Apple grabs more than 20% of global PC market in Q4 2012



  • Reply 21 of 60
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member


    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    Apple has already gone down in my opinion. Their software still works but now the OS is getting plugged up with lots of stuff I'll never use or even want to use. Lately I've read about many bugs in OS X but Apple doesn't bother to fix them in a timely manner.  The features they offer seem to be geared towards entertainment.

    so you've read about the bugs but you haven't experienced them yourself?



    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    I wish they would make a better office suite. They need to knock MS Office off its pedestal. We know they have the resources but they put everything into iOS development.  

    Apple is in the hardware biz. MS Office isn't going to knocked off anytime soon. Why would they spend a lot of money on an Office suite with the ROI is so low. They have Pages, Numbers, Keynote. I rather have them spend money developing hardware.



    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    Their hardware is pretty but not always top of the line. Only last year did they grab some of the best chips for their machines. Before that they were putting in medium level components and charging premium prices. They're still doing that in the iMacs and Minis. They're using laptop parts in those and charging desktop premium prices.


    wow, are you clueless. laptop parts are more expensive since they have to be smaller than desktop parts.



    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    Actually I'm the one with the problem, not Apple. I drank the Apple Kool Aid and fell in love with the company a few years ago. Now they have gone in a direction that isn't where I wish they had gone. That direction is away from cutting edge computing and more toward entertainment hardware that works well and is beautiful. When I think about where they're headed, I might as well be a supporter of Mattel. They make great toys too.


    so long. don't let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out.

  • Reply 22 of 60
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    The same argument about tablets could be made for netbooks and chromebooks.

    Not really. Netbooks and Chromebooks are sold as and used as alternatives for laptops.

    Tablets, generally are not.
    For the majority of consumers, a tablet has all the personal computing power they need.

    Irrelevant. A bicycle is all the transportation some people need but that doesn't make it a car.

    They're sold differently, used differently, and largely meet different market needs. While there is some overlap, the markets are distinct at this point.

    Now, to use the bicycle analogy, one COULD talk about the total transportation market and include cars, trucks, bicycles, airplanes, etc. If you're talking about total transportation, that would make sense. But if you're talking about cars, it doesn't make sense to include bicycles because some people drive them to work.

    Similarly, if one wanted to look at total computing devices, that would include smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc. In that case, it makes sense to include all of them. But that still doesn't make a tablet a PC.
  • Reply 23 of 60
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Counting tablets


    Uh.. what? Tablets aren't PC's anymore than Smart Phones are, so why are we "counting tablets?" What is their market share NOT counting tablets?


    Where is this loopy math coming from anyway? BMW makes a killer motorcycle, but we don't count those when figuring out what percentage of the automotive market is made of of Beemers, do we?

  • Reply 24 of 60

    When the iPad came out the nay sayers were all over this board. These same nay sayers still continually criticize Apple for this and for that. But Apple sales have increased because Apple designs and builds products that can used by almost anyone right out of the box. To many of us that is a comforting feeling and we will continue to buy their products because they just work without hassle. 

  • Reply 25 of 60
    jragosta wrote: »
    Not really. Netbooks and Chromebooks are sold as and used as alternatives for laptops.

    Tablets, generally are not.

    Can you provide any objective evidence that tablets are not purchased as alternatives to laptops?
    Can you provide any objective evidence that netbooks and chromebooks are purchased as alternatives to laptops?

    jragosta wrote: »
    Irrelevant. A bicycle is all the transportation some people need but that doesn't make it a car.

    They're sold differently, used differently, and largely meet different market needs. While there is some overlap, the markets are distinct at this point.

    Now, to use the bicycle analogy, one COULD talk about the total transportation market and include cars, trucks, bicycles, airplanes, etc. If you're talking about total transportation, that would make sense. But if you're talking about cars, it doesn't make sense to include bicycles because some people drive them to work.

    Similarly, if one wanted to look at total computing devices, that would include smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc. In that case, it makes sense to include all of them. But that still doesn't make a tablet a PC.

    Can you provide any objective evidence that netbooks and chromebooks are not used differently than laptops?
    How does it make sense to include smartphones to look at total computing devices?
  • Reply 26 of 60


    Originally Posted by GadgetCanada View Post

    This is 103% B.S. ;)

    you can be 3% wrong and still be 100% right! :)

  • Reply 27 of 60


    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    I could not agree more it is miss leading.  This is the only firm that does this and it makes them look like they are in Apple's pocket and therefore no one takes them seriously.  I am a huge fan of Apple products but for the vast majority of people a PC and a Tablet are not the same.


    Um, what?

    Apple is selling the idea that tablets and PCs are NOT the same.

    Microsoft is selling the idea that tablets and PCs ARE the same.



    Originally Posted by WhoIsYoMacDaddy View Post

    Am I the only one who actually doesn't want to see Apple take over the PC industry? As much as I love Apple products I prefer they remain a secondary or third product to Windows. Cause once they become the frontrunner in every category (phones, tablets, PCs) then Apple's image and perception will inevitably change and I happen to think it will go down hill from there.


    What are you saying? That success breeds contempt???

    If people are truly that petty, I wouldn't lose sleep over what they think at all.

  • Reply 28 of 60

    I'm using my iPhone and iPad for 90% of what I do anymore....I may not buy another laptop or desktop.

  • Reply 29 of 60

    LOL. I just responded to two people who felt the need to state "I love Apple... but..."

  • Reply 30 of 60

    Originally Posted by WhoIsYoMacDaddy View Post

    Am I the only one who actually doesn't want to see Apple take over the PC industry? As much as I love Apple products I prefer they remain a secondary or third product to Windows. Cause once they become the frontrunner in every category (phones, tablets, PCs) then Apple's image and perception will inevitably change and I happen to think it will go down hill from there. 


    Yeah, Apple gets nothing but positive press right now¡

    No one has ever said anything bad or artificially tried to change perception through blatant lies¡ imageimageimage

  • Reply 31 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    While there's nothing technically wrong with including tablets in PC sales (as long as they explain what they are doing), I think this is extremely misleading. For most people, "PC" means one thing and tablet means another. ...


    I think that given the fact that "PC" sales have fallen off for the first time in history at the same time as tablet sales have boomed, this is actually a really dubious and quite unsupportable statement.  


    It seems clear that people are actually replacing PC's with tablets.  Unless they all wake up next week and slap their foreheads and decide they were wrong, the tablet is clearly a device that does the exact same thing and means the exact same thing for a large category of people that the "PC" did earlier.  It's an unavoidable conclusion.  

  • Reply 32 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Not really. Netbooks and Chromebooks are sold as and used as alternatives for laptops.

    Tablets, generally are not.... 


    This is again, a completely unsupportable assumption on your part.  


    In fact, Netbooks and Chromebooks are by almost any definition just laptops, not "alternatives to laptops."  

    Also, the figures show that tablets are being used for exactly that (alternatives to laptops).  They are also being used as alternatives to desktops.  


    These are facts, supported by both the sales figures and by the specific description of those that are buying them, whereas your assertions seem to be coming from .... ?  

  • Reply 33 of 60
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post


    Uh.. what? Tablets aren't PC's ...


    "PC" == "Personal Computer" 


    A tablet is a computer no?  It's your personal computer.  


    While one can argue that it may not run this or that software or that a particular person can or cannot use it to replace whatever it is they use their personal computer for, it's pretty certain that it *is* a "personal computer" and that it *can* actually do anything that a laptop or a desktop computer can do.  

  • Reply 34 of 60
    sacto joe wrote: »
    How is it that they know how many tablets Samsung shipped? I thought Samsung didn't give out that number.

    They didn't ship more than Apple, that's just a fact
  • Reply 35 of 60
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    How is it that they know how many tablets Samsung shipped? I thought Samsung didn't give out that number.


    Samsung reports how many units its ships into the retail channel. Apple reports how many units are sold to customers. The difference is clear. When Samsung first started selling its Galaxy Tablet it told the world it shipped several million. However, through court filings it turns out actual customers only bought about a 100, 000 thousand of them.


    So Samsung's numbers include units in transit, sitting on store shelves, and in the warehouse. Apple's only include units actual sold to customers. Samsung's method is the more common method of reporting, but I think it fraudulent because the ship number is generally much higher then the sold number and companies use a high ship number to make people think a product is selling well that sometimes is really not. Apple's method is straight forward.


    After Samsung reported earnings people compared Samsung's ship numbers to Apple's sold numbers and made comparison even though Samsung's numbers don't really tell how many units are sold to individual customers.

  • Reply 36 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    What does a chromebook do that a tablet doesn't?  Isn't it basically a cheap internet appliance?

  • Reply 37 of 60
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member


    Originally Posted by TBell View Post


    Samsung reports how many units its ships into the retail channel. Apple reports how many units are sold to customers. The difference is clear. When Samsung first started selling its Galaxy Tablet it told the world it shipped several million. However, through court filings it turns out actual customers only bought about a 100, 000 thousand of them.


    So Samsung's numbers include units in transit, sitting on store shelves, and in the warehouse. Apple's only include units actual sold to customers. Samsung's method is the more common method of reporting, but I think it fraudulent because the ship number is generally much higher then the sold number and companies use a high ship number to make people think a product is selling well that sometimes is really not. Apple's method is straight forward.


    After Samsung reported earnings people compared Samsung's ship numbers to Apple's sold numbers and made comparison even though Samsung's numbers don't really tell how many units are sold to individual customers.

    Are resellers considered customers for the purpose of Apple's sales figures?

  • Reply 38 of 60


    Originally Posted by piot View Post


    Thanks for quoting me before my post was deleted, (though it isn't showing up in this quote). I wish you had quoted the whole thing so others could see that I'm very disappointed with the way Apple is headed. They've become an entertainment device company instead of a leading edge computer company.


    I also said the only thing they have left to create is a game console to complete their shift from computer company to entertainment device company.

  • Reply 39 of 60

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Tablets aren't PC's…



  • Reply 40 of 60

    And where the heck are they I ask, just where the heck are they???  


    I see nothing but iPads in NYC.  

    Hardly ever anything else.  


    Although my experience<>your experience

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