Inside iOS 7: Apple's partnership with Yahoo deepens



  • Reply 21 of 48


    Originally Posted by Crosslad View Post

    As I have said previously, I think Apple should have bought yahoo and developed its search engine for safari. With the amount of time spent on the web by Apple users this could really hurt Google.


    An interesting possibility, but I think Apple wasn't interested in losing focus on creating great devices and great experiences. It's not in their DNA to compete against Google on Google's turf; that is classic Microsoft's thinking: compete with everyone, everywhere. I'm also not convinced Apple is out to hurt Google, just not depend on Google or to help Google win, much in the same way it is trying to not help Samsung win by using alternate suppliers. Finally, if Yahoo had the technical chops to beat Google at search, wouldn't they have done it by now?

  • Reply 22 of 48


    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    It'd be even more awesome if they made it available for the iPad. What's up with that anyway? Calculator, Weather, Stocks all on iPhone only.

    Yeah, I know, third party apps are better yadda yadda. But if I wanted to tinker with basic services to get what I want I'd go Android.

    I do agree with you about weather being available on the iPad, it's always been weird to me that it hasn't been available from day one.

    But how would choosing what source you want your weather data to come from be any different than setting up your email(s) in the mail app, or setting up your calendar with whatever server/service you use? That's the whole point of "WeatherDav," it's simple. It could even complete your search for you with known WeatherDav services, just like Maps pulls up known places OR how Apple Mail has popular presets already in there. 

  • Reply 23 of 48
    Personally can't wait. From thievery of information to being in bed with the gov't can't trust them with any of our data.
  • Reply 24 of 48


    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    It'd be even more awesome if they made it available for the iPad. What's up with that anyway? Calculator, Weather, Stocks all on iPhone only.

    Yeah, I know, third party apps are better yadda yadda. But if I wanted to tinker with basic services to get what I want I'd go Android.

    Patience young grasshopper.

  • Reply 25 of 48

    This explains why iOS7's Weather app looks like a sibling to Yahoo's Weather app. Can't believe Apple would so blatantly copy Yahoo and can't believe Yahoo would stay silent. But perhaps Yahoo could've been credited publicly?

  • Reply 26 of 48


    Originally Posted by Crosslad View Post

    As I have said previously, I think Apple should have bought yahoo and developed its search engine for safari. With the amount of time spent on the web by Apple users this could really hurt Google.



    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    An interesting possibility, but I think Apple wasn't interested in losing focus on creating great devices and great experiences. It's not in their DNA to compete against Google on Google's turf; that is classic Microsoft's thinking: compete with everyone, everywhere. I'm also not convinced Apple is out to hurt Google, just not depend on Google or to help Google win, much in the same way it is trying to not help Samsung win by using alternate suppliers. Finally, if Yahoo had the technical chops to beat Google at search, wouldn't they have done it by now?


    But isn't Yahoo search really just Bing?

  • Reply 27 of 48
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Can't believe Apple would so blatantly copy Yahoo and can't believe Yahoo would stay silent. But perhaps Yahoo could've been credited publicly?

    Probably because that didn't happen. Probably because they have an agreement for Yahoo! to serve data to Apple, and have since 2005. :no:
  • Reply 28 of 48
    undedunded Posts: 43member
    I don't trust Google with any of my personal data. But the search engine works well. If Bing or Yahoo can't give the search results I needed, and only then that I use Google. I hope that people would use Vimeo more.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 639member
    I really hope you can choose to NOT use Bing throughout iOS. I dislike Google intensely, but Bing really sucks if you are not Stateside.
    By default, Google is the only option really.
  • Reply 30 of 48
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member



    Just joking.


    Marissa shows real promise, so far.

  • Reply 31 of 48
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    The current weather app has been powered by Yahoo weather since the iOS 1. The collaboration has always been there.

  • Reply 32 of 48
    vl-tonevl-tone Posts: 337member


    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    The current weather app has been powered by Yahoo weather since the iOS 1. The collaboration has always been there.

    Yes but I don't remember an instance of a built-in iOS app sharing an interface design with a third-party app, hence the "deepens" in the title.

  • Reply 33 of 48
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member


    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Honestly, as time has gone on, Bing has progressed to the point where it is almost interchangeable with Google search for 90% of searches. On the occasion when I sit down at Windows computer at work, if I happen to search Bing unwittingly, I've never not found what I was looking for.

    I don't think anyone would really notice the difference if it went to Bing instead of Google. There is just that underlying feeling that maybe Google would have returned something else...

    But, at this point I'm all for removing all traces of Google from iOS. They piggybacked on Apple's success, and have continued to do so, and are just awful and evil in every way imaginable. Their executives belong in jail for a handful of crimes committed over the last few years that were utterly swept under the rug.



    Microsoft is being pretty aggressive in marketing Bing as superior to Google search. Replicating the Pepsi Challenge. 



    I have taken the challenge a few times. Bing usually wins for common searches. I often like the way it displays information better. Google wins for more scholarly searches. 

  • Reply 34 of 48
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    It's a good choice of partner, I don't think they have any ambitions to create a phone any time soon.

  • Reply 35 of 48
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member


    From the article:

    iOS 7 even takes the ouster of its rival one step further by replacing Google search in Siri with integrated results provided by Microsoft's Bing. Users can still have Siri search Google ? or even Yahoo ? through Safari by specifying the service of choice when searching, but general queries will return integrated Bing results by default."Closer cooperation with Yahoo comes as Apple has worked to eliminate Google's presence in its built-in iOS applications."

    If I recall the Keynote correctly, Siri will also query or offer to query Wikipedia for you.  Is that right?  And if so, is that the extent of Apple's "integration" with the service?


    WikiP's consistent format makes it my go to for a first pass at an overview of any "knowledge topic." However, I'd prefer to just ask Wolfram Alpha (another iOS partner) a lot of the questions that come up, but in maybe 100 tries of the service over several years and really trying to make the questions concrete, my ratio of usable results to either very tangential answers, unrelated gibberish or no answer at all is about 50:2.

    So Wikipedia plus my browser's find service works best for me. Has anyone else managed to get what they want out of Wolfram?  Any tips for doing so??



    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Honestly, as time has gone on, Bing has progressed to the point where it is almost interchangeable with Google search for 90% of searches. On the occasion when I sit down at Windows computer at work, if I happen to search Bing unwittingly, I've never not found what I was looking for.

    I don't think anyone would really notice the difference if it went to Bing instead of Google. There is just that underlying feeling that maybe Google would have returned something else...

    But, at this point I'm all for removing all traces of Google from iOS. They piggybacked on Apple's success, and have continued to do so, and are just awful and evil in every way imaginable. Their executives belong in jail for a handful of crimes committed over the last few years that were utterly swept under the rug.



    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Microsoft is being pretty aggressive in marketing Bing as superior to Google search. Replicating the Pepsi Challenge. 



    I have taken the challenge a few times. Bing usually wins for common searches. I often like the way it displays information better. Google wins for more scholarly searches. 


    T. Bell wins the kewpie doll in the posts on this I've read.  And continuing work seems to be going into Bing - but when you start pushing for details or the obscure, Bing falls by the wayside compared to the depth of Google's results. 

    However, while I'd abandoned everything except G.Maps on my desktop, I was running late to a facebook event and used the Bing map inside of the event posting, and found (very pleasantly to my surprise) that there were several advantages (I don't have access to the beta desktop Apple Maps so can't compare that):

    1. Bing noted "landmarks" at turning intersections, e.g., "Texaco Station on the SW corner."

    2. And while sluggish, the "street view" style tools really let me look around the big apartment complex I was heading to to from all angles, so finding the right cubbyhole was a snap when I arrived. 

    3. This area is also a metro county with many "cities" that simply run into each other with borders found on few maps - and the MS maps had a handy "location tree" displayed at the top - something like "World->N.America>US>Utah>Salt Lake County>Holladay Heights." Cool. 


    My friend, in fact, didn't even know which of the amorphous towns she was actually living in until I told her (as the county provides most of the governmental services, anyway).

  • Reply 36 of 48
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    bigpics wrote: »

    However, while I'd abandoned everything except G.Maps on my desktop, I was running late to a facebook event and used the Bing map inside of the event posting, and found (very pleasantly to my surprise) that there were several advantages (I don't have access to the beta desktop Apple Maps so can't compare that)

    1. Bing noted "landmarks" at turning intersections, e.g., "Texaco Station on the SW corner."

    Bing is dumping their own maps in favor partner Nokia's Navteq maps. Those directions that included landmarks is a feature of Navteq's Natural guidance and is several years old now. Mixed success with it on PND's and not commonly included in the feature set for pre-installed maps from Navteq. Some of Garmin's most recent devices use it, and some others toyed with it over the past couple of years.

    MS "Streetside" supplied by Nokia'Navteq mapping cars is getting some of the same privacy complaints as Google's Streetview. Already taken off the market altogether in Germany with other countries raising questions too, one reason I don't expect Apple to follow with their own mimick of it.

    EDIT: On a related note Google may not end up purchasing Waze after all .
  • Reply 37 of 48
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    This isn't surprising. Looks like Jony and Marisa Mayer are best friends now.



  • Reply 38 of 48
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    rogifan wrote: »

    You want to see my skeuomorphism?
    Why don't we pop on off to the Apple Store for a little hardware demo?
    And then Ballmer said, "Hey, that's not my OS!"
  • Reply 39 of 48
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 639member
    rogifan wrote: »
    This isn't surprising. Looks like Jony and Marisa Mayer are best friends now.



    Hey, she is a beautiful, intelligent woman. Who wouldn't want to talk with her?

    I really hope she can turn Yahoo around - the web needs a stronger effort from them.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    lostkiwi wrote: »
    Hey, she is a beautiful, intelligent woman. Who wouldn't want to talk with her?

    I really hope she can turn Yahoo around - the web needs a stronger effort from them.
    Yes, someone needs to stop the Google hegemony. I'd love it if Apple partnered with Yahoo to provide services formApple products and to help Yahoo improve their product offerings. Apple needs to get as far away from google as possible. Allow their apps in the App Store but that's it.
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