Editorial: Where does Apple take iOS next?



  • Reply 101 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    There just MUST be a proper way to handle files before you can handle any kind of significant project.


    Already is. Next!

    Imagine developing a game, and all textures and images are put in Photos, and all sound effects in iTunes, and all 3d models in the 3d App, and the files from the musician are shared in drop box... Eh.. Not cool at all.


    Except that doesn't happen now, so I have no idea why you'd bring it up.

    There is no way in the world that a touch interface can match this in terms of both volume, efficiency and accuracy. There has to be a solution for this.


    So it's "impossible", and yet there's a solution?

    Obviously you'll need a big screen to handle both complex interfaces and content.


    I'm hoping for a 15" iPad with pseudoiOS.

    Now whether this will be fingerprint sensing screens or a sort of IR sensing screen that can see your hands over the screen and distinguish fingers from palms I don't know. But it has to be solved.


    It already is. Why would either of those things be needed? The screen can distinguish the size of the palm oval from the fingertip ovals. Heck, it'll be able to distinguish individual fingers based on that shape.

    Originally Posted by Taniwha View Post

    Of course ... the clouds will open, a ray of light will descend from heaven and the word will echo around the world. It will be the second coming.


    Already had the sacrilegious equivalent in 1996. Come on.

    Originally Posted by jhart376 View Post

    I love dictation but so many people still use the keyboard. I don't see why Apple does not allow Swype or have something similar.


    Because the keyboard works just fine now?

  • Reply 102 of 163
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    I think it is very interesting that people tend to forget that Apple iOS does provide many of the features discussed for future releases. I, too, am guilty of this. I think that we like the idea of Apple incorporating these features because Apple usually provides outstanding software solutions.

    AirDrop for iOS - "Beam" is an option in some apps and many third party options exist
    File Manager - Apps provide file management for their file type and many third party options exist
    "Open with..." - is an option in some apps

    I would certainly like "Beam" enabled between iPad, iPhone and Mac as well as enabled over Bluetooth

    I believe Apple will continue evolve iCloud, Maps and Siri as these are platforms themselves much like iTunes.

    I believe Apple will continue to improve many of the core apps such as Calendars, Contacts and Mail.
  • Reply 103 of 163
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member


    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post


    I warily wade into the waters of speaking for another poster, but what the heck?


    I think he was saying that the problem was that they didn't change to caps.  I'm pretty sure that in Android if you hold down the Shift key, the keys go from lower case to upper case.


    That's what I thought he meant, anyhow.

    He did say/mean that, and he's wrong. They do. As I said.

  • Reply 104 of 163
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    macarena wrote: »
    My wishlist for iOS7 and next gen Apple Hardware.

    - Integrated Infrared Transceiver. Would easily become the universal remote of choice to control everything in sight, and even out of sight
    - Fingerprint reader for Unlock and integrated multi account capability on iPad. Used as Plain Unlock mechanism on iPhone.
    - NFC Capability on iPhone, RFID Reader on iPad
    - Siri API for third party apps
    - Maps API for third party apps
    - AppleTV opened up for third party apps
    - Significantly improved imaging and video capabilities and features
    - Migrate entire iLife suite to iPad.
    - Convert Airport Extreme line to be a Home Gateway solution, running iOS - should support iTunes Server, AirPrint, AirPlay, DSL Modem, Back to My Mac, etc - allow households to get rid of regular macs and just use Airport Extreme as their home solution. Computing Appliance, with support for Mail/Web Server, File/Print Server, iTunes Media Server. Also it should support remote access to data through VPN. Probably branded "myCloud"!

    Instead of making a Low Cost version of the iPhone and dealing with cannibalization, etc, Apple should just lower the cost of entire iPhone range. What they lose in terms of margins would likely be made up by larger volumes. Also, this would be the best way to put pressure on Android manufacturers running on very tight margins.

    I am hoping iPhone 4S drops to $200, iPhone 5 to $300, and iPhone 5S to $400 unlocked. Sell the 4S, 5 and 5S with 8GB Flash in the low end model. That way most people would anyway upgrade to higher end models and increase Apple's margins. At this sort of price point, Android would be struggling to compete.

    • Integrated Infrared Transceiver is unnecessary. iOS devices support Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi. Many devices can currently be controlled by iOS devices.
    • Apple already provides a robust API for third party apps.
    • What features and functions should be significantly improved as related to imaging and video?
    • The entire iLife suite is available on iPad.
    • "Home Gateway" sounds like a Mac mini. While I agree entirely with your statement, the list of features and functions supported became so obviously bloated that the solution is clearly essentially a Mac mini. Airport Extreme can already perform most of these features and functions; wireless printing, file server (via drive sharing) but not by the means you envision I suspect. I suspect you prefer the ease of use of iOS with which I agree but some of the features and functions are somewhat complex by nature.
  • Reply 105 of 163


    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    Windows looked basically the same for almost 12 years from XP to Win 7 and it worked fine. Then MS decided they needed to change things and gave us Windows 8 and how has that worked out so far?


    Don't change for change sake. Apple will add some new features but I don't expect them to do a wholesale change for iOS 7. People who complain iOS is "stale" and "looks the same" are hypocrites considering they've been using Windows forever without any major changes.

    I disagree with your first point, but agree on the second.  The intent of Vista was a new user experience that failed. Even Windows 7's move backwards to the Start button paradigm was a reconciliation of sorts to those disaffected by the poor UI choices made in various Windows incarnations.  Windows 8 was an attempt to get on the touch "craze" that they missed in the tablet market always  trying to bring things back to their enterprise Windows stranglehold. What they did was another Vista miss and put IT managers on Windows 7 hold until a new OS was launched with a revision back to a more corporately acceptable UI.  Corporations cannot retrain masses to a new UI.  Microsoft missed that one again.


    I agree with you that Apple does not need to make wholesale changes to the UI or iOS to be successful.  People buy it because it is obvious and works across platforms easily with no manual or training. 


    What it does need is to integrate the parts better. Why iCloud, photos, music, content, apps... do not work across devices easily is a mystery to me.  I use a MacBook Air at work, another at home, an iPhone, an iPad, AppleTV and I struggle to keep them in sync with content, apps, music, video, etc.  It is annoying.   What was all of the investment in iCloud to support a true cloud approach.  Make my data, documents, videos, music, settings cloud-based.  I don't care where.  Just make them disappear off of my devices and make them invisible to the user and allow me to access them anywhere and anytime.


    An example of the above that drives me crazy is photostream.  Only 1000 pictures? Where is the central data stored for the people in the pictures (faces), places, etc.  Store them all so that I don't need to identify them on different devices.


    Another thing is identity.  Allow me to have one identity (AppleID) and merge many profiles together.  Allow for different personas like home, office, kids, etc.  Manage them in the cloud.


    To those who care about customization, I would say that incrementally, iOS is getting better over time.  If we make leaps in customization, as someone said in these posts, we are just trying to be Android with no business purpose.


    The UI is going to change as we saw the org structure fall under Sir J. Ive.  That puts the skeuomorphic designs out to pasture.  But, we may be looking at a new age of design where the hardware and the software look and feel like they belong together across all of the Apple devices.  Maybe even make Mac OSX even closer to the iOS experience than the launcher and notifications experiment.


    Whatever the iOS 7 experience will be, it will certainly be an incremental change, not a revolution.  I also believe that it will come with the new hardware in June.

  • Reply 106 of 163
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    He did say/mean that, and he's wrong. They do. As I said.


    What everyone means is that with iOS, the letters on the keyboard are always shown in UPPERCASE:



    Whereas, on keyboards on other OSes, the letters switch to match the Shifted Case state:



    Considering how much Steve Jobs slammed hardcoded keyboards during the iPhone debut as being inferior to software-changeable ones, it's silly that the iOS keyboard does not visually switch cases to help the user.

  • Reply 107 of 163
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member


    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    I love the way that people constantly refer to Siri as 'she'. In the UK 'she' is a 'he'. image

    A sex change whilst crossing the Atlantic ...


    That must have been one heck of a cruise! :)

  • Reply 108 of 163

    My wishlist for iOS7:

    1. Better iCloud integration across devices such that all data, videos, settings, profiles, etc are stored centrally

    2. Profile support on a device means multiple log-ins for different people/personas

    3. One OS to rule them all - same OS for Apple TV and iPhone/iPad - having access to apps on all iOS platforms and same user experience.

    4. Horizontal launcher and vertical launcher depending on orientation.

    5. Store certain settings in the cloud and allow for the end-user to reset the device to load apps and the setting of the apps, but not the system setup enabling a clean start on a restore but not forcing to enter login and other setup information again.  Or, if an app breaks the setup, allow the user to remove it and do a repair without having to restore the entire iOS.

  • Reply 109 of 163
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    ksec wrote: »
    From my experience, the iPad mini sold well because of its mobility, but not because it is smaller, but because it is lighter!

    The Article should be named as Apple Product Next not iOS Next as it doesn't even touch much on iOS.

    Apple will need to solve the what i call the Apple ID Crisis, Where the increasing the use of Multiple ID is creating a hell for support, and any use of it is simply not user friendly. It reminds me of days in Windows Vista when security is on top of all else. Not that i dont want it but Apple need to solve it, being secure and ease of use. ( That is where i hope fingerprint comes into play )

    iCloud ? Nuff Said.

    Inter App - Communication - Something needs to be done about it rather then not doing anything on it. Copying the idea from Android is no good as i find it too complex, but disallowing users doing is far too limiting, ( I have been asked far too many times from a novice users on this, and i have no answers to them ). I hope Apple comes out with something elegant.

    iTunes - Hopefully to finally get rid out it as a tool to communicate bewteen PC/Mac and iPhone

    Those are the four biggest area of iOS experience let down. Other conservative improvement are welcome and should be expected, but those four are top priorities in my view and experience.

    AppleID - My family has used Apple cloud services since .Mac without identity issues.

    iCloud - You didn't say anything.

    Inter App Communication - Apple provides methods of Inter App Communication to which few developers have availed themselves.

    iTunes - What?
  • Reply 110 of 163
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post


    What everyone means is that with iOS, the letters on the keyboard are always shown in UPPERCASE:


    Whereas, on keyboards on other OSes, the letters switch to match the Shifted Case state:



    Thank you.  I thought I was going insane.  "Wait.  The keys on my iPhone are ALWAYS upper-case.  Is my phone broken?!" :)


    Personally, on this point, I'm fine with it working the way it works now.  I'm used to it, and I think I would find the cases shifting distracting.  But that's just me.  Then again, a lot of capitalization is automatic (like after a "." and the subsequent spaces, e.g.), so I rarely find myself using the shift key to begin with.

  • Reply 111 of 163
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    I love the way that people constantly refer to Siri as 'she'. In the UK 'she' is a 'he'. image

    A sex change whilst crossing the Atlantic ...


    Apparently the sex change was because of the past history of some non-American male groups refusing to take directions from a woman.


    Interesting CNN article on computer voice choices here.

  • Reply 112 of 163
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by exbusfish View Post

    3. One OS to rule them all - same OS for Apple TV and iPhone/iPad - having access to apps on all iOS platforms and same user experience.


    That just plain doesn't work.

  • Reply 113 of 163
    Everything was pretty good, except for calling MobileMe a "free" service that flopped.

    It was $99 per year, and I can't say I ever had any severe issues with it. Though, I didn't start using it until late 2009/early 2010. Maybe most of the major issues were flushed out by then.
  • Reply 114 of 163
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    AppleID - My family has used Apple cloud services since .Mac without identity issues.

    iCloud - You didn't say anything.

    Inter App Communication - Apple provides methods of Inter App Communication to which few developers have availed themselves.

    iTunes - What?

    Did you set up the AppleID for them? As far as i am concern setting up a AppleID requiring you to input 3 security questions, Password that requires Capital alphabet and numbers which 99% of them will forget, and some other steps, most of them just gave up during the setup and pass it on to somebody else.
    Using the same AppleID for everyone in your family? How about iCloud Backup? You use separate one? Sorry what was my iCloud or AppleID again?
    No Email? What about I dont want an AppleID and just Download Free Apps which my grandpa and grandma do?

    iCloud & Itunes: Sync; that is what not working, that is what everyone not getting it. Comparing it to DropBox, which is a Cloud File System with Sync Function in one. As much as i admire the whole idea of files within Apps. It is not working. Out of all i have met and helped i have seen less then 1% of people grasping this idea. They would just ask, "Can i copy and paste? " The imore Podcast recently pointed out the same. So i am no alone on this one.

    I could understand Apple wants your Music and Video to all go through iTunes. So in a perfect world you have no need to put your Video Files or Music in your phone from your computer. But As far as i am concern this is not happening. And it is like the Number 1 question i get asked. Just teaching them using iTunes and put files into the App? I give up.
  • Reply 115 of 163
    mhiklmhikl Posts: 471member


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    Not a chance. The new mantra for anything coming from Apple is "yawnnnn." From tech blogs to stock analysts, to the troll cadre right here on AI, nothing Apple does anymore is worth a plug nickel. The troll talking point of "iOS feels old and stale" has permeated the tech universe. You read it on every blog, a falsehood that has taken on a life of its own and has become true by simple repetition.


    All you have to do is look at @ ankleskater's reply to your post. It's all a big joke now to these types.

    lkrupp, as I said in personal note, the blocking feature saves a lot of aggravation and cuts down on irrelevancy. Why read what a troll uses only to enrage others. Those who must continually respond to troll bate can also be blocked saving time and reading for interest and pertinent ideas.

  • Reply 116 of 163

    Is there any reason that iPhone, iPad, AppleTV and Mac OSX apps cannot work together?  Share data, last saved state, act as a controller (ala remote app for iOS for AppleTV).   We see the WiiU as  a commercial flop, but that is not due to the software, which is quite neat. 


  • Reply 117 of 163


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    That just plain doesn't work.

    I disagree.  Having iOS apps on my AppleTV sounds like a great idea, especially where you can use the iOS device as a controller and content is displayed through  AppleTV.

  • Reply 118 of 163
    DED, the Chris Chase of AI.
  • Reply 119 of 163
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    ksec wrote: »
    Did you set up the AppleID for them? As far as i am concern setting up a AppleID requiring you to input 3 security questions, Password that requires Capital alphabet and numbers which 99% of them will forget, and some other steps, most of them just gave up during the setup and pass it on to somebody else.
    Using the same AppleID for everyone in your family? How about iCloud Backup? You use separate one? Sorry what was my iCloud or AppleID again?
    No Email? What about I dont want an AppleID and just Download Free Apps which my grandpa and grandma do?

    iCloud & Itunes: Sync; that is what not working, that is what everyone not getting it. Comparing it to DropBox, which is a Cloud File System with Sync Function in one. As much as i admire the whole idea of files within Apps. It is not working. Out of all i have met and helped i have seen less then 1% of people grasping this idea. They would just ask, "Can i copy and paste? " The imore Podcast recently pointed out the same. So i am no alone on this one.

    I could understand Apple wants your Music and Video to all go through iTunes. So in a perfect world you have no need to put your Video Files or Music in your phone from your computer. But As far as i am concern this is not happening. And it is like the Number 1 question i get asked. Just teaching them using iTunes and put files into the App? I give up.

    I have no problems with any of that. I suggest that very few people are having issues in fact considering that iCloud has 250 million users and the installed based continues to grow.

    Do you have any actual evidence of issues? Not anecdotal reports, not a blogger who wants hits for their opinion but facts.
  • Reply 120 of 163
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member
    exbusfish wrote: »
    Is there any reason that iPhone, iPad, AppleTV and Mac OSX apps cannot work together?  Share data, last saved state, act as a controller (ala remote app for iOS for AppleTV).   We see the WiiU as  a commercial flop, but that is not due to the software, which is quite neat. 

    This is already the case as you noted.
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