.com/"; target="_blank">http://www.crushftp.com/</a>; for setting up your FTP server. It has a command line, uh, command for enabling FTP (regarding that whole ports below 5000 being blocked thing).

    It also has a decent log.

    I could never get the guy, who needed to connect, to be able to download from my OS X Mac with FTP though so I gave up and went with Hotline.

    I wish there was a good book somewhere that was geared to help Mac users figure out all this command line/ports/ftp/telnet mumbo jumbo. I love OS X and its power, but honestly, I've been using Macs cause I like the candy - I want my GUI. I wanna make cool stuff and share it - easily. Learning about this CLI junk while hopping from website to website is ok, but a book for 'beginners' would be nice. There's so much that can 'go wrong/be set up wrong/typed in the wrong place'.

    Ok, sorry for the rant. See if CrushFTP helps. It's a FTP server app which uses OS X's built in FTP stuff (apparently FTP isn't where it's at anyways - SSH is - good grief?). I'm a Mac user for crying out loud!

    *feeling lazy after lunch*
  • Reply 10 of 11
    I am waiting patiently for nice GUI's for all the major servers.. I know there are some commercial ones available for the Apache servers, some good shareware Firewall GUI's and an ssh GUI setup assistant.

    Right now I'm using the default settings for the ftp and web server and things work quite well.

    As for ZO's ISP blocking the lower ports, I believe they have the right if they want to. My university does it and it is a royal pain in the arse. I know that in my contract with my ISP I agreed to not run any servers and thus they have the right to make me shut down all 6 or so of mine

    They also don't allow IP Sharing unless you pay for the additional computers. I use my computer as a gateway instead of a hardware router, but I haven't had any problems like you ZO. Sorry about that.

    Code Master

    <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/codemaster/"; target="_blank">http://homepage.mac.com/codemaster/</a>;
  • Reply 11 of 11
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    Heya Seb, thanks for the tip... I guess I can live without Telnet and Personal Web Sharing... but I will get them to work one day or another...

    CodeMaster: Saw your page... very nice Didnt know you had a UT Order... excellent! Love that game... and your name is great moof!
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