Sharing the Mail App - PLEASE HELP!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Four people use our computer, we all have our seperate user areas but share a Mail Account, but four different sets of preferences means four mail directories. It's so Painfully messy for us to all have to download everyone else's emails four times.

Surely there must be some way for me to change the mail directory so we can share the mail application.




  • Reply 1 of 5
    Theoretically, you could symlink all of the users' preferences to the same folder, but I don't know if that actually works in practice.

    I'll try a few tests and come back a bit later.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    It worked! I'll type up an explanation and post it here momentarily...
  • Reply 3 of 5
    These instructions will use the Mail folder from your admin user as a base for all users to share. Warning!! This will DELETE the Mail folders for all users except the user you start with. For steps 6 and 7, you should probably just move the files to the trash and not empty it yet so that you can recover them in case the process does not work properly.

    1. Logged in as an admin user, go to the /Library folder and create a new folder called SharedMail.

    2. In another window, navigate to your home Library folder. Copy the Mail folder from it into the new SharedMail folder.

    3. In that same second window, go to your home Library/Preferences folder. Copy the file into the new SharedMail folder. You can close this window now.

    4. If not still there, navigate to the /Library folder again. Select the newly created SharedMail folder and choose Get Info from the file menu. Click the disclosure triangle for Ownership & Permissions. Click the padlock (enter your password if requested) and change both Access menus and the Others menu to Read & Write. Click "Apply to enclosed items" and confirm the dialog.

    5. Log out and log in as one of the users you want to share the mail. Quit Mail if you have it set to automatically launch at login. Mail should NOT be running for the following steps.

    6. Go to your home Library folder. Delete the Mail folder.

    7. Go to your home Library/Preferences folder. Delete the file.

    8. Log out again and log in as the admin user.

    9. Open the Terminal (located at /Applications/Utilities).

    10. Execute the following two commands, replacing "username" with the login name (aka. the "short name") of your current user. You may be asked for a password. If so, enter the admin user's password. Be sure to enter these *exactly* as below.

    sudo ln -s /Library/SharedMail/Mail /Users/username/Library/Mail

    sudo ln -s /Library/SharedMail/ /Users/username/Library/Preferences/

    11. Log out and repeat steps 5 through 10 for each of the users that will share these settings including the admin user.

    That should do it! Let me know if you have any problems or questions.

    - Brad

    [ 10-19-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 5
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>These instructions will use the Mail folder from your admin user as a base for all users to share. Warning!! This will DELETE the Mail folders for all users except the user you start with. For steps 6 and 7, you should probably just move the files to the trash and not empty it yet so that you can recover them in case the process does not work properly.

    1. Logged in as an admin user, go to the /Library folder and create a new folder called SharedMail.

    2. In another window, navigate to your home Library folder. Copy the Mail folder from it into the new SharedMail folder.

    3. In that same second window, go to your home Library/Preferences folder. Copy the file into the new SharedMail folder. You can close this window now.

    4. If not still there, navigate to the /Library folder again. Select the newly created SharedMail folder and choose Get Info from the file menu. Click the disclosure triangle for Ownership & Permissions. Click the padlock (enter your password if requested) and change both Access menus and the Others menu to Read & Write. Click "Apply to enclosed items" and confirm the dialog.

    5. Log out and log in as one of the users you want to share the mail. Quit Mail if you have it set to automatically launch at login. Mail should NOT be running for the following steps.

    6. Go to your home Library folder. Delete the Mail folder.

    7. Go to your home Library/Preferences folder. Delete the file.

    8. Log out again and log in as the admin user.

    9. Open the Terminal (located at /Applications/Utilities).

    10. Execute the following two commands, replacing "username" with the login name (aka. the "short name") of your current user. You may be asked for a password. If so, enter the admin user's password. Be sure to enter these *exactly* as below.

    sudo ln -s /Library/SharedMail/Mail /Users/username/Library/Mail

    sudo ln -s /Library/SharedMail/ /Users/username/Library/Preferences/

    11. Log out and repeat steps 5 through 10 for each of the users that will share these settings including the admin user.

    That should do it! Let me know if you have any problems or questions.

    - Brad

    [ 10-19-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's a rather snazzy trick!! Thankx
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Thank you so much, that's one very big step closer but there's still a tiny problem that's holding the whole thing up. Whenever a change is made to the preferences file the Mail App overwrites the alias created by the command line operations in you home/library folder with a new, default .plist file (not an alias), unfortunately the Mail App seems to renew its preferences very often, I tried giving each user a seperate, duplicate .plist file but for some reason this didn't work either and all the mailboxes we are meant to be sharing disappear from the Mail App and it reverts to default. Deleting the folder and .plist file from the Home/Library folder and entering the command line commands again put it back the way I want it until the preferences get changed again. Is there a way around this? I gather it's worked properly for you. Maybe it's just because I'm not running jaguar yet.

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