ITC issues US import ban on older iPhones and iPads for infringement of Samsung patents [u]



  • Reply 201 of 263


    Originally Posted by mrrodriguez View Post

    I think calling Apple Dell really hurt them. That's a low blow. Even if it's true.

    I don't see why it should offend them.

    Dell is a great corporation. I'm typing this on my XPS 8500 right now.

  • Reply 202 of 263
    juiljuil Posts: 75member


    Originally Posted by JoshKar426 View Post

    Call me a troll all you want, but I find it hilarious that the TRUTH is causing some serious asshurt for Apple fans.

    Usually, trolls resort to LIES and HYPERBOLES to get a rise out of their victims. I'm using the TRUTH and it's causing massive amounts of denial and crying. This is something I've never seen before in my long years on the internet...


    Ho... apparently you are not gone :¬(


    The problem is that you have fabricated a reality with it’s own set of rules, markers and gradings. You are always going to be right, because you operate in your own fabricated parameters. Your «truth» is only valid to you. The fact that you are aggressive in tone just shows that you are not ready to accept anything else than your own point of view.


    So there I say it: you are RIGHT. CONGRATULATIONS!


    But the thing that I’m most curious about though, is what exactly it is you are doing here posting so much?


    Why do you do that?

  • Reply 203 of 263
    bleh1234bleh1234 Posts: 146member

    ** Please pass the popcorns. I'm out of Twizzlers.


    Epic Thread.

  • Reply 204 of 263
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Exmacuser View Post

    Apple does not keep ANY money in the USA. It is quite possible that Samsung contributes more to the USA economy in taxes and employment than Apple.


    Enjoy your lies.

    Originally Posted by Exmacuser View Post

    Wow! very persuasive argument. You win


    Shut up and go away, then.

    Originally Posted by whatever71 View Post

    Jeff, How can you accuse him / her of trolling?  I thought that to do that you basically do one liners with absolutely nothing thats correct & also have to have references such as Crapple & Samesung etc... Not reasonably well thought out arguments?


    How dense can you possibly be? No, honestly, how dense can you possibly be?

  • Reply 205 of 263


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Enjoy your lies.


    Shut up and go away, then.


    How dense can you possibly be? No, honestly, how dense can you possibly be?

    Aah, yet again the internet warrior comes out the woodwork to call more people liars.  How incredibly mature of you.


    You do realise that you are the biggest fool on here TS, always (note, i really mean always) spouting utter bs because of course you know best about everything internet & everything technology & everything phone & everything apple & everything life wise - thats 'coz you da man / woman'.  Fool


    hmm, how to end the comments TS style:


    F**k you

    Shut up & go away

    You Liar

    Enjoy your lies

    You samsung employee

    You troll

    Your views are irrelevant because they're wrong (obviously provide no evidence of that as it's not needed in ts land)

    Why don't you do all on here a favour & either grow up or leave the site?  Your utter tripe comments add nothing to any conversations.  Nothing TS, not even a shred of humour.  Oops, sorry, your comments always add insult & aggression.  Must have a very very sad life oh warrior.


    How immature can you be?  No, seriously, how immature can you possibly be?

  • Reply 206 of 263

    Aside from TS usual well thought out insults /s...  this is one of the better threads on here

  • Reply 207 of 263
    redgeminiparedgeminipa Posts: 555member

    These Android/Samesung trolls coming on here to spout nonsense really remind me of the bible thumpers of all varieties that come to your door with the hopes and dreams of making a new convert. 


    This isn't c|net... GO AWAY.

  • Reply 208 of 263
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by whatever71 View Post

    [slew of personal attacks]


    So you have no rebuttal to anything I've said in that vein previously? And you've no proof that what you've said in this thread is true, since you're taking the side of the troll?


    Wonder why we dismiss such posts then, huh?


    Ever heard the phrase, "Don't feed the trolls"? In that same vein, but on a broader scale, "Pick your battles." Can you give the actual Mac users of us here a reason to give so much as the time of day to someone so mind-numbingly stupid as to come onto an Apple website and say "Apple has invented nothing"? That's basically the crux of your argument here; you believe these people deserve, not only to stay here and say the things they say, but to be rebutted every time they say it as though it's in any way a legitimate position.




    They don't deserve that. They don't deserve to be told why they're wrong at this point, and so no one should waste their time on a long-winded response. What they deserve is a swift banning and deletion of their posts, however few. This kind of nonsense has no place on any forum worth its salt. There's no excuse you can manifest for why someone should be allowed to lie about the topic of a forum on said forum. Feel free to try, however; I could use a laugh.

  • Reply 209 of 263


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    So you have no rebuttal to anything I've said in that vein previously? And you've no proof that what you've said in this thread is true, since you're taking the side of the troll?


    Wonder why we dismiss such posts then, huh?


    Ever heard the phrase, "Don't feed the trolls"? In that same vein, but on a broader scale, "Pick your battles." Can you give the actual Mac users of us here a reason to give so much as the time of day to someone so mind-numbingly stupid as to come onto an Apple website and say "Apple has invented nothing"? That's basically the crux of your argument here; you believe these people deserve, not only to stay here and say the things they say, but to be rebutted every time they say it as though it's in any way a legitimate position.




    They don't deserve that. They don't deserve to be told why they're wrong at this point, and so no one should waste their time on a long-winded response. What they deserve is a swift banning and deletion of their posts, however few. This kind of nonsense has no place on any forum worth its salt. There's no excuse you can manifest for why someone should be allowed to lie about the topic of a forum on said forum. Feel free to try, however; I could use a laugh.


    Wow, you are tedious.....


    Go on, why not call people liars for a change?


    It doesn't matter what anyone says, to you anything even slightly against your view of the world means they are liars. 

  • Reply 210 of 263
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by whatever71 View Post

    Wow, you are tedious.....


    Go on, why not call people liars for a change?


    It doesn't matter what anyone says, to you anything even slightly against your view of the world means they are liars. 


    And for a third time, no rebuttal. You can pretend not to understand all you want, but this is why you don't deserve a proper reply.

  • Reply 211 of 263


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    random ranting as per normal with added insults for good measure......par for the course

    Yawn time.


    i'm doing exactly what you do ts; you don't back up the claims / denials you make but keep on spouting the old 'you liar' nonsense. Tell me, why should I give you any answers to an obvious question as to why people should be allowed to come onto a forum & express their views / views of the outside world?  Please point me to the part of signup that clearly states 'any views that in any way make apple out to be less than perfect aren't allowed & any users that dare speak their mind WILL be called liars, have posts removed, be banned?'

    Oh, you won't provide that as there isn't any such sentence.  However, what you will do is now ignore the above & get back on the high horse as to why someone dare be allowed to speak (lie) against apple blah blah blah.  You really do need to take a look back on your posts then think about the garbage you spout.

    As for picking battles?  You don't allow battles; you delete posts, ignore points you can't sensibly answer & ban users that disagree.  Hardly a battle then is it?


    Some users undoubtedly come on here to simply knock Apple; you cannot class everyone that says anything against apple as trolls but you happily do and for some reason you are allowed to continue doing it.  If this was real life rather than bs internetland & you spoke to people as you do one here I'd be very surprised if you still had teeth; its one thing being disrespectful, aggressive & all supreme in internet land, another thing in the real world.

  • Reply 212 of 263
    bleh1234bleh1234 Posts: 146member

    LOL . Mass post deletions

  • Reply 213 of 263


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And for a third time, no rebuttal. You can pretend not to understand all you want, but this is why you don't deserve a proper reply.

    Why do you even bother? It's not worth it...

  • Reply 214 of 263
    umrk_labumrk_lab Posts: 550member


    Originally Posted by flip0106 View Post

    Why do you even bother? It's not worth it...



    I believe the "moderator" function is incompatible with expressing personal views. Difficult to be judge about exchanges you have been involved into personally.

  • Reply 215 of 263
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    What a load of bull! F..k Samsung!!!
  • Reply 216 of 263
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by flip0106 View Post

    Why do you even bother? It's not worth it...

    Bother with what, telling these fools why they're wrong instead of just getting rid of them? Wonder that sometimes myself.

  • Reply 217 of 263
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    umrk_lab wrote: »

    I believe the "moderator" function is incompatible with expressing personal views. Difficult to be judge about exchanges you have been involved into personally.

    I understand the opinion, but there's no reason to accept the task if you're no longer allowed to take part in discussions.
  • Reply 218 of 263


    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    You need a sarcasm detector.

    No, just reality check. If you do not know something --> do not pretend you do.

  • Reply 219 of 263
    umrk_labumrk_lab Posts: 550member


    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I understand the opinion, but there's no reason to accept the task if you're no longer allowed to take part in discussions.



    If the function is not financially rewarded, I suppose so, yes. On one of the French Apple sites I used to contribute, there was a sort of "private club" open to "distinguished" contributors only, including moderators (you can think in terms of number of posts, appreciations, etc ..).

  • Reply 220 of 263
    e_veritase_veritas Posts: 248member

    Wow...judging from the number of deletions on this thread, look like someone struck a nerve with a petulant moderator. I often get the feeling that AI moderators (and others here) completely misunderstand the definition of 'trolling', and instead, throw the phrase at individuals with conflicting viewpoints as some form of derogatory ad hominem attack.

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