Chaos at Apple support

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014

Pretty severely disappointed that I have spent hours with tel support on a new macbook pro "fluid damage" issue. 

Long time buyer and fan of mac products, thousands over 20 years spent, always buying extended warranties, but never used them...Now my daughter MBPro is assumed to have "fluid damage" as a tiny blue dot appears on a circuit board of a 4 month old MBP..answer is no coverage buy a new one!!!

And to top it all off if I do not like the answer then WRITE A LETTER TO CORK IRELAND!! Pathetic how Apple avoids innovation when it comes to sending a complaint letter! HEY APPLE, E MAIL exists even for your complaints to be heard!

Pathetic on both counts, 


  • Reply 1 of 6
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member

    I would call the main headquarters at Cupertino and speak to someone who has authority to do something to help you. Here is the tel# 408-996-1010. That is plain crap on Apple's part. Good Luck Marv


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  • Reply 2 of 6
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,520moderator
    finnsdo wrote: »
    Now my daughter MBPro is assumed to have "fluid damage" as a tiny blue dot appears on a circuit board of a 4 month old MBP..answer is no coverage buy a new one!!!

    If it was in fact water damaged, Apple doesn't cover this. If you have home contents insurance, it might be covered on that.

    You shouldn't have to buy a new one though, just get a replacement motherboard. This is still expensive but not as much as a new model.
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  • Reply 3 of 6
    finnsdofinnsdo Posts: 2member

    Merv, Thanks for the number, I will give it a try. A few years ago I had an issue with an Airport Extreme, I sent a mail to However I am sure out of respect for Mr Jobs this address is discontinued.


    I hope I can get someone to talk some sense.

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  • Reply 4 of 6
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member

    Good Luck my name is Marv.


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  • Reply 5 of 6
    mikeb85mikeb85 Posts: 506member


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    If it was in fact water damaged, Apple doesn't cover this. If you have home contents insurance, it might be covered on that.

    You shouldn't have to buy a new one though, just get a replacement motherboard. This is still expensive but not as much as a new model.


    Really?  Lenovo, Dell and HP all offer accidental damage coverage...  I'm surprised Apple doesn't provide this option on MacBooks.

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  • Reply 6 of 6
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,520moderator
    mikeb85 wrote: »
    Really?  Lenovo, Dell and HP all offer accidental damage coverage...  I'm surprised Apple doesn't provide this option on MacBooks.

    They have Applecare+ for iPhone/iPad and that allows two accidental damage repairs but not Macs. The sooner they have an Applecare subscription the better. $10/m and they can cover every Mac or iOS device and all accidental damage with just a $50 service fee per incident. You'd only be able to add device serial numbers to your subscription that are less than a year old. Devices could perhaps be removed automatically after 3 years or have a more limited service.
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