Apple's iTunes update brings new 'Composer' view, minor enhancements
Apple on Tuesday rolled out an update to its flagship digital media store and iOS device hub, bringing a new "Composers" view for music and the usual speed and reliability upgrades.

The newest version 11.0.2 builds on Apple's latest major iTunes 11 release from November 2012 by adding a so-called "Composer" view for users' music libraries.
iTunes 11 was a complete redesign of the digital storefront, bringing a number of new features to the platform, including a MiniPlayer, tighter iCloud integration and improved search, among others.
Apple's newest version 11.0.2 can be downloaded via Software Update.

The newest version 11.0.2 builds on Apple's latest major iTunes 11 release from November 2012 by adding a so-called "Composer" view for users' music libraries.
iTunes 11 was a complete redesign of the digital storefront, bringing a number of new features to the platform, including a MiniPlayer, tighter iCloud integration and improved search, among others.
Apple's newest version 11.0.2 can be downloaded via Software Update.
The implication here is, I believe, that "Composers" will show up in the sorting bar.
You need to turn on Column View, and then you'll see Composers as an option.
Fastest way is just right click the bar underneath the main one and select new column headers. Not exactly obvious I'll admit, Or as mentioned above use prefs to add to the main bar.
It's a good thing no good music ever comes out of the UK¡
Originally Posted by SolipsismX
February, 2013 and we finally have a Composers section.
I've been using the Composer tag for years now. It only required editing view options in list view or column browser to see it as a column. (Deleted all the non-classical entries, but that's just me
I like this new preference and this new view though - it brings iTunes close to the iPad, which already had Composers. Love the way iOS apps and Mac apps are riffing off each other to improve.
iTunes 11 in general is not Apple's finest hour. It looks (and performs, i.e. poorly) like a web browser with a store bolted on the side. How about they give up their obsession with web controls and actually write an iTunes *Application.*
Do you know anyone else with iTS that you could test out the US upload? If not, if you want to go Private we can set up a share folder in Dropbox. Perhaps we can find a resolution. Maybe you just need to change the album name so iTM can correctly register it.
PS: In all seriousness it's quite amazing how many great bands come of the UK. Per capita it's just amazing.
Has anyone noticed that they removed the sort feature for search results in the iTunes store in iTunes 11? Now there is no way to sort your results so you have to wade through the results in whatever order they are returned. To me, this has made the iTunes store useless.
I don't like the 'album' view of iTunes 11. Albums doesn't show up in accurate sorting as it comes in 'songs' view.
I feel like a lion tamer, constantly whipping it.