Samsung gets a boost with USPTO's 'final' rejection of Apple's pinch-to-zoom patent



  • Reply 21 of 66
    plagenplagen Posts: 151member


    Originally Posted by MFPrice View Post

    In 1992 the movie Starfire showed pinch to zoom and in 1997 the Tandy T3 had working pinch to zoom. Two handed had been done since 1963 by MIT's SketchPad (Apple is just a copier 45 years later, much less a truly valid patent holder of this invention).

    Verification of Prior Art:

    - SketchPad (1963):

    - Starfire (1992):

    - T3 Tablet (1997): earlier 1994 concept demo at

    - History:

    Another stupid troll. Is there a stupid troll convention in town?

  • Reply 22 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    plagen wrote: »
    Another stupid troll. Is there a stupid troll convention in town?

    Not that I know of but there's apparently at least one poster who rather than form a coherent counter-argument instead thinks attacking another AI member with insults is the proper response.
  • Reply 23 of 66
    clayderclayder Posts: 16member
    So, Amazon has been able to hold on to 1-click patents for well over a decade....and the USPTO invalidate THESE patents due to prior art?!?!?

  • Reply 24 of 66
    plagenplagen Posts: 151member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Not that I know of but there's apparently at least one poster who rather than form a coherent counter-argument instead thinks attacking another AI member with insults is the proper response.

    Apparently, some people still think that arguing with trolls is productive.

  • Reply 25 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    clayder wrote: »
    So, Amazon has been able to hold on to 1-click patents for well over a decade....and the USPTO invalidate THESE patents due to prior art?!?!?

    Has the Amazon patent's validity been challenged? Honest question. For what it's worth 1-Click got tossed in the EU AFAIK.
  • Reply 26 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    plagen wrote: »
    Apparently, some people still think that arguing with trolls is productive.

    I'm not going to be one to argue with you. . .:smokey:
  • Reply 27 of 66


    Originally Posted by Plagen View Post

    Apparently, some people still think that arguing with trolls is productive.

    Troll? image

    Is that what you Applesexuals say when someone who actually has some knowledge of tech calls out Apple's incompetence?


    I offered you a source code I wrote years back when I was a student in college. It's a 5,000-line JAVA code that should run on both windows and MAC because JAVA is a highly portable language.

    The Windows OS runs it perfectly well while the Mac has a ton of issues. And no, it's NOT my doing. Why do you think all computer science courses only require that your code work on Windows OS? It's because Macs are unstable trash and professors know it.

  • Reply 28 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    …another AI member…

    Oh, come off it. He's not "another member".
  • Reply 29 of 66

    Don't bother feeding the trolls, just ignore them, or block them if you don't want to even see their rants. The Moderators of this will deal with them if & when they cross the line.

  • Reply 30 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    The Moderators of this will deal with them if & when they cross the line.

    sonysexual wrote: »
    Why do you think all computer science courses only require that your code work on Windows OS?

    Because you're absolutely terrible at lying convincingly. Shut up and go away.
  • Reply 31 of 66


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Because you're absolutely terrible at lying convincingly. Shut up and go away.

    And here we are with me offering you my own code as proof. Who's the real liar?

  • Reply 32 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    Oh, come off it. He's not "another member".

    Just noticed it was his first post so yeah it doesn't make for a great introduction. Be that as it may it takes no intellect to toss around insults. My 17 year old is a pro at it. The original post at least offered some factual basis for support. The poster who replied to him didn't even try to disagree, choosing the tried-and-true "shoot the messenger" strategy instead. Some AI members put too little effort into contributing to the community knowledge IMO and way too quick to pull out ad-homs against some of those that do make the effort. Just my opinion.
  • Reply 33 of 66

    Tallest you're right, I should have added 'I hope'.


    I never understand why anti-Apple people join Apple sites anyway, & never will.


    They must lead such sad lives they have nothing better to do.

  • Reply 34 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    sonysexual wrote: »
    Troll? <img alt="lol.gif" id="user_yui_3_10_0_1_1375125815020_1148" src="" style="line-height:1.231;" name="user_yui_3_10_0_1_1375125815020_1148">

    Is that what you Applesexuals say when someone who actually has some knowledge of tech calls out Apple's incompetence?

    Again with the insults? Geesh. . .
  • Reply 35 of 66


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Again with the insults? Geesh. . .

    Nice, you lock into one word and ignore the main message of my post.

  • Reply 36 of 66


    Originally Posted by Sonysexual View Post

    As a foreigner living in the US, it always amuses me when I see American patriots sticking up for Apple. I can think of a lot of other American tech companies like Microsoft and IBM who are more deserving of praise than Apple.


    Be honest, how much in R&D did it really take to make pinch-and-zoom? That sounds like a homework project a typical 1st year computer science student would have.

    Sony are the most hopeless company I know. Their TVs suck, their laptops suck, their cameras suck, the only good products they make are stereos but I hate their car audio systems with that annoying beep when I turn the car off.


    And WHY is Microsoft and IBM more deserving of praise than Apple? Let's see. Apple invented the iMac. A colourful computer that changed the way we think about computer design. IBM still makes horrible looking black boxes that should be hidden away out of sight.


    Apple developed a secure OS built on BSD UNIX, one of the most secure operating systems on the planet, put in some amazing features that make computing easy and fun, and changed the way we think about interacting with computers. Microsoft stole Mac OS code, screwed it up entirely, and then bullied IBM and other PC manufacturers into using their substandard OS. THEN, they ensured they did nothing to it for over 10 years.


    Yep, Microsoft and IBM are deserving of praise not Apple.

  • Reply 36 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,566member
    sonysexual wrote: »
    Nice, you lock into one word and ignore the main message of my post.

    When you're on a fan site that's all it takes for any point you're trying to make to be dismissed. If you have a truly valid point-of-view or facts helpful to the discussion the sure way to make certain they don't get consideration is to drop an insult to the fans of that site. Not smart if you want to be heard.
  • Reply 38 of 66


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    When you're on a fan site that's all it takes for any point you're trying to make to be dismissed. If you have a truly valid point-of-view or facts helpful to the discussion the sure way to make certain they don't get consideration is to drop an insult to the fans of that site. Not smart if you want to be heard.

    I actually agree. Using the term iSheep and Applesexual might piss off quite a lot of emotionally unstable people here. I should be more prudent. Thanks for your insight.

  • Reply 39 of 66


    Originally Posted by Darryn Lowe View Post

    Sony are the most hopeless company I know. Their TVs suck, their laptops suck, their cameras suck, the only good products they make are stereos but I hate their car audio systems with that annoying beep when I turn the car off.


    And WHY is Microsoft and IBM more deserving of praise than Apple? Let's see. Apple invented the iMac. A colourful computer that changed the way we think about computer design. IBM still makes horrible looking black boxes that should be hidden away out of sight.


    Apple developed a secure OS built on BSD UNIX, one of the most secure operating systems on the planet, put in some amazing features that make computing easy and fun, and changed the way we think about interacting with computers. Microsoft stole Mac OS code, screwed it up entirely, and then bullied IBM and other PC manufacturers into using their substandard OS. THEN, they ensured they did nothing to it for over 10 years.


    Yep, Microsoft and IBM are deserving of praise not Apple.

    Their TVs suck - Their TV's have (Had?) Samsung panels, so they should be the same picture quality as Samsung TVs. They are pricier than foreign TVs though and that's because of the strong yen (Which is now depreciating in value).

    Their laptops suck - Opinion

    Their cameras suck - LOL... SONY actually builds the best cameras. Even your precious iPhone and Samsung GS1,2,3, and 4 all had SONY cameras.


    I get your point. Apple has good design tastes. They products look great. And then what? What else do they have to offer? They don't contribute to the advancement of science and technology. They are trend-setters.

  • Reply 40 of 66


    Originally Posted by Sonysexual View Post

    Apple couldn't even make their own OS kernel without being a gigantic, unstable clusterfuck (OS 9 ring a bell?).

    What they have now is a bastardized version of open-source BSD that still has performance and stability issues compared to the superior Windows OS. I'd be happy to show you some code that I've written and show just how terribly Macs run it.

    You mean that same OS that is making Microsoft no money? THAT superior operating system?


    Just because you write terrible code doesn't mean it's the fault of the OS. It's the fault of someone who can't code for crap.


    OS 9? You do know we're almost at the 9th incarnation of Mac OS X don't you? I mean how long has it been between OS versions for Windows? People still use Windows XP which should have died off years ago.


    I mean you're telling us about how bad Mac OS 9 is and yet Microsoft released Windows NT 3.51, NT4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Vista, and now Windows 8 (although I don't mind 8). They wrote off Windows RT essentially because they were too stupid to make it work with Windows applications. iOS runs the same infrastructure of Mac OS X. The only difference is the UI. Microsoft can't even get their UI done.

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