Editorial: Google?s Android powered by remarkable new 'Flawgic'



  • Reply 81 of 344
    You just lost me as a daily reader.

    Good luck elzewhere. (Something about your name name givez you away.)
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  • Reply 82 of 344
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member


    Originally Posted by Masterz1337 View Post

    You just lost me as a daily reader. I come here for news, not hyperbole.



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  • Reply 83 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    cowasaki wrote: »
    Who cares if it's a little thinner? - I'd rather have a better battery!

    8 hours on LTE. How shitty is that¡

    All your talking points are old and weak, and coming up with something novel and ultimately pointless that Samsung has done on their own in no way means they didn't copy a buttload of other things from Apple.
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  • Reply 84 of 344
    kyleish wrote: »
    Then you're reading it wrong. That's the problem with text. Most people imbue written text with their own emotions.

    I'm pretty sure I know when I'm emotional, and phones I assure you, don't make me angry. Neither do brands that I didn't invent. Or sports teams that I'm not a part of.

    Likewise for others too?

    Oh, you might wish to lighten up a bit.
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  • Reply 85 of 344
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Probably explains the big Opinion tag on the top of the article.
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  • Reply 86 of 344
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    You just lost me as a daily reader. I come here for news, not hyperbole.

    Skip the articles clearly labeled as Opinion?
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  • Reply 87 of 344
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,150member
    DED's article really got all the phandroids out of the woodwork. Hmmm... Perhaps there is truth to this article??
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  • Reply 88 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    There are many new posters in this thread. Regardless of how you feel about this humorous opinion piece — note: there is only one correct answer — you can't deny that it has been successful.
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  • Reply 89 of 344
    Thank you for opening my eyes.

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  • Reply 89 of 344


    Originally Posted by macart View Post

    Wow, a true "Mac Loyalist" all the way back to the Intel years!


    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post

    maps that wasn't right when it launched/quote]

    Wow! Hover Dam's picture didn't look right, so Apple Maps were completely unusable! Yep you bought into the hype!


    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post

    I have just replaced my iPhone5 with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It is a far better phone in my opinion./quote]

    Why are you on here then? Oh that's right to share this important revelation with all the other Old School "Intel Years" Mac Loyalists!

    Nice Try, Beat It Troll!



    What definition of troll would you be looking at then?  I am on here because I have an interest.  I have had Apple computers and equipment for about 6-7 years which is fair enough.  Yes I have replaced my iPhone5 with a Note2 because I prefer it.  How does me saying that equate to being a troll?


    I didn't "buy into the hype" with regards to Apple Maps faults.  It is a very good package but it WASN'T RIGHT when it was launched and Apple themselves have openly said this. The ENTIRE town where my wife was born was completely missing from maps!!  I didn't even say that the Android alternative was better, I haven't even used the android alternative I simply stated it wasn't right, we come to expect Apple kit to be right from the start.

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  • Reply 91 of 344
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post

    The problem with publishing ridiculous articles like this is that it stops people taking you seriously. You come over as some kind of brainless fan boy rather than a serious journalist. ...


    I agree with your basic premise - this is a biased piece. But the author is not a traditional journalist and his career is built around exponential success of Apple. So I think that attacking its journalistic fortitude is wrongheaded. 



    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post

    I have just replaced my iPhone5 with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It is a far better phone in my opinion.

    IOS and the iPhone have not really had any massive jumps in what they do for several generations: Siri is rubbish and I turned it off; shaving a mm or two off is not that important (did anyone ever say "I'm not getting the iPhone 4 because it's too fat?"); LTE is useless for me as the coverage is very poor and my provider isn't able to offer it anyway; the wallet thing is useless for me; iCloud removed some of the things I really liked about MobileMe; a new connector, so what it just makes things less compatible!; no ability to add a memory card, just allows Apple to charge more for memory; maps that wasn't right when it launched; FAR more apps, but so what, this is like the Windows/MacOS thing in reverse it doesn't matter if there are more apps if there are just dozens of duplicates and the smaller platform has everything you want anyway etc etc etc No I'm not going to get rid of the iPad or go back to windows but unless Apple come up with something new for the iPhone6/7/8 I'll not be going back there. I can sync my calendars, contacts, note etc from the Note2 to MacOS and IOS so I'm loosing very little but gaining so much.



    You are entitled to your opinion. I possess many Apple products but do not abstain automatically from other brands. Need to program on Samsung Galaxy devices for work (as well as iPhone) and bought a Nexus 7 for my son who prefers it over an iPad Mini. So I feel that I am sufficiently unbiased to disagree oh so strongly that the Note 2 is a far better phone. It is a different product altogether! I can see your point about lack of "massive jumps" in iOS. But the same is generally true for any OS after the first emergence. Without question, form factor, iCloud, Siri, Wallet, etc. are features, and not true innovations. How you execute in delivering those features can be innovative. For me, it is not how thin iPhone 5 is that makes it innovative but Apple achieved it is an engineering marvel. Nevertheless, appreciation of such marvels is subjective (and most fanboys here don't actually understand the processes enough to truly appreciate it anyhow).




    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post


    The reason I've gone for a Samsung Note2 to replace my iPhone5 is due to the innovation !!


    The stylus is a revaluation, the addition of ignore lists, merging views of contacts, split screen and other things I haven't found yet plus giving the user choice in screen size rather than telling them that they must have one size.  



    I am sorry but here, I disagree oh so strongly. Nothing listed here and nothing on the note represent true innovation. They are features. How can screen size, stylus, ignore lists, etc. be considered innovative? The split screen thing is not so much about split screen as it is about multi-apping (I stay away from the term multitasking here because it is so badly understood; iOS is an excellent multitasking OS but it does not allow parallel foreground interaction with multiple apps). Here, I am puzzled by Apple's reluctance to make this available. It's likely a security concern but there's more than enough real estate on the iPad. But again, this is not an innovation issue at all.



    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post


    If you have a touch screen that is virtually the size of a phone then how else are you going to lay it out?  Apple decided on using the large screen first but as these became more available everyone was going to use them eventually anyway. 


    The mic and speaker have to be basically where they are, there isn't any real choice there.

    The screen has to be where it is, again not much choice there.


    The only thing that could be argued over is the location of the home button or even using a home button and the decision to go for the larger touch screen. 


    Who designed the first laptop??  All laptops have a similar layout so has everyone copied them?  I'm sure it wasn't Apple so has Apple copied that company? - NO it's just logical.



    The whole copying thing is confusing. The auto industry is a good reference. Mercedes and BMW are quickly emulated when they adopt new manufacturing processes to deliver panel geometry previously unseen. Likewise with headlights, etc. - someone leads, others follow. But all companies draw a line in the sand in how far they will go in copying each other. In this light, I agree that Apple goes too far in defending the whole screen and bezel thing. But I must say that when I first laid eyes on the Galaxy S2 in a display window, I swore it was an iPhone 3G. Their initial set of icons were just ridiculously close to what Apple designed for iOS. So, it doesn't take an Apple fanboy to say that Samsung went way over the line in emulating someone else's design. Perhaps, for this reason, Apple is going after Samsung first and perhaps only Samsung. Having said this, I am curious about the Blackberry Z10 and HTC One. They resemble each other a lot and both resemble the iPhone 5. 

    All in all, I wanted to chime in and say that, while I do not completely agree, I respect your opinion and it's too bad that others felt compelled to criticize you for the wrong reasons.

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  • Reply 92 of 344
    camcam Posts: 35member
    Well done, comprehensive and refreshing.

    The paid trolls will be all over trying to tear this article down, but that is their job after all.

    Truth and integrity will win in the end.

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  • Reply 93 of 344
    Nice article! 10 on 10.
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  • Reply 94 of 344

    This editorial (opinion piece) is actually based on many facts and really WARMS MY HEART. THANK YOU, for having the eloquent insight, focus and guts to write this. I still hold out hope that some kind of justice will be served against Samsung and Google for their blatant theft, manipulation, propaganda and skirting of the law. Though, apparently not from a Samsung sympathizing judge (Koh who overturns a jury?) who should be taken off the case, or silly analysts and me-too "pundits".

    I do hope that when the lower cost iPhone 5 comes out, and once the bigger screen iPhone 6 comes out, Apple really sticks it up Google and Samsung's asses and it makes me so happy that they are raking in the profits. They did the multi BILLION R&D and brought technology that at first they were ridiculed for and now these cockroach clowns are copying them left and right, adding a few new features, here and there.


    By the time Koh the Samsung Korean sympathizer is done with this case, if Apple doesn't go above her head that is, few tech companies will want to spend millions and billions in R&D when it can be ripped off, with virtually no reliable path to injunctions or damages. Samsung ripped of Nokia and LG, too. Whomever they are manufacturing for should watch their backs.


    Eric Schmidt sat on Apple's board and sidled up to Steve Jobs for 3 years, then Google began competing with Apple in 5 to 7 markets, not to mention Android taking a sharp right turn from ripping off Oracle to dramatically ripping off Apple.


    Apple is not perfect by any means, but I don't blame them for their litigation or recent public comments.


    Then again, in this nation, and much of the western world, propaganda and carefully controlled "news" always win out in keeping the sheep in line, deceived and DISTRACTED from the real matters. Those who point this out are labelled "conspiracy theorists" when in fact, their "theories" have exposed enough flaws in the status quo's position that in reality, the labels should be reversed.


    Who would have thought that at such great size and profitability, Apple is STILL the underdog. Apple, the $200 billion underdog.

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  • Reply 95 of 344


    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post


    I agree with your basic premise - this is a biased piece. But the author is not a traditional journalist and his career is built around exponential success of Apple. So I think that attacking its journalistic fortitude is wrongheaded. 



    You are entitled to your opinion. I possess many Apple products but do not abstain automatically from other brands. Need to program on Samsung Galaxy devices for work (as well as iPhone) and bought a Nexus 7 for my son who prefers it over an iPad Mini. So I feel that I am sufficiently unbiased to disagree oh so strongly that the Note 2 is a far better phone. It is a different product altogether! I can see your point about lack of "massive jumps" in iOS. But the same is generally true for any OS after the first emergence. Without question, form factor, iCloud, Siri, Wallet, etc. are features, and not true innovations. How you execute in delivering those features can be innovative. For me, it is not how thin iPhone 5 is that makes it innovative but Apple achieved it is an engineering marvel. Nevertheless, appreciation of such marvels is subjective (and most fanboys here don't actually understand the processes enough to truly appreciate it anyhow).


    I am sorry but here, I disagree oh so strongly. Nothing listed here and nothing on the note represent true innovation. They are features. How can screen size, stylus, ignore lists, etc. be considered innovative? The split screen thing is not so much about split screen as it is about multi-apping (I stay away from the term multitasking here because it is so badly understood; iOS is an excellent multitasking OS but it does not allow parallel foreground interaction with multiple apps). Here, I am puzzled by Apple's reluctance to make this available. It's likely a security concern but there's more than enough real estate on the iPad. But again, this is not an innovation issue at all.


    The whole copying thing is confusing. The auto industry is a good reference. Mercedes and BMW are quickly emulated when they adopt new manufacturing processes to deliver panel geometry previously unseen. Likewise with headlights, etc. - someone leads, others follow. But all companies draw a line in the sand in how far they will go in copying each other. In this light, I agree that Apple goes too far in defending the whole screen and bezel thing. But I must say that when I first laid eyes on the Galaxy S2 in a display window, I swore it was an iPhone 3G. Their initial set of icons were just ridiculously close to what Apple designed for iOS. So, it doesn't take an Apple fanboy to say that Samsung went way over the line in emulating someone else's design. Perhaps, for this reason, Apple is going after Samsung first and perhaps only Samsung. Having said this, I am curious about the Blackberry Z10 and HTC One. They resemble each other a lot and both resemble the iPhone 5. 


    I am NOT being biased EITHER.  Just to pick up on a few of your points however.....


    I agree that Apple making the iPhone5 so thin is an engineering marvel (I am an electronics engineer) - However just because it is an engineering marvel does not mean that it is the ultimate way to go.  Making everything else smaller and having a larger battery would probably have been better.  The iPhone4 is as thin as it needs to be in my opinion (and remember that all I am stating here is MY OPINION, MY CHOICE, MY PREFERENCE)


    I think that the Note2 is a better phone - FOR ME it is not going to be everyones ideal as it is just too large for most people again MY OPINION FOR ME.


    The things I listing are new and if they were on the iPhone together with a larger screen I wouldn't have changed, if you don't want to call them innovations then fine we can call them features.....  So I don't think that Apple have added many FEATURES that I find useful in recent versions of the phone.  I've just found another FEATURE which I would have liked on the iPhone that I missed when I left my Nokia 9500 Communicator for the original iPhone.....  Timed SMS messages - So if you want to reply to an SMS message at 3am you can tell the phone to only send it at 9am rather than waking the person up.  Simple to implement but a nice feature.


    I'm not here to argue just to give my opinion but some other people on here can't accept that others might have a different (but valid) opinion and believe that anyone who does not agree totally with them is a troll.  This is simply not true.  I've been called a troll over on another site whilst giving a balanced argument FOR APPLE and sticking up for MacOS.


    I PERSONALLY find SIRI a bit of a pointless toy.  It just does not work anywhere near as well in reality as it does in an advert.


    I can't really say much about the other phones you mention as I haven't used them at all





    and Stelligent...  Thank you for the last sentence, it is true I am just giving my opinion as I see it.  I am not being argumentative on purpose or trying to wind people up or anything else like that.  I simply have an opinion which I feel is valid.  I was a massive fan of the 3G but I think that the others are catching up and Apple needs to do something to stop the rot.

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  • Reply 96 of 344
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    @ cowasaki,

    That all reeks of concern troll.
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  • Reply 97 of 344


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    @ cowasaki,

    That all reeks of concern troll.



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  • Reply 98 of 344


    Originally Posted by cowasaki View Post


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    @ cowasaki,

    That all reeks of concern troll.




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  • Reply 99 of 344
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    I wish AI would fix their iso character set - ?Really?


    I had to stop reading half way through. Kind of funny at first but quickly became tiresome.

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  • Reply 100 of 344


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post



    Well I'd never heard of that but I'm not.  I am a regular reader of AppleInsider.  I have used Apple machines since about early 2007.  I like MOST (almost all) things they have done but not everything.

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