Networking Mac OSX Jag with Win XP

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello all, I am new at this networking business. I have an iBook running Jag OSX and a Sony Vaio PC running Windows XP Home Edition. I have an Air Port by Apple and it is 802 wireless to my iBook and I bought a networking ethernet cable and connected via hard wire my Sony PC to the output of the Apple Air Port. I have used my current dial up connection on the Sony Vaio that the Air Port had going.

How do I get a network between the systems to work.

I need step by step information.

How do I "see" the files?? a Directory? etc?

How does that work ? from the aspect of both platforms.

Thank you for your help..


[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 5
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    To allow the Mac to browse the files on the XPbox:

    -On the XP machine, right click My Computer and Select Properties.

    -Under the Computer Name tab, end an easy name for the computer on the computer description line, like Fellowshipibook, click Ok

    -Select a folder you wish to share, not a volume (drive or partition), and right click it

    -Under the Sharing tab, in the network sharing section, check off "Share this Folder on the network" and if you want, enter a Share name (this is what it will be 'seen' as on the network), click OK

    -On the Mac, under the Go menu, select "Connect To" (I think you choose Windows Server)

    -You should see the folders you have made available

    -Select one and connect. You will have to enter a username and password for a user on the XP box.

    To Enable Mac to share it files to the XP box:

    (From Apple's Web Site)

    I. Create new accounts for Windows users

    Users connecting from Windows computers must have user accounts on the Mac OS X computer that is sharing. There is no guest access. Any person who already has an account on the Mac OS X computer uses his existing account. You must log in to the Mac OS X computer as an Admin user to set this up. The steps differ for new and existing users.

    For new users:

    1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.

    2. Choose Accounts from the View menu.

    3. Click New User.

    4. Enter the Name and Short Name of the user that will log into Mac OS X from Windows (see Note 1).

    5. Enter the user's password.

    6. Click the checkbox for "Allow user to log in from Windows".

    7. Click OK.

    For existing users:

    1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.

    2. Choose Accounts from the View menu.

    3. Select the user.

    4. Click Edit User (Note 2).

    5. Select the checkbox for "Allow user to log in from Windows" (Note 3).

    6. You are prompted to reset the password. Click OK.

    7. Enter the new password, and click Save (Note 4).

    II. Specify the Windows workgroup name

    The default Mac OS X SMB workgroup name is "WORKGROUP" (Note 5).

    If you are sharing files between Mac and PC, you should make sure that your workgroup names are exactly the same on both computers. Use the following steps to change your SMB workgroup name on the Mac OS X computer:

    1. Open Directory Access (/Applications/Utilities).

    2. Click the padlock to authenticate as the Admin user.

    3. Select SMB from the Services list.

    4. Click Configure.

    5. Enter your SMB workgroup name.

    6. Enter your WINS server ip address (if applicable).

    III. Enable Windows File Sharing

    1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.

    2. Choose Sharing from the View menu. The Rendezvous Name field will be used for the Mac OS X SMB host name. This is the name that appears in the Windows Network Neighborhood (Note 6).

    3. Click the checkbox for Windows File Sharing (located in the Service column). The Network pane reports "Windows File Sharing On" (Note 7).


    1. The user's short name is is exactly how the user will enter their name when they log in to Windows File Sharing. The short name is always lowercase.

    2. If you edit your own account (the logged-in user), you must take the additional step of typing your password in the Current Password field and then pressing Return. This is not required when editing other users.

    3. When selecting "Allow user to log in from Windows" for any other user than yourself (the logged-in Admin user), you get the message, "To enable SMB support password reset is required. Do you want to reset password?" Though this message does not appear for the logged-in Admin user, it is still true. When enabling Windows login for your own account, you must change your password at the same time.

    4. If any existing user cannot log in to Windows File Sharing on the first attempt, go back to that user's account and change the password again.

    5. If you did a custom installation of Mac OS X and deselected the BSD Subsystem, you may not be able to change your workgroup name, which may prevent you from sharing. This is not an issue if you did a standard installation. If necessary, resinstall Mac OS X 10.2 with the BSD Subsystem selected.

    6. If Mac OS X obtained a dynamic DHCP address, the dynamic host name (such as "dhcp192.168.10.2") will be used instead of the one entered here.

    7. If Windows File Sharing service does not stay on, verify that you have a reliable network connection.

    [ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: Tulkas ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 5

    Thank you So MUCH for taking the time to help me with this.

    I am half way fixed up....

    I can access my OSX files while on my XP Windows PC. Within Windows.

    I still however am not able to get things to work the other way around (to read files from XP on my Mac.)

    When I pull up the screen (on my mac) that you posted the screen shot of... I get no WORKGROUP or any other items to choose from. While in Windows XP I did designate a folder to be shared on the network..

    I do not know what to do at that point. (mac "Connect to Server") screen not producing any results.

    If you have any ideas I am so thankful for the imput..

    Many Many Thanks


    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 5
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    [quote]Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook:


    Thank you So MUCH for taking the time to help me with this.

    I am half way fixed up....

    I can access my OSX files while on my XP Windows PC. Within Windows.

    I still however am not able to get things to work the other way around (to read files from XP on my Mac.)

    When I pull up the screen (on my mac) that you posted the screen shot of... I get no WORKGROUP or any other items to choose from. While in Windows XP I did designate a folder to be shared on the network..

    I do not know what to do at that point. (mac "Connect to Server") screen not producing any results.

    If you have any ideas I am so thankful for the imput..

    Many Many Thanks


    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: FellowshipChurch iBook ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Couple ideas:

    -Make sure both boxes are on the same "Workgroup" By default OSX machines are on Workgroup called WORKGROUP. On your XP machine, under My Computer-&gt;Properties, Computer Name Tab, if Workgroup isn't WORKGROUP then press change and change it WORKGROUP

    -Make sure you have atleast on folder on the XP box that is shared

    -Maybe you could try typing in server/share address directly. As shown in the screen shot above: smb://servername/sharename This sort of skips using a major smb/cifs improvement in 10.2 of enabling browsing servers, but it is worth a try

    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: Tulkas ]

    [ 09-19-2002: Message edited by: Tulkas ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 5

    Thank you again for your efforts to help me with this. I am still having no luck with the Mac reading files off the PC

    I would love to solve this problem...

    Thank you for yor help again....

  • Reply 5 of 5
    Just to say thank you for the help. I have everything running great now.

    Thank you.

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