Former Apple SVP of Retail Ron Johnson ousted from JCPenney



  • Reply 41 of 76
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    JC Penny should change their name. It just sounds so 1900s Americana. It needs more of a European fashion elegance sound.


    Jeanne Claude Parfaire

    Hilarious dude... good one

  • Reply 42 of 76
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Make them sign some sort of longterm contract, where there would be penalties if they left before their contract expired.

    You want to leave? Fine, that'll cost you a few hundred million.

    You, my friend, are in complete and utter violation of The First Rule of Holes.
  • Reply 43 of 76
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You think Apple cares as much about its stock price as you or I do?


    Well, they should care, that's part of the problem IMO. 

  • Reply 44 of 76


    Originally Posted by gijoeinla View Post

    Um, Johnson came from Target...

    I take your point and I'm not a big fan of Target....but Target is way better than JC Penny's. :)

  • Reply 45 of 76


    Originally Posted by city View Post

    This is not good for JCPenny. JCPenny needs to distinguish itself somehow. Johnson was the person to do it. They should have continued to believe in him. They compete directly with Target at many locations, and Target looks relatively upscale. Without a reinvention, JCPenny doesn't have much of a chance especially when they hire a person who was already a part of their problem.

    Well said. :)

  • Reply 46 of 76


    Originally Posted by Mindcrime View Post

    That is unfortunate that he was let go.  I usually would never shop at JCP but after he started I thought I would give it a try due to the more honest pricing.  I really liked the store, the pricing, but did feel that inventory was lacking in some areas.  I think it is too bad that they will go back to the sale frenzy that so many stores go to.  I just want to buy my clothes at a good price, not look for coupons and JCP Credit card only sales.  I won't shop at Khol's because everything is a sale, or better sale if you put in on their credit card, and the clothes are not that great.  I refuse to take out one of their credit cards just so I can get the big "sale". I will also not spend my time trying to find the latest and greatest coupon that works from 1pm-4pm on some random Saturday.  I guess I will have to find some other place to get my clothes now.  

    If you're slim...try H&M! :)

  • Reply 47 of 76
    There is a lot of stupid in this thread today.

    Many probably don't know that Apple lets employees leave for a year hiatus if they'd like and their job will be waiting for them.

    Ron had no where else to go at Apple, so he chose to pursue a CEO position and it didn't work out. Both parties would be fools to not go back to the way things were.
  • Reply 48 of 76
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    Kind of immature point of view.


    I'm not sure I agree. I understand the argument that one must offer competitive packages to attract good people, but sweet hoogly moogly the definition of "competitive" has become can't-even-get-your-head-around-it astro-freakin-nomical these days. Seriously. At some point, someone somewhere has to say "ENOUGH" and start reeling executive packages back into the realm of reason.


    I'm not anti-wealth or anything, but I am pro-common sense, and to me the remuneration this miniscule sector is receiving exceeds the threshold of just about any definition of "reasonable." When one guy makes more than 500-1000 employees combined, that's way beyond the point of being utterly vulgar. I refuse to accept that any  individual adds THAT much value to a company.

  • Reply 49 of 76
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Make them sign some sort of longterm contract, where there would be penalties if they left before their contract expired.


    You want to leave? Fine, that'll cost you a few hundred million.


    Um, I'm pretty sure that shit would be illegal. Also, he was at Apple for 11 years. How long should the initial contract have been? 20 years? Try to think through what you say once in a while and consider if it makes any sense at all in a practical situation. 


    On another point, it's sad how JCPenney rehired their OLD CEO, which they had decided to replace, and under whose tenure the company was already sliding downwards heavily. I'm not sure how that makes any sense at all. Yeah, let's just rehire the guy that was so bad that we decided to replace. 


    As for going back to Apple, I wouldn't care either way. The fact that he decided to leave implies that he did all that he set out to do at Apple, and quite honestly I don't see what sweeping changes Apple retail needs. It's pretty damn close to perfect, and does not need to be reinvented again. They're doing quite well without him and opening new stores all the time. Whether he can continue to contribute something positive is not a given. 

  • Reply 50 of 76
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Make them sign some sort of longterm contract, where there would be penalties if they left before their contract expired.


    You want to leave? Fine, that'll cost you a few hundred million.


    I sure wouldn't sign one of those. Beyond the few years needed to fully vest stock options, not much more is needed. You mentioned the options he vested. He had already fulfilled a 'long term commitment' to be eligible for those… more than once. Eleven years at a job is not exactly high turnover, and when offered a CEO position in a well-established company with a challenging run ahead, I don't think anyone at Apple spited him for wanting to give it a go.


    I'm willing to bet they even said 'you're welcome back anytime' and meant it.


    I've lived decades in the corporate world, and at the executive level bridges aren't burnt simply for going off to try something new. He didn't leave on bad terms. 


    You may think he earned too much, but he helped build the single largest, most profitable retail machine of all time. He received a fraction of a percent of the resulting profit in "bonus" pay…  it's all relative, I guess. But to some, it was money well earned. He also no doubt gave up quite a few outstanding options to change horses. Do you know about "opportunity cost"? People like Johnson often operate with that in mind...

  • Reply 51 of 76
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    dimmok wrote: »
    Bring back the Ron

    And mail out some coupons. 10% off all Macs.
  • Reply 52 of 76
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member

    Not to mention that Ron's old position just HAPPENS to be wide open at the moment. No-one else better to fill those shoes than someone that helped build them...


    I think it's kismet, synchronicity, the universe trying to tell Apple and Johnson that the jig is up and it's time to get back together… ;)


    I personally wouldn't mind. He rocked as the SVP of Retail.

  • Reply 53 of 76

    If he had gone to another company that was related to Apple's business, such as Google or Samsung, I would fiercely object to him going back. But taking into account that he went to a department shop to take the position of CEO, then I can't blame him. He obviously had reached his highest position possible at Apple and you can't blame a person for wanting to embark in new roles that promotes professional self growth. And since the position at Apple is currently vacant, its perfect. Apple was looking to fill the void Ron had left, and the candidate they chose was not fit for the job.


    Who, in their right minds, would object to having back an old employee (like the prodigal son), who left to embark in new professional journeys (while still showing love for Apple, such as placing iPads and iPhones in the stores and hands of the employees), that ran the position for eleven years?


    I mean, the employees know him, he knows how Apple runs, he's brilliant at what he does... It's a perfect timing. If we have Apple announcing in any time soon that Ron will be rejoining the ranks, who knows, maybe they even had a hand on it.


    In my opinion,JCPenney did a horrible move ousting Johnson and Tim Cook would be stupid if he didnt take him back.

  • Reply 54 of 76
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    I'm not sure I agree. I understand the argument that one must offer competitive packages to attract good people, but sweet hoogly moogly the definition of "competitive" has become can't-even-get-your-head-around-it astro-freakin-nomical these days. Seriously. At some point, someone somewhere has to say "ENOUGH" and start reeling executive packages back into the realm of reason.


    I'm not anti-wealth or anything, but I am pro-common sense, and to me the remuneration this miniscule sector is receiving exceeds the threshold of just about any definition of "reasonable." When one guy makes more than 500-1000 employees combined, that's way beyond the point of being utterly vulgar. I refuse to accept that any  individual adds THAT much value to a company.

    I believe someone's pay should not be limited by what is "reasonable" or beyond. The marketplace should dictate pay. If a big, dying company desperately wants to hire a proven superstar from Apple and give him an "utterly vulgar" salary I am all for it. JCP felt he was worth it at that moment in time. Now they don't.

  • Reply 55 of 76
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member

    JC Penny = Not designed in California by Apple.

  • Reply 56 of 76
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member


    Originally Posted by tribalogical View Post

    Not to mention that Ron's old position just HAPPENS to be wide open at the moment. No-one else better to fill those shoes than someone that helped build them...


    I think it's kismet, synchronicity, the universe trying to tell Apple and Johnson that the jig is up and it's time to get back together… ;)


    I personally wouldn't mind. He rocked as the SVP of Retail.


    When Tim Cook announced the departure of Browett and Forstall but left Browett's spot open, I posted that given what's going on at JCP at the time, Tim's probably leaving the retail job open just in case.  Well, that case has arisen.  I don't call that kismet or synchronicity, I call that well played so far.  'So far' only because he still have to land his fish.

  • Reply 57 of 76
    briancpa wrote: »
    What a shame. Now, JCP can raise their prices 25% and then offer customers a 20% off coupons and watch the foolish shoppers come roaring back through the doors to "catch a great sale". It's a huge disappointment that his philosophy didn't work because, after all, they were one of very few stores running an honest, open, and fair pricing policy.

    Well said and I agree 100%

    I never shop there but his choices made me actually walk in and enjoy the experience.

    Just goes to show, people are ignorant.

    JCP can go right back to their honey boo boo coupon queens.
  • Reply 58 of 76
    Screw Ron Johnson, I had the idea for the Genius Bar and retail store before he did, I have been a loyal Mac Addict from the very beginning. Give me that job! Lol!
  • Reply 59 of 76
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member


    Originally Posted by BrianCPA View Post

    What a shame. Now, JCP can raise their prices 25% and then offer customers a 20% off coupons and watch the foolish shoppers come roaring back through the doors to "catch a great sale". It's a huge disappointment that his philosophy didn't work because, after all, they were one of very few stores running an honest, open, and fair pricing policy.

    I have always liked JCP and I like the way it was. Okay, I know it's all smoke and mirrors on the discounts, but who cares. I like to get a deal even if I'm deluding myself. 


    It was fine after Ron made changes. The stores look nicer now, not that they were bad before. They feel more spacious. 


    I think Ron tried to change things too quickly and didn't think about his base. Who knows. 

  • Reply 60 of 76
    pfisherpfisher Posts: 758member


    Originally Posted by StephanJobs View Post

    Well said and I agree 100%

    I never shop there but his choices made me actually walk in and enjoy the experience.

    Just goes to show, people are ignorant.

    JCP can go right back to their honey boo boo coupon queens.

    Ah, an elitist. We are not all ignorant. Some of us have advanced degrees in information technology and work in information architecture and do like to shop there. It's your standard middle-class store, so you are right about people being ignorant, and its not the shoppers...but those making insulting comments.

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