I don't see where I've taken anything personally. Though you seem to have don so.
Honestly I could care less, I just thought the comment was odd, out of place, and added little to the discussion. And sorry, it still have a hard time seeing it as not being personal. I dislike Steve Ballmer immensely but have never accused him of being mentally unstable. Incompetent, sure, but not unstable.
I've made a comment about a man who has a very long and well-documented history of saying things that step over the creepy line, without seeming to understand the extent to which others don't share his view of things. Such people are sometimes extremely skilled at achieving success, but sometimes their interpretation of events isn't shared by other parties. That's the point I'm making. I guess I have to be more expository for some people.
At least I know where you were coming from now. There are many characteristics of a sociopath. Your comment just seemed like a random insult, but I suppose you have put more thought into the comment than I thought. Bravo. I am not a psychiatrist and I could care less if you think he is a sociopath, but I least I now know how to argue your point.
Apple has to maintain a relationship with Google. They have iOS devices still running Google Maps. Only iOS 6 ditches Google Maps and Apple still needs Google to keep maps running on old devices. Not to mention Google has plenty of apps on the App Store. So it isn't entirely unreasonable to assume Apple and Google are communicating regularly with regards to old and new applications.
So I highly doubt this is all in poor Eric's mind. But what do I know?
People do it all the time. I work for a carrier and I see people going from iPhones to the top android phone all the time. Most of the time they cite they are tired of apples BS, want a larger screen, or want to try something new.
People do it all the time. I work for a carrier and I see people going from iPhones to the top android phone all the time. Most of the time they cite they are tired of apples BS, want a larger screen, or want to try something new.
Good news, this means the customers win, now google and Microsoft need to get locked into a room.
I want to take Microsoft, facebook, google, and Apple lock them into a room together and don't let them out until facebook messenger, hangouts, skype, and imessage communicate with each other.
Yes please. Nothing aggravates me more that in 2013 we're subject to the same instant messenger fragmentation that AOL Messenger pioneered last decade. iMessage not being released for Android/PC drives me crazy. Ubiquity should be the killer feature of a chat program, and they keep it locked into Apple's hardware.
Google's integration with iOS is now relegated to downloadable apps. Siri doesn't use Google for search. Apple is moving away from integration with Google products in all areas. So why the hell would they be meeting so much? It's not to Apple's benefit to partner up with Google in any way whatsoever. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Schmidt, as always, is full of shit and is saying this publically because it serves an agenda, just like all the other lies/half-truths he's been caught telling.
Yes please. Nothing aggravates me more that in 2013 we're subject to the same instant messenger fragmentation that AOL Messenger pioneered last decade. iMessage not being released for Android/PC drives me crazy. Ubiquity should be the killer feature of a chat program, and they keep it locked into Apple's hardware.
The only this relationship will work, is if Apple buys google, separates Android from the mix and cleans google up. Then there will be nobody to tough Apple.
The only this relationship will work, is if Apple buys google, separates Android from the mix and cleans google up. Then there will be nobody to tough Apple.
Apple can't afford to buy Google. As much cash as they have, Google's market cap is simply too high (and the premiums shareholders would demand would push it much higher).
Is this a productive point of discussion? When is it ever be a good idea for one gigantic company to buy out another? You're likely to end up with one that is worse than the two that preceded the deal. You can probably guess which oem I have in mind as a past case study of this.
Nah - no way Aple would ever consider buying Google. Their whole market cap is built on puffery, there is no substance to their business other than ads. A house of cards .... one puff from the wrong direction - it'll fall over.
This sounds like apple saying shut up about maps battle, most still have youtube, and the rest is trouble, I really think Siri going to rejegt google is stupid and against sense, Is this still a free country where you get choice of what rather than stuck with bing, that is googles heart and sole there.
Hopefully this is maybe youtube app back on, and google still has chance in market.
When it's Apple, who actually has principles and operates by them.
Trying to merge big companies doesn't really make either of them better. Palm was a great example of that, even though I was thinking of Compaq. Look at Apple's list of acquisitions. Have they every bought out a company of several thousand employees? I suspect there's a reason they don't buy out large companies.
Hmm... HP and Palm? Acer and Gateway (Gateway and eMachines? eMachines and Packard Bell?)?
Originally Posted by Ronbo
I don't see where I've taken anything personally. Though you seem to have don so.
Honestly I could care less, I just thought the comment was odd, out of place, and added little to the discussion. And sorry, it still have a hard time seeing it as not being personal. I dislike Steve Ballmer immensely but have never accused him of being mentally unstable. Incompetent, sure, but not unstable.
I've made a comment about a man who has a very long and well-documented history of saying things that step over the creepy line, without seeming to understand the extent to which others don't share his view of things. Such people are sometimes extremely skilled at achieving success, but sometimes their interpretation of events isn't shared by other parties. That's the point I'm making. I guess I have to be more expository for some people.
At least I know where you were coming from now. There are many characteristics of a sociopath. Your comment just seemed like a random insult, but I suppose you have put more thought into the comment than I thought. Bravo. I am not a psychiatrist and I could care less if you think he is a sociopath, but I least I now know how to argue your point.
Apple has to maintain a relationship with Google. They have iOS devices still running Google Maps. Only iOS 6 ditches Google Maps and Apple still needs Google to keep maps running on old devices. Not to mention Google has plenty of apps on the App Store. So it isn't entirely unreasonable to assume Apple and Google are communicating regularly with regards to old and new applications.
So I highly doubt this is all in poor Eric's mind. But what do I know?
Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung
With iMessage it serves to piss people off when they eventually switch to another platform.
Don't be silly, Nobody does that.
Originally Posted by rednival
I dislike Steve Ballmer immensely but have never accused him of being mentally unstable. Incompetent, sure, but not unstable.
Are you kidding? I've seen Uncle Fester dance on stage. He's unstable.
People do it all the time. I work for a carrier and I see people going from iPhones to the top android phone all the time. Most of the time they cite they are tired of apples BS, want a larger screen, or want to try something new.
If it smells like BS, it probably is.
Originally Posted by Techstalker
Good news, this means the customers win, now google and Microsoft need to get locked into a room.
I want to take Microsoft, facebook, google, and Apple lock them into a room together and don't let them out until facebook messenger, hangouts, skype, and imessage communicate with each other.
Yes please. Nothing aggravates me more that in 2013 we're subject to the same instant messenger fragmentation that AOL Messenger pioneered last decade. iMessage not being released for Android/PC drives me crazy. Ubiquity should be the killer feature of a chat program, and they keep it locked into Apple's hardware.
"Lots and lots of meetings"?
Google's integration with iOS is now relegated to downloadable apps. Siri doesn't use Google for search. Apple is moving away from integration with Google products in all areas. So why the hell would they be meeting so much? It's not to Apple's benefit to partner up with Google in any way whatsoever. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Schmidt, as always, is full of shit and is saying this publically because it serves an agenda, just like all the other lies/half-truths he's been caught telling.
Originally Posted by Slurpy
... It's not to Apple's benefit to partner up with Google in any way whatsoever. ...
They do get to play Google against Microsoft for primary search engine spot.
Or perhaps not, if they've decided to drop Google services forever.
Then use AIM.
Originally Posted by Barley
The only this relationship will work, is if Apple buys google, separates Android from the mix and cleans google up. Then there will be nobody to tough Apple.
Apple can't afford to buy Google. As much cash as they have, Google's market cap is simply too high (and the premiums shareholders would demand would push it much higher).
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Is this a productive point of discussion? When is it ever be a good idea for one gigantic company to buy out another? You're likely to end up with one that is worse than the two that preceded the deal. You can probably guess which oem I have in mind as a past case study of this.
When it's Apple, who actually has principles and operates by them.
Hmm... HP and Palm? Acer and Gateway (Gateway and eMachines? eMachines and Packard Bell?)?
Their whole market cap is built on puffery, there is no substance to their business other than ads.
A house of cards .... one puff from the wrong direction - it'll fall over.
As always, imnsho
Hopefully this is maybe youtube app back on, and google still has chance in market.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
When it's Apple, who actually has principles and operates by them.
Trying to merge big companies doesn't really make either of them better. Palm was a great example of that, even though I was thinking of Compaq. Look at Apple's list of acquisitions. Have they every bought out a company of several thousand employees? I suspect there's a reason they don't buy out large companies.
Hmm... HP and Palm? Acer and Gateway (Gateway and eMachines? eMachines and Packard Bell?)?
I was thinking of HP and Compaq.