France Telecom CEO says iPhone sales threatened by lack of cheaper option



  • Reply 41 of 67
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by a2gsg View Post

    since last year, you can buy a no-contract 16GB iPhone 4S for $450 retail from here in the US as well as an 8GB iPhone 4 for $350...


    they also have the cheapest/most affordable rate plans (for which you get an additional $5 off/discount per month) when AUTO-PAY is enabled.


    I don't think Virgin Moble USA's cellular footprint reaches France, which is the topic at hand.



    Originally Posted by sidste View Post

    I had a cheaper iPhone.  It was called the iPhone 4.  I sold it for $275 on Amazon.  Maybe I should start buying them up and taking them to France.


    We should post a sticky or a footnote in every article like this.  It should say "While you may think the iPhone 4 and 4s are inexpensive, please note that it's heavily subsidized by US carriers.  Not every telecom in the world operates the same way."  Just because you can get the iPhone 4 for free in the US doesn't mean you can elsewhere, and most people don't want a 2 year old phone, they want a current model for less cost.

  • Reply 42 of 67
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Why would there be an iPhone without Apps? It wouldn't make any sense. The apps are part if the experience. That stripped down phone might a well be a dumb phone.


    Agreed, that arguement is pointless.  The only way to produce a cheaper iPhone would be to use less expensive materials.  It's the only option that I see, anyway.

  • Reply 43 of 67
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Why would there be an iPhone without Apps? It wouldn't make any sense. The apps are part if the experience. That stripped down phone might a well be a dumb phone.


    I dunno. Why is there an iPod without apps? Or why is there an iPod WITH apps? Why does the 15" MacBook Pro have a discrete graphics card while the 13" doesn't? Why does the larger iMac have user-accessible RAM slots and the smaller one doesn't? Why can you get a 7200RPM 500GB drive in the server version of the Mini but not in the standard version?


    Like I said, I don't know why/how/if Apple would implement such a plan... that's not what I'm addressing. I'm saying that precedent for multiple models exists within their current product line. That's all. Speculating on how they would do it, why they would do it, or if they would do it all is pointless.

  • Reply 44 of 67
    jdnc123jdnc123 Posts: 233member


    Originally Posted by Applelunatic View Post


    Steve Jobs died October 5th 2011.  The stock price in the days before he died was around 370 a share.  Even with the pullback the stock is still 15% higher than it was before his death.  Oh and the last quarter of Apple before he died Apple had revenues of 27.28 Billion. The most recent quarter they had revenues of 54.51 Billion.  Their profit margins since Steve Jobs' death have been higher than any other quarter before Steve Job's death except the June 2011 quarter surpassing the profit margin of the quarter June 30 2012 by .4%.  So basically their stock is higher than it ever was under Jobs, their revenues are higher than they ever were under Jobs (with the most recent quarter having revenues double what they were the last quarter before Jobs' death) and their profit margins have exceeded all quarters but one before Jobs' death.  Atrophy my ass. I'd be willing to bet every CEO wishes their company to "implode" by having their revenues double in under 2 years of being on the job and leading the company to be more profitable than it has ever been in its entire history.


    Total value of Apple on 9/30/11 = $294 billion

    Total value of Apple today = $263 billion

    total value = mkt cap less net debt = enterprise value


    stock price up, value of company down as they have generated more cash per share than the stock price move, which in simple terms, means value of the underlying business has been diminished


    these are facts, not speculation or conjecture.  the value of Apple has gone down under two years of Cook simply looking at point A (SJ death) and point B (today)

  • Reply 45 of 67


    Originally Posted by jdnc123 View Post


    Total value of Apple on 9/30/11 = $294 billion

    Total value of Apple today = $263 billion

    total value = mkt cap less net debt = enterprise value


    stock price up, value of company down as they have generated more cash per share than the stock price move, which in simple terms, means value of the underlying business has been diminished


    these are facts, not speculation or conjecture.  the value of Apple has gone down under two years of Cook simply looking at point A (SJ death) and point B (today)



    Your one data point does not invalidate what I said.  Apple has not "imploded" because its mkt cap has gone down 10%.  Especially when it's revenues have doubled in under 2 years, it's profit margins are higher than any other point in their history but a single quarter and it's sold more iPhones and iPads every quarter than any point of Steve Jobs at the helm.


    Oh and Google's market cap is down nearly 6% since early March.  Are they "imploding" too?

  • Reply 46 of 67
    jdnc123jdnc123 Posts: 233member


    Originally Posted by Applelunatic View Post



    Your one data point does not invalidate what I said.  Apple has not "imploded" because its mkt cap has gone down 10%.  Especially when it's revenues have doubled in under 2 years, it's profit margins are higher than any other point in their history but a single quarter and it's sold more iPhones and iPads every quarter than any point of Steve Jobs at the helm.


    Oh and Google's market cap is down nearly 6% since early March.  Are they "imploding" too?

    I didn't say Apple was 'imploding' but they are facing significant challenges on a fwd looking basis.


    Google value over the same timeframe has gone from $127 billion to $219 billion

    Samsung from US$86 billion to US$184 billion


    The stock market is looking forward and adding value to Google and Samsung and taking value away from Apple.  Only time will tell if that is correct, but when your closest peers are seeing value added to their companies and the broader markets are in a bull run like few others recently, sitting near all-time highs, the fact of the matter is the perception is these are Apple specific problems despite all you say.  You shouldn't focus on revenues so much as the companies is losing billions of dollars in gross margin through compression, so the revenues aren't turning into cash like they used to.  Yes they are selling lots of products, but I think we will soon hear that the momentum is slipping in large iPads and iPhones (remember they are with far more carriers now, so they should be selling more) and unfortunately for shareholders more sales aren't equating into more earnings.  Regards

  • Reply 47 of 67
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Wait, is France giving up? The "Low cost" iPhone is the 4/4S.
    Except that that's maybe true in the US, but here in europe it's price has only gone up in the 2+ years (eg iPhone 4) since its launch and even took away half the capacity. And competitions equal products prices are going can get now 2 similar equipped same sung droids for one iPhone 4.
  • Reply 48 of 67


    Originally Posted by jdnc123 View Post

    I didn't say Apple was 'imploding' but they are facing significant challenges on a fwd looking basis.

    So then your reply is basically irrelevant to what I was saying.  I was responding to the person claiming that Apple was "imploding" yet by every metric but market cap they are outperforming every other technology company.  To say they are "imploding" is the height of silliness.

  • Reply 49 of 67
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    This seems to be also a good argument *against* a low cost iPhone in that they could probably get more marketshare and generate more revenue by simply halving the margin on last years' phone, dropping the price by a hundred or more when bought off-contract, and making it essentially free, on-contract. 

    For markets that have such contracts I think that's a great way to go, but others — especially for China, India and upcoming African markets — that may not be the best move for maximizing profits long term.

    What makes you think there won't be a demand for, and hence a grey market for, and hence caterwauling for, and Apple capitulating to the yelling and screaming for such a phone in the US?


    That could start a major race to the bottom.

  • Reply 50 of 67
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by jdnc123 View Post

    Total value of Apple on 9/30/11 = $294 billion

    Total value of Apple today = $263 billion

    total value = mkt cap less net debt = enterprise value

    It really depends on the purpose of such a measurement: why are you measuring the enterprise value? Are you saying that if someone is planning to acquire Apple, they'd need to come up with a check for $263B (and they would pay 'cash' to get the 'cash')? Sure.


    But if you're looking at what it's worth to shareholders today, then it is a somewhat pointless number since does not include cash.

  • Reply 51 of 67
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by jdnc123 View Post

    Google value over the same timeframe has gone from $127 billion to $219 billion

    Samsung from US$86 billion to US$184 billion

    This is true. And problematic.

  • Reply 52 of 67
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member
    isaidso wrote: »
    The only thing Apple has to lose, is a race to the bottom. That is a race that Apple can never, ever, ever win.

    Got anymore cliches?
  • Reply 53 of 67
    ankleskaterankleskater Posts: 1,287member
    This is true. And problematic.

    Or an opportunity.
  • Reply 54 of 67
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member


    Originally Posted by ankleskater View Post


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This is true. And problematic.

    Or an opportunity.

    Agreed. Apologies.


    I should have qualified it with, "...problematic for those whose attention spans and investment horizons rival that of a gnat."

  • Reply 55 of 67
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    jdnc123 wrote: »
    Total value of Apple on 9/30/11 = $294 billion
    Total value of Apple today = $263 billion
    total value = mkt cap less net debt = enterprise value

    stock price up, value of company down as they have generated more cash per share than the stock price move, which in simple terms, means value of the underlying business has been diminished

    these are facts, not speculation or conjecture.  the value of Apple has gone down under two years of Cook simply looking at point A (SJ death) and point B (today)

    Your facts are not even close to reality.

    As of today, Apple's market cap is $402 B. Total debt is $0 from the balance sheet. That makes the total value $402 B - using your formula.
  • Reply 56 of 67

    The only crack in the market right now is if they offered a 4s-size/power phone with LTE (which the carriers would like because 3g is so over-satured that moving a low-end phone to LTE would give them some breathing room, and let them offer "Full line of LTE iPhones", which sounds good.) Combined with a less expensive casing, maybe a less fancy camera, there is probably some room for it.


    It might be the 4ls or something like that. The cost of engineering a LTE chip into the 4s probably negates its value long-term. When the iPhone 6 came out, the 4ls would just be let go, replaced with the 5, making it not worth it. 

  • Reply 57 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    France Telecom CEO says iPhone sales threatened by lack of cheaper option


    News flash, Jethro. The hundred thousand people in the US with iPhones on welfare beg to differ.

    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post

    The only way to produce a cheaper iPhone would be to use less expensive materials.  It's the only option that I see, anyway.


    Ah, disagreed. Research into both cheaper means of producing the raw components needed and assembly will lower costs (and price) without compromising on material.


    That's what they've been doing for years. No multiple pieces of aluminum in their laptops anymore; it's all from one single piece.

  • Reply 58 of 67
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member
    News flash, Jethro. The hundred thousand people in the US with iPhones on welfare beg to differ.

    Ah, disagreed. Research into both cheaper means of producing the raw components needed and assembly will lower costs (and price) without compromising on material.

    That's what they've been doing for years. No multiple pieces of aluminum in their laptops anymore; it's all from one single piece.

    Yes, that is true. But the laptop prices didn't come down much did they? I'm honestly asking.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post

    Yes, that is true. But the laptop prices didn't come down much did they? I'm honestly asking.


    Yes, by $300.

    Penryn pre-unibody started at $1,999.

    Unibody started at $1,699.

  • Reply 60 of 67
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Yes, by $300.

    Penryn pre-unibody started at $1,999.

    Unibody started at $1,699.

    Ah ok. Didn't realize that

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