Samsung's new Wallet app has numerous similarities to Apple's Passbook



  • Reply 41 of 127
    From his history, I would say he isn't kidding at all, which is hilarious.

    Or, sad.
  • Reply 42 of 127

    I agree with a poster on another forum that Samsung just wants to troll Apple at this point. All the attack ads, all the blatant copying. There's NO WAY someone at Samsung didn't look at the Wallet app and either notice the resemblance to Passport or blatantly copy it on purpose. The two companies are so obviously competitors that someone would have pointed out the resemblance.


    I'll say this at least for Samsung, they've got guts.

  • Reply 43 of 127



  • Reply 44 of 127

    If I were LG I would be trying to stop Samsung because its creating resentment to all things Korean.  I used to deal with them in business, shady lot

  • Reply 45 of 127


    Originally Posted by mkart4 View Post

    does anyone actually use passport? let sammy waste their time copying this underdeveloped pos.

    I use it daily for my StarSchumucks (sorry Foamy Squirrel reference).  More company's need to start using it, saves paper, always have the ticket/etc on you.  Most times when standing in line for something, travel, event, coffee, etc, your looking at your phone anyways, why need to pull out your wallet, or have to hold onto something else.  Simplify.


    And yes, if your going to steal, at least change the colors around to other colors, not just different shades of the same color.  Granted they have something "similar" to Apple, but they have better used different tech on the inside for it.  (which prob did not do) May drive a few more corp's to start thinking of using the new app's.  But at least change the bloody icon to something totally different.  This is just a middle finger to those judges that sided with them against Apple, of HAHA you sided with us, but we do copy, See... :P  

  • Reply 46 of 127
    I use passbook a lot because I live in US. My sister lives in Taiwan, passbook so far is useless for her. I think it depends on where you live.
  • Reply 47 of 127
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,589member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    What a valid and accurate argument¡

    Although I'll admit that the argument lacked a certain.... elegance. One has to concur that the main thrust of the point was not really very far off the mark, at the end of the day who genuinely uses passbook on a daily basis and feels that it is truly an essential feature of their device?

  • Reply 48 of 127

    Even when they copy, they can't get the design right. Did anyone notice how the white ticket on top is getting cut off? Why would the top ticket get cut off?

  • Reply 49 of 127


    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Why does some company always have to take the Microsoft role with Apple?

    That Microsoft is dead.

  • Reply 50 of 127


    Originally Posted by 512ke View Post

    This is just like passbook but with a bigger screen and bigger market share.

    I vote that Samsung changes their company name to some kind of fruit.


    Sure, rename it to Mansanas.



  • Reply 51 of 127
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,837member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I know you're kidding, but... It amounts to bribery to the carriers.

    I have a 24 page brochure from Australia's largest carrier in front of me and while samesung is advertised on perhaps half of the pages, Apple is not advertised on a single one. They also advertise windows and nokia phones and samesung tablets.

  • Reply 52 of 127
    And apple copied passbook from other 3rd party apps. Apple didn't innovate it either.
  • Reply 53 of 127
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    Mansanas. Good one.

    Other suggestions for Samsung to change it's company name to be more like Apple include Gala, Granny Smith, and McIntosh (*lawsuit in European or Australian court system to come).
  • Reply 54 of 127

    Let me guess, this was one of the reasons they're trying to get Apple to let go of all their Design Patents (or intellectual property):


    Why not use ány other color other than black, or use ány other shape than cards, or any other way of putting a collection together other than the "wave" of cards? They're so ignorant and arrogant about how they blatantly copy Apple and yet they still insist they're not copying at all. As much as I like some of Samsung's products (primarily TV's), I really hate how their designs are mostly copies of someone better than them at that specific subject.

  • Reply 55 of 127


    Originally Posted by mkart4 View Post

    does anyone actually use passport? let sammy waste their time copying this underdeveloped pos.



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    What a valid and accurate argument¡

    Use it all the time. When I am waiting in line at the airport or at Starbucks, it kills time to toggle passes. I can see future improvements: Right now, the passes toggle when you bounce them off the bottom. Why not also the top? Why not allow us to flick through them as in cover flow? Limitless potential.


    Seriously, I do use them. It's a bit convenient that as I enter my local Starbucks, the Starbucks pass pops up and allows me to pay without entering my passcode. Saves me at least 5 seconds. I guess anyone who steals my phone can also get free coffees.

  • Reply 56 of 127


    Originally Posted by archer75 View Post

    And apple copied passbook from other 3rd party apps. Apple didn't innovate it either.

    For sure, it's not a totally new concept. But come on, look at the design of the two icons - the motifs, the colors ... I don't believe Samsung does not innovate (that's flat out untrue), but this is what they call a flagrant foul in basketball.

  • Reply 57 of 127

    At the same time, try to find one Apple product, ever, that hasn't been preceeded by someone else attempting the same thing and failing at it. Apple has been effective at identifying what's wrong with products, but they've always stood on the shoulders of more innovative people. Samsung does the same, and there's a huge uproar.


    Further to that, a competing product is going to have to duplicate features to a large extent. Otherwise there wouldn't be an iBooks, since they had to duplicate pre-existing eReader app functionality that at least Kindle had beforehand. I mean, iWork duplicates a ton of functionality that was in MS Office before that. Xcode is hardly the first IDE, it has a ton of IDE features.


    Anything you interface with, from TV remotes to cars, is going to have to have some similarity to the pre-existing competitors. That's even more true for software.


    So the real argument is that Samsung ripped off an icon.  Sort of.  They blatantly took elements of the icon, and rearranged them in a way that nobody would mistake one for the other.  Except probably OS X icon designer Susan Kare.


    Oh, and also lest we forget, Apple has been sued over Passbook for IP violations:

  • Reply 58 of 127

    This Samsung Wallet widget doesn't just Apple. It is also aimed at Google. What happens to Google Wallet now? Will/can Google sue for trademark infringement?

  • Reply 59 of 127


    Originally Posted by robogobo View Post

    Yes, lots of people use Passbook.

    I will second that! I have used it for my boarding passes on some Airline (matter of fact, people have stopped and asked me what app was I using) And without fail I use it for my Starbucks! I really loved the location based feature on it. Especially, when I go to Starbucks, it is all there on my home page to swipe it!

  • Reply 60 of 127


    Originally Posted by radster360 View Post

    I will second that! I have used it for my boarding passes on some Airline (matter of fact, people have stopped and asked me what app was I using) And without fail I use it for my Starbucks! I really loved the location based feature on it. Especially, when I go to Starbucks, it is all there on my home page to swipe it!

    It seems boarding passes and Starbucks are the two popular passes. With baseball season starting, I wonder how much the MLB pass will catch on. With MLB a partner of both Apple and Samsung, it will provide another metric to stir up controversy about who's "winning".

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