Android tablets outshipped Apple's iPad for first time in Q2 2013, study claims



  • Reply 61 of 74
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    thedba wrote: »
    Try again. We have two Macs in our household. An early 2008 MacBook Pro (the one just before the unibody design) and a mid 2008 24 inch iMac. Both are updated to OSX Mountain Lion. Both still going strong. Hardly obsolete wouldn't you say?

    That is a bit pointless discussion.

    My 2008 HP ProBook 6730b works fine with Windows 8 (was delivered with Vista) and is being used daily by my brother - it is his only PC, after all. He does not play games, and apparently Core 2 Duo is more than capable enough to do everyday tasks most people will require of it, be it in PC or Mac.

    My home server is P4 machine, and my media PC is still running AMD64 single core CPU with 4GB of DDR400 RAM. Both are over 6 years old. I'm hoping for either or both to die so I can justify replacing them for something more... up to date.

    Some PC owners tend to replace machines more often than average, but more for reasons like gaming and other performance-hungry tasks than for hardware faults. The fact that OPs friends have replaced their PC since does not, by default, mean their machines died, perhaps they wanted to run Crysis 3 or Battlefield 3 or whatever on their PCs and needed more potent hardware. Not so many people game on Macs, so there goes one big reason for frequent hardware upgrades and replacements.

    Back to the topic - what info is that tablet sales/shipments list based on? Most listed vendors - Samsung, Acer, Lenovo, and some among others (Dell, HP, Asus, Microsoft) - also have Win 8 and Win RT tablets. Granted, RT sells like a s*it, but I haven't seen any reliable info regarding x86 tablets numbers. Everyone seems to focus on Microsoft's own Surface line.
  • Reply 62 of 74
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member
    Yup another one gets it wrong. They even say in this story that the iPad shipped more than Android so why is the title the other way? What is considered an Android tablet? Shipped more doesn't mean sold more. Apple is the only one who actually breaks down what they sell and ship. The others like Samsung and Google have to lie about there performance and sales numbers.
  • Reply 63 of 74

    Bingo. My Macs have always lasted far longer than my friends 'good deal' PCs. Plus it has been a regular event for them to have "spent the weekend" getting their PC reformatted, and everything re-installed. I end up paying the same over time and have weekends off.

  • Reply 64 of 74
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    I know we are going off topic. But this might make some people chuckle.

    My mother-in-law still uses her 2000 (13 yrs old) G3 PowerBook Pismo w/ 1GB RAM running 10.4

    My father-in-law still uses his 2002 (11 yr old) iBook G3 700Mhz w/ 640MB RAM running 10.4

    I am still using two B&W 1999 (14 yr old) PowerMac G3's running Linux (these have been running 24/7 except for power outages, OS upgrades for the past 10 years doing various firewall, VPN and routing activities).

    I am still using my 2000 (13 yrs old) Dual PowerMac G4 Gigabit (Mystic) with 2MB RAM running 10.4 with dual monitors for use with Final Cut. 

    These things just won't die and just don't have the heart or need to get rid of them. They do their job just as well today as when they were new.

    Sorry for prolonging this tangent which has absolutely nothing to do with tablet market share.  oh.. I guess I can tell you, we still use our iPad 1? doubt that excuses this post however.

    Now back to your regularlly scheduled program.  Sorry all.


    p.s.  to the OP with the 4 year old Macbook.  We gave our daughter a Unibody Core 2 Duo Late-2009 Macbook as HS graduation present. Its still going strong w/o problems. She will be a senior in college this fall.  Over the summer upgraded it to 8GB RAM and SSD.  No doubt it will stay useable for another 4 years. It still is very responsive and fast. Actually, I say its just getting broken in. ;-)

    Yeah, but on my Windows machine I can play Bioshock Infinity right now. Actualy I already finish it a few months ago, while you are still waiting until August 29 to be able to play it on your Macs! Well, I doubt you will be able to play it on your obsolete, old crappy Macs anyway. So...

  • Reply 65 of 74
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member
    So just because you still own it and it still runs it is not obsolete? So I guess if that old Apple IIe in the garage boots up that it's not obsolete either.
    Very poor attempt at trying to deflect attention away from your original statement.
    The hypothetical Apple IIe in the garage, can not run the latest OSX Mountail Lion OS, let alone any modern applications.
    The very real 2008 Macs, can.
    Try again.
  • Reply 66 of 74
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    So just because you still own it and it still runs it is not obsolete? So I guess if that old Apple IIe in the garage boots up that it's not obsolete either.

    Ridiculous argument.

    In one sense, ANY computer is obsolete as soon as there's a newer version of any single component. In general, that means that any brand new computer is obsolete within weeks of its release. But that's a fairly useless argument.

    Most people refer to 'obsolete' as meaning 'functionally obsolete' - which means that it won't accomplish what you need it to do any more. By that standard, a 4 year old MacBook most certainly is not obsolete for most people. Heck, I'm using a 7 year old MacBook Pro as my primary computer and it easily does what I need it to do.

    OTOH, my daughter's 4 year old PC IS functionally obsolete. It just doesn't cut it any more. Granted, completely wiping the hard drive and reinstalling everything from scratch makes it just barely usable for a few months, but then Windows bit rot sets in again and it slows down enough to become largely unusable.
  • Reply 67 of 74
    semankasemanka Posts: 40member
    While those cheap $100 droids don't hurt apples significantly based on it profit margin, it would be a great idea to look at the potential market share growth and take advantage of throwing into it with a lower or more affordable iPads. The propensity to buy corresponds to the level of pricing may explain the reason the increase of androids tablet. High priced iPads took a halt in growth as consumer found it alternatives. But with lack of uses in android tablets, it may show consumers found it inferiority and it should be a good opportunity for iPads to pump into market and reap higher share with a more affordable tablets.
  • Reply 68 of 74
    semankasemanka Posts: 40member
    While those cheap $100 droids don't hurt apples significantly based on it profit margin, it would be a great idea to look at the potential market share growth and take advantage of throwing into it with a lower or more affordable iPads. The propensity to buy corresponds to the level of pricing may explain the reason the increase of androids tablet. High priced iPads took a halt in growth as consumer found it alternatives. But with lack of uses in android tablets, it may show consumers found it inferiority and it should be a good opportunity for iPads to pump into market and reap higher share with a more affordable tablets.
  • Reply 69 of 74
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member


    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post


    But what company would spend time and money to make products... just to throw them in a hole?






  • Reply 70 of 74
    thedbathedba Posts: 776member


    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    That is a bit pointless discussion.

    My 2008 HP ProBook 6730b works fine with Windows 8 (was delivered with Vista) and is being used daily by my brother - it is his only PC, after all. He does not play games, and apparently Core 2 Duo is more than capable enough to do everyday tasks most people will require of it, be it in PC or Mac.



    I was just responding to Crusty who used the word obsolete to describe 4 year old Macs. Never said HP's or Dells couldn't do the same.

  • Reply 71 of 74
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    So just because you still own it and it still runs it is not obsolete? So I guess if that old Apple IIe in the garage boots up that it's not obsolete either.

    In case it wasn't evident, this is trolling.

    Stop it.
  • Reply 72 of 74
    I think apple should offer an inexpensive tablet as well, aside from the iPad mini, something with the same screen size but less expensive. Or maybe cut their prices. It will hurt their profitability in the shirt term, but as tablets replace laptops it will become the industry giant pcs are now. In other words, it's a great product category so lock it up now. That will keep the virtuous cycle from hitting android tablets. I'm fine with competition, I'm just saying from apples perspective, they should work to create the 'monopoly' while the product category is still growing, then they'll own it when it's mature.
  • Reply 73 of 74
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="daveinpublic" url="/t/158833/android-tablets-outshipped-apples-ipad-for-first-time-in-q2-2013-study-claims/40#post_2372891"]I think apple should offer an inexpensive tablet as well, aside from the iPad mini, something with the same screen size but less expensive.[/QUOTE]

    They don't need to, they can't afford to, they can't manufacture enough as it is, and why would they make crap?

    [QUOTE]Or maybe cut their prices.[/QUOTE]

    Same four reasons.

    [QUOTE]It will hurt their profitability in the shirt term[/QUOTE]

    "We lose money on every one we sell, but we'll make it up in volume!"

    [QUOTE]but as tablets replace laptops it will become the industry giant pcs are now.[/QUOTE]

    Three years on and no one can make anything even remotely close to the iPad. I'm pretty sure by the time Dell and HP are bankrupt and forced to make tablets instead of laptops that Apple won't have anything to worry about.
  • Reply 74 of 74
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Three years on and no one can make anything even remotely close to the iPad


    I love my iPad, but the Samsung Note is pretty nice as well.


    I like its forward facing stereo speakers, and the built-in Wacom pen.

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