Chinese regulator: Consumers must be protected against Apple's Chinese warranty practices



  • Reply 21 of 66

    I was in a small town 10 years ago for 3 weeks.  As I roamed, freely, I saw lot of stores who had merchandize which was pure rip off. Out right trade mark, copy rights, etc. on bogus merchandize. I know other counties have the same problems, but watching DVD's that looked (were) copied, Pepsi, that was not Pepsi, a loaf of Wonder bread that was not, etc. It is a problem that runs deep in China. As I said, if China could take over manufacturing plants, they would and might.  I think it is a real worry to any company that has products made in China.

  • Reply 22 of 66
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Apple: Consumers must be protected against disgusting, pathetic, hilarious, laughable, shameful, dishonorable Chinese knock-offs.

    That's probably the issue. Folks trying to bring in knockoffs and get them swapped for the real thing. Put in a knockoff serial sticker with a legit number etc

    Only to find out that Apple checks like mad to make sure the parts are all legit. I have a friend here that bought a white iPhone cause the black were out of stock. Had a third party display and back put on it not thinking that the color is in the specs or that the dock connector was the wrong color. Was refused service for tampering with phone. Twerp tried to call AppleCare but they could see the notes and wouldn't even let him buy a replacement.
  • Reply 23 of 66
    Ask anyone who's done business in China. Someone wants a kickback.
  • Reply 24 of 66
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    There must be a whole bunch of Chinese comical Ali's working for that despicable commie government. They're probably worried that Apple is gaining too much in popularity in their country, and especially with the China Mobile deal happening eventually, maybe now is a good time to embark on their ridiculous, untrue and state fabricated smear/libel campaign against Apple.


    Apple needs to eventually figure out a way to move the majority of it's production away from some of these shady Asian countries like China (Corrupt, communist, authoritarian country run by Chinese Tony Soprano wannabes) and South Korea (Samsung's home country, where they will not only make parts for you, but they'll rip off your ideas at the same time).

  • Reply 25 of 66
    mgsarchmgsarch Posts: 50member


    Originally Posted by Rob Bonner View Post

    I know it would never happen, but would be great to pull out of China, both for parts and sales.


    Right, Chinese are demanding more warranty, lets pull out of their country, the country responsible for most of the good news in the earning report and has facilitated Apple getting to where they are. What a "great" idea.

  • Reply 26 of 66
    mgsarchmgsarch Posts: 50member

    So much racist ignorance in this thread....

  • Reply 27 of 66
    It's the good old China shakedown. Bastards.

    What happens when Apple doesn't pay the necessary kickbacks to the Chinese Government agencies. Why else all the trumped-up, vaguely-worded accusations that the Chinese consumers don't even believe?
  • Reply 28 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by mgsarch View Post

    So much racist ignorance in this thread....


    I must be missing all of it, because I see none whatsoever.

  • Reply 29 of 66
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Alright, I'm gonna say it...
    This is all about "China Mobile".
  • Reply 30 of 66
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    mgsarch wrote: »
    So much racist ignorance in this thread....

    That's a nice race card you pulled there.
  • Reply 31 of 66
    lerxtlerxt Posts: 186member
    Culturalist maybe, not racist.
  • Reply 32 of 66

    Stop accusing Chinese government, its people and China in general like you guys know it all! 

    You guys are just a bunch of pathetic racists who like pointing fingers at other people like your in a better place to do so.

    Screw you alright?! Don't act like you knew it all, like China was full of diseases and issues and your country was better off. 

    Back to the topic of this thread, what happened in the past several days was as simple as this:

    Apple had been using "double standards" in after-sales service for its iPhone, iPad and MacBooks in China for several years and now the Chinese authorities, namely China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce wants to put an end to it, to stop Apple from continuing such practices and suddenly you guys got a problem with that? 

    The standard warranty coverage for major components in your iPhone, iPad and MacBooks is TWO YEARS in the US and pretty much throughout the world whereas in China it was only ONE YEAR, what do you guys get out of that huh? Apple products sold in China are less likely to be broken so Apple was extremely confident that the Chinese consumers would only need ONE YEAR of warranty? Ain't something smell fishy here? 

    As far as I can tell, China is not the only country where Apple's implemented their double standard warranty practices - there was Australia (very recently, Apple silently updated their warranty coverage from ONE to TWO years there for the Aussies), Europe (Apple was heavily fined for not offering consumers there two years of warranty for their products), South Korea (the same story, got fined and extended the warranty coverage) and the list goes on and on. So what Chinese consumers don't deserve the same treatment and benefits as everybody else? They often pay even higher prices to get the same Apple products you guys pay for in your own country and I barely hear any complaints because of their passion and love for Apple and its products and this is what they get in the end? A rip-off, substandard warranty? Screw you if you still think this is some kind of espionage or conspiracy from the Chinese government you numb nuts!  

  • Reply 33 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    I'm leaving this up because it's funny. Three guesses where he's posting from, of course.

    Originally Posted by cash227 View Post

    Stop accusing Chinese government


    Why? They're the ones doing this.

    You guys are just a bunch of pathetic racists…


    No one here is being racist. 

    …like China was full of diseases and issues and your country was better off. 


    No one said anything about diseases.

    suddenly you guys got a problem with that? 


    We have a problem with double standards, yes.

    The standard warranty coverage for major components in your iPhone, iPad and MacBooks is TWO YEARS in the US…


    One year. Maybe take some of your own advice and not "act like you know it all".

    The rest of your post is just nonsense based on this false assumption.

  • Reply 34 of 66
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    I'm just LOLing right now. Thank you for making my evening.
  • Reply 35 of 66
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member


    China is actually full of diseases, been there - it is a wonderful place, but not a clean place.   Also, from the US apple site about iPad:


    AppleCare+ for iPad

    Every iPad comes with one year of hardware repair coverage and 90 days of telephone technical support. AppleCare+ for iPad gives you two years of repair coverage and technical support from the original purchase date of your iPad. And it adds coverage for up to two incidents of accidental damage due to handling for your iPad, each subject to a $49 service fee plus applicable tax.1

    Learn more (AppleCare+ for iPad)

    AppleCare+ for iPad

  • Reply 36 of 66
    Originally Posted by cash227 View Post


    Apple had been using "double standards" in after-sales service for its iPhone, iPad and MacBooks in China for several years and now the Chinese authorities, namely China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce wants to put an end to it, to stop Apple from continuing such practices and suddenly you guys got a problem with that? 

    The standard warranty coverage for major components in your iPhone, iPad and MacBooks is TWO YEARS in the US and pretty much throughout the world whereas in China it was only ONE YEAR, what do you guys get out of that huh? Apple products sold in China are less likely to be broken so Apple was extremely confident that the Chinese consumers would only need ONE YEAR of warranty? Ain't something smell fishy here? 



    Isn't that more to do with the local law than Apple's own standard? I mean if local law says that companies must provide one year after sales warranty then it is one year offered. If it is two years in countries such as Australia and Europe (part of Europe to be exact, as individual countries choose how to implement EU-wide law themselves) then it is two years and no more/less.
  • Reply 37 of 66
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by cash227 View Post

    As far as I can tell, China is not the only country where Apple's implemented their double standard warranty practices - there was Australia (very recently, Apple silently updated their warranty coverage from ONE to TWO years there for the Aussies)


    Australia here.


    From the official Apple website:


  • Reply 38 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    That's interesting GTR. Last week AI and others reported Apple's Aussie change to a 2-year warranty.

    "Apple had quietly extended its hardware warranty in Australia to two years, but the company's retail employees have reportedly been instructed to not reveal the changes to customers.

    Apple's new two-year hardware warranty places the company in compliance with Australian laws, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. But an e-mail obtained by the publication from one Apple retail store found that employees were told that they could not discuss details of the changes with customers."
  • Reply 39 of 66
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    That's interesting GTR. Last week AI and others reported Apple's Aussie change to a 2-year warranty.

    "Apple had quietly extended its hardware warranty in Australia to two years, but the company's retail employees have reportedly been instructed to not reveal the changes to customers.

    Apple's new two-year hardware warranty places the company in compliance with Australian laws, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. But an e-mail obtained by the publication from one Apple retail store found that employees were told that they could not discuss details of the changes with customers."


    You'll forgive me if I go with official company information for now, especially in absence of proper documentation from other sources or the supposed email Apple has sent.


    I can be convinced, but it takes a little more than 'lots of forums' or the SMH, a publication, I dare say, you're not familiar with or else you wouldn't be quoting them.


    They're about as accurate as Digitimes, about as professional as those trashy gossip magazines you see at your local supermarket checkout, and have a long history of blatantly, anti-Apple articles that have been so lacking in facts that it was as embarrassing...

  • Reply 40 of 66
    i totally agree both with apple and with china. my experience with apple is apparently the same as the chinese's.

    i had more issues with apple in the past couple of years than in the whole of the other nearly 30 years before. even with such gigantic profits, much like politicians apple is now ignoring mistakes and refusing to address situations where it clearly failed. i had a trackpad going crazy by itself like thousands report online still, and apples response was saying nothing was wrong. their response to the iphone antenna problem was to change the software to hide and ignore it. worse of all, some people actually believe in apples "flawgic" too.. apple is better than their recent after-sales practices.. always was.

    when things go right with apple now it is perhaps better than ever, but u better wish u dont have to resort to apple for some bigger issue cause very quickly u will understand the chinese.
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